JFK false flag victim

Oswald scored marksman in the military. 48 of 50 shots.
you don't have to be a trained sniper.

ever since I was a kid I could shoot a bumble bee off a beer can with a SKS

The marksmanship issue only comes in with their supposed time limit, which isn't correct

Wrong he scored sharpshooter which is actually higher than Marksman.

But that is not the point.

Yes one would have to be a trained sniper to be able to hit the target on the first shot with any degree of confidence.

Their time limit is correct.
five farts in a row from the paid shills^ sent be their handlers at langley to fart here.:9::banana::biggrin:
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
five farts in a row from the paid shills^ sent be their handlers at langley to fart here.:9::banana::biggrin:
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun
Same old same old response from a fool who can only ignore facts.

That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.
That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.

You watch too many movies
I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.

You watch too many movies

Again, no sound explanation for neglecting to bring his handgun. The man is about to commit the ultimate act of premeditated murder and knows that he will be in danger from that point moving forward....and leaves 1/2 the Arsenal at the house?
It makes no sense.
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.

You watch too many movies

Again, no sound explanation for neglecting to bring his handgun. The man is about to commit the ultimate act of premeditated murder and knows that he will be in danger from that point moving forward....and leaves 1/2 the Arsenal at the house?
It makes no sense.
If you say so
Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.

You watch too many movies

Again, no sound explanation for neglecting to bring his handgun. The man is about to commit the ultimate act of premeditated murder and knows that he will be in danger from that point moving forward....and leaves 1/2 the Arsenal at the house?
It makes no sense.
If you say so

You made some good points about conspiracy theorists.

Here is what you said:

That is all conspiracy theorists have
They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories
But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I agree with all of that. The “farting” stuff is just one of the crazy things I have seen. Especially on the 9/11 stuff. Pure Craziness. The thing I am able to point to in that case is that the 9/11 Commission’s story makes the most sense because it…makes sense. In the case of the Warren Commission…I can’t say that. The House Select Commission agreed with me on that; re-opening an investigation in the 1970’s. I certainly think Oswald was the lone gunman. I certainly think he was a nutcase. I certainly think it was not well thought out. Hence the minimum of involvement from whomever was working with him.

You have to consider all of the events. In my mind, they just don’t add up
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.

You watch too many movies

Again, no sound explanation for neglecting to bring his handgun. The man is about to commit the ultimate act of premeditated murder and knows that he will be in danger from that point moving forward....and leaves 1/2 the Arsenal at the house?
It makes no sense.
If you say so

You made some good points about conspiracy theorists.

Here is what you said:

That is all conspiracy theorists have
They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories
But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I agree with all of that. The “farting” stuff is just one of the crazy things I have seen. Especially on the 9/11 stuff. Pure Craziness. The thing I am able to point to in that case is that the 9/11 Commission’s story makes the most sense because it…makes sense. In the case of the Warren Commission…I can’t say that. The House Select Commission agreed with me on that; re-opening an investigation in the 1970’s. I certainly think Oswald was the lone gunman. I certainly think he was a nutcase. I certainly think it was not well thought out. Hence the minimum of involvement from whomever was working with him.

You have to consider all of the events. In my mind, they just don’t add up
Fair enough
That is all conspiracy theorists have

They demand facts, facts and answers to all their bizarre theories

But ask for any facts in return and this is what you get

I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.
No you have your facts mixed up.

He routinely slept at the boarding house where he kept his pistol while his wife stayed at Ruth Payne's house where he stored his rifle.

He routinely visited his wife on the weekends.

On Thursday November 21st he went straight from work to Ruth Payne's house to recover the rifle. IF he had brought his pistol he would have had to spend all day at work keeping it hidden and again over night at the Payne's residence.
However he kept it hidden she did not find it. The next day he rode straight from the Payne residence to work.

It is also entirely probably that he began to plan his actions while AT work on the 21st of November meaning he did not have the pistol with him because he did not begin to plan his act of murder until he was at work and read the paper. Since he did not have the pistol with him and the plan did not begin to form until then it was more urgent to retrieve the rifle than the pistol.
Oswald didn't need to shoot his way out, he was connected above the law

Tell us more


while Americans still to this day argue whether or not Socialists have influence in this country, Oswald was trying to prove himself a loyal Marxist soldier.

