Jill Stein who betrayed America as a Russian operative, killed the Green Part.


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
It appears Jill Stein who betrayed America as a Russian operative, killed the Green Party.

I wonder what is it that causes these traitors to hate America so much? Is it some arrogant ego trip at thinking they can work together as mere mortals to destroy civilization? What this traitor Stein did was expose herself as a enemy against America, humanity and civilization as with a number of her counterparts in treason. Yet it took a bit more election manipulating as in the electoral college that destroyed the legitimacy of the 2016 election in tRump's favor. This is considering her treachery in particular did not stop Hillary Clinton from winning the popular vote, which will go down in history as such being a illegal election in violation of U.S. Constitutional law. Therefore, when it comes to assisting her Russian comrades to destroy the legality of the 2016 election, Stein also destroyed the Green Party and caused them that voted for her to realize they voted for another Russian puppet. Utterly uncivilized and of a primitive nature.

Senate Russia investigators are interested in Jill Stein
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Are all American traitors "Russian operatives"? According to that "logic" half of USA are "Russian operatives", especially, in US congress, FBI, CIA and in Democrat party.
It appears Jill Stein who betrayed America as a Russian operative, killed the Green Party.

I wonder what is it that causes these traitors to hate America so much? Is it some arrogant ego trip at thinking they can work together as mere mortals to destroy civilization? What this traitor Stein did was expose herself as a enemy against America, humanity and civilization as with a number of her counterparts in treason. Yet it took a bit more election manipulating as in the electoral college that destroyed the legitimacy of the 2016 election in tRump's favor. This is considering her treachery in particular did not stop Hillary Clinton from winning the popular vote, which will go down in history as such being a illegal election in violation of U.S. Constitutional law. Therefore, when it comes to assisting her Russian comrades to destroy the legality of the 2016 election, Stein also destroyed the Green Party and caused them that voted for her to realize they voted for another Russian puppet. Utterly uncivilized and of a primitive nature.

Senate Russia investigators are interested in Jill Stein

Yup, no doubt it was Trumps fault.
Are all American traitors "Russian operatives"? According to that "logic" half of USA are "Russian operatives", especially, in US congress, FBI, CIA and in Democrat party.

No. "American traitors" would in the leftist's eye, be anyone who didn't vote for Hillary or supports President Trump.

The American left has always had a sympathetic ear for socialist or communist leaders. Just look at how they idolized Ho Chi Mihn, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and Hugo Chavez.

They just went berzerk after Hillary lost the election and using the only tool they've relied on for decades, invoked Saul Alisky's "Rules for Radicals" rule number 4, "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

They know damned well that Russia had nothing to do with Hillary's loss or Trump's win. Their attempt to create a link between Trump and Putin is a thinly-veiled sham and a lie which if repeated often enough, becomes the "truth."

Just remember: This is the same American left who ridiculed Senator Joe McCarthy back in the 1950's, when he was trying to tell them that Russia was trying to influence our political system. The American left's sudden and feigned new-found sense of "patriotism" is a comical thing to observe.
It appears Jill Stein who betrayed America as a Russian operative, killed the Green Party.

I wonder what is it that causes these traitors to hate America so much? Is it some arrogant ego trip at thinking they can work together as mere mortals to destroy civilization? What this traitor Stein did was expose herself as a enemy against America, humanity and civilization as with a number of her counterparts in treason. Yet it took a bit more election manipulating as in the electoral college that destroyed the legitimacy of the 2016 election in tRump's favor. This is considering her treachery in particular did not stop Hillary Clinton from winning the popular vote, which will go down in history as such being a illegal election in violation of U.S. Constitutional law. Therefore, when it comes to assisting her Russian comrades to destroy the legality of the 2016 election, Stein also destroyed the Green Party and caused them that voted for her to realize they voted for another Russian puppet. Utterly uncivilized and of a primitive nature.

Senate Russia investigators are interested in Jill Stein

What in the bloody fuck are you babbling about here? Are you suggesting nobody should be permitted to run for POTUS?

