JFK false flag victim

Oswald was waiting by the phone in the lunchroom then goes to his boarding house to get his gun...why? He was scared. Most likely he went to the theatre to meet someone but we will never know. What we do know is Oswald was pretending to be a communist while hanging out with right wingers in New Orleans.
He was not pretending to be a communist.

He hung out with a few right wingers because he read a lot of spy novels and thought he could develop information about the anti castro movement. He offered to share this information with the cuban government if they allowed him in but they did not want him.

His long time infatuation with communism was quite legitimate.

There is no indication he went to the theater to meet someone he was simply in a near state of panic because he knew he was about to get caught or killed. His behavior is not suspicious considering his situation.
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
Well, that is one way to look at it. Another way would be (if you’re a national superpower) is this: Americans have it very well in the world—which is the truth. At any one time 1/2 of the nation wishes the President were someone else.—which is true. A shocking amount of the time sees the VP who will, by law, become president if the President is killed….was a recent political rival of the President; which in the case of LBJ was the truth. I’m not sure that is enough to move the needle but if you take into account that

99% of the nation has it better than 100% of the rest of the world
50% the nation isn’t going to “miss” the President
and the VP is going to become the President who may or may not be part of the 50%

I would wonder if that wasn’t enough to sway some national actor.

They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
All good points. We know Oswald said he was a patsy. Which would account for him not having an escape plan. Perhaps someone was supposed to meet him which would account for his going home and the erratic behavior after he shot the President.
As for the Professional Assassin, I think Rumsfeld put it best when he said (paraphrasing); you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had; you go with the one you got.

More about this later….

Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?

Would I trust Oswald with this job? Not sure. However, if you’re Cuba and you have limited resources…you bring up to Russia that you want blood for the Bay of Pigs but they turn you down…you look at your list of options. Oswald isn’t your mail-order assassin for darn sure….but if you’re Cuba, you don’t exactly have a bunch of options in the James Bond department do you?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lone nut. I think that there are way too many coincidences for that to be the case and that any spy agency or surveillance service would have had him marked and accounted for if he was anywhere near Dallas when the President was visiting… I wouldn’t be surprised though if Cuba enlisted him and then left him to fend for himself.
Thanks to Jack Ruby; we never heard Oswald’s side of the story.
The only coincidence has been explained quite well.

Im curious what other coincidences you refer to?

A better explanation for his erratic behavior and lack of escape plan is that he had only a couple of days to decide to commit the murder and plan it.

He had no real means of escape other than walk away and hope for a lucky break. He had very little money and no car.

His actions immediately before the assassination indicate a certain amount of fatalism like he knew it was unlikely he would get away with it. But of course even a certain fatalism does not mean he would not make an attempt to get away which he did.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
still ANOTHER fart from the nazi agent shill ^that has to come HERE to troll after getting his sorry ass banned at that other political site.a LONG overdue banning there that the lazy ass mods should have done YEARS ago.
this is what he does in defeat everyday after his long overdue banning there.:CryingCow:
still ANOTHER fart from the nazi agent shill that has to come HERE to troll after getting his sorry ass banned at that other political site.a LONG overdue banning there that the lazy ass mods should have done YEARS ago.
this is what he does in defeat everyday after his long overdue banning there.:CryingCow:
Another waste of bandwidth from the resident troll
Oswald was waiting by the phone in the lunchroom then goes to his boarding house to get his gun...why? He was scared. Most likely he went to the theatre to meet someone but we will never know. What we do know is Oswald was pretending to be a communist while hanging out with right wingers in New Orleans.

Dude,candyass,the evil NAZI paid shill of Langley,and WRONG winger are ALL Langley employees. do yourself a favor,dont feed the trolls.
Oswald was waiting by the phone in the lunchroom then goes to his boarding house to get his gun...why? He was scared. Most likely he went to the theatre to meet someone but we will never know. What we do know is Oswald was pretending to be a communist while hanging out with right wingers in New Orleans.

you nailed it.
Oswald was waiting by the phone in the lunchroom then goes to his boarding house to get his gun...why? He was scared. Most likely he went to the theatre to meet someone but we will never know. What we do know is Oswald was pretending to be a communist while hanging out with right wingers in New Orleans.

