Jews, share the Talmud with us!

You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.
Ummm it's your faith that calls Jesus the dung beetle as they call him "the Scarab".
Dung beetles roll the BS larger and larger as they roll along, so the pranksters who created the sacrilegious cult knew exactly what they were doing in calling Jesus the scarab. Careful how you bring up subjects that might be deflections.
You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.
Ummm it's your faith that calls Jesus the dung beetle as they call him "the Scarab".
Dung beetles roll the BS larger and larger as they roll along, so the pranksters who created the sacrilegious cult knew exactly what they were doing in calling Jesus the scarab. Careful how you bring up subjects that might be deflections.
It is that crap you twist and turn in your twisted beliefs. Like I said you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it.
rosie girl, I hear that quite often in the religious forum, and ran into it again in this thread.
I know that book was inspired by God, and under the direction of His Holy Spirit, because I know man can not write in the same manner. For one, we suck at predicting the future, and two, there are so many codes, that those who penned it would not have been aware of. To make that Bible work, all forty writers would have had to be in the same room, conferring constantly to try to make it gel. There are numeric codes, computer codes, scientific codes...
The genealogy of Christ was written in a way no human can duplicate, even if they made up a pedigree to fit the guidelines the Holy Spirit used.
Here are a few of the easy ones. All multiples of seven. The hard guidelines concern vowels and consonants. Impossible for made to even imitate.

Number of words is 161 (23 X 7)

Their Numeric value is 93,394 (13,342 X 7)

The Number of Vocabulary is 77 (11 X 7)

The Numeric value of the Vocabulary is 51,247 (7,321 X 7)

There are six words found no where else in Matthew:

Their Numeric Value is 5,005 (715 X 7)

These six words have 56 letters (8 X 7)

The 161 words occur in 105 forms (15 X 7)

The Numeric Value of these forms is 65,429 (9,347 X 7)

In these 105 forms there are 35 verbs (5 X 7)

There are seven proper names (1 X 7)

The Number of letters in these proper names is 42 (6 X 7)

One word "Emmanuel" is used nowhere else in the New Testament and has a numeric value of 644 (92 X 7)

(add the figures 6 4 4 together for 14) (2 X 7)

The number of forms exclusive to this passage by Matthew is 14 (2 X 7)

Their numeric value is 8,715 (1,245 X 7)</ul>


1 in 10 to the 169th power or about: 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!

Ummm but the number 7
in Hebrew is Sheva not Jesus, and we are to keep the Sheva day holy in rememberance of a name. Oops Christians owe Jews & Hindus an apology. ;-)

Bhagavad Gita gematria is THE BEST,,,,,,, Mr Shev----what is the numerical value of
YESHU? or YESHUA or whatever the name of jesus is supposed to be?
rosie girl, I hear that quite often in the religious forum, and ran into it again in this thread.
I know that book was inspired by God, and under the direction of His Holy Spirit, because I know man can not write in the same manner. For one, we suck at predicting the future, and two, there are so many codes, that those who penned it would not have been aware of. To make that Bible work, all forty writers would have had to be in the same room, conferring constantly to try to make it gel. There are numeric codes, computer codes, scientific codes...
The genealogy of Christ was written in a way no human can duplicate, even if they made up a pedigree to fit the guidelines the Holy Spirit used.
Here are a few of the easy ones. All multiples of seven. The hard guidelines concern vowels and consonants. Impossible for made to even imitate.

Number of words is 161 (23 X 7)

Their Numeric value is 93,394 (13,342 X 7)

The Number of Vocabulary is 77 (11 X 7)

The Numeric value of the Vocabulary is 51,247 (7,321 X 7)

There are six words found no where else in Matthew:

Their Numeric Value is 5,005 (715 X 7)

These six words have 56 letters (8 X 7)

The 161 words occur in 105 forms (15 X 7)

The Numeric Value of these forms is 65,429 (9,347 X 7)

In these 105 forms there are 35 verbs (5 X 7)

There are seven proper names (1 X 7)

The Number of letters in these proper names is 42 (6 X 7)

One word "Emmanuel" is used nowhere else in the New Testament and has a numeric value of 644 (92 X 7)

(add the figures 6 4 4 together for 14) (2 X 7)

The number of forms exclusive to this passage by Matthew is 14 (2 X 7)

Their numeric value is 8,715 (1,245 X 7)</ul>


1 in 10 to the 169th power or about: 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!

