JFK false flag victim

five farts in a row from the paid shills^ sent be their handlers at langley to fart here.:9::banana::biggrin:
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at 2.19.08 PM.png

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
you CIA langley shillsWRONGwinger,candyass,sayit and evil NAZI agent bosses^ sure pay you well for the ass beatings and lies you suffer here everyday.:abgg2q.jpg: this ios what you do when you get these ass beatings and crying asking for raises to keep coming back fro them everyday.:206::206::206::abgg2q.jpg:
the street is curved.
if zapruder stood at the curb, he would have been nearly in front of the limo.

with his top of the line camera he would have had a great close up view of jfk, Jackie, and possibly Lambchop

WHY do you even bother to take he time to take these LANGLEY employees to school?:rolleyes: If you were talking to ME,i could understand that post of yours but you are not,you are talking to a LANGLEY shill which is about as productive as talking to a brick wall.:rolleyes:
just watch my video "Your buddy Zapruder" and if you STILL don't think the government killed the Kennedys...then we'll argue some more.

dude have you not learned yet in all these years these Langley employees ALWAYS do this when challenged to watch a video that shoots down their babble and propaganda?

if the kennedys were raised from the grave and told you government elements killed them, you would still deny it
If dead people were rising from the grave the last thing I would be worried about is how they died or who killed them.

There is nothing to deny.

It is all about the evidence. There is no evidence of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Many people ( including you ) apparently have an ideological need to believe in such a conspiracy for others it is about the evidence.

I have a lot of evidence the government killed the Kennedys, going all the back the political career of joseph p kennedy, where the problems started.

the problem I have is people won't read a lot of information, and people only believe what they want

the understatement of the century with the braiwashed sheep in america but candayass,wrongwinger,sayit,and the NAZI evil shill are CIA employees who KNOW the CIA killed them dude so its pretty asinine to talk to THEM?

now if you were trying to reason with someone who accepted it was a conspiracy but t was ONLY A mob hit now THAT kind of person i would have no problem with you discussing this with.
five farts in a row from the paid shills^ sent be their handlers at langley to fart here.:9::banana::biggrin:
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
Your map does not show careful planning
After JFK was shot, anyone seen carrying a rifle on Dealey Plaza was not going to get far
He would have carried a handgun to shoot it out if he was confronted. Which he was by Officer Tippet

In my opinion, a conspiracy of the magnitude that is claimed would have had a better plan, a way of escape and a sniper weapon

Oswald had none of it
Last edited:
five farts in a row from the paid shills^ sent be their handlers at langley to fart here.:9::banana::biggrin:
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
Your map does not show careful planning
I never said that it did. Never said that remotely. I used the map to point out that his house was 30 minutes away from where he worked and to retrieve his handgun, he would need to go all the way home.
After JFK was shot, anyone seen carrying a rifle on Dealey Plaza was not going to get far
Correct. but…
He would have carried a handgun to shoot it out if he was confronted. Which he was by Officer Tippet
Why not just stay up in the TSBD since, according to you, he had no escape plan? I mean, as a Marine, he would have known that he had a pretty good defensive position; easily assailable from only one direction.

I think that he thought he had a plan and whoever was with him on that, just left him alone.
In my opinion, a conspiracy of the magnitude that is claimed would have had a better plan, a way of escape and a sniper weapon
Oswald had none of it

That is your opinion…I disagree.

For one thing,
What claim is that? My claim is that Oswald offered his services to Cuba at some point; likely during the trip he made to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico city on 9/27/63 which the CIA covered up. When he got the chance to kill JFK, he was told by the Cubans to knock himself out and was promised logistical support in the form of a means to escape. Support that was never going to materialize. Thus there was nobody he could give up to the authorities.

