Jews, share the Talmud with us!

What I said is Biblical. What you said is a product of your own imagination. It is why God tells us NOT to lean on our own understanding. So did you just scratch out the part in the Bible about the 144,000 or Christ touching down IN ISRAEL? Or judging the Nations based on how they treated Israel? Or God's covenant with Abraham? Or David being the Apple of God's eye? Or Israel being Christ's inheritance? Where in the Bible does it say that Christ throws his inheritance into the lake of fire? I can't find it.
And the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven, after the White Throne Judgement. (I know, I know, What's the White Throne Judgement?? You people really need a working understanding of the Bible before you just plow ahead with your version of it.) We are told who, what, when, where, how and even the dimensions of it. Well, some of us were told, anyway..

Nothing in the Bible says Jesus is going to "touch down in Israel" or anything like that. Zech 14 just says Jesus will stand on the Mt. of Olives, which he has already done.

Nothing in the Bible says the nations will judged according to how they treated "Israel". Gen 12 speaks of blessing Abraham, and the Church is Abraham's children.

God's covenant with Abraham doesn't cover his natural children, which is why Ishmael is excluded. If you were a Christian, or even if you read the New Testament, you'd know this. But, as it is, you just have some stupid excuse why Ishmael excluded. To boot, Talmudists, so-called Jews, are not Abraham's natural children.

You theology is an anti-christian lie, and you confuse your theology with the words of scripture.

And, still, no Jews have quoted anything kind or loving from the Talmud concerning gentiles. Why don't you google what the Talmud says about gentiles.

Not only does Zac say it, he describes the occasion. Which is how we know which visit Zac is talking about and how we know it hasn't happen yet.
You have leaned on your own understanding. So in all your wisdom, please tell me when the Mount of Olives split in two, because the rest of us missed it.

Zechariah 14:4
And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south.
Please show me the antecedent where the word "His" refers to Jesus.
In fact, the antecedent is in the prior verse (3) which refers specifically to The Lord.
Zechariah wouldn't hold back such an important piece of information.
Whatever you want to argue the Talmud is, how about some quotes showing love and kindness concerning gentiles?

Why not just link to a copy of it on the innernetz? Better than just taking isolated quotes when you read the entire discussion in the Talmud on that topic.

the Talmud isn't the Bible, by the way; it's a series of intellectual exegeses on various issues, and not considered 'holy writ' or anything. There are two of them, as well, the Jerusalem, or 'Palestinian', and the Babylonian.

Thank you for your lies. Your lies help all of us know Jews better. The Talmud is more than a series of "intellectual exegesis on various issues". It is considered "holy writ" in that it contains what Jews call the "oral Torah". And, that exegesis you speak of is authoritative and is what defines so-called Jews today, not as the messianic and priestly people of the Old Testament but as Antichrist, ethno-Supremacists children of Satan.

Jew, we all see your shameless dodging. No Christian when asked for Bible verses on a topic would even consider replying instead with a suggestion for a link to the whole Bible.

Talmud is NOT "the oral Bible". It's a Wiki of scholarly knowledge on biblical verse and making it RELEVANT to life issues. You didn't even know the difference when you started this thread. Which kinds of blows your credentials for the rest of the discussion.

Actually -- very LITTLE is actually resolved in the Talmud. It's DISCUSSION, not Biblical law. It's the Amicus Briefs of the actual Divine law and proclamations.

And a LOT of it is opinions that don't thoroughly agree. That's why viruses such as yourself should be more careful pulling quotes from it.

They're there. Guess I'm not in a Talmud kind of mood..
Why are you trying to use logic they see Jesus in their corn flakes before they eat breakfast.. They see him in a cloud passing overhead and they see him in every passage in the Jewish scriptures.. Logic and common sense don't apply here...Besides Rams use their head physically to get their way they aren't exactly known to use the softer parts to think things through properly...
Indeependent do you know why adam is given a covering when chased outta the garden of its own pleasures?
Adam and Chava (Eve) were on a much higher spiritual plane than anyone else after the "sin".
God wants humans to strive for what our souls lost.
We cover our bodies to remind us that our temporary bodies are not as important as our immortal souls.
I have never heard of any it put that away. Eve is within adam, a portion of is how it can be taken out to show that it is a part within the human. The covering is given to the human for its soul will not die in its own shame. This covering is passed down in the history of the steps that the human soul goes through while it prospers in the spirit (grows spiritually and the host within multiply).

