Jim Acosta uses his power as a member of the Patriarchy to physically deny female WH Aide the Mic

Will CNN Fire or Punish Acosta?

  • Yes, they have to somehow gain some credibility back and not appear so hostile.

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • No, they are all in on hostility towards this president, and have no intention of doing journalism.

    Votes: 36 97.3%

  • Total voters
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown

You crybaby snowflakes can't take it when Trump slaps the so called "press" around. Acosta is an asshole, and the way he treats Sanders is disgraceful. If he treated any other woman that way he'd get his ass kicked.
Trump showed a lot of restraint. He SHOULD have had him physically removed and his press pass taken away. It matters not if it was Trump or Obama or Clinton....that is unacceptable behavior by a ....cough....journalist. Others wanted to ask questions too, but noooooooooooo. Acosta had to bogart the mic and try to bully the POTUS and his female aide.
Trump SHOULD have answered a legitimate question instead of starting a fight
Trump started a fight? Oy. I give up on people who have tunnel vision.
Trump is incapable of maintaining polite discourse with anyone in the press who does not grovel and tell him how great he is
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown

You crybaby snowflakes can't take it when Trump slaps the so called "press" around. Acosta is an asshole, and the way he treats Sanders is disgraceful. If he treated any other woman that way he'd get his ass kicked.

I watched it, Trump bitch slapped Acosta
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown
Actually Acosta ASSAULTED a WH worker....typical leftist...they love harassing and assaulting people. I won't even bother clicking your garbage link because its complete garbage leftist filth. I saw the ENTIRE thing live so.
There was no meltdown, just as there was no blue wave.
Trump was his usual dickish behavior at a press conference, and Acosta was the usual drama queen that he is.
Nothing new here except in the minds of liberal fanatics who are heartbroken that the wave just didn't come in.
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown

You crybaby snowflakes can't take it when Trump slaps the so called "press" around. Acosta is an asshole, and the way he treats Sanders is disgraceful. If he treated any other woman that way he'd get his ass kicked.

I watched it, Trump bitch slapped Acosta
Not at all....but it IS amusing to see what the deplorable trumpanzees think of as "presidential". :71:

Look at me!
I've the prezeedent! Har Har
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown
Actually Acosta ASSAULTED a WH worker....typical leftist...they love harassing and assaulting people. I won't even bother clicking your garbage link because its complete garbage leftist filth. I saw the ENTIRE thing live so.

It's typical of "leftists" to assault people? Really?
Acosta needs his nose busted. He's a leftist activist jerk. He gives journalism a bad name.

For asking legitimate questions and standing up to a pig-headed bully?
Trump has a lot to hide and that's why he's so hostile to the press.
And you fucking idiots somehow can't connect the dots.

Trump is a public servant. He is not king of America.
This is not a monarchy.
You seem to forget that.
And the ONLY goddamn thing separating the public from a tyrant is the press.
Other reporters ask legitimate questions with no problem. Acosta has a leftist agenda. He's a leftist activist, not a journalist. One of these days Acosta is going to get his fat arrogant hateful nose busted and we're gonna all laugh our patriotic asses off.

Oh put down your Solo cup full of Trump Kool Aid and watch the presser again.

He was rude to everybody except John Roberts from Fox and Trump cut him off, too.
He accused the black reporter from NPR of asking a racist question.
He's a man-baby who can't handle the heat.

The NPR reporter did ask a racist question. She wouldn't have asked that of Obungo. This President has brought N. Korea to the table, something no other President would do. The economy is boiling. Unemployment among blacks and Hispanics is the lowest ever. Let's talk about that. Now go fuck yourself.

She asked him about whether his calling himself a nationalist was a dog whistle for white nationalists, and that's a reasonable question given that David Duke publicly praised Trump after Charlottesville and then Trump stupidly calls himself a nationalist at one of his rallies.

You can rattle off all the propaganda you want. Trump is being played by North Korea and Trump didn't invent this economy over the last 19 months. The recovery started in 2011.

You go fuck yourself, you're an idiot.
It's a race baiting question. The Black Panthers supported Obama. Therefore, Odumbo supported the Black Panthers, huh. Never heard Obama being questioned about it. You guys really should stop defending race baiters.
Trump showed a lot of restraint. He SHOULD have had him physically removed and his press pass taken away. It matters not if it was Trump or Obama or Clinton....that is unacceptable behavior by a ....cough....journalist. Others wanted to ask questions too, but noooooooooooo. Acosta had to bogart the mic and try to bully the POTUS and his female aide.
Trump SHOULD have answered a legitimate question instead of starting a fight
Trump started a fight? Oy. I give up on people who have tunnel vision.
Trump is incapable of maintaining polite discourse with anyone in the press who does not grovel and tell him how great he is
You really believe that crap, huh. So do you believe Obama supports the Black Panthers? Obama obviously supports the racist bigot Louis Farrakhan because I've seen pics of them together. Therefore, Obumbo is a racist anti-Semite. Fool.
Trump held a press conference rant this morning, hoping to blow off some steam, that must have been building up all night. Someone forgot to tell him that the reporters would not be Hannity and Limbaugh. What did he expect? A standing ovation for “saving” the Senate? Reporters did what reporters do and the presser went off the rails very quickly.

Did Jim Acosta notice something odd?

The Trump Post-Election Traumatic Meltdown
Actually Acosta ASSAULTED a WH worker....typical leftist...they love harassing and assaulting people. I won't even bother clicking your garbage link because its complete garbage leftist filth. I saw the ENTIRE thing live so.

It's typical of "leftists" to assault people? Really?
Of course it is. Look at how Obama and Clinton got cops shot after making fools of themselves with BLM at Ferguson and the Democrats want to restore voting rights to convicts because most criminals vote for Democrats. It's just a short trip from Democrats screaming that they want to impeach Trump even if there are no legitimate grounds to to trying to assassinate him.

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