Jim Acosta uses his power as a member of the Patriarchy to physically deny female WH Aide the Mic

Will CNN Fire or Punish Acosta?

  • Yes, they have to somehow gain some credibility back and not appear so hostile.

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • No, they are all in on hostility towards this president, and have no intention of doing journalism.

    Votes: 36 97.3%

  • Total voters
They kissed Obungo's ass.

See I don't care if you disrespect The Great President Obama like that. It's just that ol'Trumpybear isn't fit to lick the sweat off Obama's balls......
obammy? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:him being a president disrespected me and my fellow americans.
You have a photo of Acosta near your bed that you masturbate with, huh.
did you mean that for me?
Sorry, I may have been confused there. These jackals are have a hussy fit trying to defend their butt buddy, Acosta.
If Trump hadn’t responded more harshly to a Taylor Swift tweet than to the assassination of a Washpo journalist, your post might have been relevant. Trump consorts with tyrants and murderers, praising them. I have no doubt if he could have Acosta killed he would.
Acosta needs his nose busted. Why isn't the leftist corrupt media reporting on all the rioting and demonstrations going on by Trump and republican supporters because they lost the House?
See...the kind of violence supported by trumpanzees.
Yep. Acosta should be slammed right in his arrogant nasty punk nose.
He asked a legitimate question

Trump dodged it
Exactly. If a reporter does not kiss Trump's ass, the low-IQ nazi tards think he should be beaten. Sieg Heil!
If Trump hadn’t responded more harshly to a Taylor Swift tweet than to the assassination of a Washpo journalist, your post might have been relevant. Trump consorts with tyrants and murderers, praising them. I have no doubt if he could have Acosta killed he would.
Acosta needs his nose busted. Why isn't the leftist corrupt media reporting on all the rioting and demonstrations going on by Trump and republican supporters because they lost the House?
See...the kind of violence supported by trumpanzees.
Yep. Acosta should be slammed right in his arrogant nasty punk nose.
He asked a legitimate question

Trump dodged it
Exactly. If a reporter does not kiss Trump's ass, the low-IQ nazi tards think he should be beaten. Sieg Heil!
You're an idiot.
Acosta needs his nose busted. Why isn't the leftist corrupt media reporting on all the rioting and demonstrations going on by Trump and republican supporters because they lost the House?
See...the kind of violence supported by trumpanzees.
Yep. Acosta should be slammed right in his arrogant nasty punk nose.
He asked a legitimate question

Trump dodged it
Exactly. If a reporter does not kiss Trump's ass, the low-IQ nazi tards think he should be beaten. Sieg Heil!
You're an idiot.
Oooh! I am stung by your rapier wit! How will I recover?


"And you are ugly, too!"
See...the kind of violence supported by trumpanzees.
Yep. Acosta should be slammed right in his arrogant nasty punk nose.
He asked a legitimate question

Trump dodged it
Exactly. If a reporter does not kiss Trump's ass, the low-IQ nazi tards think he should be beaten. Sieg Heil!
You're an idiot.
Oooh! I am stung by your rapier wit! How will I recover?


"And you are ugly, too!"
Poor pitiful frightened creature. Defending a punk like Acosta.
You note how donny switched to the strawman tactic by asking if the people in the picture were actors or not. Great deflection.
He is a long practiced huckster.

I was watching a documentary about New York City the other day, made in 1985. Trump was in it.

He claimed three times that Trump Tower is 68 stories.

It's only 58 stories. Does he think people don't know how to count that high?

Clearly his rubes don't know how to count that high. He has nothing but complete contempt for his true believers. He spits lies in their faces several times a day.

He's a congenital huckster and pathological liar.
You note how donny switched to the strawman tactic by asking if the people in the picture were actors or not. Great deflection.
it was asked in his answer to the question asked. why didn't acosta answer?
Anyone see this live? Scroll down to see the video. Such violence from CNN! :1peleas:

WATCH: Trump Crushes 'Rude' Acosta, Aide Grabs His Mic Away
No doubt Trump wishes he could assassinate and dismember Acosta like his friends the Saudi’s did with our Washington Post journalist.
So you are saying that Acosta is a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer? Hell, if that is the case, then with Obama's disposition matrix, a good hellfire missile from a drone should handle Obillio Acosta, and some collateral damage at CNN...
Says an obama supporter
I'm not....but the orange is a joke....watching world news , everyone is laughing at the clip...fucking clown.

Watch it on Youtube and you can read all the comments from Brits who say they wish they had a leader like Trump.
One guy from Canada concurred and stated "and we have Mr Sparkly socks"
Lol youtube comments really...how about being in those countries and first things i get asked...how did that clown make to the presidency....trust me he is the most hate US president ever overseas.