That's because it isn't Biblical RIH. Adam and Eve were on the same spiritual plane as the rest of us, in or out of Eden. God loved them, forgave them, and was the first to shed the blood of an animal to cover their sin. And then remained with them even after the fall. Cain knew who God was. God even sealed him to keep him from harm. And then unsealed him, and removed the curse of wandering and let him settle.
God doesn't want us to strive, He wants us to rest in Christ until were are collected for Christ's sake.
We have a war to prepare for. Christ is going to make 2 more visits. The first, He never touches earth. We who have accepted his gift go meet him in the air. At that time, are bodies are made incorruptible. The Bible says that once that happens we will never be separated from Christ again. And Christ has no intention of staying in Heaven, which means,neither are we. And when Christ comes back to earth, and the mountain splits, and the Jews recognize Him for who He really is, and run through the mountain, we will be right behind Him. He stays. So do we. And rule and reign with Him. Each with our very own soul.
The Bible doesn't support the half soul theory, and what of the people who choose not to marry. Are they doomed to be half-souled for eternity?
What I said is Biblical. What you said is a product of your own imagination. It is why God tells us NOT to lean on our own understanding. So did you just scratch out the part in the Bible about the 144,000 or Christ touching down IN ISRAEL? Or judging the Nations based on how they treated Israel? Or God's covenant with Abraham? Or David being the Apple of God's eye? Or Israel being Christ's inheritance? Where in the Bible does it say that Christ throws his inheritance into the lake of fire? I can't find it.
And the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven, after the White Throne Judgement. (I know, I know, What's the White Throne Judgement?? You people really need a working understanding of the Bible before you just plow ahead with your version of it.) We are told who, what, when, where, how and even the dimensions of it. Well, some of us were told, anyway..

Nothing in the Bible says Jesus is going to "touch down in Israel" or anything like that. Zech 14 just says Jesus will stand on the Mt. of Olives, which he has already done.

Nothing in the Bible says the nations will judged according to how they treated "Israel". Gen 12 speaks of blessing Abraham, and the Church is Abraham's children.

God's covenant with Abraham doesn't cover his natural children, which is why Ishmael is excluded. If you were a Christian, or even if you read the New Testament, you'd know this. But, as it is, you just have some stupid excuse why Ishmael excluded. To boot, Talmudists, so-called Jews, are not Abraham's natural children.

You theology is an anti-christian lie, and you confuse your theology with the words of scripture.

And, still, no Jews have quoted anything kind or loving from the Talmud concerning gentiles. Why don't you google what the Talmud says about gentiles.
Do you know why your Ishmael portion is excluded?

Ishmael is not excluded. Abraham loved Ismael. And while Isaac was the one God intended, and who God blessed, that does not mean that God turns His back on Abraham's other son. Here is how we know. Christ said so:
  1. Isaiah 19:25 The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.
He will remove the enmity between the two brothers and will replace it with love for one and other.
Indeependent do you know why adam is given a covering when chased outta the garden of its own pleasures?
Adam and Chava (Eve) were on a much higher spiritual plane than anyone else after the "sin".
God wants humans to strive for what our souls lost.
We cover our bodies to remind us that our temporary bodies are not as important as our immortal souls.
I have never heard of any it put that away. Eve is within adam, a portion of is how it can be taken out to show that it is a part within the human. The covering is given to the human for its soul will not die in its own shame. This covering is passed down in the history of the steps that the human soul goes through while it prospers in the spirit (grows spiritually and the host within multiply).