Dude,candyass,the evil NAZI paid shill of Langley,and WRONG winger are ALL Langley employees. do yourself a favor,dont feed the trolls.
The only troll is you which is why you only sling shit in defeat.

Everyone who proves themselves to be smarter than you is a paid shill in your pea brain which means every adult in the country is a CIA spy by your standards.
Oswald was waiting by the phone in the lunchroom then goes to his boarding house to get his gun...why? He was scared. Most likely he went to the theatre to meet someone but we will never know. What we do know is Oswald was pretending to be a communist while hanging out with right wingers in New Orleans.

you nailed it.
He missed the mark as you have every time.

He was corrected as I correct you with every post.
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
Well, that is one way to look at it. Another way would be (if you’re a national superpower) is this: Americans have it very well in the world—which is the truth. At any one time 1/2 of the nation wishes the President were someone else.—which is true. A shocking amount of the time sees the VP who will, by law, become president if the President is killed….was a recent political rival of the President; which in the case of LBJ was the truth. I’m not sure that is enough to move the needle but if you take into account that

99% of the nation has it better than 100% of the rest of the world
50% the nation isn’t going to “miss” the President
and the VP is going to become the President who may or may not be part of the 50%

I would wonder if that wasn’t enough to sway some national actor.

They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
All good points. We know Oswald said he was a patsy. Which would account for him not having an escape plan. Perhaps someone was supposed to meet him which would account for his going home and the erratic behavior after he shot the President.
As for the Professional Assassin, I think Rumsfeld put it best when he said (paraphrasing); you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had; you go with the one you got.

More about this later….

Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?

Would I trust Oswald with this job? Not sure. However, if you’re Cuba and you have limited resources…you bring up to Russia that you want blood for the Bay of Pigs but they turn you down…you look at your list of options. Oswald isn’t your mail-order assassin for darn sure….but if you’re Cuba, you don’t exactly have a bunch of options in the James Bond department do you?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lone nut. I think that there are way too many coincidences for that to be the case and that any spy agency or surveillance service would have had him marked and accounted for if he was anywhere near Dallas when the President was visiting… I wouldn’t be surprised though if Cuba enlisted him and then left him to fend for himself.
Thanks to Jack Ruby; we never heard Oswald’s side of the story.
The only coincidence has been explained quite well.

Im curious what other coincidences you refer to?

A better explanation for his erratic behavior and lack of escape plan is that he had only a couple of days to decide to commit the murder and plan it.

He had no real means of escape other than walk away and hope for a lucky break. He had very little money and no car.

His actions immediately before the assassination indicate a certain amount of fatalism like he knew it was unlikely he would get away with it. But of course even a certain fatalism does not mean he would not make an attempt to get away which he did.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
Well, that is one way to look at it. Another way would be (if you’re a national superpower) is this: Americans have it very well in the world—which is the truth. At any one time 1/2 of the nation wishes the President were someone else.—which is true. A shocking amount of the time sees the VP who will, by law, become president if the President is killed….was a recent political rival of the President; which in the case of LBJ was the truth. I’m not sure that is enough to move the needle but if you take into account that

99% of the nation has it better than 100% of the rest of the world
50% the nation isn’t going to “miss” the President
and the VP is going to become the President who may or may not be part of the 50%

I would wonder if that wasn’t enough to sway some national actor.

They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
All good points. We know Oswald said he was a patsy. Which would account for him not having an escape plan. Perhaps someone was supposed to meet him which would account for his going home and the erratic behavior after he shot the President.
As for the Professional Assassin, I think Rumsfeld put it best when he said (paraphrasing); you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had; you go with the one you got.

More about this later….

Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?

Would I trust Oswald with this job? Not sure. However, if you’re Cuba and you have limited resources…you bring up to Russia that you want blood for the Bay of Pigs but they turn you down…you look at your list of options. Oswald isn’t your mail-order assassin for darn sure….but if you’re Cuba, you don’t exactly have a bunch of options in the James Bond department do you?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lone nut. I think that there are way too many coincidences for that to be the case and that any spy agency or surveillance service would have had him marked and accounted for if he was anywhere near Dallas when the President was visiting… I wouldn’t be surprised though if Cuba enlisted him and then left him to fend for himself.
Thanks to Jack Ruby; we never heard Oswald’s side of the story.
The only coincidence has been explained quite well.

