JFK false flag victim

when your escape plan is to go back to work and blend in, the last thing you need is a pistol
Judging from his behavior he may not have had a plan at all other than shoot at Kennedy.

His behavior immediately after the shooting is like someone not sure whether to run or play it cool and stay put. He seems to have changed his mind more than once. He went down to the second floor and loitered briefly. HE was confronted by a cop and co worker while buying a coke. He then slipped out one of the few doors not yet sealed off. Finally he tried to take a bus but it was stalled in traffic and switched to a taxi.

He was probably in a state of near hysteria or panic and was not sure what to do. Run or hide or fight he did a little of each and such indecision would seem typical of someone who is not too bright but did manage to exploit an opportunity which is what he was.
I honestly think he had no plans of escape
Something a trained assassin for the Soviets, Cubans, the mob or CIA would have taken care of

Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone


Just so we all know, how much time do you need?
when your escape plan is to go back to work and blend in, the last thing you need is a pistol
Judging from his behavior he may not have had a plan at all other than shoot at Kennedy.

His behavior immediately after the shooting is like someone not sure whether to run or play it cool and stay put. He seems to have changed his mind more than once. He went down to the second floor and loitered briefly. HE was confronted by a cop and co worker while buying a coke. He then slipped out one of the few doors not yet sealed off. Finally he tried to take a bus but it was stalled in traffic and switched to a taxi.

He was probably in a state of near hysteria or panic and was not sure what to do. Run or hide or fight he did a little of each and such indecision would seem typical of someone who is not too bright but did manage to exploit an opportunity which is what he was.
I honestly think he had no plans of escape
Something a trained assassin for the Soviets, Cubans, the mob or CIA would have taken care of

Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months
when your escape plan is to go back to work and blend in, the last thing you need is a pistol
Judging from his behavior he may not have had a plan at all other than shoot at Kennedy.

His behavior immediately after the shooting is like someone not sure whether to run or play it cool and stay put. He seems to have changed his mind more than once. He went down to the second floor and loitered briefly. HE was confronted by a cop and co worker while buying a coke. He then slipped out one of the few doors not yet sealed off. Finally he tried to take a bus but it was stalled in traffic and switched to a taxi.

He was probably in a state of near hysteria or panic and was not sure what to do. Run or hide or fight he did a little of each and such indecision would seem typical of someone who is not too bright but did manage to exploit an opportunity which is what he was.

no doubt weight of the incident and knowing he screwed up had him shaken
when your escape plan is to go back to work and blend in, the last thing you need is a pistol
Judging from his behavior he may not have had a plan at all other than shoot at Kennedy.

His behavior immediately after the shooting is like someone not sure whether to run or play it cool and stay put. He seems to have changed his mind more than once. He went down to the second floor and loitered briefly. HE was confronted by a cop and co worker while buying a coke. He then slipped out one of the few doors not yet sealed off. Finally he tried to take a bus but it was stalled in traffic and switched to a taxi.

He was probably in a state of near hysteria or panic and was not sure what to do. Run or hide or fight he did a little of each and such indecision would seem typical of someone who is not too bright but did manage to exploit an opportunity which is what he was.
I honestly think he had no plans of escape
Something a trained assassin for the Soviets, Cubans, the mob or CIA would have taken care of

Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months

Well done. Look, I know I sound crazy and I generally am not much for conspiracy theories... I just have a problem with Oswald and his, how should we say, "colorful" past not showing up on anyone's radar in Dallas, his trips to the USSR and Cuban outposts in Mexico City before the assassination, his yelling "I'm a patsy" which is one thing but I think I'd be yelling "I didn't do it" if that were the case....

I accept your logic if there was something that held Oswald firm to Dallas. Here was a guy who was active in New Orleans, Mexico, Texas...

I mean, I'll put it another way. Lets say that you're at an American consulate in the Dominican Republic and some guy from Cuba with no ties to America comes into your office one day early in the 1960's and says, "I can get rid of Castro for you." You pass that along to the CIA and they send someone to talk to him. After hearing what he has to say and seeing that the guy is a schizoid nutcase, the "handler" has a choice, tell the guy to F-off or tell the guy, "Hey knock yourself out." It will cost the USA nothing, as far as anyone will know, a lone nut from Cuba just got a wild hair one day to kill Castro. On 11/21, the handler gets a phone call from the guy who says, "I'm going to do it tomorrow". It comes down to his only request is some escape plan.

