JFK false flag victim

The big secret surprise is that JFK received the "fatal appearing head wound" but was not killed. JFK's the supreme Beast of the Revelation.
I'll just mark this down as another debate win
But not for you.

Association does not equal involvement as you claim.

You offer no evidence for the involvement of the Dallas police or the masons or a union or anyone else.

The evidence proves you wrong
I'll just mark this down as another debate win
But not for you.

Association does not equal involvement as you claim.

You offer no evidence for the involvement of the Dallas police or the masons or a union or anyone else.

The evidence proves you wrong

Doesn’t take much to convince conspiracy theorists
The big secret surprise is that JFK received the "fatal appearing head wound" but was not killed.
JFK's the supreme Beast of the Revelation.

uh can you elaborate and explain exactly what you are talking about?:confused:

I'll try to "elaborate" but keep it as simple as possible. TPTB lied .... as they often do.

JFK was terribly wounded .... but survived. Miraculously. So .... if you are an Atheist ... then commence scorning.

JFK uniquely fits the specifications of the supreme Beast of Revelation 13-17. In Rev 17 the Beast is connected to the "Great Whore"

Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment,
I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,
Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.
Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous
terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?
I'll just mark this down as another debate win
Self declared victories are so shallow

I was apologizing for assuming he had access to it that morning. Those who think Oswald is this lone nut still cannot account for him not having all of his arsenal at his disposal when it would have been so easy to just carry the gun with him to work as well as the elaborate packaging for the rifle.

I was watching the Forensic Files one night and one of the homicide investigators (ironically from Texas) said (Paraphrasing) that 10% of what they do is technique and skill; the rest is common sense. It would be common sense for him to carry the gun with him if he was going to go through the time and trouble of carrying the rifle in a package he made...
I'll just mark this down as another debate win
Self declared victories are so shallow

I was apologizing for assuming he had access to it that morning. Those who think Oswald is this lone nut still cannot account for him not having all of his arsenal at his disposal when it would have been so easy to just carry the gun with him to work as well as the elaborate packaging for the rifle.

I was watching the Forensic Files one night and one of the homicide investigators (ironically from Texas) said (Paraphrasing) that 10% of what they do is technique and skill; the rest is common sense. It would be common sense for him to carry the gun with him if he was going to go through the time and trouble of carrying the rifle in a package he made...
To me, it was just a choice he made
The big secret surprise is that JFK received the "fatal appearing head wound" but was not killed.
JFK's the supreme Beast of the Revelation.

uh can you elaborate and explain exactly what you are talking about?:confused:

I'll try to "elaborate" but keep it as simple as possible. TPTB lied .... as they often do.

JFK was terribly wounded .... but survived. Miraculously. So .... if you are an Atheist ... then commence scorning.

JFK uniquely fits the specifications of the supreme Beast of Revelation 13-17. In Rev 17 the Beast is connected to the "Great Whore"

Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment,
I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,
Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.
Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous
terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?

I would keep this to yourself in the future,Undocumented theories like this just gives all these paid shills like the two biggest ones the nazi agent and WRONGwinger kid in Langley ammunition to use against you when making threads that the CIA killed JFK.
The big secret surprise is that JFK received the "fatal appearing head wound" but was not killed.
JFK's the supreme Beast of the Revelation.

uh can you elaborate and explain exactly what you are talking about?:confused:

I'll try to "elaborate" but keep it as simple as possible. TPTB lied .... as they often do.

JFK was terribly wounded .... but survived. Miraculously. So .... if you are an Atheist ... then commence scorning.

JFK uniquely fits the specifications of the supreme Beast of Revelation 13-17. In Rev 17 the Beast is connected to the "Great Whore"

Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment,
I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,
Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.
Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous
terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?
Zombie JFK theory
The big secret surprise is that JFK received the "fatal appearing head wound" but was not killed.
JFK's the supreme Beast of the Revelation.

uh can you elaborate and explain exactly what you are talking about?:confused:

I'll try to "elaborate" but keep it as simple as possible. TPTB lied .... as they often do.

JFK was terribly wounded .... but survived. Miraculously. So .... if you are an Atheist ... then commence scorning.

JFK uniquely fits the specifications of the supreme Beast of Revelation 13-17. In Rev 17 the Beast is connected to the "Great Whore"

Based on detailed, unique, visible, verifiable prophecy/Revelation fulfillment,
I assert/declare that the Vatican is the great whore of the Revelation,
Therefore I further assert the beast is Roman Catholic.
Can you think of a world famous Roman Catholic who has had a world famous
terrible head wound under extremely mysterious circumstances?
HE did not survive.

The head wound killed him..

Your prophecy is crap.
Hmm, it appears a few people disagree with my assertion JFK is coming back .... and empowered by Satan to boot.

Oh, I'm sooooo surprised.
Why should I be concerned with scorn from a forum like this....

I expect all of you think the whole Revelation is crazy/fiction. Not just what I (and a very few others) derive from it.
Sheeeesh, I'd bet big percent of you think it's crazy just to believe in Jesus ... or just to believe in God.

Most of you think God never did anything .... much less make a prophecy and make it come to pass. Most all of my critics are just dunces
Why should I be concerned with scorn from a forum like this....

I expect all of you think the whole Revelation is crazy/fiction. Not just what I (and a very few others) derive from it.
Sheeeesh, I'd bet big percent of you think it's crazy just to believe in Jesus ... or just to believe in God.

Most of you think God never did anything .... much less make a prophecy and make it come to pass. Most all of my critics are just dunces
I imagine you are quite used to scorn
Once again, the simplest explanation is the most likely

Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

A little more detail explains a lot.

The Dallas papers printed the motorcade route on Wed before the assassination but Oswald probably did not see it until Thursday. His coworkers stated it was his typical habit to pick up and read day old newspapers on the floor of the break room as he was too cheap to buy his own.

It was on thursday that his typical behavior changed dramatically and he decided to spend a weeknight with his wife at Ruth Payne's house which he had never done before, instead coming to visit only on weekends. Obvious this was to retrieve his rifle which was stored in a blanket in Ruth Payne's garage. HE also left his wedding ring ( which Marina said he had never removed ) in a teacup on his wife's dresser along with a little money.

Clearly he was planning his attempt on kennedy's life.

It was not quite spur of the moment but pretty close with only two days and a night to plan his attempt.

I mentioned before that he probably knew he had no hope of escaping or getting away with it but that does not preclude a desperate ATTEMPT to get away which he tried for, even if he knew the odds were overwhelming that he was going to get caught.

What makes all of this important is that conspiracy theorists insist that his behavior was erratic and not what one would expect but in fact it is EXACTLY what one would expect from someone who just pulled off the murder of the century and his brain is racing a thousand different ways wondering when he will be caught, while also wondering if there is even a snowball's chance that he can slip away and avoid capture.

If he had been the chosen assassin of USSR, Cuba, Mafia or CIA he would have at least been provided with a better weapon than a $19.95 surplus mail order rifle

The weapon was good enough to do the job but still not a very good rifle.

A conspiracy would also have provided a more clear motive. We can only make educated guesses about his motive. Conspiracy theorists will claim that this indicates a conspiracy as he was killed before he ever confessed or admitted it. But in fact it argues against a conspiracy.

Conspiracy planners would have built some sort of background story with a clear reason for Oswald to Hate Kennedy and to provide motivation.

They would want this in order to avoid having people dig deep and asking question which they had to do after Oswald died.
If You've Heard of Someone, Don't Listen to Him

All conspiracy theories are plants. The ruling class's game plan will never be discovered if we keep looking up to the insincere people who are hired to send us off on wild goose chases.

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