JFK false flag victim

He got owned he owned no one.

He bot beaten down and proven a fool as you always do with every post.

Go whine somewhere else kiddoe.

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

You would do well in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia...now you and your kind want to replicate those horrors in the USA.

All within the evidence, Nothing unsupported by evidence and nothing contradictory to the evidence.

It has nothing to do with your ideology of hating the state you wither have evidence or you do not and you DO NOT.

Cite some evidence.
Read this book if you dare. It confirms everything I have told you...it is but one book of the many written, that exposes the numerous lies you and others have spewed about the Deep State's assassination of JFK. It was a coup d'etat...and you know it was.


Here is a great review of the book, should you have a problem reading an entire book that blows up everything you believe.

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Review of James Douglass’ Book by Prof. Edward Curtin

But who killed him?

Douglass presents a formidable amount of evidence, some old and some new, against the CIA and covert action agencies within the national security state, and does so in such a logical and persuasive way that any fair-minded reader cannot help but be taken aback; stunned, really. And he links this evidence directly to JFK’s actions on behalf of peace.

He knows, however, that to truly convince he must break a “conspiracy of silence that would envelop our government, our media, our academic institutions, and virtually our entire society from November 22, 1963, to the present.” [quote is from Chapter 6, Washington and Dallas, page 314, 2010 Simon & Schuster softcover edition] This “unspeakable,” this hypnotic “collective denial of the obvious,” is sustained by a mass-media whose repeated message is that the truth about such significant events is beyond our grasp, that we will have to drink the waters of uncertainty forever. As for those who don’t, they are relegated to the status of conspiracy nuts.

Fear and uncertainty block a true appraisal of the assassination—that plus the thought that it no longer matters.

It matters. For we know that no president since JFK has dared to buck the military-intelligence-industrial complex. We know a Pax Americana has spread its tentacles across the globe with U.S. military in over 130 countries on 750 plus bases. We know that the amount of blood and money spent on wars and war preparations has risen astronomically.

There is a great deal we know and even more that we don’t want to know, or at the very least, investigate.

If Lee Harvey Oswald was connected to the intelligence community, the FBI and the CIA, then we can logically conclude that he was not “a lone-nut” assassin. Douglass marshals a wealth of evidence to show how from the very start Oswald was moved around the globe like a pawn in a game, and when the game was done, the pawn was eliminated in the Dallas police headquarters.

As he begins to trace Oswald’s path, Douglass asks this question: “Why was Lee Harvey Oswald so tolerated and supported by the government he betrayed?” After serving as a U.S. Marine at the CIA’s U-2 spy plane operating base in Japan with a Crypto clearance (higher than top secret but a fact suppressed by the Warren Commission), Oswald left the Marines and defected to the Soviet Union.

After denouncing the U.S., working at a Soviet factory in Minsk, and taking a Russian wife—during which time Gary Powers’ U-2 spy plane is shot down over the Soviet Union—he returned to the U.S. with a loan from the American Embassy in Moscow, only to be met at the dock in Hoboken, New Jersey by a man, Spas T. Raikin, a prominent anti-communist with extensive intelligence connections, recommended by the State Department.

He passed through immigration with no trouble, was not prosecuted, moved to Fort Worth, Texas where, at the suggestion of the Dallas CIA Domestic Contacts Service chief, he was met and befriended by George de Mohrenschildt, an anti-communist Russian, who was a CIA asset. De Mohrenschildt got him a job four days later at a graphic arts company that worked on maps for the U.S. Army Map Service related to U-2 spy missions over Cuba.

Oswald was then shepherded around the Dallas area by de Mohrenschildt who, in 1977, on the day he revealed he had contacted Oswald for the CIA and was to meet with the House Select Committee on Assassinations’ Gaeton Fonzi, allegedly committed suicide.

Oswald then moved to New Orleans in April 1963 where got a job at the Reilly Coffee Company owned by CIA-affiliated William Reilly. The Reilly Coffee Company was located in close vicinity to the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, and Office of Naval Intelligence offices and a stone’s throw from the office of Guy Bannister, a former Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Chicago Bureau, who worked as a covert action coordinator for the intelligence services, supplying and training anti-Castro paramilitaries meant to ensnare Kennedy. Oswald then went to work with Bannister and the CIA paramilitaries.

