Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’

So when a socialist says “we need more socialism” you think it is right wingers overusing the word socialist ?
Well, no, in that instance it's being used by a socialist. Obviously.

It's the fact that you folks scream SOCIALISM at pretty much everything that moves, just like the Regressive Left screams RACISM at everything that moves.

Always amusing to see how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.
Which is more correct:

Calling it racism if a cop shoots a thug pointing a gun at him....or a person commenting on the government takeover of GM and Chrysler calling it Socialism?
So when a socialist says “we need more socialism” you think it is right wingers overusing the word socialist ?
Well, no, in that instance it's being used by a socialist. Obviously.

It's the fact that you folks scream SOCIALISM at pretty much everything that moves, just like the Regressive Left screams RACISM at everything that moves.

Always amusing to see how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.
Which is more correct:

Calling it racism if a cop shoots a thug pointing a gun at him....or a person commenting on the government takeover of GM and Chrysler calling it Socialism?
I don't know.

Make a point.
`I have no problem with a balance of capitalism and socialism.`
Nor does most of the country.

The Right still hasn't quite figured out that (a) this all lies on a continuum, and (b) the word "socialism" no longer scares people, partially because the Right has so over-used it.

That's all nice, but Jim Carrey actually used his wealth and influence to score the drugs his girlfriend overdosed on and killed herself with. What he thinks about socialism, or however he views it, doesn't necessarily make it a good idea, and mainly because he isn't known for making the best choices.

I don’t know about that. That party is led by rich celebrities. Obviously what he says carries weight with a certain class.
I don’t know about that. That party is led by rich celebrities. Obviously what he says carries weight with a certain class.

I didn't post anything that suggested it doesn't carry weight, because for starters, we wouldn't be discussing it if it didn't. What I posted simply indicated that whatever weight it does carry, in reference to the record of poor decisions he has made, doesn't make it a good idea.

People are going to think what they do one way or another, but what they think, isn't what makes what they want to do a good idea. :21:
Nor does most of the country.The Right still hasn't quite figured out that (a) this all lies on a continuum, and (b) the word "socialism" no longer scares people, partially because the Right has so over-used it..
The anachronistic far right still equates socialism with communism and fascism.
And stupid fucking moronic white rich leftists cannot see that socialism morphs into totalitarianism, which inevitably morphs into feudalism.

You don't get shit you stupid fucking ignorant ass.

Still waiting for one loser on the left to explain to all of us why so many are so desperate to get here from those socialist paradises.

Go ahead, you miserable fucking hack.

Try explaining it.

Serious question here. What gives you the idea they have a problem with totalitarianism?
Nor does most of the country.The Right still hasn't quite figured out that (a) this all lies on a continuum, and (b) the word "socialism" no longer scares people, partially because the Right has so over-used it..
The anachronistic far right still equates socialism with communism and fascism.
And stupid fucking moronic white rich leftists cannot see that socialism morphs into totalitarianism, which inevitably morphs into feudalism.

You don't get shit you stupid fucking ignorant ass.

Still waiting for one loser on the left to explain to all of us why so many are so desperate to get here from those socialist paradises.

Go ahead, you miserable fucking hack.

Try explaining it.

Serious question here. What gives you the idea they have a problem with totalitarianism?
They don't. They are claiming they don't. That is why the losers try to differentiate between socialism, marxism and fascism. All of those are essentially the same thing and what they want. Strong central government and no free market enterprise. NO COMPETITION.

They always try to use words that are more palatable for their masses. Nearly everything we see them saying on here, is what they are spoon fed to them via their sources of leftist propaganda. Which, is traced back to those globalist democrat think tanks. You can tell how they are all unified in their language. Nothing original.

They always have their trusty race card to pull out. When they are confronted with any truth they usually giggle or go away.

Notice how when I ask those questions when these losers defend their socialist Utopian wishes? They never answer them, cause they are know those questions checkmate them every time.


