Jews, share the Talmud with us!

God even called the Jews in Exodus, wicked. But He still kept His promise.

God said the Jews in Exodus were not his children (Deuteronomy 32:5) and he barred them from the Promised land, thus demonstrating that he rejected them. God kept his promise to Abraham. The only promise God has for unbelieving Jews is eternal punishment.

The Bible tells us that in the end time, God will hook Israel's enemies in and drive them back Himself. He even tells us what form of weaponry He is going to use. There are so many references to Israel in end time prophesy that it leaves no doubt about God's intent to protect them, and see that Israel survives against all of the other nations on earth. Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah when He returns. How much more proof do you need that God never turns His back on Israel?

I have your gibberish on one hand, but on the other hand, the explicit word of God that Jews are the children of the Devil. The Church is Israel, but you're mind is too twisted to see that the Bible clearly teaches this, even in the favorites verse of Dispensationalists, such as Romans 11:25. ("...upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.")
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.
I came across a forum with a professor in Israel that has a group dedicated to it. Irosie gave her little rant on a thread a few weeks ago and her personal views about how she was so scared as a child of five by Christians with all sorts of her preconceived ideas of my faith and beliefs but it was deleted and I was admonished and banned from the thread by coyote. Ironically the sweetest girl I knew at that young age was Orthodox Jewish whose parents owned a jewelry store. For my birthday she brought me a very tiny silver heart that I still have to cherish her memory. I have also been accused of being a jew by baby Christians until they asked more questions and have had Christians get mad at me on open forums for conversing with a jewess whom they had started bashing for being a jew (the jewess and I are still very good friends). She took the time to share with the whole group of Christians about jewish customs and holidays which they appreciated and she got her own pastor where she lived to have a local that could help her with her Bible she had gotten for when we chatted about scriptures.

I think we should just come right out and cut to the chase. Ask HaShev what he personally gets out of trying to sell the superiority of Judaism to gentiles. Is this a kind of proselytizing? Does he expect converts? :rolleyes: Does his toast sometimes look like Jesus? I can't imagine.
Maybe he can share his story, paypal type links and websites with you......:lmao:

I was not naive about "social shunning". Never had a "dating issue". Married a very observant Jewish girl as my 1st wife. Well aware of the bias. But it wasn't BACKED by rants from any church Luminaries or doctrine. Most of what I encountered was sheer stupidity. Not scholarly analysis. Like being the only Jewish kid it was always MY JOB to explain Jewish Holidays, because the teachers wimped out of their duties to know anything. So I always imagine that there literally MILLIONS of Christian kids whose only formal education on Judaism came from the mouths of 8 or 12 year old peers who similarly were ANNOINTED to represent the entire Jewish culture. I didn't realize at the time what a stern responsibility that was. And I got asked RIDICULOUS questions, that no 12 year old is qualified to answer. I remember one time being suddenly tasked out of NOWHERE by a teacher to explain Yom Kippur and then being asked by a class mate "why do Jews bury their dead standing up" ???? :ack-1: I said we didn't. He said that's what he had heard. And the teacher left it there. No fucking wonder why Jew/Christian relations are all screwed up...
Rod's setting close and I have been reading the posts to him. He's making funnies. He said you could have told him "look in a kosher pickle jar when a jew packs pickles he cans them standing on their ends." He also said ask the jews, "If a jew is chewing on a pickle how can they guarantee its kosher?"
"If a jew is chewing on a pickle how can they guarantee its kosher?"

Is there a punch line to this? Guess I'll play along. How does a Jew chewing on a pickle know it's Kosher?

Hope this is family rated..
He said it has to do with if they do not know what they are putting in their mouth how can they trust what is coming out of their mouths. He also said that is applicable to anyone not just jews.
You seem to be confused and perhaps you should reread your own postings. I have no need to judge you as that is a built in feature when you receive that first breath it walks with your own son of perdition until you can overcome it

Judgement is not a built in feature. And self has never overcome anything. We sin and don't even know it. Christ overcame on our behalf. We all fall short, which means none us are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. We ALL Fall Short of overcoming. All that work you are doing to overcome and finally make it are like filthy rags to God. You, self, can't add one thing to the work Christ did on the cross on your behalf. Eyes off of self, and onto His Son. In fact, while you weren't overcoming, and were at your very worst is when He loved you enough to die in your place.

