Jews, share the Talmud with us!

You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).

Thing is, there are Bible scholars who have spent their whole lives studying scripture and are in agreement about what it says. And none of them speak of half souls. None have ever said we are all in part, Ishmael. None say Christ's return has already happened. None think His return is figurative. None think the book was written by some anonymous trickster. All say not to lean on your own understanding or you will end up terribly confused.
But what I find is odd, is that you disavow the actual scribes of the Bible, are convinced that some shyster wrote it, and yet seem to agree with this part or that part...
If the Bible is a fraud, why in the world would you believe any of it?? Jesus who?
Christian education...
Learn a few dozen disjointed, purposely mistranslated verses out of context and spout them out at non-believers for 80 years.

Jewish education...
Study in chronological order and in context Torah, Prophets, Writings, Mishnah, Talmud and 1,000 years of Rabbis in the original language.
Take that and the holy spirit to guide them and that may have something eventually.

Thing is, there are Bible scholars who have spent their whole lives studying scripture and are in agreement about what it says. And none of them speak of half souls. None have ever said we are all in part, Ishmael. None say Christ's return has already happened. None think His return is figurative. None think the book was written by some anonymous trickster. All say not to lean on your own understanding or you will end up terribly confused.
But what I find is odd, is that you disavow the actual scribes of the Bible, are convinced that some shyster wrote it, and yet seem to agree with this part or that part...
If the Bible is a fraud, why in the world would you believe any of it?? Jesus who?
Who are you referring to? I can back whatever I tell you with scripture. I did not say anything about half souls. Although there are parts and pieces, remnants that are lost and without Jesus Christ 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with you' people cannot get there. There is no where that says it will all happen for each and everyone at the same time. The lord himself by his spirit teaches us and even reference is given over and over again for this in the word. You are being just like the pharisees and even Peter in denying truth when it is presented before you. You haven't a clue who the king of kings is, yet as it simply as that is it has not been revealed to you for you to understand yet. The lord will not give you more than you can handle. You will have to take up within your self to find the truth and if you depend on carnal minds to tell you most likely you have a long ways to go. Examine yourself. It is written into your hearts but again you must seek and find those hidden mysteries of God within you for your self.
Christian education...
Learn a few dozen disjointed, purposely mistranslated verses out of context and spout them out at non-believers for 80 years.

Jewish education...
Study in chronological order and in context Torah, Prophets, Writings, Mishnah, Talmud and 1,000 years of Rabbis in the original language.
Take that and the holy spirit to guide them and that may have something eventually.

You will have to inquire of someone else irosie as I will not be discussing anything with you or your pet mod.
Bullet, and RIH, This is all so far in left field, I actually don't know where to start. If what you say is true, I should be able to go right to the Bible to verify. Nowhere in the Bible does it say Ishmael is a spirit host in all of us.
Ishmael was a person. When He died, he died. His spirit is not in you or anyone else. There are no 1/2 souls. That is no where to be found in scripture.

God even called the Jews in Exodus, wicked. But He still kept His promise. The Bible tells us that in the end time, God will hook Israel's enemies in and drive them back Himself. He even tells us what form of weaponry He is going to use. There are so many references to Israel in end time prophesy that it leaves no doubt about God's intent to protect them, and see that Israel survives against all of the other nations on earth. Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah when He returns. How much more proof do you need that God never turns His back on Israel?

The Bible means what it says. Read it that way. If something is figurative, it will tell you that. The parables are an example.
There is nothing figurative about the Mt. of Olives. Expect an earthquake when Christ returns there. Just as there was nothing figurative about the earth going dark while Christ was on the cross. Philosophers debated the reason for it happening from noon to 3pm long after it occurred. Listen to what the Bible says. Don't rework it. Instead pray for understanding and discernment. < God hands those 2 things out abundantly.
It is a shame that you are ignoring where God made all of the hosts of heaven and earth and these were recorded for the generations of adam-human plus the fact that Jesus himself told you the kingdom is in you but I am sure that when and if you become ready that spirit in you will awaken you to the truth.

Jesus who? Are you talking about the fake Jesus in the fake book, written by who knows?
Christian education...
Learn a few dozen disjointed, purposely mistranslated verses out of context and spout them out at non-believers for 80 years.

Jewish education...
Study in chronological order and in context Torah, Prophets, Writings, Mishnah, Talmud and 1,000 years of Rabbis in the original language.
Take that and the holy spirit to guide them and that may have something eventually.