Ummm but the number 7
in Hebrew is Sheva not Jesus, and we are to keep the Sheva day holy in rememberance of a name. Oops Christians owe Jews & Hindus an apology. ;-)

Bhagavad Gita gematria is THE BEST,,,,,,, Mr Shev----what is the numerical value of
YESHU? or YESHUA or whatever the name of jesus is supposed to be?
The 100bc Yeshu is not Jesus.
L=12+U=21+C=3+I=9+F=6+E=5+R=18 = 74
J=10+E=5+S=19+U=21+S=19 = 74
666 in roman numerals is written: DCLXVI And strangely enough, DCLXVI in alpha-numerics = 74
Of course Jesus is a mask for Baal worship, the story and birthdate and sun cross borrowed from Baal as the father of the morning star who in -rev 22:16 is Jesus.
Who they claim father & son as one in the same (cause they are the same mythology)
Therefore the name Baal Jesus=666 as the number of his name in ASC ll numerology used to secret numbers from names.

By calling their character IESous (the swine)
and calling him the scarab (dung beetle) and using the harlot's son as their main figure of the trinity of christs knowing bastard childs were not permited in the Temple (Deut),
and making the character higher then God as the nemesis of God, and by changing the authority and Temple, dates and holidays,
breaking all commands, rewriting the narratives, removing laws, setting up the mark of death while coveting death as paradise and Creators creation as suffering,
they basically mocked everything righteous as that periods Anton Levay type Satanists or DNC & liberal MSM .
This one is for Shimon in regular gematria
8 0
= 88
You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.
You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing.

True in many cases, certainly. Here is an old interview with an Orthodox teacher that I've always liked to refer people to when certain Jewish attitudes towards Christians and Gentiles come up. I think he lays out much of the liberal American Jewish outlook fairly well.

Judaism, Culture and the Gentile World: A Conversation with Rabbi Mayer Schiller
You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.

It has a long, long history; even Maimonides thought Muslims were 'better', and recommended that Jewish merchants deliberately withhold selling Christians goods that they celebrated their holidays with just to screw with them. I think it's a siege mentality on the part of some Orthodox sects that gets filtered into the secular Jewish culture as well, aggravated by bigotry on the part of some Christian sects.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.

It has a long, long history; even Maimonides thought Muslims were 'better', and recommended that Jewish merchants deliberately withhold selling Christians goods that they celebrated their holidays with just to screw with them. I think it's a siege mentality on the part of some Orthodox sects that gets filtered into the secular Jewish culture as well, aggravated by bigotry on the part of some Christian sects.

I've been in "the Buckle" of the Bible Belt for about 10 years now. And I love my Christian neighbors. There are more churches per sq mile than gas stations and fast food. All denominations. And I sense no bigotry of any one of the dozen sects here.

This Jewish bigotry has to be hidden far away from mainstream American Jewish life for me to be unaware of it for my first 40 years. NEVER encountered any sermon, idle chit chat or scholarly dissertations on the "spiritual health" of Christians. Not Reform/Conservative/Orthodox.

I think they all must have flunked out of Yeshiva.. :biggrin:
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.

It has a long, long history; even Maimonides thought Muslims were 'better', and recommended that Jewish merchants deliberately withhold selling Christians goods that they celebrated their holidays with just to screw with them. I think it's a siege mentality on the part of some Orthodox sects that gets filtered into the secular Jewish culture as well, aggravated by bigotry on the part of some Christian sects.

I've been in "the Buckle" of the Bible Belt for about 10 years now. And I love my Christian neighbors. There are more churches per sq mile than gas stations and fast food. All denominations. And I sense no bigotry of any one of the dozen sects here.

This Jewish bigotry has to be hidden far away from mainstream American Jewish life for me to be unaware of it for my first 40 years. NEVER encountered any sermon, idle chit chat or scholarly dissertations on the "spiritual health" of Christians. Not Reform/Conservative/Orthodox.