During this time up until the assassination Oswald engaged in all sorts of contradictory activities, one day portraying himself as pro-Castro, the next day as anti-Castro, many of these theatrical performances being directed from Bannister’s office. It was as though Oswald, on the orders of his puppet masters, was enacting multiple and antithetical roles in order to confound anyone intent on deciphering the purposes behind his actions and to set him up as a future “assassin.” Douglass persuasively argues that Oswald “seems to have been working with both the CIA and FBI,” as a provocateur for the former and an informant for the latter. Jim and Elsie Wilcott, who worked at the CIA Tokyo Station from 1960-64, in a 1978 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, said, “It was common knowledge in the Tokyo CIA station that Oswald worked for the agency.”

When Oswald moved to New Orleans in April 1963, de Mohrenschildt exited the picture, having asked the CIA for and been indirectly given a $285,000 contract to do a geological survey for Haitian dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier, which he never did, but for which he was paid. Ruth and Michael Paine then entered the picture on cue. Douglass illuminatingly traces in their intelligence connections. Ruth later was the Warren Commission’s chief witness. She had been introduced to Oswald by de Mohrenschildt. In September 1963 Ruth Paine drove from her sister’s house in Virginia to New Orleans to pick up Marina Oswald and bring her to her house in Dallas to live with her. Thirty years after the assassination a document was declassified showing Paine’s sister Sylvia worked for the CIA. Her father traveled throughout Latin America on an Agency for International Development (notorious for CIA front activities) contract and filed reports that went to the CIA. Her husband Michael’s step-father, Arthur Young, was the inventor of the Bell helicopter and Michael’s job there gave him a security clearance. Her mother was related to the Forbes family of Boston and her lifelong friend, Mary Bancroft, worked as a WW II spy with Allen Dulles and was his mistress. Afterwards, Dulles questioned the Paines in front of the Warren Commission, studiously avoiding any revealing questions. Back in Dallas, Ruth Paine conveniently got Oswald a job in the Texas Book Depository where he began work on October 16, 1963.

From late September until November 22, various Oswalds are later reported to have simultaneously been seen from Dallas to Mexico City. Two Oswalds were arrested in the Texas Theatre, the real one taken out the front door and an impostor out the back. As Douglas says, “There were more Oswalds providing evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald than the Warren Report could use or even explain.” Even J. Edgar Hoover knew that Oswald impostors were used, as he told LBJ concerning Oswald’s alleged visit to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. He later called this CIA ploy, “the false story re Oswald’s trip to Mexico...their ( CIA’s) double-dealing,” something that he couldn’t forget. It was apparent that a very intricate and deadly game was being played out at high levels in the shadows.

We know Oswald was blamed for the President’s murder. But if one fairly follows the trail of the crime it becomes blatantly obvious that government forces were at work. Douglass adds layer upon layer of evidence to show how this had to be so. Oswald, the mafia, anti-Castro Cubans could not have withdrawn most of the security that day. The Sheriff Bill Decker withdrew all police protection. The Secret Service withdrew the police motorcycle escorts from beside the president’s car where they had been the day before in Houston; took agents off the back of the car where they were normally stationed to obstruct gunfire. They approved the fateful, dogleg turn (on a dry run on November 18) where the car came, almost to a halt, a clear security violation. The House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded this, not some conspiracy nut.


Prof Ed Curtin review: "JFK and the Unspeakable," 11-25-09
You are yeas behind the times. I read that book and it is in my collection it has also been massively debunked.

He presents no evidence but just a lot of whining about peace and the CIA.

Much like you his problem is ideological. He has no evidence but like you he desperately WANTS to believes.

Oswald was not connected to the CIA or any intelligence agency. Marines typically do get moved around the world. Moving around does not indicate evidence of CIA or intelligence connections.

Oswald did not have a high clearance at all and did not work at a U2 spy plane base. He served in a massive ( Osaka ) air base shared by all branches of the military and which had an off limits secure CIA compound which Oswald never came close to. The claim that the Warren commission suppressed evidence of such a clearance is simply a lie as Douglas made that part up out of thin air\ and presents no evidence which could have been suppressed.

He did not betray any military secrets and had none to betray. His limited technical knowledge of air traffic control radar could have been found in any number of open published sources.

He was met by no one when he returned to the US which is yet another lie by Douglas. Gaeton Fonzi is a nobody with no credibility and never revealed anything at all.

Oswald never worked with Bannister or any covert agencies in New Orleans. Douglas attempts to claim he did so based on two inferences. One is proximity which means nothing and two was the movie JFK which was fictional,

Multiple Oswald sightings would be expected and such things are normal in any high level crime but mean nothing and actually refute a conspiracy.

SO once again cite some evidence not a weak and debunked book with no evidence.
Yeah..I know you have nothing but lies and bull shit. Just accept it...Oswald was one of your own.

