JFK false flag victim

What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:
He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building
He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away
He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country
Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

Your above is predicated on the notion that the masterminds intended he escape.

More likely the masterminds intended for him to be murdered before or while being arrested.
But somebody screwed up.
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:
He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building
He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away
He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country
Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

Your above is predicated on the notion that the masterminds intended he escape.

More likely the masterminds intended for him to be murdered before or while being arrested.
But somebody screwed up.

My premise is that he would not have lived to be captured by the police. Too dangerous if there was a conspiracy

Too many witnesses in the TSBD.

Instead, Oswald had no plan and no hope of escaping a manhunt. Once they checked the names of who worked in the TSBD, he would be the prime suspect

Not the work of a conspiracy. A conspiracy would have had a plan for what happened to Oswald after the assassination

Oswald just ran away in a panic. Ended up taking a bus

Do you think the conspirators gave him bus fare?
Logic says he did the shooting, and logic says he may have had help.
Logic does not say he may have had help.

Saying that someone may have had help is an expression of possibility as in " anything is possible ".

Logic instead dictates that the simplest explanations tend to be true especially if they are supported by evidence.

We have no evidence whatsoever that he had help and a great deal of evidence that he simply acted alone.
And in the situation, it was possible he had help. We don't know, so you can give your opinion that he did not have help, but that is all you can do.

Anyone can say that anything is possible but logic requires evidence. There is no evidence he had help and a great deal of evidence that he acted alone.

Therefore it is not a matter of opinion.
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:
He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building
He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away
He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country
Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

Your above is predicated on the notion that the masterminds intended he escape.

More likely the masterminds intended for him to be murdered before or while being arrested.
But somebody screwed up.
There is no evidence of any masterminds and it makes no sense.

Your premise is that they were skilled enough to kill the president and leave no evidence of their existence but somehow were not able to efficiently dispose of Oswald.
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:
He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building
He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away
He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country
Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

Your above is predicated on the notion that the masterminds intended he escape.

More likely the masterminds intended for him to be murdered before or while being arrested.
But somebody screwed up.

My premise is that he would not have lived to be captured by the police. Too dangerous if there was a conspiracy

Too many witnesses in the TSBD.

Instead, Oswald had no plan and no hope of escaping a manhunt. Once they checked the names of who worked in the TSBD, he would be the prime suspect

Not the work of a conspiracy. A conspiracy would have had a plan for what happened to Oswald after the assassination

Oswald just ran away in a panic. Ended up taking a bus

Do you think the conspirators gave him bus fare?
He tried to take the bus and switched to a cab. The bus was stuck in traffic.

Not the actions of someone with a plan.
Logic says he did the shooting, and logic says he may have had help.
Logic does not say he may have had help.

Saying that someone may have had help is an expression of possibility as in " anything is possible ".

Logic instead dictates that the simplest explanations tend to be true especially if they are supported by evidence.

We have no evidence whatsoever that he had help and a great deal of evidence that he simply acted alone.
And in the situation, it was possible he had help. We don't know, so you can give your opinion that he did not have help, but that is all you can do.

Anyone can say that anything is possible but logic requires evidence. There is no evidence he had help and a great deal of evidence that he acted alone.

Therefore it is not a matter of opinion.
If he had help

They did a shitty job of helping him
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:
He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building
He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away
He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country
Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

Your above is predicated on the notion that the masterminds intended he escape.

More likely the masterminds intended for him to be murdered before or while being arrested.
But somebody screwed up.
There is no evidence of any masterminds and it makes no sense.

Your premise is that they were skilled enough to kill the president and leave no evidence of their existence but somehow were not able to efficiently dispose of Oswald.
Any real conspiracy would have quickly whisked Oswald away and killed him

Dead men tell no tales
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:

He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building

He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away

He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country

Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

the plan for oswald to escape was to go back to work.
he screwed up because he was practically hanging out of the window, trying to make sure he got credit for the kill shot
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:
He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building
He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away
He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country
Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

Your above is predicated on the notion that the masterminds intended he escape.

More likely the masterminds intended for him to be murdered before or while being arrested.
But somebody screwed up.
There is no evidence of any masterminds and it makes no sense.