Despite the fact he denounced America, Socialists leaders in the government were allowing him to go wherever he wanted.

Now , Oswald gets himself involved in a high rank conspiracy. He's smart, everyone else in America is brainwashed idiot.

Though Ruby we learn the Dallas police are connected.
Through Nix we learn the secret service is connected.
Zapruder is a high rank Mason and member of the Clothing union.
Oswald's mother saw letters to Oswald from the CIA

Why would Oswald need to get away?
At this point he's connected to organizations that feel they are bigger then the American government.

Oswald didn't follow orders and actions made it difficult for these people to protect him.

After he's arrested he still thinks he's an untouchable.
Now he's shocked he's being charged with killing the president. Claims he's a patsy(which does not mean innocent)
He requests legal council from John Apt (Communist party, Clothing union)
Oswald thinks he's going negotiate freedom by threatening information.

Now, going back to reality, team leader Ruby kills Oswald, ending that problem.

The government has two choices, claim Oswald acted alone, or tell the public that murderous Commies have been deeply in the government since FDR
Oswald didn't need to shoot his way out, he was connected above the law

Tell us more


while Americans still to this day argue whether or not Socialists have influence in this country, Oswald was trying to prove himself a loyal Marxist soldier.

Despite the fact he denounced America, Socialists leaders in the government were allowing him to go wherever he wanted.

Now , Oswald gets himself involved in a high rank conspiracy. He's smart, everyone else in America is brainwashed idiot.

Though Ruby we learn the Dallas police are connected.
Through Nix we learn the secret service is connected.
Zapruder is a high rank Mason and member of the Clothing union.
Oswald's mother saw letters to Oswald from the CIA

Why would Oswald need to get away?
At this point he's connected to organizations that feel they are bigger then the American government.

Oswald didn't follow orders and actions made it difficult for these people to protect him.

After he's arrested he still thinks he's an untouchable.
Now he's shocked he's being charged with killing the president. Claims he's a patsy(which does not mean innocent)
He requests legal council from John Apt (Communist party, Clothing union)
Oswald thinks he's going negotiate freedom by threatening information.

Now, going back to reality, team leader Ruby kills Oswald, ending that problem.

The government has two choices, claim Oswald acted alone, or tell the public that murderous Commies have been deeply in the government since FDR
Which people?
Commies, CIA, Mafia?

Where is your proof?
Oswald didn't need to shoot his way out, he was connected above the law

Well I can see you're hopeless in giving this advise to on not doing this with these CIA employes especially their biggest USMB resident troll WRONGwinger and the next biggest one the evil NAZI agent,doing this-:trolls: WHY you feed them is BEYOND me:cuckoo:
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I don’t think I’ve demanded much….I have my theory and you have yours. In my mind, both make sense. Conspriracies do not have to be grand and well thought out….

I do have some questions about your theory of events. You said earlier that:

". Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged.”


"Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out.”

Both of which I totally agree with.

But you also said this (which I agree with as well)

"Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop.”

So, to summarize your theory of events, Oswald acting totally on his own decided to shoot Kennedy with his Manlicher Carcano rifle which he brought to work one day. Right?

My question is this; if he was acting alone and had no escape plan from the TSBD…why not bring his revolver as well?

It would seem to me that if I knew I was going down for this and help was not on the way, I would keep the rifle in my hands…not hide it on the way out of the building and on the way away from my sniper’s nest…but I would also have my entire arsenal at my disposal; not 30 minutes away:

View attachment 190465

I think he had escape plans; they just fell through when his support didn’t materialize.

Anyway, please consider the question as to why he didn’t bring along his entire arsenal….
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.
No you have your facts mixed up.

He routinely slept at the boarding house where he kept his pistol while his wife stayed at Ruth Payne's house where he stored his rifle.

He routinely visited his wife on the weekends.

On Thursday November 21st he went straight from work to Ruth Payne's house to recover the rifle. IF he had brought his pistol he would have had to spend all day at work keeping it hidden and again over night at the Payne's residence.
However he kept it hidden she did not find it. The next day he rode straight from the Payne residence to work.