Here is more TRUTH for you to lie about...

We know Oswald was blamed for the President’s murder. But if one fairly follows the trail of the crime it becomes blatantly obvious that government forces were at work. Douglass adds layer upon layer of evidence to show how this had to be so. Oswald, the mafia, anti-Castro Cubans could not have withdrawn most of the security that day. The Sheriff Bill Decker withdrew all police protection. The Secret Service withdrew the police motorcycle escorts from beside the president’s car where they had been the day before in Houston; took agents off the back of the car where they were normally stationed to obstruct gunfire. They approved the fateful, dogleg turn (on a dry run on November 18) where the car came, almost to a halt, a clear security violation. The House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded this, not some conspiracy nut.

Who could have squelched the testimony of all the doctors and medical personnel who claimed the president had been shot from the front in his neck and head, testimony contradicting the official story? Who could have prosecuted and imprisoned Abraham Bolden, the first African-American Secret Service agent personally brought on to the White House detail by JFK, who warned that he feared the president was going to be assassinated? (Douglass interviewed Bolden seven times and his evidence on the aborted plot to kill JFK in Chicago on November 2—a story little known but extraordinary in its implications—is riveting.) The list of all the people who turned up dead, the evidence and events manipulated, the inquiry squelched, distorted, and twisted in an ex post facto cover-up—clearly point to forces within the government, not rogue actors without institutional support.

The evidence for a conspiracy organized at the deepest levels of the intelligence apparatus is overwhelming. James Douglass presents it in such depth and so logically that only one hardened to the truth would not be deeply moved and affected by his book.

He says it best: “The extent to which our national security state was systematically marshaled for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy remains incomprehensible to us. When we live in a system, we absorb and think in a system. We lack the independence needed to judge the system around us. Yet the evidence we have seen points toward our national security state, the systemic bubble in which we all live, as the source of Kennedy’s murder and immediate cover-up.”

Speaking to his friends Dave Powers and Ken O’Donnell about those who planned the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, JFK said, “They couldn’t believe that a new president like me wouldn’t panic and try to save his own face. Well, they had me figured all wrong.”

Let’s hope for another president like that, but one that meets a different end.

Sorry no.

You quoted a passage which makes assertions and yet shows no evidence,

Much like you always do.

You are ignorant stupid and uninformed and know nothing about this subject. Making baseless assertions is not proof boy especially when one is as dumb as you.

You have no evidence and that is fact.

The evidence has been shown to you and it proves Oswald acted alone and all you can do is repeat assertions which have been proven false.

And you know it making you simply a childish liar.

Now cite some evidenc
Wrong Oswald did fire three shots that day and overwhelming evidence proves he did.

I can cite evidence that he did. You can cite none whatsoever that he did not.

A shitty rifle is still a rifle and the rifle was capable of performing as it did. It was his rifle and found at the scene. All bullets and bullet fragments came from his rifle and only his rifle. The expended shells all came from his rifle. All the wounds came from above and behind which is consistent with his sniper nest and he was the last person seen on the sixth floor.

The rifle was not misaligned. The scope was misaligned but that is irrelevant as he did not need to use the scope and was more than capable of hitting the target with the iron sights.

HE had ample time to move from the sixth floor to the second after stashing the rifle. Endless people have retraced his steps and it is proven beyond question that he had enough time to do so.

He took the bus home he did not take a ride home. He did not have to run to reach the scene where he killed Tibbets. Once again that has been proven beyond question.

You have presented no evidence but I have.

You have failed to offer any evidence of any kind. Only your naive and gullible ramblings from a video.

Now cite some evidence as so far you have not and all the evidence proves you wrong.
Wrong on all counts. Please stop with the lies and misinformation. It doesn't work anymore. No one with a brain believes anything the CIA proclaims...particularly after they were instrumental in committing a coup d'etat in the USA.

The person who shot JFK from the TSBD (likely one of your buddies from Langley), no doubt was an expert marksman and could make the killing shot with a poor mail order rifle, if indeed he even used it.

Oswald could not have killed Tippit, who had questionable ties, because there was not enough time to get to the spot of the killing. This fact has been abundantly proven. Plus witnesses who saw the shooting identified two men, with neither looking anything like Oswald. I believe one of your fixers at the CIA murdered one of those witnesses, if I remember correctly. So many people with knowledge of the event were liquidated by CIA fixers, it is hard to keep track of them all.

You have offered no proof of your accusations, just more government lies and BS.