Hey stupid white rich leftists...

Why if socialism was so great, are so many from those socialists paradises so desperate to get here?

Why aren't poor people from America escaping the horrific conditions capitalism has created here?

Has there ever been a documented case of Americans trying to sail down to Cuba because of how much better it is for the poor down there?
Has there ever been a documented case of Americans trying to sail down to Cuba because of how much better it is for the poor down there?
Holy crap, not that I'm aware of.

Now, a question for you: Which talk radio host is most responsible for convincing you that someone wants us to be like Cuba?
Has there ever been a documented case of Americans trying to sail down to Cuba because of how much better it is for the poor down there?
Holy crap, not that I'm aware of.

Now, a question for you: Which talk radio host is most responsible for convincing you that someone wants us to be like Cuba?
You are really really dumb.
`I have no problem with a balance of capitalism and socialism.`
Nor does most of the country.

The Right still hasn't quite figured out that (a) this all lies on a continuum, and (b) the word "socialism" no longer scares people, partially because the Right has so over-used it.

That's all nice, but Jim Carrey actually used his wealth and influence to score the drugs his girlfriend overdosed on and killed herself with. What he thinks about socialism, or however he views it, doesn't necessarily make it a good idea, and mainly because he isn't known for making the best choices.
Do not underestimate how celebrities control our decision making process. Behold the advertising industry. We don't think companies are willing to spend fortunes on celebrities endorsing their products for no good reason, are we?

Research what Nike did with golf apparel SALES after they paid Tiger Woods $40 million dollars before he played his first tournament professionally.

Celebrities make a profound influence on our decision making. Combine that with the power of GROUP THINK as affirmed by conformity experiments, you can see how hollywood/entertainment industry has on losers like Mac. Who, actually believes he thinks for himself.
Jim Carrey tells Democrats: ‘We have to say yes to socialism’

Carrey likened President Trump to a used-car salesman and urged Democrats to embrace socialism.

Carrey said Republicans were merely trying to scare people when warning the United States would end up like Venezuela with the word “socialism."

We allow states to be as socialist as they want. We can see how well socialism is working in CA. The middle class is fleeing and their tax base is leaving with them. CA has the highest poverty rate. Maybe we should allow famous multi-millionaire socialist to donate their money to the IRS, or make them pay a special socialist tax rate.

I see the Marxist apologists have drip dropped out of their fairy dust cloud sparkling trees amid their midnight sylvan leaf banquets. On the neon orange wheels of their roller skates of apathy, they traverse across a calc-tufa flats of sorry regret for their yet to be fully understood denial of reality, all the while proselytizing for a cause they just can't wrap their dunder heads around. Beg the same question obdurately they do, "But what," they recite, "is true socialism?" despite ample historical example of the result in deaths and dying and loss of all freedom. Meanwhile, let us God fearing, America loving patriots masticate handfuls of popcorn, and watch them go down with their sinking island, all the while explaining away excuses to us for why their feet, ankles, shins and now waists, are submerged in salty cold waters. Throw them no more life preservers please, for I have cancelled my Netflix sub and need a new source of entertainment.

"Tolerance and Apathy are the last virtues of a dying society."
Oh sure, as soon as someone in this country can settle on some sort of conherent definition of what socialism is.
Socialism always has to be forced, If it was worth a shit it would not have to be a forced so shut the fuck up

Great example of incoherent defining.

Adherence to laws is obviously forced, doesn't mean it's socialism.
Oh sure, as soon as someone in this country can settle on some sort of conherent definition of what socialism is.
Socialism is great as long as you dont let people that really believe in capitalism run the system.

That doesn't answer the question though - WHAT IS IT?

Used to be pretty striaght forward - no private bussiness, government/public own all means of production.

Means right about nothing today beyond someone wishing government to handle something.
Oh sure, as soon as someone in this country can settle on some sort of conherent definition of what socialism is.
Socialism is great as long as you dont let people that really believe in capitalism run the system.