Your premise is that they were skilled enough to kill the president and leave no evidence of their existence but somehow were not able to efficiently dispose of Oswald.
Any real conspiracy would have quickly whisked Oswald away and killed him

Dead men tell no tales

no one planned to kill oswald until he screwed up , then killed tippit, and had to be arrested.

the plan was he would be paid. ...and his wife was paid
when your escape plan is to go back to work and blend in, the last thing you need is a pistol
Judging from his behavior he may not have had a plan at all other than shoot at Kennedy.

His behavior immediately after the shooting is like someone not sure whether to run or play it cool and stay put. He seems to have changed his mind more than once. He went down to the second floor and loitered briefly. HE was confronted by a cop and co worker while buying a coke. He then slipped out one of the few doors not yet sealed off. Finally he tried to take a bus but it was stalled in traffic and switched to a taxi.

He was probably in a state of near hysteria or panic and was not sure what to do. Run or hide or fight he did a little of each and such indecision would seem typical of someone who is not too bright but did manage to exploit an opportunity which is what he was.
I honestly think he had no plans of escape
Something a trained assassin for the Soviets, Cubans, the mob or CIA would have taken care of

Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months
Oswald started working there before JFK even announced he would visit Dallas

He learned of the parade rout the day before

Not much of a conspiracy
Judging from his behavior he may not have had a plan at all other than shoot at Kennedy.

His behavior immediately after the shooting is like someone not sure whether to run or play it cool and stay put. He seems to have changed his mind more than once. He went down to the second floor and loitered briefly. HE was confronted by a cop and co worker while buying a coke. He then slipped out one of the few doors not yet sealed off. Finally he tried to take a bus but it was stalled in traffic and switched to a taxi.

He was probably in a state of near hysteria or panic and was not sure what to do. Run or hide or fight he did a little of each and such indecision would seem typical of someone who is not too bright but did manage to exploit an opportunity which is what he was.
I honestly think he had no plans of escape
Something a trained assassin for the Soviets, Cubans, the mob or CIA would have taken care of

Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months
Oswald started working there before JFK even announced he would visit Dallas

He learned of the parade rout the day before

Not much of a conspiracy

the parade route was announced in the paper 2 months before, and about the sane time Oswald took employment.
being an insider he would have known about the route before it was printed.

...then the route was changed to accommodate the assassins
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:

He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building

He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away

He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country

Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

the plan for oswald to escape was to go back to work.
he screwed up because he was practically hanging out of the window, trying to make sure he got credit for the kill shot
Go back to work?

He was a fucking communist. The cops would immediately check who worked in the building. You think he would not be the prime suspect?
I honestly think he had no plans of escape
Something a trained assassin for the Soviets, Cubans, the mob or CIA would have taken care of

Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months
Oswald started working there before JFK even announced he would visit Dallas

He learned of the parade rout the day before

Not much of a conspiracy

the parade route was announced in the paper 2 months before, and about the sane time Oswald took employment.
being an insider he would have known about the route before it was printed.

...then the route was changed to accommodate the assassins
Now you are just making shit up
The JFK visit had not even been announced when Oswald started working there
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:

He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building

He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away

He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country

Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

the plan for oswald to escape was to go back to work.
he screwed up because he was practically hanging out of the window, trying to make sure he got credit for the kill shot
You have no evidence that there was a plan much what the specifics of a plan would have been,

We have already demonstrated his behavior reflects a serious lack of planning beyond shooting at Kennedy.

HE did not hang out the window in any way only part of the rifle extended out the window.
What would have happened if Oswald was involved in a conspiracy:
He would have been told to leave the rifle after the assassination and slowly leave the building
He would have been told a car would be waiting a block away
He would be told he would be driven to a nearby private airport where he would be flown out of the country
Once he got into the car, his body would never be found again

Your above is predicated on the notion that the masterminds intended he escape.

More likely the masterminds intended for him to be murdered before or while being arrested.
But somebody screwed up.
There is no evidence of any masterminds and it makes no sense.

Your premise is that they were skilled enough to kill the president and leave no evidence of their existence but somehow were not able to efficiently dispose of Oswald.
Any real conspiracy would have quickly whisked Oswald away and killed him

Dead men tell no tales

no one planned to kill oswald until he screwed up , then killed tippit, and had to be arrested.

the plan was he would be paid. ...and his wife was paid
His wife was not paid sorry you just dreamed that part up.