Again...how does the assassin of the POTUS get to the lunchroom in seconds, appear completely composed and relaxed, then causally take a stroll home and then to the movies? Anyone with a brain (not you) knows if you've just murdered the POTUS, you are getting out of town fast. Oswald had every opportunity to leave Dallas quickly, just as the CIA approved killers did.

when you say the person who shot jfk from the TSBD,I assume you are talking about the bullet would in the back the warren commission moved up to his neck?

as always,you OWN his sorry ass and shoot down his BS and as always,he has NO ANSWERS for the questions you asked? hee hee.

He got owned he owned no one.

He bot beaten down and proven a fool as you always do with every post.

Go whine somewhere else kiddoe.

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

You would do well in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia...now you and your kind want to replicate those horrors in the USA.

Indeed he does.Notice that the OTHER government paid shill SAYIT has joined him to try and convince you his bullshit and dodge tactics have any meaning? LOL
There areno paid shills here boy.

Paid shills is just your defensive claim after being schooled as I have done to you repeatedly
when you say the person who shot jfk from the TSBD,I assume you are talking about the bullet would in the back the warren commission moved up to his neck?

as always,you OWN his sorry ass and shoot down his BS and as always,he has NO ANSWERS for the questions you asked? hee hee.

He got owned he owned no one.

He bot beaten down and proven a fool as you always do with every post.

Go whine somewhere else kiddoe.

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

You would do well in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia...now you and your kind want to replicate those horrors in the USA.

All within the evidence, Nothing unsupported by evidence and nothing contradictory to the evidence.

It has nothing to do with your ideology of hating the state you wither have evidence or you do not and you DO NOT.

Cite some evidence.
Read this book if you dare. It confirms everything I have told you...it is but one book of the many written, that exposes the numerous lies you and others have spewed about the Deep State's assassination of JFK. It was a coup d'etat...and you know it was.


Here is a great review of the book, should you have a problem reading an entire book that blows up everything you believe.

JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters
Review of James Douglass’ Book by Prof. Edward Curtin

But who killed him?

Douglass presents a formidable amount of evidence, some old and some new, against the CIA and covert action agencies within the national security state, and does so in such a logical and persuasive way that any fair-minded reader cannot help but be taken aback; stunned, really. And he links this evidence directly to JFK’s actions on behalf of peace.

He knows, however, that to truly convince he must break a “conspiracy of silence that would envelop our government, our media, our academic institutions, and virtually our entire society from November 22, 1963, to the present.” [quote is from Chapter 6, Washington and Dallas, page 314, 2010 Simon & Schuster softcover edition] This “unspeakable,” this hypnotic “collective denial of the obvious,” is sustained by a mass-media whose repeated message is that the truth about such significant events is beyond our grasp, that we will have to drink the waters of uncertainty forever. As for those who don’t, they are relegated to the status of conspiracy nuts.

Fear and uncertainty block a true appraisal of the assassination—that plus the thought that it no longer matters.

It matters. For we know that no president since JFK has dared to buck the military-intelligence-industrial complex. We know a Pax Americana has spread its tentacles across the globe with U.S. military in over 130 countries on 750 plus bases. We know that the amount of blood and money spent on wars and war preparations has risen astronomically.

There is a great deal we know and even more that we don’t want to know, or at the very least, investigate.

If Lee Harvey Oswald was connected to the intelligence community, the FBI and the CIA, then we can logically conclude that he was not “a lone-nut” assassin. Douglass marshals a wealth of evidence to show how from the very start Oswald was moved around the globe like a pawn in a game, and when the game was done, the pawn was eliminated in the Dallas police headquarters.

As he begins to trace Oswald’s path, Douglass asks this question: “Why was Lee Harvey Oswald so tolerated and supported by the government he betrayed?” After serving as a U.S. Marine at the CIA’s U-2 spy plane operating base in Japan with a Crypto clearance (higher than top secret but a fact suppressed by the Warren Commission), Oswald left the Marines and defected to the Soviet Union.

After denouncing the U.S., working at a Soviet factory in Minsk, and taking a Russian wife—during which time Gary Powers’ U-2 spy plane is shot down over the Soviet Union—he returned to the U.S. with a loan from the American Embassy in Moscow, only to be met at the dock in Hoboken, New Jersey by a man, Spas T. Raikin, a prominent anti-communist with extensive intelligence connections, recommended by the State Department.