My question remains unanswered and I think it is important; if you’re going to go through all of the planing of wrapping up your rifle as curtain rods, you’re not going to bring your handgun in your pocket? Then you’re going to go 30 minutes away to pick it up? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Can you explain why he would do such a thing—leave his handgun at the house?
five farts in a row from the paid shills^ sent be their handlers at langley to fart here.:9::banana::biggrin:
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
Your map does not show careful planning
I never said that it did. Never said that remotely. I used the map to point out that his house was 30 minutes away from where he worked and to retrieve his handgun, he would need to go all the way home.
After JFK was shot, anyone seen carrying a rifle on Dealey Plaza was not going to get far
Correct. but…
He would have carried a handgun to shoot it out if he was confronted. Which he was by Officer Tippet
Why not just stay up in the TSBD since, according to you, he had no escape plan? I mean, as a Marine, he would have known that he had a pretty good defensive position; easily assailable from only one direction.

I think that he thought he had a plan and whoever was with him on that, just left him alone.
In my opinion, a conspiracy of the magnitude that is claimed would have had a better plan, a way of escape and a sniper weapon
Oswald had none of it

That is your opinion…I disagree.

For one thing,
What claim is that? My claim is that Oswald offered his services to Cuba at some point; likely during the trip he made to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico city on 9/27/63 which the CIA covered up. When he got the chance to kill JFK, he was told by the Cubans to knock himself out and was promised logistical support in the form of a means to escape. Support that was never going to materialize. Thus there was nobody he could give up to the authorities.

My question remains unanswered and I think it is important; if you’re going to go through all of the planing of wrapping up your rifle as curtain rods, you’re not going to bring your handgun in your pocket? Then you’re going to go 30 minutes away to pick it up? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Can you explain why he would do such a thing—leave his handgun at the house?
Like I said he did not have much of an escape plan......a killer in a “conspiracy”would

Even if he managed to get out of Dallas, he would have been hunted down and captured
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
Your map does not show careful planning
I never said that it did. Never said that remotely. I used the map to point out that his house was 30 minutes away from where he worked and to retrieve his handgun, he would need to go all the way home.
After JFK was shot, anyone seen carrying a rifle on Dealey Plaza was not going to get far
Correct. but…
He would have carried a handgun to shoot it out if he was confronted. Which he was by Officer Tippet
Why not just stay up in the TSBD since, according to you, he had no escape plan? I mean, as a Marine, he would have known that he had a pretty good defensive position; easily assailable from only one direction.

I think that he thought he had a plan and whoever was with him on that, just left him alone.
In my opinion, a conspiracy of the magnitude that is claimed would have had a better plan, a way of escape and a sniper weapon
Oswald had none of it

That is your opinion…I disagree.

For one thing,
What claim is that? My claim is that Oswald offered his services to Cuba at some point; likely during the trip he made to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico city on 9/27/63 which the CIA covered up. When he got the chance to kill JFK, he was told by the Cubans to knock himself out and was promised logistical support in the form of a means to escape. Support that was never going to materialize. Thus there was nobody he could give up to the authorities.

My question remains unanswered and I think it is important; if you’re going to go through all of the planing of wrapping up your rifle as curtain rods, you’re not going to bring your handgun in your pocket? Then you’re going to go 30 minutes away to pick it up? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Can you explain why he would do such a thing—leave his handgun at the house?
Like I said he did not have much of an escape plan......a killer in a “conspiracy”would

Even if he managed to get out of Dallas, he would have been hunted down and captured

Sorry but that is an incredibly weak answer. Frankly, I’m surprised. If he didn’t have an escape plan like a modern day jihadist does not, he would have been more armed, not less. Taking the extra 8 seconds to put your handgun in your pocket after wrapping up your rifle seems like the simplest course of action.
That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
Your map does not show careful planning
I never said that it did. Never said that remotely. I used the map to point out that his house was 30 minutes away from where he worked and to retrieve his handgun, he would need to go all the way home.
After JFK was shot, anyone seen carrying a rifle on Dealey Plaza was not going to get far
Correct. but…
He would have carried a handgun to shoot it out if he was confronted. Which he was by Officer Tippet
Why not just stay up in the TSBD since, according to you, he had no escape plan? I mean, as a Marine, he would have known that he had a pretty good defensive position; easily assailable from only one direction.

I think that he thought he had a plan and whoever was with him on that, just left him alone.
In my opinion, a conspiracy of the magnitude that is claimed would have had a better plan, a way of escape and a sniper weapon
Oswald had none of it

That is your opinion…I disagree.

