Jews Say: End the War on Gaza


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
There are many righteous Jews in the world who see the inhumanity of killing and stealing of innocent people's homes trying to stay alive under the ZioNazi Israeli regime...

Statement of Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, July 22, 2014 (200 initial signers, endorsing allies forthcoming)

On July 12, 2014, Gaza civil society issued an urgent appeal for solidarity, asking: "How many of our lives are dispensable enough until the world takes action? How much of our blood is sufficient?"

As Jews of conscience, we answer by unequivocally condemning Israel's ongoing massacre in Gaza, whose victims include hundreds of civilians, children, entire families, the elderly, and the disabled. This latest toll adds to the thousands Israel has killed and maimed since its supposed withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

In response to this crisis, we urgently reaffirm our support for a ban on all military and other aid to Israel.

In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. opposed the Vietnam War with his famous declaration: "For the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent." Today, *we* cannot be silent as the "Jewish state" -- armed to the teeth by the U.S. and its allies -- wages yet another brutal war on the Palestinian people. Apartheid Israel does not speak for us, and we stand with Gaza as we stand with all of Palestine.

In the face of incessant pro-Israel propaganda, we heed Malcolm X's warning: "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."

For Israel's relentless war on Gaza is no more an act of "self-defense" than such infamous massacres as Wounded Knee (1890), Guernica (1937), the Warsaw Ghetto (1942), Deir Yassin (1948), My Lai (1968), Soweto (1976), Sabra and Shatila (1982), or Lebanon (2006).
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I agree- Israel should end this by turning that strip of dung into a doormat. That's what needs done.

It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.
It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!
It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!
And to think, he came into this forum so respectful of others.

We all know now, that was a ruse!

What is a good Jew?

THIS, is a good Jew!

“Stop the Bombing. Hold Israel Accountable”:

“We are currently amidst ‘the three weeks’ – the annual Jewish period of quasi-mourning that leads to the fast day of Tisha B’Av. This is the season that bids us to look deeply into the soul of our community and examine the ways that our sinat chinam - baseless hatred – has led to our communal downfall.

“Driven by the spirit of this season, we cannot help but speak out in response to the horrific loss of life currently taking place in Gaza, at the hands of the Israeli military. We deplore the Israeli government’s military crackdown in the West Bank that led to its lethal, military onslaught on the people of Gaza. We mourn the deaths of hundreds of innocent people, including children.

“We condemn Hamas’ rockets attacks on Israel and the anxiety, injury and death they have caused. But we cannot view this as a war between two equal sides. Israel has unlimited hi-tech weaponry; it dominates Gazan airspace, its borders, its utilities and economy…

“We can not stand idly by as the Jewish State acts with such wanton disregard, with such sinat chinam, for the humanity of the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, children and elders of Gaza.

“As Jews, we abhor the abuse of human rights that are standard practice of our fellow Jews in the Israeli government and Israeli military. This is not the path of justice.”
It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!
Shmocksky is more like Stephen Hawking, and yes, both are completely clueless.
1.Never been in Israel or Gaza.
2.Not familiar with the law in Israel or Gaza.
3.Not familiar with international history.

In addition Shmocksky is mentally sick.
Same about Mr.Hawking that reject Einstein perspectives completely and call the humanity to leave earth.

There is a different between Intelligent and Experienced/Wise.. "Nobody is wiser than the experienced"
Let me give you a very good example, you have to take a journey crossing Africa by feet, sleep outside and live with nobody assistance except one person you choose:
1.Professor Chomsky or another incredible mind expertise in Africa and dangerous animals.
2.Native African barely speak English but he born and raised in Africa.

Which one you'll choose?

It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

It's silly to assume that liberal Jews aren't going to have differing opinions from conservative Jews.

It's silly to assume that Jew or Anyone else clueless about the situation is going to assume anything different at all, both doesn't encourage violence, this is the only thing in common.
You can also read the comment above and understand what I'm talking about. [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION] [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION]

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It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!

just because someone is smart in one area doesn't mean they are correct in others or are decent people.

i find it amusing when people whine when jews exercise the right to self-defense that every other people exercises. they have every right to get the terrorist scum out of the tunnels.

perhaps your energy would be better spent telling the terrorists to stop sending missiles into israel.

It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!

just because someone is smart in one area doesn't mean they are correct in others or are decent people.

i find it amusing when people whine when jews exercise the right to self-defense that every other people exercises. they have every right to get the terrorist scum out of the tunnels.

perhaps your energy would be better spent telling the terrorists to stop sending missiles into israel.