Im curious what other coincidences you refer to?

A better explanation for his erratic behavior and lack of escape plan is that he had only a couple of days to decide to commit the murder and plan it.

He had no real means of escape other than walk away and hope for a lucky break. He had very little money and no car.

His actions immediately before the assassination indicate a certain amount of fatalism like he knew it was unlikely he would get away with it. But of course even a certain fatalism does not mean he would not make an attempt to get away which he did.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
Oswald had no chance of escape
He worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Police were going to check the names and a missing Oswald would have made him the most hunted man in American history

Why would a “conspiracy” select someone who had no chance of escape?
Oswald was waiting by the phone in the lunchroom then goes to his boarding house to get his gun...why? He was scared. Most likely he went to the theatre to meet someone but we will never know. What we do know is Oswald was pretending to be a communist while hanging out with right wingers in New Orleans.

Dude,candyass,the evil NAZI paid shill of Langley,and WRONG winger are ALL Langley employees. do yourself a favor,dont feed the trolls.
Why are conspiracy theorists all paranoid, certifiable nut cases?
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
Well, that is one way to look at it. Another way would be (if you’re a national superpower) is this: Americans have it very well in the world—which is the truth. At any one time 1/2 of the nation wishes the President were someone else.—which is true. A shocking amount of the time sees the VP who will, by law, become president if the President is killed….was a recent political rival of the President; which in the case of LBJ was the truth. I’m not sure that is enough to move the needle but if you take into account that

99% of the nation has it better than 100% of the rest of the world
50% the nation isn’t going to “miss” the President
and the VP is going to become the President who may or may not be part of the 50%

I would wonder if that wasn’t enough to sway some national actor.

They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
All good points. We know Oswald said he was a patsy. Which would account for him not having an escape plan. Perhaps someone was supposed to meet him which would account for his going home and the erratic behavior after he shot the President.
As for the Professional Assassin, I think Rumsfeld put it best when he said (paraphrasing); you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had; you go with the one you got.

More about this later….

Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?

Would I trust Oswald with this job? Not sure. However, if you’re Cuba and you have limited resources…you bring up to Russia that you want blood for the Bay of Pigs but they turn you down…you look at your list of options. Oswald isn’t your mail-order assassin for darn sure….but if you’re Cuba, you don’t exactly have a bunch of options in the James Bond department do you?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lone nut. I think that there are way too many coincidences for that to be the case and that any spy agency or surveillance service would have had him marked and accounted for if he was anywhere near Dallas when the President was visiting… I wouldn’t be surprised though if Cuba enlisted him and then left him to fend for himself.
Thanks to Jack Ruby; we never heard Oswald’s side of the story.
The only coincidence has been explained quite well.

Im curious what other coincidences you refer to?

A better explanation for his erratic behavior and lack of escape plan is that he had only a couple of days to decide to commit the murder and plan it.

He had no real means of escape other than walk away and hope for a lucky break. He had very little money and no car.

His actions immediately before the assassination indicate a certain amount of fatalism like he knew it was unlikely he would get away with it. But of course even a certain fatalism does not mean he would not make an attempt to get away which he did.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
Well, that is one way to look at it. Another way would be (if you’re a national superpower) is this: Americans have it very well in the world—which is the truth. At any one time 1/2 of the nation wishes the President were someone else.—which is true. A shocking amount of the time sees the VP who will, by law, become president if the President is killed….was a recent political rival of the President; which in the case of LBJ was the truth. I’m not sure that is enough to move the needle but if you take into account that

99% of the nation has it better than 100% of the rest of the world
50% the nation isn’t going to “miss” the President
and the VP is going to become the President who may or may not be part of the 50%

I would wonder if that wasn’t enough to sway some national actor.

They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
All good points. We know Oswald said he was a patsy. Which would account for him not having an escape plan. Perhaps someone was supposed to meet him which would account for his going home and the erratic behavior after he shot the President.
As for the Professional Assassin, I think Rumsfeld put it best when he said (paraphrasing); you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had; you go with the one you got.