You have no evidence of a plan at all.
I honestly think he had no plans of escape
Something a trained assassin for the Soviets, Cubans, the mob or CIA would have taken care of

Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months
Oswald started working there before JFK even announced he would visit Dallas

He learned of the parade rout the day before

Not much of a conspiracy

the parade route was announced in the paper 2 months before, and about the sane time Oswald took employment.
being an insider he would have known about the route before it was printed.

...then the route was changed to accommodate the assassins

The motorcade route was not announced two months before it was in fact announced only two days before the actual arrival of Kennedy and as we have shown Oswald probably only read about it the day before the shooting.

You are lying period and the facts prove you wrong.

You have no evidence he was an insider and the route was never changed until the shooting when they then went to the hospital.
Again, assumes facts not in evidence. I know we're all spit balling here. I don't think anyone is making the argument that Oswald was a trained assassin. If they are, they are woefully ignorant of what a trained assassin would have in his arsenal. I think in the trip to Mexico City in the month before he killed JFK, he offered up his services to the Russians (who likely rejected him) and the Cubans (who were still pissed over the bay of pigs) and they basically told him to knock himself out pledging support that was never requisitioned, never planned for and of course never materialized in Dallas. If Oswald goes through with it, it blackens the eye of the nation that invaded you. If he doesn't go through with it, oh well; nothing ventured...nothing gained. Once it happened and his support wasn't there...he went home and got his gun and the rest is history.
Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months
Oswald started working there before JFK even announced he would visit Dallas

He learned of the parade rout the day before

Not much of a conspiracy

the parade route was announced in the paper 2 months before, and about the sane time Oswald took employment.
being an insider he would have known about the route before it was printed.

...then the route was changed to accommodate the assassins

The motorcade route was not announced two months before it was in fact announced only two days before the actual arrival of Kennedy and as we have shown Oswald probably only read about it the day before the shooting.

You are lying period and the facts prove you wrong.

You have no evidence he was an insider and the route was never changed until the shooting when they then went to the hospital.
It was a spontaneous decision by Oswald who had previously tried to assassinated Gen Walker with the same gun

A desperate plea for attention
At 5:50 to 6:30 Dr Crenshaw admits the Parkland doctors knew the Warren Report was a lie and did not challenge the Warren Report lie for nearly 30 years.,,,,,
"we went along to get along" Oswald exonerated.

Oswald had no idea JFK would be parading past his window till the day before.

Not much time for a conspiracy

Oswald acted alone

you could make that argument if Oswald worked there 2 years.

but he was placed in that building 2 months before Kennedy drove by.
logic says he planned for at least 2 months
Oswald started working there before JFK even announced he would visit Dallas

He learned of the parade rout the day before

Not much of a conspiracy

the parade route was announced in the paper 2 months before, and about the sane time Oswald took employment.
being an insider he would have known about the route before it was printed.

...then the route was changed to accommodate the assassins

The motorcade route was not announced two months before it was in fact announced only two days before the actual arrival of Kennedy and as we have shown Oswald probably only read about it the day before the shooting.

You are lying period and the facts prove you wrong.

You have no evidence he was an insider and the route was never changed until the shooting when they then went to the hospital.
It was a spontaneous decision by Oswald who had previously tried to assassinated Gen Walker with the same gun

A desperate plea for attention
Possibly but likely a mix of different motives.

Motive for him to murder Kennedy is the most difficult part to nail down. He died before he could explain his motives or be examined.

HE probably viewed Kennedy as an enemy of communism. Although Kennedy was viewed as a liberal he was also famous for backing down the Soviets in the Cuban Missile crises..

Oswald also fancied himself a hero of the revolution and felt that assassinating the right person might trigger the uprising of the proletariat and the revolution would follow. He often remarked to his wife that she was married to the future prime minister of the United Socialist States of America.

Finally he had an over inflated view of his own importance. In the weeks before the shooting he seems to have been coming to grips with the fact that he was an obscure nobody who would never make the history books. He was working in a more diligent fashion to keep his job whereas before he was lackadaisical in maintaining steady employment. He was also learning to drive and probably even looking into buying a used car. He expressed a desire to his wife to get the family back together and support them.

Of course that all went out the window when he looked at a newspaper and realized that a once in a lifetime opportunity was about to cross his path and he could actually make it into the history books.

Any combination of these and even other motives are what drove him.

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