That's because it isn't Biblical RIH. Adam and Eve were on the same spiritual plane as the rest of us, in or out of Eden. God loved them, forgave them, and was the first to shed the blood of an animal to cover their sin. And then remained with them even after the fall. Cain knew who God was. God even sealed him to keep him from harm. And then unsealed him, and removed the curse of wandering and let him settle.
God doesn't want us to strive, He wants us to rest in Christ until were are collected for Christ's sake.
We have a war to prepare for. Christ is going to make 2 more visits. The first, He never touches earth. We who have accepted his gift go meet him in the air. At that time, are bodies are made incorruptible. The Bible says that once that happens we will never be separated from Christ again. And Christ has no intention of staying in Heaven, which means,neither are we. And when Christ comes back to earth, and the mountain splits, and the Jews recognize Him for who He really is, and run through the mountain, we will be right behind Him. He stays. So do we. And rule and reign with Him. Each with our very own soul.
The Bible doesn't support the half soul theory, and what of the people who choose not to marry. Are they doomed to be half-souled for eternity?
I post so Jews not educated in Torah don't get confused by the Church nonsense.
What I said is Biblical. What you said is a product of your own imagination. It is why God tells us NOT to lean on our own understanding. So did you just scratch out the part in the Bible about the 144,000 or Christ touching down IN ISRAEL? Or judging the Nations based on how they treated Israel? Or God's covenant with Abraham? Or David being the Apple of God's eye? Or Israel being Christ's inheritance? Where in the Bible does it say that Christ throws his inheritance into the lake of fire? I can't find it.
And the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven, after the White Throne Judgement. (I know, I know, What's the White Throne Judgement?? You people really need a working understanding of the Bible before you just plow ahead with your version of it.) We are told who, what, when, where, how and even the dimensions of it. Well, some of us were told, anyway..

Nothing in the Bible says Jesus is going to "touch down in Israel" or anything like that. Zech 14 just says Jesus will stand on the Mt. of Olives, which he has already done.

Nothing in the Bible says the nations will judged according to how they treated "Israel". Gen 12 speaks of blessing Abraham, and the Church is Abraham's children.

God's covenant with Abraham doesn't cover his natural children, which is why Ishmael is excluded. If you were a Christian, or even if you read the New Testament, you'd know this. But, as it is, you just have some stupid excuse why Ishmael excluded. To boot, Talmudists, so-called Jews, are not Abraham's natural children.

You theology is an anti-christian lie, and you confuse your theology with the words of scripture.

And, still, no Jews have quoted anything kind or loving from the Talmud concerning gentiles. Why don't you google what the Talmud says about gentiles.

Not only does Zac say it, he describes the occasion. Which is how we know which visit Zac is talking about and how we know it hasn't happen yet.
You have leaned on your own understanding. So in all your wisdom, please tell me when the Mount of Olives split in two, because the rest of us missed it.

Zechariah 14:4
And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south.
Please show me the antecedent where the word "His" refers to Jesus.
In fact, the antecedent is in the prior verse (3) which refers specifically to The Lord.
Zechariah wouldn't hold back such an important piece of information.

Zachariah was referring to The Day of the Lord:
The Day of the LORD - Behold, the day of the LORD is coming. It is up to those who have ears to hear to figure out who the Lord is. According to Christ anyway....
Who do you think God's prophet was talking about?
What I said is Biblical. What you said is a product of your own imagination. It is why God tells us NOT to lean on our own understanding. So did you just scratch out the part in the Bible about the 144,000 or Christ touching down IN ISRAEL? Or judging the Nations based on how they treated Israel? Or God's covenant with Abraham? Or David being the Apple of God's eye? Or Israel being Christ's inheritance? Where in the Bible does it say that Christ throws his inheritance into the lake of fire? I can't find it.
And the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven, after the White Throne Judgement. (I know, I know, What's the White Throne Judgement?? You people really need a working understanding of the Bible before you just plow ahead with your version of it.) We are told who, what, when, where, how and even the dimensions of it. Well, some of us were told, anyway..

Nothing in the Bible says Jesus is going to "touch down in Israel" or anything like that. Zech 14 just says Jesus will stand on the Mt. of Olives, which he has already done.

Nothing in the Bible says the nations will judged according to how they treated "Israel". Gen 12 speaks of blessing Abraham, and the Church is Abraham's children.