He passed through immigration with no trouble, was not prosecuted, moved to Fort Worth, Texas where, at the suggestion of the Dallas CIA Domestic Contacts Service chief, he was met and befriended by George de Mohrenschildt, an anti-communist Russian, who was a CIA asset. De Mohrenschildt got him a job four days later at a graphic arts company that worked on maps for the U.S. Army Map Service related to U-2 spy missions over Cuba.

Oswald was then shepherded around the Dallas area by de Mohrenschildt who, in 1977, on the day he revealed he had contacted Oswald for the CIA and was to meet with the House Select Committee on Assassinations’ Gaeton Fonzi, allegedly committed suicide.

Oswald then moved to New Orleans in April 1963 where got a job at the Reilly Coffee Company owned by CIA-affiliated William Reilly. The Reilly Coffee Company was located in close vicinity to the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, and Office of Naval Intelligence offices and a stone’s throw from the office of Guy Bannister, a former Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Chicago Bureau, who worked as a covert action coordinator for the intelligence services, supplying and training anti-Castro paramilitaries meant to ensnare Kennedy. Oswald then went to work with Bannister and the CIA paramilitaries.

During this time up until the assassination Oswald engaged in all sorts of contradictory activities, one day portraying himself as pro-Castro, the next day as anti-Castro, many of these theatrical performances being directed from Bannister’s office. It was as though Oswald, on the orders of his puppet masters, was enacting multiple and antithetical roles in order to confound anyone intent on deciphering the purposes behind his actions and to set him up as a future “assassin.” Douglass persuasively argues that Oswald “seems to have been working with both the CIA and FBI,” as a provocateur for the former and an informant for the latter. Jim and Elsie Wilcott, who worked at the CIA Tokyo Station from 1960-64, in a 1978 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, said, “It was common knowledge in the Tokyo CIA station that Oswald worked for the agency.”

When Oswald moved to New Orleans in April 1963, de Mohrenschildt exited the picture, having asked the CIA for and been indirectly given a $285,000 contract to do a geological survey for Haitian dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier, which he never did, but for which he was paid. Ruth and Michael Paine then entered the picture on cue. Douglass illuminatingly traces in their intelligence connections. Ruth later was the Warren Commission’s chief witness. She had been introduced to Oswald by de Mohrenschildt. In September 1963 Ruth Paine drove from her sister’s house in Virginia to New Orleans to pick up Marina Oswald and bring her to her house in Dallas to live with her. Thirty years after the assassination a document was declassified showing Paine’s sister Sylvia worked for the CIA. Her father traveled throughout Latin America on an Agency for International Development (notorious for CIA front activities) contract and filed reports that went to the CIA. Her husband Michael’s step-father, Arthur Young, was the inventor of the Bell helicopter and Michael’s job there gave him a security clearance. Her mother was related to the Forbes family of Boston and her lifelong friend, Mary Bancroft, worked as a WW II spy with Allen Dulles and was his mistress. Afterwards, Dulles questioned the Paines in front of the Warren Commission, studiously avoiding any revealing questions. Back in Dallas, Ruth Paine conveniently got Oswald a job in the Texas Book Depository where he began work on October 16, 1963.

From late September until November 22, various Oswalds are later reported to have simultaneously been seen from Dallas to Mexico City. Two Oswalds were arrested in the Texas Theatre, the real one taken out the front door and an impostor out the back. As Douglas says, “There were more Oswalds providing evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald than the Warren Report could use or even explain.” Even J. Edgar Hoover knew that Oswald impostors were used, as he told LBJ concerning Oswald’s alleged visit to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. He later called this CIA ploy, “the false story re Oswald’s trip to Mexico...their ( CIA’s) double-dealing,” something that he couldn’t forget. It was apparent that a very intricate and deadly game was being played out at high levels in the shadows.

We know Oswald was blamed for the President’s murder. But if one fairly follows the trail of the crime it becomes blatantly obvious that government forces were at work. Douglass adds layer upon layer of evidence to show how this had to be so. Oswald, the mafia, anti-Castro Cubans could not have withdrawn most of the security that day. The Sheriff Bill Decker withdrew all police protection. The Secret Service withdrew the police motorcycle escorts from beside the president’s car where they had been the day before in Houston; took agents off the back of the car where they were normally stationed to obstruct gunfire. They approved the fateful, dogleg turn (on a dry run on November 18) where the car came, almost to a halt, a clear security violation. The House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded this, not some conspiracy nut.