I think they all must have flunked out of Yeshiva.. :biggrin:

Fly over country is a lot different from NYC, where most Jews live, demographically. The culture there is not going to be the same, for anybody, not just re Jewish issues. They have violent riots over Jews With Ambulances! in NYC, after all.
I think we should just come right out and cut to the chase. Ask HaShev what he personally gets out of trying to sell the superiority of Judaism to gentiles. Is this a kind of proselytizing? Does he expect converts? :rolleyes: Does his toast sometimes look like Jesus? I can't imagine.
Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.

It has a long, long history; even Maimonides thought Muslims were 'better', and recommended that Jewish merchants deliberately withhold selling Christians goods that they celebrated their holidays with just to screw with them. I think it's a siege mentality on the part of some Orthodox sects that gets filtered into the secular Jewish culture as well, aggravated by bigotry on the part of some Christian sects.

I've been in "the Buckle" of the Bible Belt for about 10 years now. And I love my Christian neighbors. There are more churches per sq mile than gas stations and fast food. All denominations. And I sense no bigotry of any one of the dozen sects here.

This Jewish bigotry has to be hidden far away from mainstream American Jewish life for me to be unaware of it for my first 40 years. NEVER encountered any sermon, idle chit chat or scholarly dissertations on the "spiritual health" of Christians. Not Reform/Conservative/Orthodox.

I think they all must have flunked out of Yeshiva.. :biggrin:

Fly over country is a lot different from NYC, where most Jews live, demographically. The culture there is not going to be the same, for anybody, not just re Jewish issues. They have violent riots over Jews With Ambulances! in NYC, after all.

Fly over country huh? There's a bias that needs fixing right there. :tongue-44:
Some of the same representations of Reform/Conservative/Orthodox in Brooklyn that there is in "fly over country". It's just that the "Intelligentsia" -- The Talmudic "brain trust" won't leave the coast. And there's the problem. Any Ivy League College staff is in a different world than the entire rest of the country on "opinion" and politics and morals and ethics. It's just a matter of the difference between PRACTICE over THEORY..

Theory is what gets folks in trouble. Practice is what people get by with..
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.
I came across a forum with a professor in Israel that has a group dedicated to it. Irosie gave her little rant on a thread a few weeks ago and her personal views about how she was so scared as a child of five by Christians with all sorts of her preconceived ideas of my faith and beliefs but it was deleted and I was admonished and banned from the thread by coyote. Ironically the sweetest girl I knew at that young age was Orthodox Jewish whose parents owned a jewelry store. For my birthday she brought me a very tiny silver heart that I still have to cherish her memory. I have also been accused of being a jew by baby Christians until they asked more questions and have had Christians get mad at me on open forums for conversing with a jewess whom they had started bashing for being a jew (the jewess and I are still very good friends). She took the time to share with the whole group of Christians about jewish customs and holidays which they appreciated and she got her own pastor where she lived to have a local that could help her with her Bible she had gotten for when we chatted about scriptures.

I think we should just come right out and cut to the chase. Ask HaShev what he personally gets out of trying to sell the superiority of Judaism to gentiles. Is this a kind of proselytizing? Does he expect converts? :rolleyes: Does his toast sometimes look like Jesus? I can't imagine.
Maybe he can share his story, paypal type links and websites with you......:lmao:
Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.

It has a long, long history; even Maimonides thought Muslims were 'better', and recommended that Jewish merchants deliberately withhold selling Christians goods that they celebrated their holidays with just to screw with them. I think it's a siege mentality on the part of some Orthodox sects that gets filtered into the secular Jewish culture as well, aggravated by bigotry on the part of some Christian sects.

I've been in "the Buckle" of the Bible Belt for about 10 years now. And I love my Christian neighbors. There are more churches per sq mile than gas stations and fast food. All denominations. And I sense no bigotry of any one of the dozen sects here.

This Jewish bigotry has to be hidden far away from mainstream American Jewish life for me to be unaware of it for my first 40 years. NEVER encountered any sermon, idle chit chat or scholarly dissertations on the "spiritual health" of Christians. Not Reform/Conservative/Orthodox.