You left a link that doesn't back you up at all too.
Are all American traitors "Russian operatives"? According to that "logic" half of USA are "Russian operatives", especially, in US congress, FBI, CIA and in Democrat party.

a resounding “no” to that. Russia may take advantage of traitors...but then again that’s part of the international game. For example China and the Democrats mutually want to weaken Trump and impose bad trade deals on the us. Mexico uses an alliance with Democrats to export its poverty and gain remittances. Russia is happy to encourage domestic attacks on the US in order to operate more freely in their own foreign interests.
It’s a crime of opportunity. Anyone opposing the US is a natural ally of Democrats.
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“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

This is an old Marxist trick. And if I can get nothing else across it is this...ignore their demands for rules.
It appears Jill Stein who betrayed America as a Russian operative, killed the Green Party.

I wonder what is it that causes these traitors to hate America so much? Is it some arrogant ego trip at thinking they can work together as mere mortals to destroy civilization? What this traitor Stein did was expose herself as a enemy against America, humanity and civilization as with a number of her counterparts in treason. Yet it took a bit more election manipulating as in the electoral college that destroyed the legitimacy of the 2016 election in tRump's favor. This is considering her treachery in particular did not stop Hillary Clinton from winning the popular vote, which will go down in history as such being a illegal election in violation of U.S. Constitutional law. Therefore, when it comes to assisting her Russian comrades to destroy the legality of the 2016 election, Stein also destroyed the Green Party and caused them that voted for her to realize they voted for another Russian puppet. Utterly uncivilized and of a primitive nature.

Senate Russia investigators are interested in Jill Stein
Yeah she blew the party I was willing to join all to hades!...
It appears Jill Stein who betrayed America as a Russian operative, killed the Green Party.

I wonder what is it that causes these traitors to hate America so much? Is it some arrogant ego trip at thinking they can work together as mere mortals to destroy civilization? What this traitor Stein did was expose herself as a enemy against America, humanity and civilization as with a number of her counterparts in treason. Yet it took a bit more election manipulating as in the electoral college that destroyed the legitimacy of the 2016 election in tRump's favor. This is considering her treachery in particular did not stop Hillary Clinton from winning the popular vote, which will go down in history as such being a illegal election in violation of U.S. Constitutional law. Therefore, when it comes to assisting her Russian comrades to destroy the legality of the 2016 election, Stein also destroyed the Green Party and caused them that voted for her to realize they voted for another Russian puppet. Utterly uncivilized and of a primitive nature.

Senate Russia investigators are interested in Jill Stein

This is some of the most simplisticly failed logic EVER. From the article:

>> Despite receiving only 1.07 percent of the national vote total, her showing in the crucial states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan was greater than Clinton's margin of defeat, and arguably denied Clinton an Electoral College victory. <<​

BULL SHIT. Yeah and "if our team had only hit sixteen home runs in the bottom of the ninth we wooda won the game". Well you DIDN'T, did you.

has any grounds to project what woulda-shoulda-coulda happened if people voted differently, because if people voted differently that's a different election.

Second, the entire function of the Electrical College and its effect seems to sail over this writer's pointed little head; he makes the fatal ass-sumption that Stein voters, if they hadn't voted for Stein, would have defaulted to Clinton, and that is IN NO WAY a valid ass-sumption. No way whatsoever. By definition any voter who casts a ballot for a Stein, a McMullen, a Gary Johnson, or any third party at all, anywhere, is casting a protest vote and nothing more. Voters know damn well that the system is rigged to pass the Duopoly and shut out everything else, so in fact the most likely vote the Stein voters would have cast is no vote at all and the second most likely way they would have voted would have been for another third party candidate. Suggesting they would have gone to Clinton is madness; simply by the act of voting third party those voters ALREADY demonstrated that they weren't about to go Duopoly.

Small wonder the page doesn't have a comment section. It would be torn to shreds.
Are all American traitors "Russian operatives"? According to that "logic" half of USA are "Russian operatives", especially, in US congress, FBI, CIA and in Democrat party.

Everyone doesn't supporting WWIII is a 'Russian Operative'

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