Prof Ed Curtin review: "JFK and the Unspeakable," 11-25-09

Read this book? Dude did you miss this earlier post of mine? post# 36?
JFK false flag victim

thats the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.Hey get this,the idiot mods at this one politcal message board i post at FINALLY got off their lazy asses and banned this troll for good there which was LONG OVERDUE by years,he cant get anybody to listen to his trolling there so he has YOU take his bait and give him the attention he seeks at THIS site.comedy gold.

obviously you did.You think you are the FIRST person that has ever challenged this langley employee to read this book?:iyfyus.jpg::rolleyes:

MANY OTHERS at that other political site have done that too many times to remember as well and he NEVER read it back then and never will.:rolleyes:

If this was a brainwashed sheep like Aaron for example,i could understand WHY you would take the time to post this but for HIM? a Langley employee who knows his organization did it? I just dont understand why you would be stupid enough to waste your time posting that for him expecting him to read it ESPECIALLY since he has no answers for those excellent questions you asked him earlier that proved oswald innocent.
That book was debunked much like every post you ever typed you idiot.
The socialists of America came to JFK and said, "since you anticommunist, we have a plan to take out Castro, you just have to commit to air support"
jFK was onboard.
The CIA through Alpha66 recruited patriotic Cubans living in America, with the promise of getting revenge on Castro.
When the operation started, JFK realized he had been fooled, and America would only be an unprovoked aggressor with response from the USSR
JFK had to refuse air support, and all the patriots were slaughtered by Castro.
JFK made his famous statement he'd like to destroy the CIA and scatter the pieces in the wind

Ok but none of this has anything to do with Oswald which is who shot kennedy

Oswald never fired a gun that fateful day. Being a long time CIA operative, he made the perfect patsy for the coup d'etat committed by your friends at Langley.

You must be so proud, yet you must also continue to promote the big lie.

Stop pretending you weren't destroyed on this subject in other threads.

There is no evidence he was CIA but overwhelming evidence exists that he shot Kennedy.

You have never been able to refute those facts.

You and others are simply gullible enough to believe fiction one man does not make a coup and he was not a patsy.

He acted alone deal with it
Is it true that the CIA and the Nazis were best butt buddies?
You mean the CIA that didn't even exist during WWII?

He proclaims himself the most dangerous man alive when confronted with such simple facts.
Ok but none of this has anything to do with Oswald which is who shot kennedy

Oswald never fired a gun that fateful day. Being a long time CIA operative, he made the perfect patsy for the coup d'etat committed by your friends at Langley.

You must be so proud, yet you must also continue to promote the big lie.

Stop pretending you weren't destroyed on this subject in other threads.

There is no evidence he was CIA but overwhelming evidence exists that he shot Kennedy.

You have never been able to refute those facts.

You and others are simply gullible enough to believe fiction one man does not make a coup and he was not a patsy.

He acted alone deal with it
Is it true that the CIA and the Nazis were best butt buddies?
You mean the CIA that didn't even exist during WWII?

hey zombie,it actually did,it was just not CALLED the CIA back then,it was called the OSS and did the same kind of evil acts,just got later named as the CIA under Truman.Do try and keep up around here.LOL oh and as he said so well,the nazis never did go out of business,they were recruited by the CIA after the war to work for them. do we have to explain EVERYTHING for you here?:biggrin:

Yes dumbass you need to explain how defeating the third reich was an evil act which is what the OSS helped to do.
Ok but none of this has anything to do with Oswald which is who shot kennedy

Oswald never fired a gun that fateful day. Being a long time CIA operative, he made the perfect patsy for the coup d'etat committed by your friends at Langley.

You must be so proud, yet you must also continue to promote the big lie.

Stop pretending you weren't destroyed on this subject in other threads.

There is no evidence he was CIA but overwhelming evidence exists that he shot Kennedy.

You have never been able to refute those facts.

You and others are simply gullible enough to believe fiction one man does not make a coup and he was not a patsy.

He acted alone deal with it
Is it true that the CIA and the Nazis were best butt buddies?
You mean the CIA that didn't even exist during WWII?
Means nothing. Don’t be dumb... ops too late.
Means everything.

As usual it proves LARAM is stupider than you
I hope those of you who keep trying to convince yourself there was no conspiracy realize 4 out of 4 brothers had assassination attempts

#1. JPK Jr plane was loaded with explosives and blew up prematurely,
after the kennedys denounced FDR.
...and FDR's son was present

#2 JFK was assasinated (and Jack Ruby said the world would never know why)

#3 RFK was assasinated ( and a mobster was arrested who was also arrested at JFK assassination)

#4 Ted Kennedy's plane went down under suspicious circumstance.
In his hospital bed he requested to be "educated" and became a sell out

4 out of 4 brothers, but no conspiracy?
JFK jrs plane simply crashed due to bad weather and an inexperienced pilot. There is and never was any evidence of explosives.

