Jews Say: End the War on Gaza

Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!

just because someone is smart in one area doesn't mean they are correct in others or are decent people.

i find it amusing when people whine when jews exercise the right to self-defense that every other people exercises. they have every right to get the terrorist scum out of the tunnels.

perhaps your energy would be better spent telling the terrorists to stop sending missiles into israel.


Like all righteous Jews, I have never supported Hamas, especially sending rockets on innocents...

However, raining death on civilians from the sky like Guernica is not self defense, it is Terrorism, an injustice no different than what Jews have endured throughout History...

Hate breeds hate, Israel is creating tomorrow's enemies...

I Assume you agree with me on the difference between Intelligent and Experienced.
I grew up in Israel and served in the military, I'm barely speaking English but I'm far more experienced than you or Chomsky (with all the respect to you) so take my word when I tell you that Israel is not raining death on civilians like most people think, and Israel has zero acceptance to any form of terrorism, the only injustice is the suffer of innocents and we all agree about that, except those who justify the real terrorists - Hamas that don't really tend to do anything about it except trying to make Israel sink with them by continue the rockets, kidnapping, and many other violent "retaliations" even now.
Israel is not in a position to lose one civilian or soldier, tolerance against a bully makes you look weak, and encourage the real bully - Hamas to continue "until all demands are met".
Israel so far achieved so much, we achieved peace with Jordan and Egypt after bloody wars for decades, we achieved great affairs with the Western states, great development, and the future is even brighter.
The common saying "best defense is offense" tend to be true when it come to our situation, it was in the past and it is the same today, Six days war proves it, Bombing Iraq nuclear proves it, placing the blockade in Gaza proves it, and plenty of events that shape Israel's nature, you think we are all happy to serve 3 years in the army instead of going to collage? you think we are all happy to fund the education and conditions for the terrorist behind bars? you think we are all happy to spend billions on security instead of technology and health care or other industrial investments? you think we are happy to hear somebody is dying? take my word, we don't.
You really think we want to live in eternal wars with everyone around us? seriously we are only 7 million Israelis and 300 million Arabs surround us, and we cannot afford to even look weak, yet others misjudge tolerance as weakness, you think war seems ideal for Israel?
Think about that, [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION]

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Oh yeah I just noticed the bitch is holding AK47 and a knife.
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just because someone is smart in one area doesn't mean they are correct in others or are decent people.

i find it amusing when people whine when jews exercise the right to self-defense that every other people exercises. they have every right to get the terrorist scum out of the tunnels.

perhaps your energy would be better spent telling the terrorists to stop sending missiles into israel.


Like all righteous Jews, I have never supported Hamas, especially sending rockets on innocents...

However, raining death on civilians from the sky like Guernica is not self defense, it is Terrorism, an injustice no different than what Jews have endured throughout History...

Hate breeds hate, Israel is creating tomorrow's enemies...

I Assume you agree with me on the difference between Intelligent and Experienced.
I grew up in Israel and served in the military, I'm barely speaking English but I'm far more experienced than you or Chomsky (with all the respect to you) so take my word when I tell you that Israel is not raining death on civilians like most people think, and Israel has zero acceptance to any form of terrorism, the only injustice is the suffer of innocents and we all agree about that, except those who justify the real terrorists - Hamas that don't really tend to do anything about it except trying to make Israel sink with them by continue the rockets, kidnapping, and many other violent "retaliations" even now.
Israel is not in a position to lose one civilian or soldier, tolerance against a bully makes you look weak, and encourage the real bully - Hamas to continue "until all demands are met".
Israel so far achieved so much, we achieved peace with Jordan and Egypt after bloody wars for decades, we achieved great affairs with the Western states, great development, and the future is even brighter.
The common saying "best defense is offense" tend to be true when it come to our situation, it was in the past and it is the same today, Six days war proves it, Bombing Iraq nuclear proves it, placing the blockade in Gaza proves it, and plenty of events that shape Israel's nature, you think we are all happy to serve 3 years in the army instead of going to collage? you think we are all happy to fund the education and conditions for the terrorist behind bars? you think we are all happy to spend billions on security instead of technology and health care or other industrial investments? you think we are happy to hear somebody is dying? take my word, we don't.
[B]You really think we want to live in eternal wars with everyone around us? seriously we are only 7 million Israelis and 300 million Arabs surround us, and we cannot afford to even look weak, yet others misjudge tolerance as weakness, you think war seems ideal for Israel? [/B]
Think about that, [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION]


Your sophomoric commentary is nothing but irrational self-serving propaganda...You would think that with 450 million Arabs at their throat they would have accepted or even negotiated a Peace with the Arab League offer of the 67 borders like the UN supports that would have given Israel peace, recognition and trade...No this Regime thrives on conflict!
There are many righteous Jews in the world who see the inhumanity of killing and stealing of innocent people's homes trying to stay alive under the ZioNazi Israeli regime...