God's covenant with Abraham doesn't cover his natural children, which is why Ishmael is excluded. If you were a Christian, or even if you read the New Testament, you'd know this. But, as it is, you just have some stupid excuse why Ishmael excluded. To boot, Talmudists, so-called Jews, are not Abraham's natural children.

You theology is an anti-christian lie, and you confuse your theology with the words of scripture.

And, still, no Jews have quoted anything kind or loving from the Talmud concerning gentiles. Why don't you google what the Talmud says about gentiles.

So again. if you think what was referred to has already happened. How did the mountain get put back together?

God Himself told Abraham that He will bless and curse those who bless or curse Abraham. That blessing referred to Abraham's children. Some covenants are for the life of the person entering into them. Some covenants are generational for a time. Some are eternal.

The church is NOT Abraham's children. The Jews are Christ's inheritance. The Gentile is His Bride.

You are becoming confused. I was the one who just proved that Ishmael is NOT excluded. He is as naturally born of Abraham's seed as Isaac was.

Here is how Christ describes Ishmael and Issac:
The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.

Who does He Bless again? Who? Just Israel?

And stop pretending I don't keep asking, "If the event of Christ standing on the Mount of Olives, as described by the prophet, has already happened, how did they glue that sucker back together after the mountain split in two"?

Answer that and debate without the name calling or we can call it a day. In fact here it's late enough to call it a day regardless, so thanks for the lively debate, and I am sure will cross swords in the future.
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What I said is Biblical. What you said is a product of your own imagination. It is why God tells us NOT to lean on our own understanding. So did you just scratch out the part in the Bible about the 144,000 or Christ touching down IN ISRAEL? Or judging the Nations based on how they treated Israel? Or God's covenant with Abraham? Or David being the Apple of God's eye? Or Israel being Christ's inheritance? Where in the Bible does it say that Christ throws his inheritance into the lake of fire? I can't find it.
And the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven, after the White Throne Judgement. (I know, I know, What's the White Throne Judgement?? You people really need a working understanding of the Bible before you just plow ahead with your version of it.) We are told who, what, when, where, how and even the dimensions of it. Well, some of us were told, anyway..

Nothing in the Bible says Jesus is going to "touch down in Israel" or anything like that. Zech 14 just says Jesus will stand on the Mt. of Olives, which he has already done.

Nothing in the Bible says the nations will judged according to how they treated "Israel". Gen 12 speaks of blessing Abraham, and the Church is Abraham's children.

God's covenant with Abraham doesn't cover his natural children, which is why Ishmael is excluded. If you were a Christian, or even if you read the New Testament, you'd know this. But, as it is, you just have some stupid excuse why Ishmael excluded. To boot, Talmudists, so-called Jews, are not Abraham's natural children.

You theology is an anti-christian lie, and you confuse your theology with the words of scripture.

And, still, no Jews have quoted anything kind or loving from the Talmud concerning gentiles. Why don't you google what the Talmud says about gentiles.

Not only does Zac say it, he describes the occasion. Which is how we know which visit Zac is talking about and how we know it hasn't happen yet.
You have leaned on your own understanding. So in all your wisdom, please tell me when the Mount of Olives split in two, because the rest of us missed it.

Zechariah 14:4
And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south.
Please show me the antecedent where the word "His" refers to Jesus.
In fact, the antecedent is in the prior verse (3) which refers specifically to The Lord.
Zechariah wouldn't hold back such an important piece of information.

Zachariah was referring to The Day of the Lord:
The Day of the LORD - Behold, the day of the LORD is coming. It is up to those who have ears to hear to figure out who the Lord is. According to Christ anyway....
Who do you think God's prophet was talking about?
You don't know who "The Lord" is?
I suggest you start reading the Bible from Genesis.
God Himself told Abraham that He will bless and curse those who bless or curse Abraham. That blessing referred to Abraham's children.

John 8:44 alone destroys your anti-Christian theology. The Jews are not God's chosen people.

