Jim Carrey: No Helmet Required


Motorcycle owners who wear helmets are still infinitely more likely to die in a motorcycle accident than helmet-less people who don't ride motorcycles.
Anyone who thinks it's evil to have the tools to protect oneself and their family need to learn the reality of the world around them.

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

I don't know who's ass that bullshit statistic was pulled out of, but it's my house and if stupid people kill themselves I really don't care. It's none of your goddamned business what's in my house, just like it's not my business to prevent you from saying stupid shit. That's YOUR right, now leave mine the fuck alone pinko.
Anyone who thinks it's evil to have the tools to protect oneself and their family need to learn the reality of the world around them.

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

I don't know who's ass that bullshit statistic was pulled out of, but it's my house and if stupid people kill themselves I really don't care. It's none of your goddamned business what's in my house, just like it's not my business to prevent you from saying stupid shit. That's YOUR right, now leave mine the fuck alone pinko.

Kellerman Study. Look it up.

Actually, there's a whole list of things that could be going on in your house that the government would take an interest in... everything from cooking meth to illegally pirating videos.
You are 46 times more likely to die on a motorcycle than you are in a car.

Anyone who thinks it's evil to have the tools to protect oneself and their family need to learn the reality of the world around them.

a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

I don't know who's ass that bullshit statistic was pulled out of, but it's my house and if stupid people kill themselves I really don't care. It's none of your goddamned business what's in my house, just like it's not my business to prevent you from saying stupid shit. That's YOUR right, now leave mine the fuck alone pinko.

It becomes our business when folks with guns start shooting people in the face.
It becomes our business when folks with guns start shooting people in the face.

Then we should make that act illegal.

On the other hand, handicapping the good people that may need to stand against such criminals that will in no way be effected by the laws and regulations is just, well, ridiculous. You can ban all the firearms and accessories you want, criminals will still have them. You can require all the background checks in the world before purchasing a firearm, it won't have any impact on criminals obtaining a gun. Such feel good legislation only puts good people at a disadvantage when facing armed thugs...the ones that shoot people in the face. Now why would anyone want to do that?
It becomes our business when folks with guns start shooting people in the face.

Then we should make that act illegal.

On the other hand, handicapping the good people that may need to stand against such criminals that will in no way be effected by the laws and regulations is just, well, ridiculous. You can ban all the firearms and accessories you want, criminals will still have them. You can require all the background checks in the world before purchasing a firearm, it won't have any impact on criminals obtaining a gun. Such feel good legislation only puts good people at a disadvantage when facing armed thugs...the ones that shoot people in the face. Now why would anyone want to do that?

The whole point IS to handicap good people standing against criminals. Isn't that obvious by now?
Another bigoted Canadian born actor who's career is in decline. Who cares what he thinks?
He put that comment on Twitter and copped a lot of flack for it. I agree with him.

So you think gun owners are not worth protecting?
And you think babies are not worth protecting.

What's in your skull worth protecting? It's certainly not compassion.
Jim Carrey: 'Assault Rifle' Owners Have 'Very Little in Their Body or Soul Worth Protecting'

Obviously Jim Carrey doesn't have anything in his skull worth protecting. Then again few entertainers do, that's why most of them are liberals.

the guy selling his signed photo of carrey

on ebay to buy a new firearm

has reached 510 dollars


I heard 800 bucks. It's probably carrey buying it himself.
Not to mention the site carrey posted the video on is called funny or DIE.
He put that comment on Twitter and copped a lot of flack for it. I agree with him.

So you think gun owners are not worth protecting?
And you think babies are not worth protecting.

What's in your skull worth protecting? It's certainly not compassion.

The only thing gun owners need protection from are themselves... as a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a homeowner than a bad guy.

Oh, they released a list of how many guns Nancy and Adam Lanza owned.

Guns, knives, ammo and gear: Adam Lanza's arsenal, item by item - U.S. News

What were these people preparing for, the Zombie Apocolypse?
What were these people preparing for

None of your business.