Jews Say: End the War on Gaza*|*Linda Milazzo

Statement of Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, July 22, 2014 (200 initial signers, endorsing allies forthcoming)

On July 12, 2014, Gaza civil society issued an urgent appeal for solidarity, asking: "How many of our lives are dispensable enough until the world takes action? How much of our blood is sufficient?"

As Jews of conscience, we answer by unequivocally condemning Israel's ongoing massacre in Gaza, whose victims include hundreds of civilians, children, entire families, the elderly, and the disabled. This latest toll adds to the thousands Israel has killed and maimed since its supposed withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

In response to this crisis, we urgently reaffirm our support for a ban on all military and other aid to Israel.

In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. opposed the Vietnam War with his famous declaration: "For the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent." Today, *we* cannot be silent as the "Jewish state" -- armed to the teeth by the U.S. and its allies -- wages yet another brutal war on the Palestinian people. Apartheid Israel does not speak for us, and we stand with Gaza as we stand with all of Palestine.

In the face of incessant pro-Israel propaganda, we heed Malcolm X's warning: "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."

For Israel's relentless war on Gaza is no more an act of "self-defense" than such infamous massacres as Wounded Knee (1890), Guernica (1937), the Warsaw Ghetto (1942), Deir Yassin (1948), My Lai (1968), Soweto (1976), Sabra and Shatila (1982), or Lebanon (2006).

Jews peebles or a tiny group of extremists that don't see the world as every one else does. This group sees the end of the world as leaving just them to ascend to heaven and take over the world.
You need to worry NOW as the world is turning against islam and seeing it as it really is. A medieval cult that lives on bloodshed, violence and murder, that teaches these traits to its children and that they have to " KILL THE JEWS "
It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!

When it comes to reality YES THEY ARE.
It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

Gotta wonder how many of these Jews decrying the death of palestinians actually live in Israel? It's a whole lot easier to be benevolent when you dont have rockets falling on your head.
I would think the majority of Jews in Israel would rather stomp a mudhole in the palestinians chest then to let them slide...again.
Like all righteous Jews, I have never supported Hamas, especially sending rockets on innocents...

However, raining death on civilians from the sky like Guernica is not self defense, it is Terrorism, an injustice no different than what Jews have endured throughout History...

Hate breeds hate, Israel is creating tomorrow's enemies...

I Assume you agree with me on the difference between Intelligent and Experienced.
I grew up in Israel and served in the military, I'm barely speaking English but I'm far more experienced than you or Chomsky (with all the respect to you) so take my word when I tell you that Israel is not raining death on civilians like most people think, and Israel has zero acceptance to any form of terrorism, the only injustice is the suffer of innocents and we all agree about that, except those who justify the real terrorists - Hamas that don't really tend to do anything about it except trying to make Israel sink with them by continue the rockets, kidnapping, and many other violent "retaliations" even now.
Israel is not in a position to lose one civilian or soldier, tolerance against a bully makes you look weak, and encourage the real bully - Hamas to continue "until all demands are met".
Israel so far achieved so much, we achieved peace with Jordan and Egypt after bloody wars for decades, we achieved great affairs with the Western states, great development, and the future is even brighter.
The common saying "best defense is offense" tend to be true when it come to our situation, it was in the past and it is the same today, Six days war proves it, Bombing Iraq nuclear proves it, placing the blockade in Gaza proves it, and plenty of events that shape Israel's nature, you think we are all happy to serve 3 years in the army instead of going to collage? you think we are all happy to fund the education and conditions for the terrorist behind bars? you think we are all happy to spend billions on security instead of technology and health care or other industrial investments? you think we are happy to hear somebody is dying? take my word, we don't.
[B]You really think we want to live in eternal wars with everyone around us? seriously we are only 7 million Israelis and 300 million Arabs surround us, and we cannot afford to even look weak, yet others misjudge tolerance as weakness, you think war seems ideal for Israel? [/B]
Think about that, [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION]


Your sophomoric commentary is nothing but irrational self-serving propaganda...You would think that with 450 million Arabs at their throat they would have accepted or even negotiated a Peace with the Arab League offer of the 67 borders like the UN supports that would have given Israel peace, recognition and trade...No this Regime thrives on conflict!
So I think you can also explain the famous Three No's.

The 3 'No's of Khartoum
1967 Arab League summit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Khartoum Resolution of 1967

The point is, you have any idea how many times Israel agreed to compromise again and again? - forget about us you know better.
Show me ONE time the Palestinians agreed to sit for negotiations or even ceasefire WITHOUT preconditions (which sometimes met by Israel) - Just one time in history..
Don't tell me its pointless, history proved it is.
Instead take a look on the situation now, Hamas agreed to ceasefire without preconditions? Abbas agree to negotiation without preconditions? Maybe just peace talk?
The answer is NO.
Irrational is to demand a damn airport when people are dying in Gaza, that's irrational.
It doesn't matter if they are Jews or not, They are clueless just like you are.

Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!
And to think, he came into this forum so respectful of others.

We all know now, that was a ruse!

What is a good Jew?

THIS, is a good Jew!

“Stop the Bombing. Hold Israel Accountable”:

“We are currently amidst ‘the three weeks’ – the annual Jewish period of quasi-mourning that leads to the fast day of Tisha B’Av. This is the season that bids us to look deeply into the soul of our community and examine the ways that our sinat chinam - baseless hatred – has led to our communal downfall.

“Driven by the spirit of this season, we cannot help but speak out in response to the horrific loss of life currently taking place in Gaza, at the hands of the Israeli military. We deplore the Israeli government’s military crackdown in the West Bank that led to its lethal, military onslaught on the people of Gaza. We mourn the deaths of hundreds of innocent people, including children.

“We condemn Hamas’ rockets attacks on Israel and the anxiety, injury and death they have caused. But we cannot view this as a war between two equal sides. Israel has unlimited hi-tech weaponry; it dominates Gazan airspace, its borders, its utilities and economy…

“We can not stand idly by as the Jewish State acts with such wanton disregard, with such sinat chinam, for the humanity of the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, children and elders of Gaza.

“As Jews, we abhor the abuse of human rights that are standard practice of our fellow Jews in the Israeli government and Israeli military. This is not the path of justice.”

TRY AGAIN DILDO as this trawling the internet looking for articles that bad mouth Israel as yet another sign that you are a RABID NAZI ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATER.

By the way did you research your source ?

Jewish Voice for Peace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) (קול יהודי לשלום Kol Yehudi la-Shalom) is a United States organization which describes itself as "a national Jewish organization" [1] consisting of "a diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights [to] support the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination."[2] JVP seeks "an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem" and opposes Israel Defense Forces operations in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and supports Israeli refuseniks.

NGO Monitor's report "concludes that JVP has 'actively promoted the central dimensions of the political warfare strategy against Israel.'” The article quoted Yitzhak Santis, chief programs officer at NGO Monitor, as saying "the organization supports or has partnered with groups such as Sabeel, Electronic Intifada, Al-Awda, International ANSWER Coalition, the International Solidarity Movement and Students for Justice in Palestine, all of which label Israel a racist apartheid state, support BDS and, in some cases, support violence against Israelis
The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) removed Rebecca Vilkomerson, executive director of JVP, and Cecilie Surasky, deputy director of JVP, from its Jewish Community Heroes competition because JVP "is a supporter of the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign targeting investment in Israel". Joe Berkofsky, JFNA managing director of communications added “our Israel Action Network is working to challenge the boycott, sanctions and divestment movement and other efforts to isolate and weaken the Jewish state. We cannot therefore support a group that seeks to harm Israel through its support for BDS."[34]

In September 2011, Rabbi Doug Kahn, executive director of the San Francisco-based Jewish Community Relations Council said “Jewish Voice for Peace routinely allows itself to be used as political cover by organizations promoting anti-Israel boycotts and divestment so that they can claim that they have Jewish backing for their positions, even though JVP represents a tiny fraction of the community.” In response, Rabbi Alissa Wise, a national organizer for JVP who co-founded JVP’s rabbinical council, speaking on behalf of the JVP, said "we’re not responsible for the language used by others", that some "groups do more harm than good" and that she regarded the work done by JVP as "trying to promote self-determination and equality for all people...a fruition of Jewish values, the path of living a Jewish life."[35]

In March 2011, Brandeis University’s Hillel organization voted not to accept the membership bid of the local campus chapter of JVP, citing JVP's association with the larger Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS). The decision, said the group's e-board, was founded on Hillel International's guidelines for inclusion. Upon review of JVP's statement of mission, past and proposed events, Hillel leadership was quoted saying, “While we understand that JVP at Brandeis considers itself a pro-Israel club, based on positions and programming JVP has sponsored, we do not believe that JVP can be included under Hillel’s umbrella.”[36] In response, JVP formulated a petition in favor of its inclusion in the Hillel that over a third of the student body signed.[37]

Leonard Fein, in the The Forward wrote in regards to the tent of Jewish thought and opinion, “I remain quite uncomfortable with the notion that JVP should be barred from the communal tent.”[38]

In February 2011, the New York Times published a piece on JVP activism in the Bay Area that noted, “The activists say they are not working against Israel, but against Israeli government policies they believe are discriminatory.” In an Editor's Note, the Times later wrote that one of the article's two authors was a pro-Palestinian advocate and he should not have been allowed to write it.[39]