Were are under the covenant of Grace. < Favor we don't deserve. God never wanted to be our Judge. He has always been, except for a specific group of arrogant Exodus Jews, our loving Father, or Abba, as Jesus called Him. He is Emanuel. God in the flesh. He died so we could live. Why would He condemn His own after dying for them? He overcame sin. Not you, not Paul, not Peter, not me.
What the Bible tells us to do is REST in the Lord, not finish what He started.
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Fly over country huh? There's a bias that needs fixing right there. :tongue-44:

It's the pseudo-intellectual's term for all of us 'Deplorables' between the Northeast And San Francisco/LA. My personal term for such northeastern bigots is 'hypocritical half-wits with high self-esteem', but it hasn't caught on.

Some of the same representations of Reform/Conservative/Orthodox in Brooklyn that there is in "fly over country".

Yes, but they don't exist in nearly enough numbers to be as truly annoying, so they're ignored. Besides, many of them are conservatives as well.

It's just that the "Intelligentsia" -- The Talmudic "brain trust" won't leave the coast. And there's the problem. Any Ivy League College staff is in a different world than the entire rest of the country on "opinion" and politics and morals and ethics. It's just a matter of the difference between PRACTICE over THEORY..

Theory is what gets folks in trouble. Practice is what people get by with..

Yes, they tend to self-segregate, and thus constantly reinforce their own prejudices and peer pressures. The Rabbi in the interview points that out in several places. It's a common feature in pretty much all other demographics as well around the world.
You seem to be confused and perhaps you should reread your own postings. I have no need to judge you as that is a built in feature when you receive that first breath it walks with your own son of perdition until you can overcome it

Judgement is not a built in feature. And self has never overcome anything. We sin and don't even know it. Christ overcame on our behalf. We all fall short, which means none us are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. We ALL Fall Short of overcoming. All that work you are doing to overcome and finally make it are like filthy rags to God. You, self, can't add one thing to the work Christ did on the cross on your behalf. Eyes off of self, and onto His Son. In fact, while you weren't overcoming, and were at your very worst is when He loved you enough to die in your place.

Were are under the covenant of Grace. < Favor we don't deserve. God never wanted to be our Judge. He has always been, except for a specific group of Exodus Jews, our loving Father, or Abba, as Jesus called Him. He is Emanuel. God in the flesh. He died so we could live. Why would He condemn His own after dying for them? He overcame sin. Not you, not Paul, not Peter, not me.
What the Bible tells us to do is REST in the Lord.
And again you speak from your own precepts about someone you do not know.... carry on if that is how you believe. I have no desire to have vain disputes with your theories or your theology.

Rod said to tell you to enjoy your self induced flagellation.
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I've been in "the Buckle" of the Bible Belt for about 10 years now. And I love my Christian neighbors. There are more churches per sq mile than gas stations and fast food. All denominations. And I sense no bigotry of any one of the dozen sects here.

This Jewish bigotry has to be hidden far away from mainstream American Jewish life for me to be unaware of it for my first 40 years. NEVER encountered any sermon, idle chit chat or scholarly dissertations on the "spiritual health" of Christians. Not Reform/Conservative/Orthodox.

I think they all must have flunked out of Yeshiva.. :biggrin:

Well, the Baptists tend to dominate, and they invented the separation of church and state thing to begin with. Plus, they outnumber everybody else anyway and most of them are armed, too, so they can easily afford to be magnanimous. They don't care for the most part. The First and Second Great Awakenings settled the govt. stuff for them. I only know what peoples' religions are if they tell me; I never ask, nor do most people I know. My only experience with religious differences growing up is my best friend's parents not letting him join the scout troop all his friends were in because it met at the local Catholic school and church, and they had some weird idea they were running conversions on the kids or something. We would occasionally see a nun or a priest walking down the hall going somewhere, and that was about it, never talked to any of them outside of 'Hello' in passing.
And again you speak from your own precepts about someone you do not know

Then tune Hagee, Graham, Pink, Spurgeon, Prince or any of the other Bible heavyweights in to find out whose "precepts" they really are, then ask God to give you the ability to understand the difference between rouge precepts and an overwhelming consensus among preachers and teachers concerning scripture. They are all in agreement. And I am in agreement with them.
Romans 6:14 - For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

Accept the gift Christ offered us and understand that the sins you are working so hard to overcome have no dominion over you. God put them behind Him. You can rest in His work. Your sins are forgotten. Christ finished it for you. He said so.
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[QUOTE="RodISHI, post

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.[/QUOTE]
I came across a forum with a professor in Israel that has a group dedicated to it. Irosie gave her little rant on a thread a few weeks ago and her personal views about how she was so scared as a child of five by Christians with all sorts of her preconceived ideas of my faith and beliefs but it was deleted