That doesn't answer the question though - WHAT IS IT?

Used to be pretty striaght forward - no private bussiness, government/public own all means of production.

Means right about nothing today beyond someone wishing government to handle something.

It doesn't matter. The Democrats might call themselves "socialists", but corporatism is their end game. Same as the Republicans.
Under socialism Jim Carrey would be paid the same as the stagehands.
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I like the scene from the movie Doctor Zhivago when the socialist appropriated the Doctor’s house because it perfectly illustrates socialism. It’s basically just stealing. Economies based upon stealing will always fail.
So when a socialist says “we need more socialism” you think it is right wingers overusing the word socialist ?
Well, no, in that instance it's being used by a socialist. Obviously.

It's the fact that you folks scream SOCIALISM at pretty much everything that moves, just like the Regressive Left screams RACISM at everything that moves.

Always amusing to see how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.
Which is more correct:

Calling it racism if a cop shoots a thug pointing a gun at him....or a person commenting on the government takeover of GM and Chrysler calling it Socialism?
I don't know.

Make a point.
My point is one is an example of a strategy of propaganda being used to tighten up the base causing divisions through cohersion (fraud) and the other is simply independent thinkers facing reality.
Oh sure, as soon as someone in this country can settle on some sort of conherent definition of what socialism is.

Oh hell I can tell you that. It's Mean, Evil, Wicked, Bad and Nasty. And it's the source of herpes, open running penile sores and the heartbreak of psoriasis. I'm not totally sure but I think it also causes leprosy.

That's all you need to know. Oh and Hitler was against it.
Hitler was a socialist, idiot.
Bullshit. He was nutcase. Nazism is and always has been an extreme rightwing position. He projected the idea that he was a socialist so fools would follow him.

Yea Nazism is so right wing it turned left wing with banning smoking and aborting babies at will.
Are you actually claiming that Nazism is is a left wing ideology? I mean on purpose and in direct contradiction to reality?

Are you actually posting like a partisian 1st grader? Only a child would suggest Hitlers Nazism is either right wing or left wing since it had traits of both.

He's right.

What I love about living in this time in earth's history is that the Republicans have ran the term "socialism" into the ground so deep that it no longer has any meaning.

It's not scaring people any more, in fact, they're drawn to it.

They like it!


They tried to do that with "Liberal" too. Some of them are still trying. What happens with that shit is a bubble forms around the revisionists. And then the bubble contracts, smaller and smaller, and because they're trapped in their own bubble ---- they don't even notice.
Oh sure, as soon as someone in this country can settle on some sort of conherent definition of what socialism is.

Oh hell I can tell you that. It's Mean, Evil, Wicked, Bad and Nasty. And it's the source of herpes, open running penile sores and the heartbreak of psoriasis. I'm not totally sure but I think it also causes leprosy.

That's all you need to know. Oh and Hitler was against it.
Hitler was a socialist, idiot.
Bullshit. He was nutcase. Nazism is and always has been an extreme rightwing position. He projected the idea that he was a socialist so fools would follow him.

The National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), also known as the Nazi Party, was a German political party. It was started in 1920 from the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers' party) (DAP), [4] which would later be renamed the NSDAP.

Correct. And Hitler objected to the name, but went along with it for the marketing value of the term "socialist". The actual, pre-existing socialist party were the Nazis' rivals, the targets the S.A. (Brownshirts) were organized to intimidate, and the first "guests" at Dachau.

Again, and we've noted this about a hundred thousand times, taking a self-named term as literal gospel means (a) that you also have to believe the Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea) is all that, ditto for the German Democratic Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, etc, and for that matter you have to believe that Post Grape Nuts contains either; and (b) you have to base your premise on the idea that Adolf Hitler would never lie. So much for that.

Don't believe me? Go buy a Yugo and see if Yu go anywhere.

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