You will have to inquire of someone else irosie as I will not be discussing anything with you or your pet mod.

I have a "pet mod"? to whom do you refer? my best buddy COYOTE?-----
Please note---pet-mod.-------if rodishi does not let me know who my
pet-mod is-------PLEASE SELF ID for me.
getting back to the Talmud-----can someone ID the "holy spirit" for me? I wish that
the holy spirit would teach me Aramaic.--------if the "holy spirit" can BEGET----it (or she) can
certainly INSTILL ARAMAIC in my mind. Getting back to the HOLY SPIRIT------if she did
beget--------why did she beget with a girl
It is a shame that you are ignoring where God made all of the hosts of heaven and earth and these were recorded for the generations of adam-human plus the fact that Jesus himself told you the kingdom is in you but I am sure that when and if you become ready that spirit in you will awaken you to the truth.

I need definitions 1) Hosts of heaven and earth
2) KINGDOM which is IN YOU
Thing is, there are Bible scholars who have spent their whole lives studying scripture and are in agreement about what it says. And none of them speak of half souls. None have ever said we are all in part, Ishmael. None say Christ's return has already happened. None think His return is figurative. None think the book was written by some anonymous trickster. All say not to lean on your own understanding or you will end up terribly confused.
But what I find is odd, is that you disavow the actual scribes of the Bible, are convinced that some shyster wrote it, and yet seem to agree with this part or that part...
If the Bible is a fraud, why in the world would you believe any of it?? Jesus who?
Who are you referring to? I can back whatever I tell you with scripture. I did not say anything about half souls. Although there are parts and pieces, remnants that are lost and without Jesus Christ 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with you' people cannot get there. There is no where that says it will all happen for each and everyone at the same time. The lord himself by his spirit teaches us and even reference is given over and over again for this in the word. You are being just like the pharisees and even Peter in denying truth when it is presented before you. You haven't a clue who the king of kings is, yet as it simply as that is it has not been revealed to you for you to understand yet. The lord will not give you more than you can handle. You will have to take up within your self to find the truth and if you depend on carnal minds to tell you most likely you have a long ways to go. Examine yourself. It is written into your hearts but again you must seek and find those hidden mysteries of God within you for your self.

I was posting to you and the 1/2 soul poster.
Again, if the Bible is a fraud, not written by who it says it was written, then why would you believe the shyster author when he tells you Christ said this, or God said that?
Thing is, there are Bible scholars who have spent their whole lives studying scripture and are in agreement about what it says. And none of them speak of half souls. None have ever said we are all in part, Ishmael. None say Christ's return has already happened. None think His return is figurative. None think the book was written by some anonymous trickster. All say not to lean on your own understanding or you will end up terribly confused.
But what I find is odd, is that you disavow the actual scribes of the Bible, are convinced that some shyster wrote it, and yet seem to agree with this part or that part...
If the Bible is a fraud, why in the world would you believe any of it?? Jesus who?
Who are you referring to? I can back whatever I tell you with scripture. I did not say anything about half souls. Although there are parts and pieces, remnants that are lost and without Jesus Christ 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with you' people cannot get there. There is no where that says it will all happen for each and everyone at the same time. The lord himself by his spirit teaches us and even reference is given over and over again for this in the word. You are being just like the pharisees and even Peter in denying truth when it is presented before you. You haven't a clue who the king of kings is, yet as it simply as that is it has not been revealed to you for you to understand yet. The lord will not give you more than you can handle. You will have to take up within your self to find the truth and if you depend on carnal minds to tell you most likely you have a long ways to go. Examine yourself. It is written into your hearts but again you must seek and find those hidden mysteries of God within you for your self.

I was posting to you and the 1/2 soul poster.
Again, if the Bible is a fraud, not written by who it says it was written, then why would you believe the shyster author when he tells you Christ said this, or God said that?

Irish------who does "it" say wrote the bible? can you be more specific?
You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
rosie girl, I hear that quite often in the religious forum, and ran into it again in this thread.
I know that book was inspired by God, and under the direction of His Holy Spirit, because I know man can not write in the same manner. For one, we suck at predicting the future, and two, there are so many codes, that those who penned it would not have been aware of. To make that Bible work, all forty writers would have had to be in the same room, conferring constantly to try to make it gel. There are numeric codes, computer codes, scientific codes...
The genealogy of Christ was written in a way no human can duplicate, even if they made up a pedigree to fit the guidelines the Holy Spirit used.
Here are a few of the easy ones. All multiples of seven. The hard guidelines concern vowels and consonants. Impossible for made to even imitate.