In October 2010, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) identified JVP as one of the top 10 anti-Israel groups in the United States.[40][41] In a September 2010 report, the ADL wrote: "While JVP's activists try to portray themselves as Jewish critics of Israel, their ideology is nothing but a complete rejection of Israel. In May 2008, for example, members of JVP protested many of the celebrations of Israel's 60th anniversary that took place around the country, essentially illustrating that they oppose Israel's very existence." The ADL also took issue with JVP's mission statement which it said "places the onus of resolving the conflict on Israel" and lists a long list of requirements for Israel. "In stark contrast to these detailed requirements, the only stipulation for Palestinians is the cessation of 'suicide bombings and other attacks on Israeli civilians,'" the report said.[42] JVP responded by saying the ADL was wrong about several key points—among them, that JVP is not anti-Israel or anti-Zionist.[43] JVP also invited its supporters to make financial contributions to JVP in honor of Abraham Foxman, the leader of the ADL.[44]

Writing in the Jerusalem Post in 2008, Jon Haber described JVP as an organization that "exists largely to declare anyone accused of anti-Jewish bias 'not guilty' (with a Jewish accent)."[45]

In February 2007, Rabbi Ira Youdovin, executive vice president of the Chicago Board of Rabbis, wrote a column in The Forward about Jewish critics of Israel, and the way in which many Jews and Jewish organizations "squash" such dissent. In his column, Youdovin wrote that "the line separating calumny from legitimate dissent is unclear and ever shifting," but he added that "Jewish Voice for Peace, which supports divestment and is currently circulating a petition urging Congress to heed [former president Jimmy] Carter’s words, is certainly beyond the pale."[46] Mitchell Plitnick, Director of Education and Policy for JVP, responded by calling Rabbi Youdovin's line "arbitrary" and saying that "Youdovin misrepresents JVP’s position" concerning divestment. Plitnick emphasized that JVP supports "selective and targeted divestment that is aimed exclusively at the occupation, not at Israel itself." Plitnick wrote that "[m]ost Jews believe that there should be pressure on both Israelis and Palestinians to make peace" and that "JVP advocates nothing more or less than that."[47]

On January 28, 2007, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) convened "Finding Our Voice", a conference co-sponsored by more than 50 Jewish organizations for the purpose of discussing the rise in antisemitism. Its co-sponsors represented a wide range of Jewish opinion, including the ADL and AIPAC on the right and Americans for Peace Now and the Jewish Labor Committee on the left. Tikkun and Jewish Voice for Peace were not invited to co-sponsor the conference. A spokesperson for JVP said, "From our perspective, you cannot get to the roots of anti-Semitism in the progressive movement without honestly addressing the severe human-rights violations that Israel engages in every day. Judging by the lineup, that kind of honest examination is not likely to happen at this conference."[8]

The Jewish Bulletin of Northern California wrote in 2003 that "the mainstream Jewish community has viewed A Jewish Voice for Peace [sic] as a group of radical Jews who air dirty laundry by criticizing Israel when the Jewish state is under attack. Some go as far as to label the members self-hating Jews."[48]

Another of your whack job sources that is detested and hated by all decent people.
I Assume you agree with me on the difference between Intelligent and Experienced.
I grew up in Israel and served in the military, I'm barely speaking English but I'm far more experienced than you or Chomsky (with all the respect to you) so take my word when I tell you that Israel is not raining death on civilians like most people think, and Israel has zero acceptance to any form of terrorism, the only injustice is the suffer of innocents and we all agree about that, except those who justify the real terrorists - Hamas that don't really tend to do anything about it except trying to make Israel sink with them by continue the rockets, kidnapping, and many other violent "retaliations" even now.
Israel is not in a position to lose one civilian or soldier, tolerance against a bully makes you look weak, and encourage the real bully - Hamas to continue "until all demands are met".
Israel so far achieved so much, we achieved peace with Jordan and Egypt after bloody wars for decades, we achieved great affairs with the Western states, great development, and the future is even brighter.
The common saying "best defense is offense" tend to be true when it come to our situation, it was in the past and it is the same today, Six days war proves it, Bombing Iraq nuclear proves it, placing the blockade in Gaza proves it, and plenty of events that shape Israel's nature, you think we are all happy to serve 3 years in the army instead of going to collage? you think we are all happy to fund the education and conditions for the terrorist behind bars? you think we are all happy to spend billions on security instead of technology and health care or other industrial investments? you think we are happy to hear somebody is dying? take my word, we don't.
[B]You really think we want to live in eternal wars with everyone around us? seriously we are only 7 million Israelis and 300 million Arabs surround us, and we cannot afford to even look weak, yet others misjudge tolerance as weakness, you think war seems ideal for Israel? [/B]
Think about that, [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION]


Your sophomoric commentary is nothing but irrational self-serving propaganda...You would think that with 450 million Arabs at their throat they would have accepted or even negotiated a Peace with the Arab League offer of the 67 borders like the UN supports that would have given Israel peace, recognition and trade...No this Regime thrives on conflict!
So I think you can also explain the famous Three No's.