For one thing,
What claim is that? My claim is that Oswald offered his services to Cuba at some point; likely during the trip he made to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico city on 9/27/63 which the CIA covered up. When he got the chance to kill JFK, he was told by the Cubans to knock himself out and was promised logistical support in the form of a means to escape. Support that was never going to materialize. Thus there was nobody he could give up to the authorities.

My question remains unanswered and I think it is important; if you’re going to go through all of the planing of wrapping up your rifle as curtain rods, you’re not going to bring your handgun in your pocket? Then you’re going to go 30 minutes away to pick it up? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Can you explain why he would do such a thing—leave his handgun at the house?
Like I said he did not have much of an escape plan......a killer in a “conspiracy”would

Even if he managed to get out of Dallas, he would have been hunted down and captured

Sorry but that is an incredibly weak answer. Frankly, I’m surprised. If he didn’t have an escape plan like a modern day jihadist does not, he would have been more armed, not less. Taking the extra 8 seconds to put your handgun in your pocket after wrapping up your rifle seems like the simplest course of action.

When he was in assassination mode he only cared about his rifle
He may have doubted he would survive. He left $170 in cash and his wedding ring with his wife. Not the action of someone who expected to be on the lam

Once he killed JFK and escaped the TSBD a handgun became important
Last edited:
just watch my video "Your buddy Zapruder" and if you STILL don't think the government killed the Kennedys...then we'll argue some more.

dude have you not learned yet in all these years these Langley employees ALWAYS do this when challenged to watch a video that shoots down their babble and propaganda?


it is co true it gots to be repeated again.LOL
I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
Your map does not show careful planning
I never said that it did. Never said that remotely. I used the map to point out that his house was 30 minutes away from where he worked and to retrieve his handgun, he would need to go all the way home.
After JFK was shot, anyone seen carrying a rifle on Dealey Plaza was not going to get far
Correct. but…
He would have carried a handgun to shoot it out if he was confronted. Which he was by Officer Tippet
Why not just stay up in the TSBD since, according to you, he had no escape plan? I mean, as a Marine, he would have known that he had a pretty good defensive position; easily assailable from only one direction.

I think that he thought he had a plan and whoever was with him on that, just left him alone.
In my opinion, a conspiracy of the magnitude that is claimed would have had a better plan, a way of escape and a sniper weapon
Oswald had none of it

That is your opinion…I disagree.

For one thing,
What claim is that? My claim is that Oswald offered his services to Cuba at some point; likely during the trip he made to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico city on 9/27/63 which the CIA covered up. When he got the chance to kill JFK, he was told by the Cubans to knock himself out and was promised logistical support in the form of a means to escape. Support that was never going to materialize. Thus there was nobody he could give up to the authorities.

My question remains unanswered and I think it is important; if you’re going to go through all of the planing of wrapping up your rifle as curtain rods, you’re not going to bring your handgun in your pocket? Then you’re going to go 30 minutes away to pick it up? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Can you explain why he would do such a thing—leave his handgun at the house?
Like I said he did not have much of an escape plan......a killer in a “conspiracy”would

Even if he managed to get out of Dallas, he would have been hunted down and captured

Sorry but that is an incredibly weak answer. Frankly, I’m surprised. If he didn’t have an escape plan like a modern day jihadist does not, he would have been more armed, not less. Taking the extra 8 seconds to put your handgun in your pocket after wrapping up your rifle seems like the simplest course of action.

When he was in assassination mode he only cared about his rifle
He may have doubted he would survive. He left $170 in cash and his wedding ring with his wife. Not the action of someone who expected to be on the lam

Once he killed JFK and escaped the TSBD a handgun became important

??? all the more reason to have it on him from the get-go; don’t you think?

Your map does not show careful planning
I never said that it did. Never said that remotely. I used the map to point out that his house was 30 minutes away from where he worked and to retrieve his handgun, he would need to go all the way home.
After JFK was shot, anyone seen carrying a rifle on Dealey Plaza was not going to get far
Correct. but…
He would have carried a handgun to shoot it out if he was confronted. Which he was by Officer Tippet
Why not just stay up in the TSBD since, according to you, he had no escape plan? I mean, as a Marine, he would have known that he had a pretty good defensive position; easily assailable from only one direction.