Funny...I live in the energy corridor in Houston and the most diverse county in the U.S. and all of the Brits and Australians love Trump.
Dude you gotta travel outside a bit. :)

Meh...I've traveled quite a bit actually.
I can meet more people from other countries in my own backyard than you've ever met.

Acosta's questions were not out of line.
Trump can't handle the heat.
Trump needs to get the fuck out of the kitchen.
Thin-skinned man-baby.

Acosta needs his nose busted. He's a leftist activist jerk. He gives journalism a bad name.

For asking legitimate questions and standing up to a pig-headed bully?
Trump has a lot to hide and that's why he's so hostile to the press.
And you fucking idiots somehow can't connect the dots.

Trump is a public servant. He is not king of America.
This is not a monarchy.
You seem to forget that.
And the ONLY goddamn thing separating the public from a tyrant is the press.
Other reporters ask legitimate questions with no problem. Acosta has a leftist agenda. He's a leftist activist, not a journalist. One of these days Acosta is going to get his fat arrogant hateful nose busted and we're gonna all laugh our patriotic asses off.

Oh put down your Solo cup full of Trump Kool Aid and watch the presser again.

He was rude to everybody except John Roberts from Fox and Trump cut him off, too.
He accused the black reporter from NPR of asking a racist question.
He's a man-baby who can't handle the heat.

The NPR reporter did ask a racist question. She wouldn't have asked that of Obungo. This President has brought N. Korea to the table, something no other President would do. The economy is boiling. Unemployment among blacks and Hispanics is the lowest ever. Let's talk about that. Now go fuck yourself.

She asked him about whether his calling himself a nationalist was a dog whistle for white nationalists, and that's a reasonable question given that David Duke publicly praised Trump after Charlottesville and then Trump stupidly calls himself a nationalist at one of his rallies.

You can rattle off all the propaganda you want. Trump is being played by North Korea and Trump didn't invent this economy over the last 19 months. The recovery started in 2011.

You go fuck yourself, you're an idiot.
I'm not....but the orange is a joke....watching world news , everyone is laughing at the clip...fucking clown.

Watch it on Youtube and you can read all the comments from Brits who say they wish they had a leader like Trump.
One guy from Canada concurred and stated "and we have Mr Sparkly socks"
Lol youtube comments really...how about being in those countries and first things i get asked...how did that clown make to the presidency....trust me he is the most hate US president ever overseas.

Funny...I live in the energy corridor in Houston and the most diverse county in the U.S. and all of the Brits and Australians love Trump.
Dude you gotta travel outside a bit. :)

Meh...I've traveled quite a bit actually.
I can meet more people from other countries in my own backyard than you've ever met.
You are a liar...trump is super hated....I these countries that I've been to and I have family and friends in : most of Europe, north Africa, new zelaqnd, Australia, Fiji. Samoan....the only place they like him is Israel.
Says an obama supporter
I'm not....but the orange is a joke....watching world news , everyone is laughing at the clip...fucking clown.

Watch it on Youtube and you can read all the comments from Brits who say they wish they had a leader like Trump.
One guy from Canada concurred and stated "and we have Mr Sparkly socks"
Lol youtube comments really...how about being in those countries and first things i get asked...how did that clown make to the presidency....trust me he is the most hate US president ever overseas.

Funny...I live in the energy corridor in Houston and the most diverse county in the U.S. and all of the Brits and Australians love Trump.
Dude you gotta travel outside a bit. :)

LOLOILOLOLOL!!! (Gasping....)
I live in Houston too, and I there's plenty of Brits and Aussies not only in my neighborhood but also as my clients.
They don't love Trump.
Stop making shit up.
And I've worked and traveled a bit outside the U.S. and it's more difficult now than ever with Trump being hated around the world.
They should have busted his nose.
Sieg Heil!
Go to hell, punk.
You poor little nazi wannabe. I feel sorry for you.
Don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for yourself. Did you go to college?
Oh, are we going to compare IQs and pedigrees now? :lol:

Man, that's some inferiority complex you have, kid.

Beyond inferior considering this is an anonymous internet message board and I could actually be Beyonce and you could be Brad Pitt. LOL!
Anyone see this live? Scroll down to see the video. Such violence from CNN! :1peleas:

WATCH: Trump Crushes 'Rude' Acosta, Aide Grabs His Mic Away
No doubt Trump wishes he could assassinate and dismember Acosta like his friends the Saudi’s did with our Washington Post journalist.
I wish he would too. Acosta, like so many on the left, is pure scum.

You couldn't handle Acosta's job for five minutes. You'd roll over and pee yourself like a puppy.

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