Jihadists Bomb the holiest site for Buddhists in the world,


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
coordinated terror attack of 9 serial blasts

Bodh Gaya is the holiest site for the Buddhists world over. It was bombed early this morning in a series of Islamic terror attacks. Their most holiest site. The Muslims prohibit the Jews from praying at their most holy site (the Temple mount.) not to mention the false religious claims to Jerusalem. The Muslims are converting one of the most important monuments of Christianity, the 13th-century Church of Hagia Sophia, into a mosque. Tens of thousands of Hindu temples have been destroyed by Muslims.

Unfortunately, the author whines about being banned from entering the UK due to her anti-Muslim views but her points are still valid. However, this can only increase the tensions and certain retaliation from Buddhists. Read more @ Jihadists bomb the holiest site for Buddhists in the world, coordinated terror attack of 9 serial blasts - Atlas Shrugs
While I find it likely that it may have been at the hands of individuals who would call themselves Muslims (possibly blamed on the ethnic violence in Burma), As far as i know no one has taken credit for the attacks yet and it is a poor journalist (see the OP article) that jumps to whatever conclusions they want to before the facts are in.
While I find it likely that it may have been at the hands of individuals who would call themselves Muslims (possibly blamed on the ethnic violence in Burma), As far as i know no one has taken credit for the attacks yet and it is a poor journalist (see the OP article) that jumps to whatever conclusions they want to before the facts are in.

I don't have the link at hand but Al Queda has already claimed credit for this! :evil:
Early Christians destroyed and defaced many ancient sites of pagans.
I thought Buddhists didn't worship anything so how can there be a Buddhist "holy site"?
While I find it likely that it may have been at the hands of individuals who would call themselves Muslims (possibly blamed on the ethnic violence in Burma), As far as i know no one has taken credit for the attacks yet and it is a poor journalist (see the OP article) that jumps to whatever conclusions they want to before the facts are in.

I don't have the link at hand but Al Queda has already claimed credit for this! :evil:

I'd appreciate a link as Al Qaeda doesn't generally operate very strongly in the region, and while I haven't looked into this particular attack in detail as far as I know the Indian government is still investigating who may have done it.

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