Number of words is 161 (23 X 7)

Their Numeric value is 93,394 (13,342 X 7)

The Number of Vocabulary is 77 (11 X 7)

The Numeric value of the Vocabulary is 51,247 (7,321 X 7)

There are six words found no where else in Matthew:

Their Numeric Value is 5,005 (715 X 7)

These six words have 56 letters (8 X 7)

The 161 words occur in 105 forms (15 X 7)

The Numeric Value of these forms is 65,429 (9,347 X 7)

In these 105 forms there are 35 verbs (5 X 7)

There are seven proper names (1 X 7)

The Number of letters in these proper names is 42 (6 X 7)

One word "Emmanuel" is used nowhere else in the New Testament and has a numeric value of 644 (92 X 7)

(add the figures 6 4 4 together for 14) (2 X 7)

The number of forms exclusive to this passage by Matthew is 14 (2 X 7)

Their numeric value is 8,715 (1,245 X 7)</ul>


1 in 10 to the 169th power or about: 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!

Thing is, there are Bible scholars who have spent their whole lives studying scripture and are in agreement about what it says. And none of them speak of half souls. None have ever said we are all in part, Ishmael. None say Christ's return has already happened. None think His return is figurative. None think the book was written by some anonymous trickster. All say not to lean on your own understanding or you will end up terribly confused.
But what I find is odd, is that you disavow the actual scribes of the Bible, are convinced that some shyster wrote it, and yet seem to agree with this part or that part...
If the Bible is a fraud, why in the world would you believe any of it?? Jesus who?
Who are you referring to? I can back whatever I tell you with scripture. I did not say anything about half souls. Although there are parts and pieces, remnants that are lost and without Jesus Christ 'anointed with Jehovah's salvation with you' people cannot get there. There is no where that says it will all happen for each and everyone at the same time. The lord himself by his spirit teaches us and even reference is given over and over again for this in the word. You are being just like the pharisees and even Peter in denying truth when it is presented before you. You haven't a clue who the king of kings is, yet as it simply as that is it has not been revealed to you for you to understand yet. The lord will not give you more than you can handle. You will have to take up within your self to find the truth and if you depend on carnal minds to tell you most likely you have a long ways to go. Examine yourself. It is written into your hearts but again you must seek and find those hidden mysteries of God within you for your self.

I was posting to you and the 1/2 soul poster.
Again, if the Bible is a fraud, not written by who it says it was written, then why would you believe the shyster author when he tells you Christ said this, or God said that?
I have not said the Bible is a fraud at any time. I will say though that whatever you think may possible be from fraudsters who again take the meaning and the word by their own carnal precepts. If you do not believe the spirit is the one who teaches the second adam and would prefer to believe something with a spirit of Lucifer you are free to make that choice for the moment but I know for a fact that can also change when it is your time and not until then.
Jesus is here. The disciples saw him three times after he died, and John saw him walking among the congregations (Rev. 2:1). We sing songs about him reigning as our king.

The Kingdom of Heaven is here, too. Daniel says that in the days of empire and a divided, albeit independent Israel, God will establish it on the earth (Dan. 2:44). And the Apostle Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And as Jesus said, the Kingdom of God will come unobserved and will be in our midst (Luke 17:20 & 21). Look around and see where the Church is. It's everywhere. Christians don't face any particular city when they pray. They don't answer to a hierarchy or a regiment. They have one king, the day and the hour of whose coming no one knows. No one knew the day or the hour that the Church came, either, for that matter.

As for the Jews, or at least the scribes and Pharisees and other Zealots, Jesus promised them that the Kingdom would be taken from them and handed to a productive people (Matt. 21:43). And how productive the Christians have been. Finally, the people of God have conquered (Rev. 2 & 3); their lord's kingdom prevails upon the earth.

No more death. No more tears. God's people are no longer living in idolatry and exile. They are no longer enslaved and oppressed. They are conquerors.
You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Jesus is here. The disciples saw him three times after he died, and John saw him walking among the congregations (Rev. 2:1). We sing songs about him reigning as our king.

The Kingdom of Heaven is here, too. Daniel says that in the days of empire and a divided, albeit independent Israel, God will establish it on the earth (Dan. 2:44). And the Apostle Paul says that the Church is here to stay (Eph. 3:21).

