Jim DeMint admits Voter ID laws are to help GOP

yet the democrats never stop bitching when it comes to voting. . I'm sure it would help the gop. It's not their fault democrat voters are too damn lazy to go get a State ID for a couple bucks.

if you really cared that much to vote you would go and get your Id. no ID no damn voting. SIMPLE
You are indeed an ignorant, moronic twit – this fails as a false comparison fallacy.

There is no ‘Constitutional right’ to buy a house, register a car, or write a check.

There is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

A constitutional right to vote unregulated? Where is that written?

If our rights have no parameters or restrictions, shouldn't that apply to all our rights such as the right to bear arms?
now you went and did it.
I must have missed that one about voting in the Constitution.:rolleyes-41:

there is no right to vote. it's voluntary. and people do have the right to vote and it's their responsibility to get a proper ID to do it. simple
Voter Fraud in the US: Documented (Part 1) - Discover the Networks

Voter Fraud in the US: Documented:

ACORN lobbied every Democratic National Convention since 1980[64] and had members elected as delegates to those conventions;[64] ACORN also lobbied atRepublican conventions.[64] ACORN was criticized by Republicans for its support of Democratic candidates and for its general support of political positions that are more often favored by Democrats.

TX – 2008: In Harris County, nearly 10,000 ACORN-submitted registrations were found to be invalid, including many with clearly fraudulent addresses or other personal information.
– 2008: ACORN turned in the voter registration form of David Young, who told reporters “The signature is not my signature. It’s not even close.” His social security number and date of birth were also incorrect.

NM – 2008: Prosecutors are investigating more than 1,100 ACORN-submitted voter registration cards after a county clerk found them to be fraudulent. Many of the cards included duplicate names and slightly altered personal information.
– 2005: Four ACORN employees submitted as many as 3,000 potentially fraudulent signatures on the group’s Albuquerque ballot initiative. A local sheriff added: “It’s safe to say the forgery was widespread.”
– 2004: An ACORN employee registered a 13-year-old boy to vote. Citing this and other examples, New Mexico State Representative Joe Thompson stated that ACORN was “manufacturing voters” throughout New Mexico.

Three members of ACORN in Nevada have been indicted for voter fraud. Along with those three members of ACORN, one of which was a regional director-type person, ACORN itself was indicted. The amount of fraudulent voter registrations for these three people is astronomical. The New York Times, hardly a conservative newspaper, reported out of 91,002 voter registration forms for Clark County, Nevada, only 23,186 turned out to be valid. That means barely over one out of four forms in a single county in Nevada was legitimate. (Source)

A Nevada judge on Wednesday gave ACORN, the defunct grass-roots community organization, the maximum fine for its illegal voter-registration scheme in that state. District Court Judge Donald Mosley was blunt and unsparing in his criticism of the discredited activist group. Citing the long history of voter registration fraud allegations that engulfed ACORN across the country, he slapped the group with a $5,000 fine for violating Nevada election law during the 2008 presidential election.

Seventy ACORN employees in 12 states have been convicted of voter registration fraud and a Congressional report revealed that more than one-third of the 1.3 million registrants submitted by the group in the 2008 election cycle were invalid. (Source) and (Source)

Jim DeMint: Voter ID Helps Elect 'More Conservative Candidates'

"And so it’s something we’re working on all over the country, because in the states where they do have voter ID laws you’ve seen, actually, elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.”
The headline could have just as easily read, voter id laws expose liberals for the lazy fucks they are.

Now what?
that's how I saw it. every election it's same damn thing. If they can dream up a way to cheat, vote through fraud, etc. they will use it until they die. it's pathetic

yet the democrats never stop bitching when it comes to voting. . I'm sure it would help the gop. It's not their fault democrat voters are too damn lazy to go get a State ID for a couple bucks.

if you really cared that much to vote you would go and get your Id. no ID no damn voting. SIMPLE
You are indeed an ignorant, moronic twit – this fails as a false comparison fallacy.

There is no ‘Constitutional right’ to buy a house, register a car, or write a check.

There is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

A constitutional right to vote unregulated? Where is that written?

If our rights have no parameters or restrictions, shouldn't that apply to all our rights such as the right to bear arms?
now you went and did it.
I must have missed that one about voting in the Constitution.:rolleyes-41:

there is no right to vote. it's voluntary. and people do have the right to vote and it's their responsibility to get a proper ID to do it. simple

No, no, no. You don't understand: simple for a conservative, a challenge for a liberal.

As we conservatives know, the sheep bought into this notion that Voter ID is discriminatory. You know.......it's too hard for some of these elderly to get to a place that will take their picture and give them an ID, there are Americans who came here from other countries where they have no birth records, there are people who don't drive and can't get to the DMV to get an ID, you know, the usual.