You say we're to bless Abraham's children. The Arabs are Abraham's children. Are you blessing them? Your fellow Zionists have a deep hatred of Abraham's children, and do all they can to curse them.

The church is NOT Abraham's children. The Jews are Christ's inheritance. The Gentile is His Bride.

The New Testament teaches that Christians are Abraham's children. Galatians 3:29.

And stop pretending I don't keep asking, "If the event of Christ standing on the Mount of Olives, as described by the prophet, has already happened, how did they glue that sucker back together after the mountain split in two"?

You choose not to take literal things figuratively and you choose to take figuratively things literally.
What I said is Biblical. What you said is a product of your own imagination. It is why God tells us NOT to lean on our own understanding. So did you just scratch out the part in the Bible about the 144,000 or Christ touching down IN ISRAEL? Or judging the Nations based on how they treated Israel? Or God's covenant with Abraham? Or David being the Apple of God's eye? Or Israel being Christ's inheritance? Where in the Bible does it say that Christ throws his inheritance into the lake of fire? I can't find it.
And the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven, after the White Throne Judgement. (I know, I know, What's the White Throne Judgement?? You people really need a working understanding of the Bible before you just plow ahead with your version of it.) We are told who, what, when, where, how and even the dimensions of it. Well, some of us were told, anyway..

Nothing in the Bible says Jesus is going to "touch down in Israel" or anything like that. Zech 14 just says Jesus will stand on the Mt. of Olives, which he has already done.

Nothing in the Bible says the nations will judged according to how they treated "Israel". Gen 12 speaks of blessing Abraham, and the Church is Abraham's children.

God's covenant with Abraham doesn't cover his natural children, which is why Ishmael is excluded. If you were a Christian, or even if you read the New Testament, you'd know this. But, as it is, you just have some stupid excuse why Ishmael excluded. To boot, Talmudists, so-called Jews, are not Abraham's natural children.

You theology is an anti-christian lie, and you confuse your theology with the words of scripture.

And, still, no Jews have quoted anything kind or loving from the Talmud concerning gentiles. Why don't you google what the Talmud says about gentiles.
Do you know why your Ishmael portion is excluded?

Ishmael is not excluded. Abraham loved Ismael. And while Isaac was the one God intended, and who God blessed, that does not mean that God turns His back on Abraham's other son. Here is how we know. Christ said so:
  1. Isaiah 19:25 The LORD Almighty will bless them, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.
He will remove the enmity between the two brothers and will replace it with love for one and other.
Everyone needs to get back to the beginning and keep it simple first. Ishmael is a spiritual host within each human just like all the other heavenly and earthly hosts that come with breath . The kingdom of heaven is in you, it was put there when you received breath. MAN (male and female in the image of God meaning a spiritual eternal being) is created in Genesis 1 in Genesis 2 we learn that all the hosts of heaven and earth are finished and God rest (as the spiritual host that rule over the carnal flesh made from the dust of the ground and the ones that rule the heavenly realm in us is finished). The generations of the heavens and earth when the original Man is created. Jesus already told everyone they are as the first Adam.

Human that garden, piece of ground, red earth, that God's plants. Genesis 2:5 says ground that ground is adamah, earth-you where you are a caretaker of the garden you are in charge of tilling and seeding and weeding when God gives a blow of breath to create a living soul, not anyone else's spiritual garden but you, you are but a tenant, a husbandman, you don't actually own it yet as you cannot control your own emotions even yet. I say that as I have already been there spiritually speaking and was taught a lesson on it by the holy spirit that let me know beyond a doubt that God is always in control and put those controls into humankind.

When God takes Eve-chavah from out of a side chamber (a place in your head where you realize you have consciousness via a case at law (again spiritually speaking) you are being given a female portion that was already breath into you with God's breath that can show you how and teach you how to spiritually breathe. The moment your lil' serpent (actual word means to gaze or look intently) says that you can eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and you won't really die you are chased out of the garden because that unruly red earth (you have) cannot live forever. You must learn to breath and you must die to your own carnal desires to achieve being a full second adam-human born of the holy spirit which is attained through the anointing given by Jesus Christ (Jehovah's salvation with us) who is the word both of the old and the new testament. Paul stated he died daily because he knew each morning he had to awake and overcome his own carnal desires. Beginning to end, end to the beginning, the first and the last, many of the first will be last and the last will be first.