I think that he thought he had a plan and whoever was with him on that, just left him alone.
In my opinion, a conspiracy of the magnitude that is claimed would have had a better plan, a way of escape and a sniper weapon
Oswald had none of it

That is your opinion…I disagree.

For one thing,
What claim is that? My claim is that Oswald offered his services to Cuba at some point; likely during the trip he made to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico city on 9/27/63 which the CIA covered up. When he got the chance to kill JFK, he was told by the Cubans to knock himself out and was promised logistical support in the form of a means to escape. Support that was never going to materialize. Thus there was nobody he could give up to the authorities.

My question remains unanswered and I think it is important; if you’re going to go through all of the planing of wrapping up your rifle as curtain rods, you’re not going to bring your handgun in your pocket? Then you’re going to go 30 minutes away to pick it up? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Can you explain why he would do such a thing—leave his handgun at the house?
Like I said he did not have much of an escape plan......a killer in a “conspiracy”would

Even if he managed to get out of Dallas, he would have been hunted down and captured

Sorry but that is an incredibly weak answer. Frankly, I’m surprised. If he didn’t have an escape plan like a modern day jihadist does not, he would have been more armed, not less. Taking the extra 8 seconds to put your handgun in your pocket after wrapping up your rifle seems like the simplest course of action.

When he was in assassination mode he only cared about his rifle
He may have doubted he would survive. He left $170 in cash and his wedding ring with his wife. Not the action of someone who expected to be on the lam

Once he killed JFK and escaped the TSBD a handgun became important

??? all the more reason to have it on him from the get-go; don’t you think?


Not really

He thought he was going to die and left his belongings and all his cash with his wife. If he had planned on escaping, he would need all the money he could get
I never said that it did. Never said that remotely. I used the map to point out that his house was 30 minutes away from where he worked and to retrieve his handgun, he would need to go all the way home.
Correct. but…
Why not just stay up in the TSBD since, according to you, he had no escape plan? I mean, as a Marine, he would have known that he had a pretty good defensive position; easily assailable from only one direction.

I think that he thought he had a plan and whoever was with him on that, just left him alone.
That is your opinion…I disagree.

For one thing,
What claim is that? My claim is that Oswald offered his services to Cuba at some point; likely during the trip he made to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico city on 9/27/63 which the CIA covered up. When he got the chance to kill JFK, he was told by the Cubans to knock himself out and was promised logistical support in the form of a means to escape. Support that was never going to materialize. Thus there was nobody he could give up to the authorities.

My question remains unanswered and I think it is important; if you’re going to go through all of the planing of wrapping up your rifle as curtain rods, you’re not going to bring your handgun in your pocket? Then you’re going to go 30 minutes away to pick it up? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Can you explain why he would do such a thing—leave his handgun at the house?
Like I said he did not have much of an escape plan......a killer in a “conspiracy”would

Even if he managed to get out of Dallas, he would have been hunted down and captured

Sorry but that is an incredibly weak answer. Frankly, I’m surprised. If he didn’t have an escape plan like a modern day jihadist does not, he would have been more armed, not less. Taking the extra 8 seconds to put your handgun in your pocket after wrapping up your rifle seems like the simplest course of action.

When he was in assassination mode he only cared about his rifle
He may have doubted he would survive. He left $170 in cash and his wedding ring with his wife. Not the action of someone who expected to be on the lam

Once he killed JFK and escaped the TSBD a handgun became important

??? all the more reason to have it on him from the get-go; don’t you think?


Not really

He thought he was going to die and left his belongings and all his cash with his wife. If he had planned on escaping, he would need all the money he could get

Not making sense…what does that have to do with the gun?
five farts in a row from the paid shills^ sent be their handlers at langley to fart here.:9::banana::biggrin:
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.
if the kennedys were raised from the grave and told you government elements killed them, you would still deny it
If dead people were rising from the grave the last thing I would be worried about is how they died or who killed them.

There is nothing to deny.

It is all about the evidence. There is no evidence of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Many people ( including you ) apparently have an ideological need to believe in such a conspiracy for others it is about the evidence.

