Jim DeMint admits Voter ID laws are to help GOP

Yeah, of course they do. Democrats are criminals. Republicans generally are in favor of law and order. You think the riots in Baltimore were a bunch of conservatives? Criminals are generally all Democrats. So yeah, any law that prevents people who break voting laws from voting, is going to benefit the Republicans.
Yeah, of course they do. Democrats are criminals. Republicans generally are in favor of law and order. You think the riots in Baltimore were a bunch of conservatives? Criminals are generally all Democrats. So yeah, any law that prevents people who break voting laws from voting, is going to benefit the Republicans.

It's more than that. Some Democrats will vote if it's entirely convenient for them. Late hours, open voting several days, rides to the polls, and what you end up with are a bunch of uninformed voters because they really don't care about politics or policies. I doubt that many of them can tell you who the VP in this country is.

If it takes some effort to vote, you lose those voters because they are generally lazy. That's why they vote Democrat in the first place. It's tough to drag a homeless guy off the train tracks, get him an ID, and persuade him to vote. Before ID, all you had to do is give him a pack of cigarettes and a ride to the polls, and tell him what holes to punch in a card.

If it were up to me, everybody would have to take a simple test before being allowed to vote. That way you weed out the politically ignorant from the polls and we would end up with a much better group of representatives.

Conservatives would love to see this happen, but Democrats would have a ship-fit. The Democrats highly rely on the politically ignorant to win elections. You know........Obama Money!!!!
It prevents Democrats from courting the dead and other fraudulent votes. So yeah it helps the gop. Being honest tends to do that
Jim DeMint: Voter ID Helps Elect 'More Conservative Candidates'

"And so it’s something we’re working on all over the country, because in the states where they do have voter ID laws you’ve seen, actually, elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.”

One has to wonder if democrats can only get elected by allowing non-voters to vote and can't get elected when only legal voters are allowed to vote then how the heck can we call any election of any democrat legitimate?
Jim DeMint: Voter ID Helps Elect 'More Conservative Candidates'

"And so it’s something we’re working on all over the country, because in the states where they do have voter ID laws you’ve seen, actually, elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.”

One has to wonder if democrats can only get elected by allowing non-voters to vote and can't get elected when only legal voters are allowed to vote then how the heck can we call any election of any democrat legitimate?

No, that's why they are vote buying with this illegal alien thing. Because more people are wising up, they are looking for new voters no matter how they get them:

Jim DeMint: Voter ID Helps Elect 'More Conservative Candidates'

"And so it’s something we’re working on all over the country, because in the states where they do have voter ID laws you’ve seen, actually, elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.”

One has to wonder if democrats can only get elected by allowing non-voters to vote and can't get elected when only legal voters are allowed to vote then how the heck can we call any election of any democrat legitimate?
Democrats have a built-in 5 percent advantage because of all the fraud.
I expect, the article in the O. P.---from some Marxist Rag--left off the clear reasons DeMint also gave for why he thinks it helps conservatives to have voter I. D. Laws....many of which have been brought up in this thread.

But the main one...the one that is undermining this country...is the fraud that the Democratic Party commits every election in every big rotting Democrat-controlled city in the North.

In Chicago the Dead do vote....they vote for years after they have died, until they are purged off the rolls...which is seldom. Winos, addicts, illegals or just neighbors, are paid about 20 bucks to go in and claim he is the Dead Man, and without voter I. D.laws , there is nothing to stop the fraud...which is so pervasive that it cannot be effectively prosecuted...even if the various Democratic-controlled Public Employee Unions wanted it prosecuted...which they don't, as they are in the game.

So, there are no convictions for this $20 fraud...there is not the time and money for such convictions when the cops are so tied up hauling shot Black teens to the hospital or the morgue...and without convictions the Democrats who are perpetrating the fraud....can claim, indignantly claim, that there is no voter fraud.

In Detroit, they haul them around in Minivans...from precinct to precinct....voting for the Dead, the Moved Away, the Old & Infirm....so long as they don't have to produce that simple picture I.D.

Why wouldn't it benefit conservatives to stop this flagrant fraud?

yet the democrats never stop bitching when it comes to voting. . I'm sure it would help the gop. It's not their fault democrat voters are too damn lazy to go get a State ID for a couple bucks.

if you really cared that much to vote you would go and get your Id. no ID no damn voting. SIMPLE

yet the democrats never stop bitching when it comes to voting. . I'm sure it would help the gop. It's not their fault democrat voters are too damn lazy to go get a State ID for a couple bucks.

if you really cared that much to vote you would go and get your Id. no ID no damn voting. SIMPLE
You are indeed an ignorant, moronic twit – this fails as a false comparison fallacy.

There is no ‘Constitutional right’ to buy a house, register a car, or write a check.

There is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

yet the democrats never stop bitching when it comes to voting. . I'm sure it would help the gop. It's not their fault democrat voters are too damn lazy to go get a State ID for a couple bucks.

if you really cared that much to vote you would go and get your Id. no ID no damn voting. SIMPLE
You are indeed an ignorant, moronic twit – this fails as a false comparison fallacy.

There is no ‘Constitutional right’ to buy a house, register a car, or write a check.

There is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

There's no Constitutional right to marriage either.
Amnesty anyone? Jose says I'll take one por favor.


yet the democrats never stop bitching when it comes to voting. . I'm sure it would help the gop. It's not their fault democrat voters are too damn lazy to go get a State ID for a couple bucks.

if you really cared that much to vote you would go and get your Id. no ID no damn voting. SIMPLE
You are indeed an ignorant, moronic twit – this fails as a false comparison fallacy.

There is no ‘Constitutional right’ to buy a house, register a car, or write a check.

There is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

A constitutional right to vote unregulated? Where is that written?

If our rights have no parameters or restrictions, shouldn't that apply to all our rights such as the right to bear arms?

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