The kingdom of heaven is in you.Luke 17:21 but it is up to you to earnestly search it out, seek the truth and find it.
Bush carrying Talmud.jpg
God Himself told Abraham that He will bless and curse those who bless or curse Abraham. That blessing referred to Abraham's children.

John 8:44 alone destroys your anti-Christian theology. The Jews are not God's chosen people.

You say we're to bless Abraham's children. The Arabs are Abraham's children. Are you blessing them? Your fellow Zionists have a deep hatred of Abraham's children, and do all they can to curse them.

The church is NOT Abraham's children. The Jews are Christ's inheritance. The Gentile is His Bride.

The New Testament teaches that Christians are Abraham's children. Galatians 3:29.

And stop pretending I don't keep asking, "If the event of Christ standing on the Mount of Olives, as described by the prophet, has already happened, how did they glue that sucker back together after the mountain split in two"?

You choose not to take literal things figuratively and you choose to take figuratively things literally.

Ah, the usual fake gimmick of quoting verses out of context, as if the Bible is just a collection of isolated verses ignoring previous and subsequent passages. A complete reading of the book itself of course shows a different context. Nowhere in John is it claimed 'Jews are not the chosen people', and anyway what constituted being 'Chosen' is itself subject to some interesting analysis and symbolic interpretation.

37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word.
38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.”
39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered. “If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do what Abraham did.
40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things.
41 You are doing the works of your own father.” “We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.
43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

More on the context of 8:44:

The set of verses 8:44 is in is also the dead center of the chiastic structure of John, which in turn is linked to the structure of Revelation. Those with time on their hands can try and find which part of the first five books of the Old Testament this in turn parallels.

The Gospel of John is itself the most intellectually interesting book of the New Testament, and is distinct from the other three 'Synoptic' Gospels.
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God Himself told Abraham that He will bless and curse those who bless or curse Abraham. That blessing referred to Abraham's children.

John 8:44 alone destroys your anti-Christian theology. The Jews are not God's chosen people.

You say we're to bless Abraham's children. The Arabs are Abraham's children. Are you blessing them? Your fellow Zionists have a deep hatred of Abraham's children, and do all they can to curse them.

The church is NOT Abraham's children. The Jews are Christ's inheritance. The Gentile is His Bride.

The New Testament teaches that Christians are Abraham's children. Galatians 3:29.

And stop pretending I don't keep asking, "If the event of Christ standing on the Mount of Olives, as described by the prophet, has already happened, how did they glue that sucker back together after the mountain split in two"?

You choose not to take literal things figuratively and you choose to take figuratively things literally.

Ah, the usual fake gimmick of quoting verses out of context, as if the Bible is just a collection of isolated verses ignoring previous and subsequent passages. A complete reading of the book itself of course shows a different context.

37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word.
38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.”
39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered. “If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do what Abraham did.
40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things.
41 You are doing the works of your own father.” “We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.
43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

John 8:44, Jews are children of the devil. Are the children of the Devil God's chosen people?

The Old Testament says Israel is not His people. How can not His people be His people?

Picaro, your skull is full of sh1t, how does the context show anything different from what I've said? You resort to the fake gimmick of quoting scripture and pretending is says something that supports you when it doesn't.
God Himself told Abraham that He will bless and curse those who bless or curse Abraham. That blessing referred to Abraham's children.

John 8:44 alone destroys your anti-Christian theology. The Jews are not God's chosen people.

You say we're to bless Abraham's children. The Arabs are Abraham's children. Are you blessing them? Your fellow Zionists have a deep hatred of Abraham's children, and do all they can to curse them.

The church is NOT Abraham's children. The Jews are Christ's inheritance. The Gentile is His Bride.

The New Testament teaches that Christians are Abraham's children. Galatians 3:29.

And stop pretending I don't keep asking, "If the event of Christ standing on the Mount of Olives, as described by the prophet, has already happened, how did they glue that sucker back together after the mountain split in two"?