I have a lot of evidence the government killed the Kennedys, going all the back the political career of joseph p kennedy, where the problems started.

the problem I have is people won't read a lot of information, and people only believe what they want

the understatement of the century with the braiwashed sheep in america but candayass,wrongwinger,sayit,and the NAZI evil shill are CIA employees who KNOW the CIA killed them dude so its pretty asinine to talk to THEM?

It is a false hood much like all of your claims have proven to be.

Everytime you claim someone else works for the CIA it is a de facto admission they destroyed you with evidence.
That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
Your map does not show careful planning
I never said that it did. Never said that remotely. I used the map to point out that his house was 30 minutes away from where he worked and to retrieve his handgun, he would need to go all the way home.
After JFK was shot, anyone seen carrying a rifle on Dealey Plaza was not going to get far
Correct. but…
He would have carried a handgun to shoot it out if he was confronted. Which he was by Officer Tippet
Why not just stay up in the TSBD since, according to you, he had no escape plan? I mean, as a Marine, he would have known that he had a pretty good defensive position; easily assailable from only one direction.

I think that he thought he had a plan and whoever was with him on that, just left him alone.
In my opinion, a conspiracy of the magnitude that is claimed would have had a better plan, a way of escape and a sniper weapon
Oswald had none of it

That is your opinion…I disagree.

For one thing,
What claim is that? My claim is that Oswald offered his services to Cuba at some point; likely during the trip he made to the Cuban Consulate in Mexico city on 9/27/63 which the CIA covered up. When he got the chance to kill JFK, he was told by the Cubans to knock himself out and was promised logistical support in the form of a means to escape. Support that was never going to materialize. Thus there was nobody he could give up to the authorities.

My question remains unanswered and I think it is important; if you’re going to go through all of the planing of wrapping up your rifle as curtain rods, you’re not going to bring your handgun in your pocket? Then you’re going to go 30 minutes away to pick it up? Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Can you explain why he would do such a thing—leave his handgun at the house?
Like I said he did not have much of an escape plan......a killer in a “conspiracy”would

Even if he managed to get out of Dallas, he would have been hunted down and captured

Sorry but that is an incredibly weak answer. Frankly, I’m surprised. If he didn’t have an escape plan like a modern day jihadist does not, he would have been more armed, not less. Taking the extra 8 seconds to put your handgun in your pocket after wrapping up your rifle seems like the simplest course of action.

HE stored them separately and had to retrieve them separately.

Rather hard to have an elaborate escape plane when one has less than $ 20.00 and no car.

HE took a chance on escaping but it was a next to nothing chance and he probably knew that. He also only had a day or at best two days to formulate his plan.
Oswald wasn't supposed to get away.
he was supposed to fire one shot at the kill zone in front of Zapruder, hide the rifle ,and do whatever the rest of the employees did.

24 year old Oswald started firing early so he could claim credit. He was spotted at the window, especially by people who knew where to look.

he caused a role call at the TSBD, and when he wasn't there the city conspirators issued an APB.

Tippit was probably the one who told him he fked up

His big mistake was running his mouth in jail. But after he killed Tippit they didn't want to help him anyway
Oswald wasn't supposed to get away.
he was supposed to fire one shot at the kill zone in front of Zapruder, hide the rifle ,and do whatever the rest of the employees did.

24 year old Oswald started firing early so he could claim credit. He was spotted at the window, especially by people who knew where to look.

he caused a role call at the TSBD, and when he wasn't there the city conspirators issued an APB.

Tippit was probably the one who told him he fked up

His big mistake was running his mouth in jail. But after he killed Tippit they didn't want to help him anyway

Um ok no.

HE was not a trained sniper and the first shot is most likely to miss which is exactly what he did.

The rifle was documented and had a paper trail proving it was his so hiding it would do not good and did not do any good.

There was no one who knew where to look and no city conspirators.
Oswald scored marksman in the military. 48 of 50 shots.
you don't have to be a trained sniper.

ever since I was a kid I could shoot a bumble bee off a beer can with a SKS

The marksmanship issue only comes in with their supposed time limit, which isn't correct

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