So on 11/22 there is one of 3 scenarios that will happen:

1. A burr under the US's saddle will be gone tomorrow
2. The status quo will be maintained and the nut job will chicken out.
3. The burr will be gone and the nut job will either be dead or in custody but either way; unable to "give up" anyone above them.

Do you promise him assistance with the escape? I think you do. And I wouldn't be shocked if the Cubans did the same thing to Oswald
you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years. but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by. logic says he planned for at least 2 months
An illogical assumption suggests that, not logic.
when your escape plan is to go back to work and blend in, the last thing you need is a pistol
Judging from his behavior he may not have had a plan at all other than shoot at Kennedy.

His behavior immediately after the shooting is like someone not sure whether to run or play it cool and stay put. He seems to have changed his mind more than once. He went down to the second floor and loitered briefly. HE was confronted by a cop and co worker while buying a coke. He then slipped out one of the few doors not yet sealed off. Finally he tried to take a bus but it was stalled in traffic and switched to a taxi.

He was probably in a state of near hysteria or panic and was not sure what to do. Run or hide or fight he did a little of each and such indecision would seem typical of someone who is not too bright but did manage to exploit an opportunity which is what he was.
I honestly think he had no plans of escape
Something a trained assassin for the Soviets, Cubans, the mob or CIA would have taken care of

Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months
He was not placed there he simply needed a job.

The planning for the motorcade did not even begin until after he started working there.

And his statement had nothing to do with how long Oswald worked there.
Logic says he did the shooting, and logic says he may have had help.
Logic does not say he may have had help.

Saying that someone may have had help is an expression of possibility as in " anything is possible ".

Logic instead dictates that the simplest explanations tend to be true especially if they are supported by evidence.

We have no evidence whatsoever that he had help and a great deal of evidence that he simply acted alone.
when your escape plan is to go back to work and blend in, the last thing you need is a pistol
Judging from his behavior he may not have had a plan at all other than shoot at Kennedy.

His behavior immediately after the shooting is like someone not sure whether to run or play it cool and stay put. He seems to have changed his mind more than once. He went down to the second floor and loitered briefly. HE was confronted by a cop and co worker while buying a coke. He then slipped out one of the few doors not yet sealed off. Finally he tried to take a bus but it was stalled in traffic and switched to a taxi.

He was probably in a state of near hysteria or panic and was not sure what to do. Run or hide or fight he did a little of each and such indecision would seem typical of someone who is not too bright but did manage to exploit an opportunity which is what he was.
I honestly think he had no plans of escape
Something a trained assassin for the Soviets, Cubans, the mob or CIA would have taken care of

Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months
Logic says nobody knew JFK was coming to Dallas two months before
Logic says he did not know the JFK parade was going by the TSBD till the day before
when your escape plan is to go back to work and blend in, the last thing you need is a pistol
Judging from his behavior he may not have had a plan at all other than shoot at Kennedy.

His behavior immediately after the shooting is like someone not sure whether to run or play it cool and stay put. He seems to have changed his mind more than once. He went down to the second floor and loitered briefly. HE was confronted by a cop and co worker while buying a coke. He then slipped out one of the few doors not yet sealed off. Finally he tried to take a bus but it was stalled in traffic and switched to a taxi.

He was probably in a state of near hysteria or panic and was not sure what to do. Run or hide or fight he did a little of each and such indecision would seem typical of someone who is not too bright but did manage to exploit an opportunity which is what he was.

no doubt weight of the incident and knowing he screwed up had him shaken
He did not screw up he did exactly what he wanted to do
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:

He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building

He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away

He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country

Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again
Logic says he did the shooting, and logic says he may have had help.
Logic does not say he may have had help.

Saying that someone may have had help is an expression of possibility as in " anything is possible ".

Logic instead dictates that the simplest explanations tend to be true especially if they are supported by evidence.

We have no evidence whatsoever that he had help and a great deal of evidence that he simply acted alone.
And in the situation, it was possible he had help. We don't know, so you can give your opinion that he did not have help, but that is all you can do.
Logic says he did the shooting, and logic says he may have had help.
Logic does not say he may have had help.

Saying that someone may have had help is an expression of possibility as in " anything is possible ".

Logic instead dictates that the simplest explanations tend to be true especially if they are supported by evidence.

We have no evidence whatsoever that he had help and a great deal of evidence that he simply acted alone.
And in the situation, it was possible he had help. We don't know, so you can give your opinion that he did not have help, but that is all you can do.
What kind of help?

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