What that insane monster did is our business. As horrible as it was, it does not justify the restriction of inalienable rights, particularly when those restrictions, bans, and regulations have zero chance of posing even the slightest hindrance to criminals, who really don't care about your rules. Most particularly when your meddling only serves to put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing these criminals, well, that's just downright cruel.

You want to see a reduction in violent crime? Longer sentencing and more cops on the street. You want to catch more crazies before they blow up a building? Make it easier to forcibly commit those unstable souls...if they have one.

But the point is, no, you don't get to question how many records are in my vinyl collection. Same goes for the firearms in the safe.
What were these people preparing for

None of your business.

What that insane monster did is our business. As horrible as it was, it does not justify the restriction of inalienable rights, particularly when those restrictions, bans, and regulations have zero chance of posing even the slightest hindrance to criminals, who really don't care about your rules. Most particularly when your meddling only serves to put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing these criminals, well, that's just downright cruel.

You want to see a reduction in violent crime? Longer sentencing and more cops on the street. You want to catch more crazies before they blow up a building? Make it easier to forcibly commit those unstable souls...if they have one.

But the point is, no, you don't get to question how many records are in my vinyl collection. Same goes for the firearms in the safe.

Actually, as long as that gun is a threat to me, I do have a right to question your need for them.

Criminals aren't the problem. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic arguments gone wrong, or someone who loses his shit.

And locking them up? We lock up 2 miillion people and STILL
have the highest murder rate in the industrialized world.

On the other hand, other industrialized countries lock up only the truly dangerous and don't let their citizens have guns, and they have a fraction of the murders we have.
I agree with him.

Perhaps then you could describe exactly what constitutes an "assault rifle" and why those of use that own semi automatic rifles have "Very Little in Their Body or Soul Worth Protecting". Specificity would be appreciated.

All the best.

Liberals are quite vicious people - they'd like everyone who disagrees with them to die. And they call conservatives heartless.
What were these people preparing for

None of your business.

What that insane monster did is our business. As horrible as it was, it does not justify the restriction of inalienable rights, particularly when those restrictions, bans, and regulations have zero chance of posing even the slightest hindrance to criminals, who really don't care about your rules. Most particularly when your meddling only serves to put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage when facing these criminals, well, that's just downright cruel.

You want to see a reduction in violent crime? Longer sentencing and more cops on the street. You want to catch more crazies before they blow up a building? Make it easier to forcibly commit those unstable souls...if they have one.

But the point is, no, you don't get to question how many records are in my vinyl collection. Same goes for the firearms in the safe.

Actually, as long as that gun is a threat to me, I do have a right to question your need for them.

First, no firearm or any inanimate object can threaten anyone. But yes, you can question all you like, but then I don't have to provide you with squat. You don't get to know what books are on my shelves that you might might find threatening either. But feel free to ask...

Criminals aren't the problem.

Wow, that's one hell of an assessment there. So tell us, who is it pulling the trigger?

Most gun deaths are suicides,

Don't care. Japan manages to have a overwhelming suicide rate with no firearms, thus proving firearms are not the cause of suicides.

domestic arguments gone wrong, or someone who loses his shit.

Already have plenty of laws against hurting other people. Again, it's people doing that, not firearms.

And locking them up? We lock up 2 miillion people and STILL have the highest murder rate in the industrialized world.

Actually, America doesn't make the top 100 list of countries ranked by murder rate.

Secondly, the majority of people locked up are there for consensual crimes in which no one was hurt nor anything taken (drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc). So, the number of people in jail isn't the issue. The length of sentences for VIOLENT crime is. You want to reduce violent crime? Keep the violent criminals in jail longer and put more cops on the streets. It's what has proven to work.

On the other hand, other industrialized countries lock up only the truly dangerous and don't let their citizens have guns, and they have a fraction of the murders we have.

Again, we don't make the top 100, despite out relatively high rate of civilian firearm ownership.

Bottom line, you'll not trample on the rights of law abiding citizens in order to enact feel good legislation that criminals simply ignore. You're only putting good people at the mercy of the criminals and crazies. Now that's insane.

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