The 3 'No's of Khartoum
1967 Arab League summit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Khartoum Resolution of 1967

The point is, you have any idea how many times Israel agreed to compromise again and again? - forget about us you know better.
Show me ONE time the Palestinians agreed to sit for negotiations or even ceasefire WITHOUT preconditions (which sometimes met by Israel) - Just one time in history..
Don't tell me its pointless, history proved it is.
Instead take a look on the situation now, Hamas agreed to ceasefire without preconditions? Abbas agree to negotiation without preconditions? Maybe just peace talk?
The answer is NO.
Irrational is to demand a damn airport when people are dying in Gaza, that's irrational.

Are you really that dense to bring up 1967 rhetoric into a 2014 discussion after I brought up a current Arab League offer of 2012?

Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Arab Peace Initiative (Arabic: مبادرة السلام العربية*) is a comprehensive peace initiative first proposed in 2002 at the Beirut Summit of the Arab League by then-Crown Prince, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and re-endorsed at the Riyadh Summit in 2007.[1] The initiative attempts to end the Arab–Israeli conflict, which means normalizing relations between the entire Arab region and Israel, in exchange for a complete withdrawal from the occupied territories (including East Jerusalem) and a "just settlement" of the Palestinian refugee crisis based on UN Resolution 194 (which calls for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict and resolves that any refugees "wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors" should be able to do so or, if they otherwise wish, should be provided with compensation).[2] The Initiative was initially overshadowed by the Passover Massacre, a major terrorist attack that took place on March 27, 2002 (the day before the Initiative was published) and that had been claimed by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing.[3] The Arab League has since readopted the Initiative on several occasions, including during the 2007 summit.

I'm done debating you and Nutnell...
Oh yea, People like MIT professor Chomsky, a Polymath in the line of Einstein, Da Vinci, and other incredible minds are Clueless?

You Daniel and your arrogant bellicosity is a simple minded ass-wipe!

just because someone is smart in one area doesn't mean they are correct in others or are decent people.

i find it amusing when people whine when jews exercise the right to self-defense that every other people exercises. they have every right to get the terrorist scum out of the tunnels.

perhaps your energy would be better spent telling the terrorists to stop sending missiles into israel.


Like all righteous Jews, I have never supported Hamas, especially sending rockets on innocents...

However, raining death on civilians from the sky like Guernica is not self defense, it is Terrorism, an injustice no different than what Jews have endured throughout History...

Hate breeds hate, Israel is creating tomorrow's enemies...

Once the civilians elect to stay and act as human shields they are no longer protected persons, and the Israelis are responding to just another terrorist attack
Like all righteous Jews, I have never supported Hamas, especially sending rockets on innocents...

However, raining death on civilians from the sky like Guernica is not self defense, it is Terrorism, an injustice no different than what Jews have endured throughout History...

Hate breeds hate, Israel is creating tomorrow's enemies...

I Assume you agree with me on the difference between Intelligent and Experienced.
I grew up in Israel and served in the military, I'm barely speaking English but I'm far more experienced than you or Chomsky (with all the respect to you) so take my word when I tell you that Israel is not raining death on civilians like most people think, and Israel has zero acceptance to any form of terrorism, the only injustice is the suffer of innocents and we all agree about that, except those who justify the real terrorists - Hamas that don't really tend to do anything about it except trying to make Israel sink with them by continue the rockets, kidnapping, and many other violent "retaliations" even now.
Israel is not in a position to lose one civilian or soldier, tolerance against a bully makes you look weak, and encourage the real bully - Hamas to continue "until all demands are met".
Israel so far achieved so much, we achieved peace with Jordan and Egypt after bloody wars for decades, we achieved great affairs with the Western states, great development, and the future is even brighter.
The common saying "best defense is offense" tend to be true when it come to our situation, it was in the past and it is the same today, Six days war proves it, Bombing Iraq nuclear proves it, placing the blockade in Gaza proves it, and plenty of events that shape Israel's nature, you think we are all happy to serve 3 years in the army instead of going to collage? you think we are all happy to fund the education and conditions for the terrorist behind bars? you think we are all happy to spend billions on security instead of technology and health care or other industrial investments? you think we are happy to hear somebody is dying? take my word, we don't.
[B]You really think we want to live in eternal wars with everyone around us? seriously we are only 7 million Israelis and 300 million Arabs surround us, and we cannot afford to even look weak, yet others misjudge tolerance as weakness, you think war seems ideal for Israel? [/B]
Think about that, [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION]


Your sophomoric commentary is nothing but irrational self-serving propaganda...You would think that with 450 million Arabs at their throat they would have accepted or even negotiated a Peace with the Arab League offer of the 67 borders like the UN supports that would have given Israel peace, recognition and trade...No this Regime thrives on conflict!

The 67 borders are a security risk. Missiles could reach every part of Israel if they agreed to it.

Anyone who mentions the 67 borders is a liar and only wants the assured destruction of Israel.