Like all righteous Jews, I have never supported Hamas, especially sending rockets on innocents...

However, raining death on civilians from the sky like Guernica is not self defense, it is Terrorism, an injustice no different than what Jews have endured throughout History...

Hate breeds hate, Israel is creating tomorrow's enemies...
just because someone is smart in one area doesn't mean they are correct in others or are decent people.

i find it amusing when people whine when jews exercise the right to self-defense that every other people exercises. they have every right to get the terrorist scum out of the tunnels.

perhaps your energy would be better spent telling the terrorists to stop sending missiles into israel.

That have only killed 26 people in 13 years.

BTW, the rockets were in response to the over 200 missile strikes in Gaza by the IDF on Tuesday, July 9, 2014.

It's obvious you don't know how to tell time, because you don't know when to start the clock.
It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!
Shmocksky is more like Stephen Hawking, and yes, both are completely clueless.
1.Never been in Israel or Gaza.
2.Not familiar with the law in Israel or Gaza.
3.Not familiar with international history.

In addition Shmocksky is mentally sick.
Same about Mr.Hawking that reject Einstein perspectives completely and call the humanity to leave earth.

There is a different between Intelligent and Experienced/Wise.. "Nobody is wiser than the experienced"
Let me give you a very good example, you have to take a journey crossing Africa by feet, sleep outside and live with nobody assistance except one person you choose:
1.Professor Chomsky or another incredible mind expertise in Africa and dangerous animals.
2.Native African barely speak English but he born and raised in Africa.

Which one you'll choose?

It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

It's silly to assume that liberal Jews aren't going to have differing opinions from conservative Jews.

It's silly to assume that Jew or Anyone else clueless about the situation is going to assume anything different at all, both doesn't encourage violence, this is the only thing in common.
You can also read the comment above and understand what I'm talking about. [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION] [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION]


Well, it's either survival or annihilation. Seems liberals can't understand that Israel doesn't really have a choice.

Unless you live there you'll never understand what it's like. Try living in a siege mentality for a few months like I have and maybe you'll have a taste for what it's like.
Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!
Shmocksky is more like Stephen Hawking, and yes, both are completely clueless.
1.Never been in Israel or Gaza.
2.Not familiar with the law in Israel or Gaza.
3.Not familiar with international history.

In addition Shmocksky is mentally sick.
Same about Mr.Hawking that reject Einstein perspectives completely and call the humanity to leave earth.

There is a different between Intelligent and Experienced/Wise.. "Nobody is wiser than the experienced"
Let me give you a very good example, you have to take a journey crossing Africa by feet, sleep outside and live with nobody assistance except one person you choose:
1.Professor Chomsky or another incredible mind expertise in Africa and dangerous animals.
2.Native African barely speak English but he born and raised in Africa.

Which one you'll choose?

It's silly to assume that liberal Jews aren't going to have differing opinions from conservative Jews.

It's silly to assume that Jew or Anyone else clueless about the situation is going to assume anything different at all, both doesn't encourage violence, this is the only thing in common.
You can also read the comment above and understand what I'm talking about. [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION] [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION]


Well, it's either survival or annihilation. Seems liberals can't understand that Israel doesn't really have a choice.

Unless you live there you'll never understand what it's like. Try living in a siege mentality for a few months like I have and maybe you'll have a taste for what it's like.

Israel is intent on keeping a war stance until it takes the land that it wants in Eretz Israel...They mocked our President and Secretary of State for proposing Peace...

Israel brings Terrorism to our shores because we supply the violence with our military supplies to Israel...

I'm tired of dying for a Pariah State!
Presently, Israel is carrying out a gruesome genocidal campaign in Gaza targeting children. 167 children killed, 1310 injured, watch the news reports of Channel 4 reporter Jon Snow, his interviews and what he himself was an eyewitness to on a Gaza beach prove IDF soldiers are targeting children in Gaza.

But I have seen substantial opposition to the genocide coming from Jews all over the world. Jewish Voice For Peace adamantly opposes the genocide being carried out in Gaza, one example. Jews Against Genocide, the group Mike Peled is associated is another. And there are many others.
Benjamin Netanyahu is today's Adolph Hitler, he is even worse, he targets children and innocent civilians out in the open, as cameras snap pictures and as videos are recorded, as if it is his God given right to target and kill Palestinian civilians and children.

‘Jews Against Genocide’ hold memorials for killed Palestinian children in front of Israeli govt buildings around the world

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