It is also entirely probably that he began to plan his actions while AT work on the 21st of November meaning he did not have the pistol with him because he did not begin to plan his act of murder until he was at work and read the paper. Since he did not have the pistol with him and the plan did not begin to form until then it was more urgent to retrieve the rifle than the pistol.

So the morning that JFK was shot, you’re saying that the rifle was at one place and the pistol was at another? If so where was each weapon?
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.
No you have your facts mixed up.

He routinely slept at the boarding house where he kept his pistol while his wife stayed at Ruth Payne's house where he stored his rifle.

He routinely visited his wife on the weekends.

On Thursday November 21st he went straight from work to Ruth Payne's house to recover the rifle. IF he had brought his pistol he would have had to spend all day at work keeping it hidden and again over night at the Payne's residence.
However he kept it hidden she did not find it. The next day he rode straight from the Payne residence to work.

It is also entirely probably that he began to plan his actions while AT work on the 21st of November meaning he did not have the pistol with him because he did not begin to plan his act of murder until he was at work and read the paper. Since he did not have the pistol with him and the plan did not begin to form until then it was more urgent to retrieve the rifle than the pistol.

So the morning that JFK was shot, you’re saying that the rifle was at one place and the pistol was at another? If so where was each weapon?
Oswald did not have a car
He commuted from Irving Texas where his wife and daughter were and lived in a boarding house in Dallas during the week

The rifle was in Irving with his wife. The handgun was in his room in Dallas
We do not know why he did not bring his pistol but we can surmise one very good reason.

He kept his rifle wrapped in a blanket in the garage of Ruth Payne's house and she did was apparently not aware of this fact. She probably did not wish to have firearms in her house.On the night before the assassination he went to her house, which he had never done on a weeknight, and retrieved his rifle. Of course he also spent the night there. HE may well have decided to leave his pistol hidden at the boarding house because otherwise he would have had to carry it hidden at work on thursday and friday as well as keeping it hidden from Ruth Payne and his wife.

Obviously we do not know exactly why he did not take it but the above reason is very logical and plausible. If anyone at the TSBD or Ruth Payne's house saw a pistol they would have started asking questions. One of the things he did right was to keep his plans to himself and shared them with no one.

Not logical or plausible. He left the gun there so she could find it? Would be much easier to put it in a lunch box, jacket pocket, interior holster, etc… Especially if he knew he was going to encounter the police which is very predictable when you murder the President.

It makes no sense to leave 1/2 your arsenal 30 minutes away. Unless, of course, you didn’t think you were going to need it. That would be the only explanation that makes sense; hence the best you can come up with as a way of explaining it is a big whopping, “I dunno”.
He left his handgun at the rooming house because he didn’t expect to need it. He didn’t expect to get out of the TSBD alive

When he did, he figured to go get his gun

Again, forgive me but your explanation is borderline absurd. He killed the President, he killed Tippett (sp?), he had tried to kill the Army officer earlier....if he didn’t expect to leave the bldg...he certainly was in the mood to take some people with him on figuratively speaking...“the way out” so to speak

Why not take the few seconds and bring your heater as well? I do have my facts straight don’t I? : he did sleep at the place where both firearms were the evening before, correct? I could see him not bringing it if he didn’t have time to get it.

But he had the 3 basic pillars when you look at a suspect; time, motive, and opportunity.
No you have your facts mixed up.

He routinely slept at the boarding house where he kept his pistol while his wife stayed at Ruth Payne's house where he stored his rifle.

He routinely visited his wife on the weekends.

On Thursday November 21st he went straight from work to Ruth Payne's house to recover the rifle. IF he had brought his pistol he would have had to spend all day at work keeping it hidden and again over night at the Payne's residence.
However he kept it hidden she did not find it. The next day he rode straight from the Payne residence to work.

It is also entirely probably that he began to plan his actions while AT work on the 21st of November meaning he did not have the pistol with him because he did not begin to plan his act of murder until he was at work and read the paper. Since he did not have the pistol with him and the plan did not begin to form until then it was more urgent to retrieve the rifle than the pistol.

So the morning that JFK was shot, you’re saying that the rifle was at one place and the pistol was at another? If so where was each weapon?
The rifle was at Ruth Payne's house and the pistol was at Oswald's Boarding house.

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