You choose not to take literal things figuratively and you choose to take figuratively things literally.

Ah, the usual fake gimmick of quoting verses out of context, as if the Bible is just a collection of isolated verses ignoring previous and subsequent passages. A complete reading of the book itself of course shows a different context.

37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word.
38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.”
39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered. “If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do what Abraham did.
40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things.
41 You are doing the works of your own father.” “We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me.
43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

John 8:44, Jews are children of the devil. Are the children of the Devil God's chosen people?

The Old Testament says Israel is not His people. How can not His people be His people?

Picaro, your skull is full of sh1t, how does the context show anything different from what I've said? You resort to the fake gimmick of quoting scripture and pretending is says something that supports you when it doesn't.

lol like I care about your lunatic spins. There is plenty in the historical record re Jews Behaving Badly, a lot of it written by Jews themselves, so no need to make up rubbish, not to mention that when one throws in historical context of the entire region and its geo-politics, most of the people surrounding Jews were prone to Behaving Even More Badly, Jews still rate a few points ahead in the morals and empathy game as social evolution, and it has never been a bad thing to resist paganism's inherent brutality and savagery, in any case, regardless of some vanity or other unique to Jewish culture and intellectual discourse that got them past the mindless idiot stage.
Bullet, and RIH, This is all so far in left field, I actually don't know where to start. If what you say is true, I should be able to go right to the Bible to verify. Nowhere in the Bible does it say Ishmael is a spirit host in all of us.
Ishmael was a person. When He died, he died. His spirit is not in you or anyone else. There are no 1/2 souls. That is no where to be found in scripture.

God even called the Jews in Exodus, wicked. But He still kept His promise. The Bible tells us that in the end time, God will hook Israel's enemies in and drive them back Himself. He even tells us what form of weaponry He is going to use. There are so many references to Israel in end time prophesy that it leaves no doubt about God's intent to protect them, and see that Israel survives against all of the other nations on earth. Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah when He returns. How much more proof do you need that God never turns His back on Israel?

The Bible means what it says. Read it that way. If something is figurative, it will tell you that. The parables are an example.
There is nothing figurative about the Mt. of Olives. Expect an earthquake when Christ returns there. Just as there was nothing figurative about the earth going dark while Christ was on the cross. Philosophers debated the reason for it happening from noon to 3pm long after it occurred. Listen to what the Bible says. Don't rework it. Instead pray for understanding and discernment. < God hands those 2 things out abundantly.
Bullet, and RIH, This is all so far in left field, I actually don't know where to start. If what you say is true, I should be able to go right to the Bible to verify. Nowhere in the Bible does it say Ishmael is a spirit host in all of us.
Ishmael was a person. When He died, he died. His spirit is not in you or anyone else. There are no 1/2 souls. That is no where to be found in scripture.

God even called the Jews in Exodus, wicked. But He still kept His promise. The Bible tells us that in the end time, God will hook Israel's enemies in and drive them back Himself. He even tells us what form of weaponry He is going to use. There are so many references to Israel in end time prophesy that it leaves no doubt about God's intent to protect them, and see that Israel survives against all of the other nations on earth. Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah when He returns. How much more proof do you need that God never turns His back on Israel?

The Bible means what it says. Read it that way. If something is figurative, it will tell you that. The parables are an example.
There is nothing figurative about the Mt. of Olives. Expect an earthquake when Christ returns there. Just as there was nothing figurative about the earth going dark while Christ was on the cross. Philosophers debated the reason for it happening from noon to 3pm long after it occurred. Listen to what the Bible says. Don't rework it. Instead pray for understanding and discernment. < God hands those 2 things out abundantly.
It is a shame that you are ignoring where God made all of the hosts of heaven and earth and these were recorded for the generations of adam-human plus the fact that Jesus himself told you the kingdom is in you but I am sure that when and if you become ready that spirit in you will awaken you to the truth.
Bullet, and RIH, This is all so far in left field, I actually don't know where to start. If what you say is true, I should be able to go right to the Bible to verify. Nowhere in the Bible does it say Ishmael is a spirit host in all of us.
Ishmael was a person. When He died, he died. His spirit is not in you or anyone else. There are no 1/2 souls. That is no where to be found in scripture.