More about this later….

Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?

Would I trust Oswald with this job? Not sure. However, if you’re Cuba and you have limited resources…you bring up to Russia that you want blood for the Bay of Pigs but they turn you down…you look at your list of options. Oswald isn’t your mail-order assassin for darn sure….but if you’re Cuba, you don’t exactly have a bunch of options in the James Bond department do you?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lone nut. I think that there are way too many coincidences for that to be the case and that any spy agency or surveillance service would have had him marked and accounted for if he was anywhere near Dallas when the President was visiting… I wouldn’t be surprised though if Cuba enlisted him and then left him to fend for himself.
Thanks to Jack Ruby; we never heard Oswald’s side of the story.
The only coincidence has been explained quite well.

Im curious what other coincidences you refer to?

A better explanation for his erratic behavior and lack of escape plan is that he had only a couple of days to decide to commit the murder and plan it.

He had no real means of escape other than walk away and hope for a lucky break. He had very little money and no car.

His actions immediately before the assassination indicate a certain amount of fatalism like he knew it was unlikely he would get away with it. But of course even a certain fatalism does not mean he would not make an attempt to get away which he did.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
Oswald had no chance of escape
He worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Police were going to check the names and a missing Oswald would have made him the most hunted man in American history

Why would a “conspiracy” select someone who had no chance of escape?
The answer from some would be that he was framed and therefore not given a chance to escape because he was the fall guy or " patsy ".

This ignores the obvious however that if he is the fall guy then he knows he is being framed and therefore who is framing him and why.

This ignores the obvious however. IF they deny him any chance of escape and allow him to be caught then he tells who set him up and sooner or later they get caught.

IF he were a patsy they would have simply killed him in the TSBD next to the rifle thus allowing him to be blamed for the murder and conveniently dead.

Ruby's murder of Oswald cannot be called an attempt to silence him as it took place two days later during which he time he took many opportunities to speak to the authorities and to the media. This is exactly what a conspiracy could not have allowed.
Oswald was waiting by the phone in the lunchroom then goes to his boarding house to get his gun...why? He was scared. Most likely he went to the theatre to meet someone but we will never know. What we do know is Oswald was pretending to be a communist while hanging out with right wingers in New Orleans.

Dude,candyass,the evil NAZI paid shill of Langley,and WRONG winger are ALL Langley employees. do yourself a favor,dont feed the trolls.
Why are conspiracy theorists all paranoid, certifiable nut cases?

A few pshrinks have weighed in on that.

One school of thought is that it brings them a perverse sense of comfort that someone is in charge of the world and running things even if that someone is an evil overlord of some kind.

Another school of thought is that it boosts a weak ego.

They believe they are more enlightened and better informed and therefore superior to others hence the outrageous denial of facts and evidence which runs contrary to their claims.

The later is the sort of immaturity which LARAM suffers from.
here is Langley employees Candyass,Wrongwinger and the evil NAZI shill going to their handlers demanding pay raises to keep coming back having to make up lies to avoid the ass beatings they have suffered thousands of times over the years here and have to everyday.:206::206::206::206::206::206:


I am sure the NAZI shills boss smacked him in the face and REALLY made him cry making him mad when he had to inform his boss of his long overdue banning at that site it with his lies at that politicial site getting him a long over due PERMANENT banning there.:iyfyus.jpg:

fortunately for him,at this place it is extremely difficult for shills like him to get a perm ban here so this NOW where he will do all his JFK trolling since that his boss will send him to to post all hours on now.:laughing0301:
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
Well, that is one way to look at it. Another way would be (if you’re a national superpower) is this: Americans have it very well in the world—which is the truth. At any one time 1/2 of the nation wishes the President were someone else.—which is true. A shocking amount of the time sees the VP who will, by law, become president if the President is killed….was a recent political rival of the President; which in the case of LBJ was the truth. I’m not sure that is enough to move the needle but if you take into account that

99% of the nation has it better than 100% of the rest of the world
50% the nation isn’t going to “miss” the President
and the VP is going to become the President who may or may not be part of the 50%

I would wonder if that wasn’t enough to sway some national actor.

