Jim Acosta uses his power as a member of the Patriarchy to physically deny female WH Aide the Mic

Will CNN Fire or Punish Acosta?

  • Yes, they have to somehow gain some credibility back and not appear so hostile.

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • No, they are all in on hostility towards this president, and have no intention of doing journalism.

    Votes: 36 97.3%

  • Total voters
Trump showed a lot of restraint. He SHOULD have had him physically removed and his press pass taken away. It matters not if it was Trump or Obama or Clinton....that is unacceptable behavior by a ....cough....journalist. Others wanted to ask questions too, but noooooooooooo. Acosta had to bogart the mic and try to bully the POTUS and his female aide.
Trump SHOULD have answered a legitimate question instead of starting a fight
Trump started a fight? Oy. I give up on people who have tunnel vision.
Trump is incapable of maintaining polite discourse with anyone in the press who does not grovel and tell him how great he is
You really believe that crap, huh. So do you believe Obama supports the Black Panthers? Obama obviously supports the racist bigot Louis Farrakhan because I've seen pics of them together. Therefore, Obumbo is a racist anti-Semite. Fool.
WTF are you babbling about?
Do you believe Obama supports the Black Panthers?
Trump just pulled Acosta’s press pass

What a little pussy Trump is
Trump SHOULD have answered a legitimate question instead of starting a fight
Trump started a fight? Oy. I give up on people who have tunnel vision.
Trump is incapable of maintaining polite discourse with anyone in the press who does not grovel and tell him how great he is
You really believe that crap, huh. So do you believe Obama supports the Black Panthers? Obama obviously supports the racist bigot Louis Farrakhan because I've seen pics of them together. Therefore, Obumbo is a racist anti-Semite. Fool.
WTF are you babbling about?
Do you believe Obama supports the Black Panthers?
Jim Acosta is a total disgrace to his profession!

The WH should never let him back in!
Anyone see this live? Scroll down to see the video. Such violence from CNN! :1peleas:

WATCH: Trump Crushes 'Rude' Acosta, Aide Grabs His Mic Away
Presidential press conferences have one function...they exist to inform the American people. They do not take place so assholes like Costa can "spar" with a President that he loathes. They aren't something that is mandatory for a President to do. Nor is it mandatory for a President to call on people who don't show respect for the office of President. I say again...screw CNN...screw Jim Acosta! If I were Trump I wouldn't call on Acosta if he was the only press person that showed up for the press conference.
Trump started a fight? Oy. I give up on people who have tunnel vision.
Trump is incapable of maintaining polite discourse with anyone in the press who does not grovel and tell him how great he is
You really believe that crap, huh. So do you believe Obama supports the Black Panthers? Obama obviously supports the racist bigot Louis Farrakhan because I've seen pics of them together. Therefore, Obumbo is a racist anti-Semite. Fool.
WTF are you babbling about?
Do you believe Obama supports the Black Panthers?
That's twice you avoided the question, which again speaks volumes about your character. You're just another coward leftist punk.
Sorry bout that,

  1. That encounter with CNN's Jim Acosta was calculated, he wanted to get into it with Jim to accost Acosta, to rub his nose in the same shit he's been giving, it was no accident The President called on this shit head, it was pure art!
  2. And pulling his privilege to show up for these little talks was perfect, rub his nose in shit and throw the bastard cat out and shut the door!,.....lol!!!!
  3. Don't fuck with the bull or you get the horns!,..lol!!!!

  4. Regards,
  5. SirJamesofTexas
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This one was my favorite:

Q: That was President Putin who annexed Crimea, sir.

Trump: That was President Obama’s regime. That was during President Obama, right? That was not during me.

Q: It was President Putin, sir, who did the annexation.

Trump: No, no. It was President Obama that allowed it to happen.

Although this one was pretty good too:

. It’s racist to ask about racism. A black reporter noted that at recent campaign rallies, Trump had declared himself a nationalist. “Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists,” the reporter observed. Trump interrupted her: “I don’t know why you’d say that. That’s such a racist question.” The reporter tried to finish her question, but Trump shot her down. “That’s such a racist question,” he said. “That’s a racist question.”

Trump’s performance was nutty, incoherent, self-absorbed, and full of lies. In short, it was a lot like his other public appearances. But there was one difference: This time, he was speaking a day after voters attempted, through a massive purge of House Republicans, to send him and his party a message. Clearly, he’s not getting the message. The people and their representatives will have to speak louder.
This one was my favorite:

Q: That was President Putin who annexed Crimea, sir.

Trump: That was President Obama’s regime. That was during President Obama, right? That was not during me.

Q: It was President Putin, sir, who did the annexation.

Trump: No, no. It was President Obama that allowed it to happen.

Although this one was pretty good too:

. It’s racist to ask about racism. A black reporter noted that at recent campaign rallies, Trump had declared himself a nationalist. “Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists,” the reporter observed. Trump interrupted her: “I don’t know why you’d say that. That’s such a racist question.” The reporter tried to finish her question, but Trump shot her down. “That’s such a racist question,” he said. “That’s a racist question.”

Trump’s performance was nutty, incoherent, self-absorbed, and full of lies. In short, it was a lot like his other public appearances. But there was one difference: This time, he was speaking a day after voters attempted, through a massive purge of House Republicans, to send him and his party a message. Clearly, he’s not getting the message. The people and their representatives will have to speak louder.
Trump is right. Obama allowed it.

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