Zone1 Jews Six Times More Likely to be Victims of Hate Crimes than Blacks….


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
….and more than twice as likely as Muslims. And this is based on a 2019 report, before the alarming uprising in antisemitic protests on college campuses.

Why are leftists so insistent to deny that the current crisis of bigotry is against Jews? Why when people bring up that it is now reminiscent of 1939 Nazi Germany at liberal universities across the nation do leftists race in to claim that “well, Islamaphobia is up too” or “racism is the bigger problem.”

The unadulterated hatred for Jews being coddled on college campuses would NWVER be tolerated if it were against blacks, or Muslims, or gays - and Biden would be out on the airwaves announcing action to combat it and sending in the National Guard. But because it’s against Jews, well…..different story.

….and more than twice as likely as Muslims. And this is based on a 2019 report, before the alarming uprising in antisemitic protests on college campuses.

Why are leftists so insistent to deny that the current crisis of bigotry is against Jews? Why when people bring up that it is now reminiscent of 1939 Nazi Germany at liberal universities across the nation do leftists race in to claim that “well, Islamaphobia is up too” or “racism is the bigger problem.”

The unadulterated hatred for Jews being coddled on colelge campuses would NWVER be tolerated if it were against blacks, or Muslims, or gays - and Biden would be out on the airwaves announcing action to combat it and sending in the. But because it’s against Jews, well…..different story.

Like I always say, Jews invented identity politics.
Jews create a problem.
Then when called out for it.
Loudly complain they are victims.
They've been playing this game for a thousand years.
There you go, again....

everyone's off topic but you.
Nope. For years, people who targeted Israel for condemnation insisted it had nothing to do with being against Jews. So now when I bring up antisemitism, you people immediately deflect to your lies about Israel.

The point of the thread is that we are at a crisis point with antisemitism in this country, and our “president” needs to stop worrying about appeasing the Jew-hating Muslims and take action.
The point of the thread is that we are at a crisis point with antisemitism in this country, and our “president” needs to stop worrying about appeasing the Jew-hating Muslims and take action.
What action would you like for bozo Biden to take? ... :dunno:
Nope. For years, people who targeted Israel for condemnation insisted it had nothing to do with being against Jews. So now when I bring up antisemitism, you people immediately deflect to your lies about Israel.

The point of the thread is that we are at a crisis point with antisemitism in this country, and our “president” needs to stop worrying about appeasing the Jew-hating Muslims and take action.
I only talked about Jews.

Nope. For years, people who targeted Israel for condemnation insisted it had nothing to do with being against Jews. So now when I bring up antisemitism, you people immediately deflect to your lies about Israel.

The point of the thread is that we are at a crisis point with antisemitism in this country, and our “president” needs to stop worrying about appeasing the Jew-hating Muslims and take action.
what action are you looking for, boiling oil?

what do you want, a law that makes Jews the BIG BIPOCS ON THE BLOCK? where they must get the most equity of anyone?

Do they need 40 camels and a slave?
I only talked about Jews.

what action are you looking for, boiling oil?

what do you want, a law that makes Jews the BIG BIPOCS ON THE BLOCK? where they must get the most equity of anyone?

Do they need 40 camels and a slave?
They need to be able to attend class without antisemites like you spitting on them and telling them to go to the gas chambers.

Jews Six Times More Likely to be Victims of Hate Crimes than Blacks….​

They need to be able to attend class without antisemites like you spitting on them and telling them to go to the gas chambers.
I don't condone spitting on Jews.

and they should only go to the gas chambers if they want to be free of their lice, wink wink.
Withdraw federal funding from the Jew-hating indoctrination colleges, and send in the National Guard to arrest the terrorists.
Since all they do is hold protest rally's.
How does that make the college students terrorists? .... :dunno:
Withdraw federal funding from the Jew-hating indoctrination colleges, and send in the National Guard to arrest the terrorists.
add white and male-hating indocrination to the list and I might believe your heart is in the right place.

can we add those to the defund list?

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