They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
All good points. We know Oswald said he was a patsy. Which would account for him not having an escape plan. Perhaps someone was supposed to meet him which would account for his going home and the erratic behavior after he shot the President.
As for the Professional Assassin, I think Rumsfeld put it best when he said (paraphrasing); you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had; you go with the one you got.

More about this later….

Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?

Would I trust Oswald with this job? Not sure. However, if you’re Cuba and you have limited resources…you bring up to Russia that you want blood for the Bay of Pigs but they turn you down…you look at your list of options. Oswald isn’t your mail-order assassin for darn sure….but if you’re Cuba, you don’t exactly have a bunch of options in the James Bond department do you?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lone nut. I think that there are way too many coincidences for that to be the case and that any spy agency or surveillance service would have had him marked and accounted for if he was anywhere near Dallas when the President was visiting… I wouldn’t be surprised though if Cuba enlisted him and then left him to fend for himself.
Thanks to Jack Ruby; we never heard Oswald’s side of the story.
The only coincidence has been explained quite well.

Im curious what other coincidences you refer to?

A better explanation for his erratic behavior and lack of escape plan is that he had only a couple of days to decide to commit the murder and plan it.

He had no real means of escape other than walk away and hope for a lucky break. He had very little money and no car.

His actions immediately before the assassination indicate a certain amount of fatalism like he knew it was unlikely he would get away with it. But of course even a certain fatalism does not mean he would not make an attempt to get away which he did.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
Well, that is one way to look at it. Another way would be (if you’re a national superpower) is this: Americans have it very well in the world—which is the truth. At any one time 1/2 of the nation wishes the President were someone else.—which is true. A shocking amount of the time sees the VP who will, by law, become president if the President is killed….was a recent political rival of the President; which in the case of LBJ was the truth. I’m not sure that is enough to move the needle but if you take into account that

99% of the nation has it better than 100% of the rest of the world
50% the nation isn’t going to “miss” the President
and the VP is going to become the President who may or may not be part of the 50%

I would wonder if that wasn’t enough to sway some national actor.

They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
All good points. We know Oswald said he was a patsy. Which would account for him not having an escape plan. Perhaps someone was supposed to meet him which would account for his going home and the erratic behavior after he shot the President.
As for the Professional Assassin, I think Rumsfeld put it best when he said (paraphrasing); you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had; you go with the one you got.

More about this later….

Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?

Would I trust Oswald with this job? Not sure. However, if you’re Cuba and you have limited resources…you bring up to Russia that you want blood for the Bay of Pigs but they turn you down…you look at your list of options. Oswald isn’t your mail-order assassin for darn sure….but if you’re Cuba, you don’t exactly have a bunch of options in the James Bond department do you?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lone nut. I think that there are way too many coincidences for that to be the case and that any spy agency or surveillance service would have had him marked and accounted for if he was anywhere near Dallas when the President was visiting… I wouldn’t be surprised though if Cuba enlisted him and then left him to fend for himself.
Thanks to Jack Ruby; we never heard Oswald’s side of the story.
The only coincidence has been explained quite well.

Im curious what other coincidences you refer to?

A better explanation for his erratic behavior and lack of escape plan is that he had only a couple of days to decide to commit the murder and plan it.

He had no real means of escape other than walk away and hope for a lucky break. He had very little money and no car.

His actions immediately before the assassination indicate a certain amount of fatalism like he knew it was unlikely he would get away with it. But of course even a certain fatalism does not mean he would not make an attempt to get away which he did.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
Oswald had no chance of escape
He worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Police were going to check the names and a missing Oswald would have made him the most hunted man in American history

Why would a “conspiracy” select someone who had no chance of escape?
The answer from some would be that he was framed and therefore not given a chance to escape because he was the fall guy or " patsy ".

This ignores the obvious however that if he is the fall guy then he knows he is being framed and therefore who is framing him and why.

This ignores the obvious however. IF they deny him any chance of escape and allow him to be caught then he tells who set him up and sooner or later they get caught.

IF he were a patsy they would have simply killed him in the TSBD next to the rifle thus allowing him to be blamed for the murder and conveniently dead.

