JFK false flag victim

if the kennedys were raised from the grave and told you government elements killed them, you would still deny it
If dead people were rising from the grave the last thing I would be worried about is how they died or who killed them.

There is nothing to deny.

It is all about the evidence. There is no evidence of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Many people ( including you ) apparently have an ideological need to believe in such a conspiracy for others it is about the evidence.

I have a lot of evidence the government killed the Kennedys, going all the back the political career of joseph p kennedy, where the problems started.

the problem I have is people won't read a lot of information, and people only believe what they want
You have none and simply make excuses for being unable to cite any evidence.
if the kennedys were raised from the grave and told you government elements killed them, you would still deny it
If dead people were rising from the grave the last thing I would be worried about is how they died or who killed them.

There is nothing to deny.

It is all about the evidence. There is no evidence of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Many people ( including you ) apparently have an ideological need to believe in such a conspiracy for others it is about the evidence.

I have a lot of evidence the government killed the Kennedys, going all the back the political career of joseph p kennedy, where the problems started.

the problem I have is people won't read a lot of information, and people only believe what they want
Joe Kennedy had no political career
just watch my video "Your buddy Zapruder" and if you STILL don't think the government killed the Kennedys...then we'll argue some more.
just watch my video "Your buddy Zapruder" and if you STILL don't think the government killed the Kennedys...then we'll argue some more.
Zapruder was a stiff with a camera at the right place at the right time
just watch my video "Your buddy Zapruder" and if you STILL don't think the government killed the Kennedys...then we'll argue some more.
I did watch it.

It was nonsense.

It tried to make the case that Zapruder knew the assassination was coming because he:
!. Had a high end movie camera for the time. This is BS as he was a fairly successful dress maker and there is no reason why he would by a poor quality camera.

2. He choose to stand on the pillar to get a view of the motorcade. This is BS because he actually picked a pretty good vantage point and doing so simply means he wanted to capture the motorcade on film with as clear a view as possible. At street level he would have been among the crowd some of which may have obstructed his view.

3. He had his secretary hold onto him for stability. This is BS because he had vertigo plain and simple. Having someone else provide is a little support and stability is ... normal.

There is nothing whatsoever about the film which even suggests a conspiracy much less provides evidence.
there was no one directly in front of Zapruder. Standing at street level would have been thousand times better video.

(gratz for actually watching)

Zapruder was in the union
(kind of important detail)
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there was no one directly in front of Zapruder. Standing at street level would have been thousand times better video.

(gratz for actually watching)
Anyone with a camera knows standing at street level means people will block your view
Standing on a pillar gives an unobstructed view

Abe was at the right place at the right time
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?
If Oswald were a “patsy” like he claimed, a conspirator like the USSR, Cuba, Mafia or CIA would have had him killed immediately after the shooting

Why allow your weakest link to go through two days of enhanced interrogation by the police?

One can only talk if he knows something.
Oswald didn’t know anything?

The murder weapon, HIS gun, was found on the sixth floor of TSBD
Why did he run from the scene and then kill a cop?

I dint do nuttin

no no no….about the larger conspiracy, the reason, the head of the operation, the actual name of the Cuban who paid him, etc…

As I said, it wouldn’t surprise me if what you said was the case. Oswald saw where the motorcade route was going and decided he wanted to shoot the President and did just that. It seems to me that you’d want to do it from a closer vantage point but whatever.

Here is what I think happened….all speculation.

Elements in Cuba were pissed about the Bay of Pigs. They planned to hit back. Oswald made his services available in any capacity.
When the opportunity to kill JFK came about they simply told him to knock himself out and go for it; promising him some form of escape after the event. Once it was over, they left him in the lurch.
there was no one directly in front of Zapruder. Standing at street level would have been thousand times better video.

(gratz for actually watching)

Zapruder was in the union
(kind of important detail)
No it would not have been a thousand times better it would have in fact limited the range and forced him to move more to track the limo.

From an slight distance and elevated he had a much more clear view and did not have to move as much to keep the limo in his view.

There is no " The " union there are many unions and that is a completely irrelevant detail
the street is curved.
if zapruder stood at the curb, he would have been nearly in front of the limo.

with his top of the line camera he would have had a great close up view of jfk, Jackie, and possibly Lambchop
the street is curved.
if zapruder stood at the curb, he would have been nearly in front of the limo.

with his top of the line camera he would have had a great close up view of jfk, Jackie, and possibly Lambchop
In front of the limo you only see the front of the limo.

At an elevation you see much more and you can pan much more slowly.
Shows how bizarre conspiracy theories can get

Now, Zapruder was in on it
The conspirators even had a camera man so they could post it on YouTube
Shows how bizarre conspiracy theories can get

Now, Zapruder was in on it
The conspirators even had a camera man so they could post it on YouTube
Yes it is a new one but typical of the zaniness of conspiracy nuts.

One theory is that the CIA had to be involved because an FBI agent remembered an incident from forty years ago where a secretary laid a file with a report on witnesses on a stack of files for informants and government agents.

Apparently in the minds of some a simple gesture from decades ago constitutes evidence of a plot.

Even if it were true that Zapruder picked a bad place to film from it means nothing except that he was an inexperienced amateur film maker. Stretching it into evidence of a conspiracy is as bad as a flat earther.
five farts in a row from the paid shills^ sent be their handlers at langley to fart here.:9::banana::biggrin:
five farts in a row from the paid shills^ sent be their handlers at langley to fart here.:9::banana::biggrin:
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

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