??? you have quite an imagination, you disgusting slut, rodishi---------"" rosie's little rant"" ???
about being AFRAID of Christians ? you disgusting bitch------- oh gee-----how convenient-----
the rodishi bitch need not cite it -----it was "deleted" ------------how convenient

does anyone here know of a forum devoted to "trashing jesus and Christians"------coming out of Israel ????? Rodishi engages in WISHFUL THINKING.
My favorite is Perry Stone, as he does a lot of history and archeology stuff in his show. I'm an agnostic, personally, but my family was religious and also teachers and accountants and the like, so they always had shelves full of books on many topics, both secular histories and such writers as Josephus and Augustine and Aquinas, as well as the standard Baptist scholars.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.
I came across a forum with a professor in Israel that has a group dedicated to it. Irosie gave her little rant on a thread a few weeks ago and her personal views about how she was so scared as a child of five by Christians with all sorts of her preconceived ideas of my faith and beliefs but it was deleted and I was admonished and banned from the thread by coyote. Ironically the sweetest girl I knew at that young age was Orthodox Jewish whose parents owned a jewelry store. For my birthday she brought me a very tiny silver heart that I still have to cherish her memory. I have also been accused of being a jew by baby Christians until they asked more questions and have had Christians get mad at me on open forums for conversing with a jewess whom they had started bashing for being a jew (the jewess and I are still very good friends). She took the time to share with the whole group of Christians about jewish customs and holidays which they appreciated and she got her own pastor where she lived to have a local that could help her with her Bible she had gotten for when we chatted about scriptures.

I think we should just come right out and cut to the chase. Ask HaShev what he personally gets out of trying to sell the superiority of Judaism to gentiles. Is this a kind of proselytizing? Does he expect converts? :rolleyes: Does his toast sometimes look like Jesus? I can't imagine.
Maybe he can share his story, paypal type links and websites with you......:lmao:

I was not naive about "social shunning". Never had a "dating issue". Married a very observant Jewish girl as my 1st wife. Well aware of the bias. But it wasn't BACKED by rants from any church Luminaries or doctrine. Most of what I encountered was sheer stupidity. Not scholarly analysis. Like being the only Jewish kid it was always MY JOB to explain Jewish Holidays, because the teachers wimped out of their duties to know anything. So I always imagine that there literally MILLIONS of Christian kids whose only formal education on Judaism came from the mouths of 8 or 12 year old peers who similarly were ANNOINTED to represent the entire Jewish culture. I didn't realize at the time what a stern responsibility that was. And I got asked RIDICULOUS questions, that no 12 year old is qualified to answer. I remember one time being suddenly tasked out of NOWHERE by a teacher to explain Yom Kippur and then being asked by a class mate "why do Jews bury their dead standing up" ???? :ack-1: I said we didn't. He said that's what he had heard. And the teacher left it there. No fucking wonder why Jew/Christian relations are all screwed up...

my impression of hashev is that he has a FASCINATION with the religious beliefs that existed
around the time which is also the time that Jesus was around------IT WAS a time of religious
upheaval-------and LOTS AND LOTS of "CULT DEVELOPEMENT"-----it is not clear to me that his
focus is on "DA JOOOOOS IS BETTER" ---------it may seem that way because some of his
"information" seems to present Christian symbols and ideology as being a replay on some of the MANY MANY MANY cults of the time. I think you are misinterpreting him--------he has SIMPLY
popped into a somewhat NON-TRADITIONAL approach to the history of development of
religious ideology of that time------a kind of PECULIAR perspective. Try reading ------FREUD-----MOSES AND MONOTHEISM.
Freud was no anti-Semite---------but his book would probably seem just as ANTI-JEW-----to lots
of jews as Ha Shev seems "anti Christian" to some Christians. I do not see hashev as anti Christian-----just a guy who like to PLAY WITH AN UNORTHODOX IDEA and likes the really ODD
period of time which was VERY TUMULTUOUS in terms of "philosophies"

for the record-----FOR THE DELECTATION OF RODISHI-------you are rude and nasty and wrong
and not entirely honest