Ruby's murder of Oswald cannot be called an attempt to silence him as it took place two days later during which he time he took many opportunities to speak to the authorities and to the media. This is exactly what a conspiracy could not have allowed.

So a conspirator like the Soviets, Cuba, Mafia or CIA would leave their “patsy” no means of escape and sure to be captured

Who is going to trust an Oswald to keep his mouth shut?
here is Langley employees Candyass,Wrongwinger and the evil NAZI shill going to their handlers demanding pay raises to keep coming back having to make up lies to avoid the ass beatings they have suffered thousands of times over the years here and have to everyday.:206::206::206::206::206::206:


I am sure the NAZI shills boss smacked him in the face and REALLY made him cry making him mad when he had to inform his boss of his long overdue banning at that site it with his lies at that politicial site getting him a long over due PERMANENT banning there.:iyfyus.jpg:

fortunately for him,at this place it is extremely difficult for shills like him to get a perm ban here so this NOW where he will do all his JFK trolling since that his boss will send him to to post all hours on now.:laughing0301:
Still slinging shit after being proven a liar and fool.
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
Well, that is one way to look at it. Another way would be (if you’re a national superpower) is this: Americans have it very well in the world—which is the truth. At any one time 1/2 of the nation wishes the President were someone else.—which is true. A shocking amount of the time sees the VP who will, by law, become president if the President is killed….was a recent political rival of the President; which in the case of LBJ was the truth. I’m not sure that is enough to move the needle but if you take into account that

99% of the nation has it better than 100% of the rest of the world
50% the nation isn’t going to “miss” the President
and the VP is going to become the President who may or may not be part of the 50%

I would wonder if that wasn’t enough to sway some national actor.

They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
All good points. We know Oswald said he was a patsy. Which would account for him not having an escape plan. Perhaps someone was supposed to meet him which would account for his going home and the erratic behavior after he shot the President.
As for the Professional Assassin, I think Rumsfeld put it best when he said (paraphrasing); you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had; you go with the one you got.

More about this later….

Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?

Would I trust Oswald with this job? Not sure. However, if you’re Cuba and you have limited resources…you bring up to Russia that you want blood for the Bay of Pigs but they turn you down…you look at your list of options. Oswald isn’t your mail-order assassin for darn sure….but if you’re Cuba, you don’t exactly have a bunch of options in the James Bond department do you?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lone nut. I think that there are way too many coincidences for that to be the case and that any spy agency or surveillance service would have had him marked and accounted for if he was anywhere near Dallas when the President was visiting… I wouldn’t be surprised though if Cuba enlisted him and then left him to fend for himself.
Thanks to Jack Ruby; we never heard Oswald’s side of the story.
The only coincidence has been explained quite well.

Im curious what other coincidences you refer to?

A better explanation for his erratic behavior and lack of escape plan is that he had only a couple of days to decide to commit the murder and plan it.

He had no real means of escape other than walk away and hope for a lucky break. He had very little money and no car.

His actions immediately before the assassination indicate a certain amount of fatalism like he knew it was unlikely he would get away with it. But of course even a certain fatalism does not mean he would not make an attempt to get away which he did.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
Well, that is one way to look at it. Another way would be (if you’re a national superpower) is this: Americans have it very well in the world—which is the truth. At any one time 1/2 of the nation wishes the President were someone else.—which is true. A shocking amount of the time sees the VP who will, by law, become president if the President is killed….was a recent political rival of the President; which in the case of LBJ was the truth. I’m not sure that is enough to move the needle but if you take into account that

99% of the nation has it better than 100% of the rest of the world
50% the nation isn’t going to “miss” the President
and the VP is going to become the President who may or may not be part of the 50%

I would wonder if that wasn’t enough to sway some national actor.

They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
All good points. We know Oswald said he was a patsy. Which would account for him not having an escape plan. Perhaps someone was supposed to meet him which would account for his going home and the erratic behavior after he shot the President.
As for the Professional Assassin, I think Rumsfeld put it best when he said (paraphrasing); you don’t go to war with the army you wish you had; you go with the one you got.

More about this later….

Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?

