Jews In NY Tell anti-Semitic De Blasio To Pound Sand - Use Bolt Cutters To Remove Chains Of Locked Parks


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....

Thanks for the site link. Several good stories there. Given how violently racist blacks are in NYC, it's wonder they haven't targeted the Jewish neighbor hoods for 'special treatment'. The JDL must be doing a good job; we know it's not the Mayor and City Police HQ protecting anybody, so it has to be the local defense groups.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


The Orthodox Jews are against this Neo-Communist attempt at Insurrection, the Secular Jews who are like 80% are in full support of it and this is because the Orthodox Jews are Conservative and the Secular Jews are Leftist aka Neo-Communist and also notice ZERO of those Leftist Jews were SCREAMING and WHINING about this Bill de Blasio filth doing what he did to those Orthodox Jews and the park. The Leftist Jews all have wet running down their legs thinking they are going to recreate The Bolshevik Revolution that many of their Ancestors organised and took part in and if ANYONE tells it as it is about them they will SCREAM and WHINE about Anti-Semitism which is ONLY designed to shut peoples up who disagree with the Commie filth. The response to that name calling = STFU whining and Fuck Off Commie filth.
Tell the Jews to move out of NYC to the country where there are no restrictions and if there was there is no one to enforce them...
Our Jewish Friends should have just told Herr DeBlasio (real name Warren Wilhelm) that they want to go to the park to riot and loot in George Floyd's honor.

Actually they should have just made a poster saying "Black Lives Matter" and attached it to the park gates, you don't have to actually support BLM but you CAN USE it to YOUR advantage and get away with MANY MANY things, let the Leftists aka Neo-Communists THINK you support BLM and play their OWN game AGAINST them.

Tell the Jews to move out of NYC to the country where there are no restrictions and if there was there is no one to enforce them...
Seattle is an option - the police Chief, Mayor, and Governor there aren't enforcing shite, either...

Shades of Nazi Germany. The mayor and the idiot democrat governor authorize the welding shut of a gate to keep Jews out of a park while left wing political activists run wild in the streets.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"







"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...
Thanks for the site link. Several good stories there. Given how violently racist blacks are in NYC, it's wonder they haven't targeted the Jewish neighbor hoods for 'special treatment'. The JDL must be doing a good job; we know it's not the Mayor and City Police HQ protecting anybody, so it has to be the local defense groups.

They HAVE been targeting Synagogues and Kosher stores in Los Angeles, California and Fairfax, Virginia though see my post # 16 that includes links to news articles. Of course the news articles are from Israeli media, notice American media is silent considering American media is supporting the Neo-Communists and BurnLootMurder.
"The Jewish residents of New York City have had enough.

Bill de Blasio, just a day after allowing tens of thousands to protest in Brooklyn, tried to have parks frequented by Jews welded shut this morning.

After months of targeted harassment of the Jewish population by the anti-Semitic mayor of the city, he’s finally receiving some push back. Today, Orthodox Jews took bolt cutters to the locks put on the parks, allowing their kids to go play as they should have been allowed to all along."

"NYC's incompetent mayor encourages massive crowds to protest. Then he welds playgrounds shut to stop a few kids from playing outside. He does this in an area frequented by the Jewish community. This isn't about health or science—it's discrimination. "

De Blasio's actions are just another example of discrimination against Jews and Christians and an example of liberals / Democrats trampling Constitutional and civil rights in their power grabs based on weak justifications of 'COVID-19 prevention'.

That BS has lost all credibility based on Liberal officials'/ Reps' personal and political hypocrisy, like Pelosi and / or Michigan Gov Whitmer marching side-by-side with thousands of protestors.

Americans have had enough....


Where are ALL the Leftist Jews in America SCREAMING and WHINING about their Protected Pets in BLM and Antifa vandalising Synagogues and trashing Kosher stores? Oh that's right they are SILENT because it's the Orthodox Jews who use the Synagogue and Kosher stores, it's more in line with their Neo-Communist Philosophy to just SCREAM and WHINE about Conservatives and the WHITE peoples they HATE and SCREAM and WHINE about "Phantom White Supremacists"

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Ahem, you don't live in the US and you have zero idea about the White Supremacist that do live in the USA...

No but I lived in Texas for 6 months and I have MANY American friends. Forget the White Supremacist shit and instead concentrate on how Leftist human filth and Black human filth are vandalising the Orthodox Jews Synagogues and Kosher stores.
I've also read that the mayor had basketball hoops removed from backboards throughout the city,

The basketball court at Rucker Park in Harlem is considered hallowed ground for some of the greatest players in the game.​
On Thursday, it was empty, which seemed surreal for people who live in the neighborhood.​
Earlier in the day, the hoops at the Rucker Park court and at 79 other basketball courts across the city were removed at the order of Mayor de Blasio.​

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