you got a link for that site DEVOTED to bashing Christianity?-----
getting back to the OP------just what does "SHARE THE TALMUD WITH US......." mean?. Anyone who wants to read the books-------read them-------there is a reasonable translation.....
somewhere. Read other stuff too. Feel free to ask questions-----someone here might
(maybe.....) have some sort of answer
getting back to the OP------just what does "SHARE THE TALMUD WITH US......." mean?. Anyone who wants to read the books-------read them-------there is a reasonable translation.....
somewhere. Read other stuff too. Feel free to ask questions-----someone here might
(maybe.....) have some sort of answer
The answer is simple...Bullet is a hateful idiot.
You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.
Notice you never back your replies with sources or scripture or context of discussion, thus are mere ad hominem personal rants about feces.
All I did was discuss what you wanted
to discuss and you flipped out because I told you what your faith calls Jesus (a scarab=dung beetle). If you are saying that is bashing Jesus then you admit Christianity is founded as a satire mockery of the Nazarene cult leader and or messiah concept and religion in general. YOU ARE BLAMING ME for your own conclusions and if this truth and reality is bashing Christianity then your claimed having the truth is admittedly bashing Jews Muslims Hindus Buddhist etc.

Therefore Ad Hominem response failed.
Your replies are considered forum flaming and trolling. You can't call my responses full of Bible verses and Historical accuracy as being trolling, least you call Christianity itself the antagonistic trolling of Judaism.
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If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.
But then you just described Jesus (a created image Rome speaks through) insecure in his own beliefs that he dedicated himself to trashing the Pharisee and TEMPLE Priests.
So you basically trashed Jesus and it's founders Rome who speak through that image. Proving my point, these RodISHI excuses to not answer the evidence are only exposing a deflection that Christianity is merely an antagonism of Judaism to convert Jews to Baal worship and the seed harvest scam the mythology tries to pull through the prosperity pitch of it's priest/pastors of greed.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

Trolling rubbish, probably a Guno sock.
No just some jews that bash all Christians and claim Jesus is the antichrist even when they have no clue what they are bashing. They dance naked around their own fires oblivious of the spirit who bears witness of them.

I have no idea what motivates some fully dedicated religious Jews to be antagonistic towards Christians. This was a new thing to me. I lived 40 years on the Earth and taught Sunday School in Reform Temple. Had Hasidic relatives and Ortho grandparents and NEVER encountered this. Until I picked up the message board habit.

Just seems to me that some folks are SO insecure in their own beliefs that they dedicate themselves to trashing Jesus and Christians.
I came across a forum with a professor in Israel that has a group dedicated to it. Irosie gave her little rant on a thread a few weeks ago and her personal views about how she was so scared as a child of five by Christians with all sorts of her preconceived ideas of my faith and beliefs but it was deleted and I was admonished and banned from the thread by coyote. Ironically the sweetest girl I knew at that young age was Orthodox Jewish whose parents owned a jewelry store. For my birthday she brought me a very tiny silver heart that I still have to cherish her memory. I have also been accused of being a jew by baby Christians until they asked more questions and have had Christians get mad at me on open forums for conversing with a jewess whom they had started bashing for being a jew (the jewess and I are still very good friends). She took the time to share with the whole group of Christians about jewish customs and holidays which they appreciated and she got her own pastor where she lived to have a local that could help her with her Bible she had gotten for when we chatted about scriptures.

I think we should just come right out and cut to the chase. Ask HaShev what he personally gets out of trying to sell the superiority of Judaism to gentiles. Is this a kind of proselytizing? Does he expect converts? :rolleyes: Does his toast sometimes look like Jesus? I can't imagine.
Maybe he can share his story, paypal type links and websites with you......:lmao:
You just made an anti semitic joke that deflects back at Jesus and Christianity inadvertantly. I receive not one single penny, even my book was free.
My geo caching Bin Laden was free, my technology and it's uses to help advance humanity all free.
Can you say the same about Jesus and Christianity? Therefore your Paypal joke was typical racist & deflective behavior that actually bashes your own money harvesting values in your faith.
As expected, so far no fag or jew has presented any quote from the Talmud showing it has any redeeming quality in regards to its attitude toward gentiles. Their pseudo-Judaism should be outlawed, as they're an oppressive hate group.
As expected, so far no fag or jew has presented any quote from the Talmud showing it has any redeeming quality in regards to its attitude toward gentiles. Their pseudo-Judaism should be outlawed, as they're an oppressive hate group.
1)Christianity claims and requires Jesus be a Jew, therefore you said Jesus and Christianity should be outlawed as a hate group. And you said that in the voice of a hate group.
2)The character in the NT is claimed to be Bi or gay, once again deflecting hate upon Jesus and his lovers Lazarus and John.
3) your post was out of hate=double negative.
4)you probably won't understand this logic otherwise you would not have shot yourself in the foot in the first place making such a post.
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