Would I trust Oswald with this job? Not sure. However, if you’re Cuba and you have limited resources…you bring up to Russia that you want blood for the Bay of Pigs but they turn you down…you look at your list of options. Oswald isn’t your mail-order assassin for darn sure….but if you’re Cuba, you don’t exactly have a bunch of options in the James Bond department do you?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a lone nut. I think that there are way too many coincidences for that to be the case and that any spy agency or surveillance service would have had him marked and accounted for if he was anywhere near Dallas when the President was visiting… I wouldn’t be surprised though if Cuba enlisted him and then left him to fend for himself.
Thanks to Jack Ruby; we never heard Oswald’s side of the story.
The only coincidence has been explained quite well.

Im curious what other coincidences you refer to?

A better explanation for his erratic behavior and lack of escape plan is that he had only a couple of days to decide to commit the murder and plan it.

He had no real means of escape other than walk away and hope for a lucky break. He had very little money and no car.

His actions immediately before the assassination indicate a certain amount of fatalism like he knew it was unlikely he would get away with it. But of course even a certain fatalism does not mean he would not make an attempt to get away which he did.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
Oswald had no chance of escape
He worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Police were going to check the names and a missing Oswald would have made him the most hunted man in American history

Why would a “conspiracy” select someone who had no chance of escape?
The answer from some would be that he was framed and therefore not given a chance to escape because he was the fall guy or " patsy ".

This ignores the obvious however that if he is the fall guy then he knows he is being framed and therefore who is framing him and why.

This ignores the obvious however. IF they deny him any chance of escape and allow him to be caught then he tells who set him up and sooner or later they get caught.

IF he were a patsy they would have simply killed him in the TSBD next to the rifle thus allowing him to be blamed for the murder and conveniently dead.

Ruby's murder of Oswald cannot be called an attempt to silence him as it took place two days later during which he time he took many opportunities to speak to the authorities and to the media. This is exactly what a conspiracy could not have allowed.

So a conspirator like the Soviets, Cuba, Mafia or CIA would leave their “patsy” no means of escape and sure to be captured

Who is going to trust an Oswald to keep his mouth shut?
Exactly some of the many obvious facts which ruin conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theorists love to spin intricate webs about why or how some conspiracy was pulled off but they never think it through.

Another example one often hears about JFK and Oswald is the multiple Oswald sightings. When the investigation was ongoing many many people came forward to say they had seen Oswald at one time or another before the assassination.

Many of these sightings are outrageous and unreliable. Conspiracy nuts and total fools like LARAM will insist that these were doubles deliberately posing as Oswald to generate a history or trail for investigators to follow.

The question they do not ask however is " to what end "? How the hell does it help or assist the conspiracy to have multiple sightings of the guy all over the place doing various things some of which are extremely out of character?

It does not good at all and would be a waste of time and resources and is even likely to back fire and endanger the conspiracy.

he more likely explanation is that people always think they saw someone notorious. Police departments are WELL aware of this and know that they will ALWAYS have tons of crazy witnesses seeing all sorts of crazy and not so crazy things during an investigation. In any manhunt you will have endless tips from people who see the fugitive all over the planet.
Once again, the simplest explanation is the most likely

Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go by his workplace. So he brought his gun to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out
The problem with all these JFK conspiracies is they fail at the level of conspiracy

A conspiracy implies careful planning. Would the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA select someone like Oswald to be the key to a political assasination that could start a war?
They would have selected a PROFESSIONAL assassin. Someone who would be in Dallas under a fake name. Someone who not only knew how to shoot, but had an escape plan that would either get him out of the country or kill him. Would a professional assassin use a $19.95 mail order bolt action rifle or a top line sniper rifle?
Instead we have Oswald. Undependable and mentally unstable. Oswald had no chance at escape. The police were going to check who worked at the Schoolbook Depository. Oswald would have been red flagged. Oswald wandered the city and shot a cop. He hid in a theater. Not what you would call a professional escape plan
If you were the Soviets, Cubans, Mafia or CIA.......would you trust Oswald with your conspiracy?
If Oswald were a “patsy” like he claimed, a conspirator like the USSR, Cuba, Mafia or CIA would have had him killed immediately after the shooting

Why allow your weakest link to go through two days of enhanced interrogation by the police?

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