Besides, negotiating with these folks is never a compromise. It is surrender.
I Assume you agree with me on the difference between Intelligent and Experienced.
I grew up in Israel and served in the military, I'm barely speaking English but I'm far more experienced than you or Chomsky (with all the respect to you) so take my word when I tell you that Israel is not raining death on civilians like most people think, and Israel has zero acceptance to any form of terrorism, the only injustice is the suffer of innocents and we all agree about that, except those who justify the real terrorists - Hamas that don't really tend to do anything about it except trying to make Israel sink with them by continue the rockets, kidnapping, and many other violent "retaliations" even now.
Israel is not in a position to lose one civilian or soldier, tolerance against a bully makes you look weak, and encourage the real bully - Hamas to continue "until all demands are met".
Israel so far achieved so much, we achieved peace with Jordan and Egypt after bloody wars for decades, we achieved great affairs with the Western states, great development, and the future is even brighter.
The common saying "best defense is offense" tend to be true when it come to our situation, it was in the past and it is the same today, Six days war proves it, Bombing Iraq nuclear proves it, placing the blockade in Gaza proves it, and plenty of events that shape Israel's nature, you think we are all happy to serve 3 years in the army instead of going to collage? you think we are all happy to fund the education and conditions for the terrorist behind bars? you think we are all happy to spend billions on security instead of technology and health care or other industrial investments? you think we are happy to hear somebody is dying? take my word, we don't.
[B]You really think we want to live in eternal wars with everyone around us? seriously we are only 7 million Israelis and 300 million Arabs surround us, and we cannot afford to even look weak, yet others misjudge tolerance as weakness, you think war seems ideal for Israel? [/B]
Think about that, [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION]


Your sophomoric commentary is nothing but irrational self-serving propaganda...You would think that with 450 million Arabs at their throat they would have accepted or even negotiated a Peace with the Arab League offer of the 67 borders like the UN supports that would have given Israel peace, recognition and trade...No this Regime thrives on conflict!

The 67 borders are a security risk. Missiles could reach every part of Israel if they agreed to it.

Anyone who mentions the 67 borders is a liar and only wants the assured destruction of Israel.

Besides, negotiating with these folks is never a compromise. It is surrender.

Missiles reach all of Israel now, Idiot! I never lie...
just because someone is smart in one area doesn't mean they are correct in others or are decent people.

i find it amusing when people whine when jews exercise the right to self-defense that every other people exercises. they have every right to get the terrorist scum out of the tunnels.

perhaps your energy would be better spent telling the terrorists to stop sending missiles into israel.

That have only killed 26 people in 13 years.

BTW, the rockets were in response to the over 200 missile strikes in Gaza by the IDF on Tuesday, July 9, 2014.

It's obvious you don't know how to tell time, because you don't know when to start the clock.

IRRELEVENT in the scheme of things, Israeli stabbing in gaza have resulted in no deaths so does this not wipe out the disparity. The relevance is in the measures taken by the respective governments. Israel spend $billions of protecting its civilians from harm, hamas spends $0 on the same project. Israel spends $0 on building tunnels for the purpose of smuggling weapons and kidnapping Palestinians, hamas spend $billions on the same projects.

Maybe yiu clock is wrong dildo as the 200 air strikes were in reply to the 30 or so rocket attacks and other terrorist attacks before this date when there was supposed to be a ceasefire in place.
Your sophomoric commentary is nothing but irrational self-serving propaganda...You would think that with 450 million Arabs at their throat they would have accepted or even negotiated a Peace with the Arab League offer of the 67 borders like the UN supports that would have given Israel peace, recognition and trade...No this Regime thrives on conflict!
So I think you can also explain the famous Three No's.

The 3 'No's of Khartoum
1967 Arab League summit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Khartoum Resolution of 1967

The point is, you have any idea how many times Israel agreed to compromise again and again? - forget about us you know better.
Show me ONE time the Palestinians agreed to sit for negotiations or even ceasefire WITHOUT preconditions (which sometimes met by Israel) - Just one time in history..
Don't tell me its pointless, history proved it is.
Instead take a look on the situation now, Hamas agreed to ceasefire without preconditions? Abbas agree to negotiation without preconditions? Maybe just peace talk?
The answer is NO.
Irrational is to demand a damn airport when people are dying in Gaza, that's irrational.

Are you really that dense to bring up 1967 rhetoric into a 2014 discussion after I brought up a current Arab League offer of 2012?

Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Arab Peace Initiative (Arabic: مبادرة السلام العربية*) is a comprehensive peace initiative first proposed in 2002 at the Beirut Summit of the Arab League by then-Crown Prince, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and re-endorsed at the Riyadh Summit in 2007.[1] The initiative attempts to end the Arab–Israeli conflict, which means normalizing relations between the entire Arab region and Israel, in exchange for a complete withdrawal from the occupied territories (including East Jerusalem) and a "just settlement" of the Palestinian refugee crisis based on UN Resolution 194 (which calls for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict and resolves that any refugees "wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors" should be able to do so or, if they otherwise wish, should be provided with compensation).[2] The Initiative was initially overshadowed by the Passover Massacre, a major terrorist attack that took place on March 27, 2002 (the day before the Initiative was published) and that had been claimed by the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing.[3] The Arab League has since readopted the Initiative on several occasions, including during the 2007 summit.

