Jim Acosta uses his power as a member of the Patriarchy to physically deny female WH Aide the Mic

Will CNN Fire or Punish Acosta?

  • Yes, they have to somehow gain some credibility back and not appear so hostile.

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • No, they are all in on hostility towards this president, and have no intention of doing journalism.

    Votes: 36 97.3%

  • Total voters
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown
Actually Acosta ASSAULTED a WH worker....typical leftist...they love harassing and assaulting people. I won't even bother clicking your garbage link because its complete garbage leftist filth. I saw the ENTIRE thing live so.

It's typical of "leftists" to assault people? Really?
Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

639 acts and counting.
Acosta represents everything about a modern progressive male = faggoty panty waist levels of fem :113::113:
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown

You crybaby snowflakes can't take it when Trump slaps the so called "press" around. Acosta is an asshole, and the way he treats Sanders is disgraceful. If he treated any other woman that way he'd get his ass kicked.

I watched it, Trump bitch slapped Acosta
Not at all....but it IS amusing to see what the deplorable trumpanzees think of as "presidential". :71:

Look at me! View attachment 227407 I've the prezeedent! Har Har
Is Obama Presidential when he's smiling for the camera with Louis Farrakhan?
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown

You crybaby snowflakes can't take it when Trump slaps the so called "press" around. Acosta is an asshole, and the way he treats Sanders is disgraceful. If he treated any other woman that way he'd get his ass kicked.

I watched it, Trump bitch slapped Acosta
Not at all....but it IS amusing to see what the deplorable trumpanzees think of as "presidential". :71:

Look at me! View attachment 227407 I've the prezeedent! Har Har

Were you not whining about name calling the other day? Why yes you were....
These leftist asholes around here are nothing more than hecklers just like Acosta. That's why they run to his defense. They're pajama boys and squat when they piss.
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown
Actually Acosta ASSAULTED a WH worker....typical leftist...they love harassing and assaulting people. I won't even bother clicking your garbage link because its complete garbage leftist filth. I saw the ENTIRE thing live so.

It's typical of "leftists" to assault people? Really?
Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

639 acts and counting.

Okay, 639 acts of violence and counting since the first of September 2015. That's three year.

There are what, millions of left wing people in the US and you've got 639 acts of violence, in a country which has seen 30,000 people killed due to gun wielding people in this time.

And what of the other way?

Majority of terrorists who have attacked America are not Muslim, new study finds

"Most of the designated terrorist groups in the US are right-wing extremists, not Muslim, according to a new report."

In the time if your 639 acts of violence I've got

3 people dead by Robert L. Dear against Planned Parenthood.
1 person dead by James Harris Jackson who traveled to Maryland to kill black people
1 person dead by James Alex Fields who rammed a car into protesters in Charlottesville.
11 people killed in Pittsburgh in an anti-Semitic attack against a Synagogue.
Bombs sent to people just before this past election.

And you're talking about people saying stuff.
Acosta finally went too far. Good riddance. Piss on you leftist trash around here that defend the piece of shit.
How did someone add a poll to my posting? It's not my poll, hah. Can someone explain that to me? Did someone else make it and it popped up top in the merge of similar subjects?

That's a first for me.
Last edited:
Anyone see this live? Scroll down to see the video. Such violence from CNN! :1peleas:

WATCH: Trump Crushes 'Rude' Acosta, Aide Grabs His Mic Away

LOL...this is from a guy who supports a man who freely admitted to assaulting women by 'grabbing their pussy'.

So don't make me laugh. All he did was resist her from taking the mike away (which I do not think he should have done, btw). But 'violence'? Please.

Having said that. I DO think Acosta was out of line.

Once the POTUS said enough - he should have stopped. And refusing to give the mike back looked pretty juvenile on his part. Sure, Trump was being a dick - but that does not excuse what Acosta did.

Whether it is the POTUS or a 'normal' citizen, once the person being asked the question - after you have already asked them a question - says 'enough', that should be enough.
Especially when you are in his place of business/residence (which Trump was).

I don't think Acosta should be fired - that is way too much.

But I do think he went too far today.
Trump showed a lot of restraint. He SHOULD have had him physically removed and his press pass taken away. It matters not if it was Trump or Obama or Clinton....that is unacceptable behavior by a ....cough....journalist. Others wanted to ask questions too, but noooooooooooo. Acosta had to bogart the mic and try to bully the POTUS and his female aide.
Trump SHOULD have answered a legitimate question instead of starting a fight
Trump started a fight? Oy. I give up on people who have tunnel vision.
Trump is incapable of maintaining polite discourse with anyone in the press who does not grovel and tell him how great he is
You really believe that crap, huh. So do you believe Obama supports the Black Panthers? Obama obviously supports the racist bigot Louis Farrakhan because I've seen pics of them together. Therefore, Obumbo is a racist anti-Semite. Fool.
WTF are you babbling about?
Jim, thank you for standing up to Trump....he fears you more than you'll ever know....because the truth hurts those that reject it.

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