I think they all must have flunked out of Yeshiva.. :biggrin:

Fly over country is a lot different from NYC, where most Jews live, demographically. The culture there is not going to be the same, for anybody, not just re Jewish issues. They have violent riots over Jews With Ambulances! in NYC, after all.
We had some from NY come to the park where we spent several years in FL. I invited them over to have Christmas dinner with us. They told me they were jewish, I said so are you prohibited from eating dinner with us. They said no but we have never been invited to have Christmas dinner with anyone. I just told them well its dinner and there is plenty if you want to come over and eat with us so they did. They were very friendly with us as they got to know the rest of the regulars there. A few years later we were staying in a different location where few old timers and locals were allowed to park and leave their travel trailers they were very snobbish that last time I saw them...
Last edited:
Thing is, there are Bible scholars who have spent their whole lives studying scripture and are in agreement about what it says. And none of them speak of half souls. None have ever said we are all in part, Ishmael. None say Christ's return has already happened. None think His return is figurative. None think the book was written by some anonymous trickster. All say not to lean on your own understanding or you will end up terribly confused.
But what I find is odd, is that you disavow the actual scribes of the Bible, are convinced that some shyster wrote it, and yet seem to agree with this part or that part...
If the Bible is a fraud, why in the world would you believe any of it?? Jesus who?
Who are you referring to? I can back whatever I tell you with scripture. I did not say anything about half souls. Although there are parts and pieces, remnants that are lost and without Jesus Christ 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with you' people cannot get there. There is no where that says it will all happen for each and everyone at the same time. The lord himself by his spirit teaches us and even reference is given over and over again for this in the word. You are being just like the pharisees and even Peter in denying truth when it is presented before you. You haven't a clue who the king of kings is, yet as it simply as that is it has not been revealed to you for you to understand yet. The lord will not give you more than you can handle. You will have to take up within your self to find the truth and if you depend on carnal minds to tell you most likely you have a long ways to go. Examine yourself. It is written into your hearts but again you must seek and find those hidden mysteries of God within you for your self.

I was posting to you and the 1/2 soul poster.
Again, if the Bible is a fraud, not written by who it says it was written, then why would you believe the shyster author when he tells you Christ said this, or God said that?
I have not said the Bible is a fraud at any time. I will say though that whatever you think may possible be from fraudsters who again take the meaning and the word by their own carnal precepts. If you do not believe the spirit is the one who teaches the second adam and would prefer to believe something with a spirit of Lucifer you are free to make that choice for the moment but I know for a fact that can also change when it is your time and not until then.

And you might need to give Christ back His judgment robe. I am quite confident in my Bible knowledge. I believe the same thing as Bible teaching notables Billy Graham, Spurgeon, Hagee, Missler, the late Grant Jefferies......After a life time of study these and most others agree on what the Bible says, and what it means. My "precepts' are also their precepts. My beliefs are in very good company.

Precepts like, Christ being the second Adam. What is it you think the Holy Spirit could teach Jesus, the Christ?
The Holy Spirit empowered Christ. Christ was teaching for years and years before John baptized Him and He received the Holy Spirit. Which is when He started working miracles.

Be careful, with all that judgement you are dishing out. Something else preachers agree upon is the theme throughout the Bible that we will be judged to the same extent we judge others. Don't want judged, don't judge. It is just that simple. And so we can continue to enjoy each other's posts elsewhere, This may be a good point to agree to disagree.
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1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.
I came across a forum with a professor in Israel that has a group dedicated to it. Irosie gave her little rant on a thread a few weeks ago and her personal views about how she was so scared as a child of five by Christians with all sorts of her preconceived ideas of my faith and beliefs but it was deleted and I was admonished and banned from the thread by coyote. Ironically the sweetest girl I knew at that young age was Orthodox Jewish whose parents owned a jewelry store. For my birthday she brought me a very tiny silver heart that I still have to cherish her memory. I have also been accused of being a jew by baby Christians until they asked more questions and have had Christians get mad at me on open forums for conversing with a jewess whom they had started bashing for being a jew (the jewess and I are still very good friends). She took the time to share with the whole group of Christians about jewish customs and holidays which they appreciated and she got her own pastor where she lived to have a local that could help her with her Bible she had gotten for when we chatted about scriptures.