I'm done debating you and Nutnell...
Was it me to mention the 67 borders or the Arab League? I just responded.
I also explained in detail what it looks like today about the preconditions of Abbas or the Hamas demands.
You are just another example of real Palestinian ignorance, instead of investigating objectively everything in detail, and be willing to talk and see what you can learn, you and your ego just flip the table and leave, remaining no where like the Palestinians are today.
Since you cannot accept the truth, or the fact you are wrong, you just insult and keep shooting to all directions, but still missing, like Hamas..:eusa_clap:

Peace...if this word even mean anything to you,
Your sophomoric commentary is nothing but irrational self-serving propaganda...You would think that with 450 million Arabs at their throat they would have accepted or even negotiated a Peace with the Arab League offer of the 67 borders like the UN supports that would have given Israel peace, recognition and trade...No this Regime thrives on conflict!

The 67 borders are a security risk. Missiles could reach every part of Israel if they agreed to it.

Anyone who mentions the 67 borders is a liar and only wants the assured destruction of Israel.

Besides, negotiating with these folks is never a compromise. It is surrender.

Missiles reach all of Israel now, Idiot! I never lie...
Oh right, The world known ballistic scientist with Israel geographic anchor and IDF General..since you know so much about it, how many people currently under the risk of rockets in Israel and which rockets are threatening Tel Aviv? - Don't be lame and Google it, since IDF spokesmen is a liar that spreads propaganda - comon answer yourself smartass.
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There are many righteous Jews in the world who see the inhumanity of killing and stealing of innocent people's homes trying to stay alive under the ZioNazi Israeli regime...

Jews Say: End the War on Gaza*|*Linda Milazzo

Statement of Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, July 22, 2014 (200 initial signers, endorsing allies forthcoming)

On July 12, 2014, Gaza civil society issued an urgent appeal for solidarity, asking: "How many of our lives are dispensable enough until the world takes action? How much of our blood is sufficient?"

As Jews of conscience, we answer by unequivocally condemning Israel's ongoing massacre in Gaza, whose victims include hundreds of civilians, children, entire families, the elderly, and the disabled. This latest toll adds to the thousands Israel has killed and maimed since its supposed withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

In response to this crisis, we urgently reaffirm our support for a ban on all military and other aid to Israel.

In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. opposed the Vietnam War with his famous declaration: "For the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent." Today, *we* cannot be silent as the "Jewish state" -- armed to the teeth by the U.S. and its allies -- wages yet another brutal war on the Palestinian people. Apartheid Israel does not speak for us, and we stand with Gaza as we stand with all of Palestine.

In the face of incessant pro-Israel propaganda, we heed Malcolm X's warning: "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."

For Israel's relentless war on Gaza is no more an act of "self-defense" than such infamous massacres as Wounded Knee (1890), Guernica (1937), the Warsaw Ghetto (1942), Deir Yassin (1948), My Lai (1968), Soweto (1976), Sabra and Shatila (1982), or Lebanon (2006).

We will end it.

Sadly for Islamo-Fascists like you, Pbel, we will end it once the enmy is crushed.
There are many righteous Jews in the world who see the inhumanity of killing and stealing of innocent people's homes trying to stay alive under the ZioNazi Israeli regime...

Jews Say: End the War on Gaza*|*Linda Milazzo

Statement of Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, July 22, 2014 (200 initial signers, endorsing allies forthcoming)

On July 12, 2014, Gaza civil society issued an urgent appeal for solidarity, asking: "How many of our lives are dispensable enough until the world takes action? How much of our blood is sufficient?"

As Jews of conscience, we answer by unequivocally condemning Israel's ongoing massacre in Gaza, whose victims include hundreds of civilians, children, entire families, the elderly, and the disabled. This latest toll adds to the thousands Israel has killed and maimed since its supposed withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

In response to this crisis, we urgently reaffirm our support for a ban on all military and other aid to Israel.

In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. opposed the Vietnam War with his famous declaration: "For the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent." Today, *we* cannot be silent as the "Jewish state" -- armed to the teeth by the U.S. and its allies -- wages yet another brutal war on the Palestinian people. Apartheid Israel does not speak for us, and we stand with Gaza as we stand with all of Palestine.

In the face of incessant pro-Israel propaganda, we heed Malcolm X's warning: "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."

For Israel's relentless war on Gaza is no more an act of "self-defense" than such infamous massacres as Wounded Knee (1890), Guernica (1937), the Warsaw Ghetto (1942), Deir Yassin (1948), My Lai (1968), Soweto (1976), Sabra and Shatila (1982), or Lebanon (2006).

We will end it.