JFK was assassinated by Oswald who acted alone as the evidence shows. Ruby had no idea why Oswald did it but he did openly admit to acting alone in murdering Oswald.

Ted Kennedy died of old age and alcohol abuse.

Massive failure for you.
Ok but none of this has anything to do with Oswald which is who shot kennedy

Oswald never fired a gun that fateful day. Being a long time CIA operative, he made the perfect patsy for the coup d'etat committed by your friends at Langley.

You must be so proud, yet you must also continue to promote the big lie.

Stop pretending you weren't destroyed on this subject in other threads.

There is no evidence he was CIA but overwhelming evidence exists that he shot Kennedy.

You have never been able to refute those facts.

You and others are simply gullible enough to believe fiction one man does not make a coup and he was not a patsy.

He acted alone deal with it
Is it true that the CIA and the Nazis were best butt buddies?
You mean the CIA that didn't even exist during WWII?
Means nothing. Don’t be dumb... ops too late.

i took him to school on that earlier.LOL
I hope those of you who keep trying to convince yourself there was no conspiracy realize 4 out of 4 brothers had assassination attempts

#1. JPK Jr plane was loaded with explosives and blew up prematurely,
after the kennedys denounced FDR.
...and FDR's son was present

#2 JFK was assasinated (and Jack Ruby said the world would never know why)

#3 RFK was assasinated ( and a mobster was arrested who was also arrested at JFK assassination)

#4 Ted Kennedy's plane went down under suspicious circumstance.
In his hospital bed he requested to be "educated" and became a sell out

4 out of 4 brothers, but no conspiracy?

well paid shills of Langley Nazi shill and Sayit dont count since everyone in the world except them know what stupid fucks they are and get desperate in their lies.LOL

It is the ones that come on here and try and convince us that it was a sole mob hit alone that are have rightly earned the right to be taken seriously by the world to come on here.LOL

I remember hearing that Truman later in life said that creating the CIA was the worst mistake he ever made as president,that he had helped create a monster.
because the commies have killed a lot more people than the Klan have
Please name the commies Oswald knew.

#1 ....his wife

wrong is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the year. seriously dude,i would expect to hear THAT one from paid shill langley employee NAZI shill.:abgg2q.jpg: miserable fail.you can do better than THAT surely?:abgg2q.jpg:


There are no paid shills here only people who have pwned you and made you look stupid.
I hope those of you who keep trying to convince yourself there was no conspiracy realize 4 out of 4 brothers had assassination attempts

#1. JPK Jr plane was loaded with explosives and blew up prematurely,
after the kennedys denounced FDR.
...and FDR's son was present

#2 JFK was assasinated (and Jack Ruby said the world would never know why)

#3 RFK was assasinated ( and a mobster was arrested who was also arrested at JFK assassination)

#4 Ted Kennedy's plane went down under suspicious circumstance.
In his hospital bed he requested to be "educated" and became a sell out

4 out of 4 brothers, but no conspiracy?
JFK jrs plane simply crashed due to bad weather and an inexperienced pilot. There is and never was any evidence of explosives.

JFK was assassinated by Oswald who acted alone as the evidence shows. Ruby had no idea why Oswald did it but he did openly admit to acting alone in murdering Oswald.

Ted Kennedy died of old age and alcohol abuse.

Massive failure for you.
He was talking Joe Kennedy in WWII
I hope those of you who keep trying to convince yourself there was no conspiracy realize 4 out of 4 brothers had assassination attempts

#1. JPK Jr plane was loaded with explosives and blew up prematurely,
after the kennedys denounced FDR.
...and FDR's son was present

#2 JFK was assasinated (and Jack Ruby said the world would never know why)

#3 RFK was assasinated ( and a mobster was arrested who was also arrested at JFK assassination)

#4 Ted Kennedy's plane went down under suspicious circumstance.
In his hospital bed he requested to be "educated" and became a sell out

4 out of 4 brothers, but no conspiracy?
JFK jrs plane simply crashed due to bad weather and an inexperienced pilot. There is and never was any evidence of explosives.

JFK was assassinated by Oswald who acted alone as the evidence shows. Ruby had no idea why Oswald did it but he did openly admit to acting alone in murdering Oswald.

Ted Kennedy died of old age and alcohol abuse.