And as Jesus said, the Kingdom of God will come unobserved and will be in our midst (Luke 17:20 & 21). Look around and see where the Church is. It's everywhere. Christians don't face any particular city when they pray. They don't answer to a hierarchy or a regiment. They have one king, the day and the hour of whose coming no one knows. No one knew the day or the hour that the Church came, either, for that matter.

As for the Jews, or at least the scribes and Pharisees and other Zealots, Jesus promised them that the Kingdom would be taken from them and handed to a productive people (Matt. 21:43). And how productive the Christians have been. Finally, the people of God have conquered (Rev. 2 & 3); their lord's kingdom prevails upon the earth.

No more death. No more tears. God's people are no longer living in idolatry and exile. They are no longer enslaved and oppressed. They are conquerors.

The kingdom was to come in their life time=false prophet.
No more death, say that after the 50 million murdered in his name, & the Christian mortuaries and cemetaries are what?
=false prophet.
No more tears?
Have you never see Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert break down like a child?
=false prophet.
No idolotry?
Jesus himself is the warned idol worship in Isaiah 44.=false prophet.
Conquerers? Constantine having his Luciferous light visitation claimed Jesus was thereby given the mark of the beast=cross(predated sign of death/destruction) to conquer through that banner.
=false prophet, Lucifer as he claimed
in Rev 22:16.

Sources:[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

In Isaiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more.
Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
Isaiah44;13 The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isaiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD(JESUS)
rosie girl, I hear that quite often in the religious forum, and ran into it again in this thread.
I know that book was inspired by God, and under the direction of His Holy Spirit, because I know man can not write in the same manner. For one, we suck at predicting the future, and two, there are so many codes, that those who penned it would not have been aware of. To make that Bible work, all forty writers would have had to be in the same room, conferring constantly to try to make it gel. There are numeric codes, computer codes, scientific codes...
The genealogy of Christ was written in a way no human can duplicate, even if they made up a pedigree to fit the guidelines the Holy Spirit used.
Here are a few of the easy ones. All multiples of seven. The hard guidelines concern vowels and consonants. Impossible for made to even imitate.

Number of words is 161 (23 X 7)

Their Numeric value is 93,394 (13,342 X 7)

The Number of Vocabulary is 77 (11 X 7)

The Numeric value of the Vocabulary is 51,247 (7,321 X 7)

There are six words found no where else in Matthew:

Their Numeric Value is 5,005 (715 X 7)

These six words have 56 letters (8 X 7)

The 161 words occur in 105 forms (15 X 7)

The Numeric Value of these forms is 65,429 (9,347 X 7)

In these 105 forms there are 35 verbs (5 X 7)

There are seven proper names (1 X 7)

The Number of letters in these proper names is 42 (6 X 7)

One word "Emmanuel" is used nowhere else in the New Testament and has a numeric value of 644 (92 X 7)

(add the figures 6 4 4 together for 14) (2 X 7)

The number of forms exclusive to this passage by Matthew is 14 (2 X 7)

Their numeric value is 8,715 (1,245 X 7)</ul>


1 in 10 to the 169th power or about: 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!

Ummm but the number 7
in Hebrew is Sheva not Jesus, and we are to keep the Sheva day holy in rememberance of a name. Oops Christians owe Jews & Hindus an apology. ;-)
You are being "Silly" if you think I am all about a name.
You have not understood what "returning" to one's inheritence means or what is required in doing so.
The Saint Columba's tradition tells us that, on secreting the anointed Stone of the Covenant, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' to his inheritance.
The stone became known as
Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny).
View attachment 149508 View attachment 149510
View attachment 149511
If your inheritance is a stone then you should return to it. Mine is the lord, king of kings, the holy spirit, and all that comes with that or you can call it "OMNI" if you wish.
1)you proved my point, you don't understand what it means, which you weren't meant to until it's time.
2)you don't understand what the word Lord means otherwise you would never call your idol "lord" since his image never achieved such kingship or MASTERy .
3)even the character in your story claims the son of man as another one to come (third person tense) in his own new name.
Even he declares "the Name" that is written on a pebble. You basically made fun of your own lores.
Actually I have read enough of your diatribe to know already that you are one lost puppy that doesn't know how nasty much of the shit you post is. Others may eat of your dung and you may like the taste of your own dung but I am not interested in it at all.

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