Sadly for Islamo-Fascists like you, Pbel, we will end it once the enmy is crushed.

I feel bad for nitwits like you...Fed propaganda not seeing the larger picture beyond crushing the Palestinians...The Arab and Islamist Nations will never forget the Hitler-like tactics you use to kill and subjugate their lot...Jihadists are growing by leaps and bounds...Yet your little mind-set keeps you a prisoner of utter stupidity...
There are many righteous Jews in the world who see the inhumanity of killing and stealing of innocent people's homes trying to stay alive under the ZioNazi Israeli regime...

Jews Say: End the War on Gaza*|*Linda Milazzo

Statement of Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, July 22, 2014 (200 initial signers, endorsing allies forthcoming)

On July 12, 2014, Gaza civil society issued an urgent appeal for solidarity, asking: "How many of our lives are dispensable enough until the world takes action? How much of our blood is sufficient?"

As Jews of conscience, we answer by unequivocally condemning Israel's ongoing massacre in Gaza, whose victims include hundreds of civilians, children, entire families, the elderly, and the disabled. This latest toll adds to the thousands Israel has killed and maimed since its supposed withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005.

In response to this crisis, we urgently reaffirm our support for a ban on all military and other aid to Israel.

In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. opposed the Vietnam War with his famous declaration: "For the sake of the hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be silent." Today, *we* cannot be silent as the "Jewish state" -- armed to the teeth by the U.S. and its allies -- wages yet another brutal war on the Palestinian people. Apartheid Israel does not speak for us, and we stand with Gaza as we stand with all of Palestine.

In the face of incessant pro-Israel propaganda, we heed Malcolm X's warning: "If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing."

For Israel's relentless war on Gaza is no more an act of "self-defense" than such infamous massacres as Wounded Knee (1890), Guernica (1937), the Warsaw Ghetto (1942), Deir Yassin (1948), My Lai (1968), Soweto (1976), Sabra and Shatila (1982), or Lebanon (2006).

We will end it.

Sadly for Islamo-Fascists like you, Pbel, we will end it once the enmy is crushed.

I feel bad for nitwits like you...Fed propaganda not seeing the larger picture beyond crushing the Palestinians...The Arab and Islamist Nations will never forget the Hitler-like tactics you use to kill and subjugate their lot...Jihadists are growing by leaps and bounds...Yet your little mind-set keeps you a prisoner of utter stupidity...
So tell me genius, what the Palestinians or any other Arab / Islamist Nations achieved so far? - NOTHING. :lol:
Like all righteous Jews, I have never supported Hamas, especially sending rockets on innocents...

However, raining death on civilians from the sky like Guernica is not self defense, it is Terrorism, an injustice no different than what Jews have endured throughout History...

Hate breeds hate, Israel is creating tomorrow's enemies...

I Assume you agree with me on the difference between Intelligent and Experienced.
I grew up in Israel and served in the military, I'm barely speaking English but I'm far more experienced than you or Chomsky (with all the respect to you) so take my word when I tell you that Israel is not raining death on civilians like most people think, and Israel has zero acceptance to any form of terrorism, the only injustice is the suffer of innocents and we all agree about that, except those who justify the real terrorists - Hamas that don't really tend to do anything about it except trying to make Israel sink with them by continue the rockets, kidnapping, and many other violent "retaliations" even now.
Israel is not in a position to lose one civilian or soldier, tolerance against a bully makes you look weak, and encourage the real bully - Hamas to continue "until all demands are met".
Israel so far achieved so much, we achieved peace with Jordan and Egypt after bloody wars for decades, we achieved great affairs with the Western states, great development, and the future is even brighter.
The common saying "best defense is offense" tend to be true when it come to our situation, it was in the past and it is the same today, Six days war proves it, Bombing Iraq nuclear proves it, placing the blockade in Gaza proves it, and plenty of events that shape Israel's nature, you think we are all happy to serve 3 years in the army instead of going to collage? you think we are all happy to fund the education and conditions for the terrorist behind bars? you think we are all happy to spend billions on security instead of technology and health care or other industrial investments? you think we are happy to hear somebody is dying? take my word, we don't.
[B]You really think we want to live in eternal wars with everyone around us? seriously we are only 7 million Israelis and 300 million Arabs surround us, and we cannot afford to even look weak, yet others misjudge tolerance as weakness, you think war seems ideal for Israel? [/B]
Think about that, [MENTION=35713]pbel[/MENTION]


Your sophomoric commentary is nothing but irrational self-serving propaganda...You would think that with 450 million Arabs at their throat they would have accepted or even negotiated a Peace with the Arab League offer of the 67 borders like the UN supports that would have given Israel peace, recognition and trade...No this Regime thrives on conflict!

Speaking of propaganda :lol:

BTW why is it that when you talk about Israel making peace with Arab states, you forget to mention the peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan and the fact that Israel has tried to make peace with Syria and the Palestinians?

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