God even called the Jews in Exodus, wicked. But He still kept His promise. The Bible tells us that in the end time, God will hook Israel's enemies in and drive them back Himself. He even tells us what form of weaponry He is going to use. There are so many references to Israel in end time prophesy that it leaves no doubt about God's intent to protect them, and see that Israel survives against all of the other nations on earth. Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah when He returns. How much more proof do you need that God never turns His back on Israel?

The Bible means what it says. Read it that way. If something is figurative, it will tell you that. The parables are an example.
There is nothing figurative about the Mt. of Olives. Expect an earthquake when Christ returns there. Just as there was nothing figurative about the earth going dark while Christ was on the cross. Philosophers debated the reason for it happening from noon to 3pm long after it occurred. Listen to what the Bible says. Don't rework it. Instead pray for understanding and discernment. < God hands those 2 things out abundantly.
It is a shame that you are ignoring where God made all of the hosts of heaven and earth and these were recorded for the generations of adam-human plus the fact that Jesus himself told you the kingdom is in you but I am sure that when and if you become ready that spirit in you will awaken you to the truth.
Wrong, it is said Michael creates the Hosts in mediation between God and man, not that God creates the hosts. This is simple, because it is the HaSheva (redeemer) who 'returns/brings back'(in Hebrew HaShev) the Kohanim gathering (hosts/clouds) in the time called Olam Habah
(world to come).=creating the hosts and that mediation process in a nonlinear timeline.
This is why it's said: the begining (creation of hosts) is at the end(of linear time).

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Bullet, and RIH, This is all so far in left field, I actually don't know where to start. If what you say is true, I should be able to go right to the Bible to verify. Nowhere in the Bible does it say Ishmael is a spirit host in all of us.
Ishmael was a person. When He died, he died. His spirit is not in you or anyone else. There are no 1/2 souls. That is no where to be found in scripture.

God even called the Jews in Exodus, wicked. But He still kept His promise. The Bible tells us that in the end time, God will hook Israel's enemies in and drive them back Himself. He even tells us what form of weaponry He is going to use. There are so many references to Israel in end time prophesy that it leaves no doubt about God's intent to protect them, and see that Israel survives against all of the other nations on earth. Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah when He returns. How much more proof do you need that God never turns His back on Israel?

The Bible means what it says. Read it that way. If something is figurative, it will tell you that. The parables are an example.
There is nothing figurative about the Mt. of Olives. Expect an earthquake when Christ returns there. Just as there was nothing figurative about the earth going dark while Christ was on the cross. Philosophers debated the reason for it happening from noon to 3pm long after it occurred. Listen to what the Bible says. Don't rework it. Instead pray for understanding and discernment. < God hands those 2 things out abundantly.
It is a shame that you are ignoring where God made all of the hosts of heaven and earth and these were recorded for the generations of adam-human plus the fact that Jesus himself told you the kingdom is in you but I am sure that when and if you become ready that spirit in you will awaken you to the truth.
Wrong, it is said Michael creates the Hosts in mediation between God and man, not that God creates the hosts. This is simple, because it is the HaSheva (redeemer) who 'returns/brings back'(in Hebrew HaShev) the Kohanim gathering (hosts/clouds) in the time called Olam Habah
(world to come).=creating the hosts and that mediation process in a nonlinear timeline.
This is why it's said: the begining (creation of hosts) is at the end(of linear time).
You are free to think you are exceptional and chosen Michael but here is the fact I am also named in the word (my maiden names and also again in my married name along with the names that God showed me who I was) and so is my husband. What's in a name a lot but that still only applies for you and if you go beyond what the holy spirit has taught you in an attempt to teach others you will be spiritually struck down just like Er was. You can't get past thinking as a carnal being for now. Much like Irish Ram you clearly both depend on carnal thoughts and your own precepts to press your own ideologies so you both have that common spirit with you.

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