I think we should just come right out and cut to the chase. Ask HaShev what he personally gets out of trying to sell the superiority of Judaism to gentiles. Is this a kind of proselytizing? Does he expect converts? :rolleyes: Does his toast sometimes look like Jesus? I can't imagine.
Maybe he can share his story, paypal type links and websites with you......:lmao:

I was not naive about "social shunning". Never had a "dating issue". Married a very observant Jewish girl as my 1st wife. Well aware of the bias. But it wasn't BACKED by rants from any church Luminaries or doctrine. Most of what I encountered was sheer stupidity. Not scholarly analysis. Like being the only Jewish kid it was always MY JOB to explain Jewish Holidays, because the teachers wimped out of their duties to know anything. So I always imagine that there literally MILLIONS of Christian kids whose only formal education on Judaism came from the mouths of 8 or 12 year old peers who similarly were ANNOINTED to represent the entire Jewish culture. I didn't realize at the time what a stern responsibility that was. And I got asked RIDICULOUS questions, that no 12 year old is qualified to answer. I remember one time being suddenly tasked out of NOWHERE by a teacher to explain Yom Kippur and then being asked by a class mate "why do Jews bury their dead standing up" ???? :ack-1: I said we didn't. He said that's what he had heard. And the teacher left it there. No fucking wonder why Jew/Christian relations are all screwed up...
Thing is, there are Bible scholars who have spent their whole lives studying scripture and are in agreement about what it says. And none of them speak of half souls. None have ever said we are all in part, Ishmael. None say Christ's return has already happened. None think His return is figurative. None think the book was written by some anonymous trickster. All say not to lean on your own understanding or you will end up terribly confused.
But what I find is odd, is that you disavow the actual scribes of the Bible, are convinced that some shyster wrote it, and yet seem to agree with this part or that part...
If the Bible is a fraud, why in the world would you believe any of it?? Jesus who?
Who are you referring to? I can back whatever I tell you with scripture. I did not say anything about half souls. Although there are parts and pieces, remnants that are lost and without Jesus Christ 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with you' people cannot get there. There is no where that says it will all happen for each and everyone at the same time. The lord himself by his spirit teaches us and even reference is given over and over again for this in the word. You are being just like the pharisees and even Peter in denying truth when it is presented before you. You haven't a clue who the king of kings is, yet as it simply as that is it has not been revealed to you for you to understand yet. The lord will not give you more than you can handle. You will have to take up within your self to find the truth and if you depend on carnal minds to tell you most likely you have a long ways to go. Examine yourself. It is written into your hearts but again you must seek and find those hidden mysteries of God within you for your self.

I was posting to you and the 1/2 soul poster.
Again, if the Bible is a fraud, not written by who it says it was written, then why would you believe the shyster author when he tells you Christ said this, or God said that?
I have not said the Bible is a fraud at any time. I will say though that whatever you think may possible be from fraudsters who again take the meaning and the word by their own carnal precepts. If you do not believe the spirit is the one who teaches the second adam and would prefer to believe something with a spirit of Lucifer you are free to make that choice for the moment but I know for a fact that can also change when it is your time and not until then.

And you might need to give Christ back His judgment robe. I am quite confident in my Bible knowledge. I believe the same thing as Bible teaching notables Billy Graham, Spurgeon, Hagee, Missler, the late Grant Jefferies. After a life time of study these and most others agree on what the Bible says, and what it means. My "precepts' are also their precepts.

Precepts like, Christ being the second Adam. What is it you think the Holy Spirit could teach Jesus, the Christ?
The Holy Spirit empowered Christ.

Be careful, with all that judgement you are dishing out. Something else preachers agree upon is the theme throughout the Bible that we will be judged to the same extent we judge others. Don't want judged, don't judge. It is just that simple. And so we can continue to enjoy each other's posts elsewhere, This may be a good point to agree to disagree.
You seem to be confused and perhaps you should reread your own postings. I have no need to judge you as that is a built in feature when you receive that first breath it walks with your own son of perdition until you can overcome it.

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