Massive failure for you.
He was talking Joe Kennedy in WWII
Either way he's full of shit
I hope those of you who keep trying to convince yourself there was no conspiracy realize 4 out of 4 brothers had assassination attempts

#1. JPK Jr plane was loaded with explosives and blew up prematurely,
after the kennedys denounced FDR.
...and FDR's son was present

#2 JFK was assasinated (and Jack Ruby said the world would never know why)

#3 RFK was assasinated ( and a mobster was arrested who was also arrested at JFK assassination)

#4 Ted Kennedy's plane went down under suspicious circumstance.
In his hospital bed he requested to be "educated" and became a sell out

4 out of 4 brothers, but no conspiracy?
JFK jrs plane simply crashed due to bad weather and an inexperienced pilot. There is and never was any evidence of explosives.

JFK was assassinated by Oswald who acted alone as the evidence shows. Ruby had no idea why Oswald did it but he did openly admit to acting alone in murdering Oswald.

Ted Kennedy died of old age and alcohol abuse.

Massive failure for you.
He was talking Joe Kennedy in WWII
Either way he's full of shit
True that

Oswald acted alone
the main evidence that Oswald did not act alone was the fact he was silenced by Ruby

Ruby was evidence Oswald acted alone

On November 24, Ruby drove into town with one of his pet dogs and sent an emergency money order at the Western Union on Main Street to one of his employees. The time stamp of completion for the cash transaction on the money order was 11:17 A.M. Ruby then walked one half block to the nearby Dallas police headquarters, where he made his way into the basement via either the Main Street ramp[27] or a stairway accessible from an alleyway next to the Dallas Municipal Building.[28] At 11:21 am CST — while authorities were escorting Oswald through the police basement to an armored car that was to take him to the nearby county jail — Ruby stepped out from a crowd of reporters and fired a single round from his .38 revolver into Oswald's abdomen, fatally wounding him

Jack Ruby - Wikipedia

Nobody knew exactly when Oswald would be escorted out. Someone planning to murder Oswald would have been waiting for an hour or more. FOUR MINUTES before Oswald was escorted out, Ruby was sending a money order. He arrived in the basement approximately two minutes before Oswald
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the main evidence that Oswald did not act alone was the fact he was silenced by Ruby

That is not evidence o anything and in fact it happened too late.

HE had all weekend to speak to people including the media and he did so.

IF there were a plot to silence him he would have never been arrested.
the main evidence that Oswald did not act alone was the fact he was silenced by Ruby

Ruby was evidence Oswald acted alone

On November 24, Ruby drove into town with one of his pet dogs and sent an emergency money order at the Western Union on Main Street to one of his employees. The time stamp of completion for the cash transaction on the money order was 11:17 A.M. Ruby then walked one half block to the nearby Dallas police headquarters, where he made his way into the basement via either the Main Street ramp[27] or a stairway accessible from an alleyway next to the Dallas Municipal Building.[28] At 11:21 am CST — while authorities were escorting Oswald through the police basement to an armored car that was to take him to the nearby county jail — Ruby stepped out from a crowd of reporters and fired a single round from his .38 revolver into Oswald's abdomen, fatally wounding him

Jack Ruby - Wikipedia

Nobody knew exactly when Oswald would be escorted out. Someone planning to murder Oswald would have been waiting for an hour or more. FOUR MINUTES before Oswald was escorted out, Ruby was sending a money order. He arrived in the basement approximately two minutes before Oswald
All true but some other details prove even more.

Oswald was held in the police station all weekend. He already had a black eye and was looking pretty pathetic after wearing the same clothes all weekend. Therefore the police allowed him to get cleaned up and provided some clean clothes taken from his boarding house room. HE actually preened and examined himself for a short while changing his clothes until he settled on the sweater and shirt combination which he was wearing when he was shot by Ruby. he wanted to look as good as possible since he knew he would be on TV.

The point is this behavior actually influenced the precise moment he was led out into the basement. He actually had some control over the exact moment of his meeting with Ruby.

These facts combined with Ruby;s behavior leading up to the shooting proves conclusively that it was not the result of a plan or plot. Ruby's actions were spur of the moment and Oswald unintentionally made it possible for Ruby to shoot him.

It was a coincidental meeting and nothing more.

The time stamp you describe was very precise and places Ruby a block away only a few minutes before the shooting and he had to wait his turn to send the money order. It was also common for him to loan money to some of his employees who needed financial help.

These are not the actions of someone involved in a plot they are the actions of someone who saw an immediate opportunity and jumped on it.

Had Oswald not screwed around with his wardrobe he would have been led out minutes earlier and Ruby would not have been there to shoot him.

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