However, for some reason, these problems only seem to be those of Democrats and not Republicans. I wonder why that is?

A Democrat can take the simplest challenge and turn it into something complex. That's why we have electronic voting machines today. During the Al Gore election, Democrats didn't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card, so afterwards, we had to change.

In spite of the brainwashing their political leaders performed on them, there is only one reason to be against a system that limits cheating: you want to keep cheating. But of course, Democrat leaders can't tell their sheep that, so they made up this racist/ discrimination thing, and liberal followers don't even question it.
Fucking whiners are what republicans are.

You all gerrymandered your voting districts. Won the control of congress. Hold most of the state legislatures and governors office.

But you republicans are void of any decent ideas that can get a candidate elected at the national level.

So, instead of working on more appealing ideas, you all work on your whine. And you all are good at it. Want some cheese?

Republicans suck donkey dick.
Why did Liberals demand an id to get into past conventions but oppose an ID to vote?!

IF POSSIBLE, THINK about that for a second...
Fucking whiners are what republicans are.

You all gerrymandered your voting districts. Won the control of congress. Hold most of the state legislatures and governors office.

But you republicans are void of any decent ideas that can get a candidate elected at the national level.

So, instead of working on more appealing ideas, you all work on your whine. And you all are good at it. Want some cheese?

Republicans suck donkey dick.

Republicans are not whining about Voter--ID, you liberals are. Would you like some cheese with that????
Jim DeMint: Voter ID Helps Elect 'More Conservative Candidates'

"And so it’s something we’re working on all over the country, because in the states where they do have voter ID laws you’ve seen, actually, elections begin to change towards more conservative candidates.”
That's like saying it's wet when it rains. How is that news to you? Less fraud always benefits Republicans, Dems will let the dead vote if they can get away with it.
Republicans are not whining about Voter--ID, you liberals are. Would you like some cheese with that????

Hey asshole. I live in ohio. I cant remember when I didnt have to show id when I voted.

You dont like the voting laws? Change them. If you cant change them, then quit fucking whining about it.

Good god you republicans suck.
Republicans are not whining about Voter--ID, you liberals are. Would you like some cheese with that????

Hey asshole. I live in ohio. I cant remember when I didnt have to show id when I voted.

You dont like the voting laws? Change them. If you cant change them, then quit fucking whining about it.

Good god you republicans suck.

We did change them, and the liberals are the ones whining.
Fucking whiners are what republicans are.

You all gerrymandered your voting districts. Won the control of congress. Hold most of the state legislatures and governors office.

But you republicans are void of any decent ideas that can get a candidate elected at the national level.

So, instead of working on more appealing ideas, you all work on your whine. And you all are good at it. Want some cheese?

Republicans suck donkey dick.

Republicans are not whining about Voter--ID, you liberals are. Would you like some cheese with that????
You love how (one of them from the left/dem), they post the thread and then turn around and accuse conservative/Republican of whining. stupid game they have eh?
Fucking whiners are what republicans are.

You all gerrymandered your voting districts. Won the control of congress. Hold most of the state legislatures and governors office.

But you republicans are void of any decent ideas that can get a candidate elected at the national level.

So, instead of working on more appealing ideas, you all work on your whine. And you all are good at it. Want some cheese?

Republicans suck donkey dick.

Republicans are not whining about Voter--ID, you liberals are. Would you like some cheese with that????
You love how (one of them from the left/dem), they post the thread and then turn around and accuse conservative/Republican of whining. stupid game they have eh?

""Folks, if you ever want to know what the liberals are really up to, all you have to do is note what they are blaming the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
Fucking whiners are what republicans are.

You all gerrymandered your voting districts. Won the control of congress. Hold most of the state legislatures and governors office.

But you republicans are void of any decent ideas that can get a candidate elected at the national level.

So, instead of working on more appealing ideas, you all work on your whine. And you all are good at it. Want some cheese?

Republicans suck donkey dick.

Republicans are not whining about Voter--ID, you liberals are. Would you like some cheese with that????
You love how (one of them from the left/dem), they post the thread and then turn around and accuse conservative/Republican of whining. stupid game they have eh?

""Folks, if you ever want to know what the liberals are really up to, all you have to do is note what they are blaming the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
More brilliant commentary from the thrice married, chickenhawk junky.

Drink it up ditto heads, drink it up.

yet the democrats never stop bitching when it comes to voting. . I'm sure it would help the gop. It's not their fault democrat voters are too damn lazy to go get a State ID for a couple bucks.

if you really cared that much to vote you would go and get your Id. no ID no damn voting. SIMPLE
You are indeed an ignorant, moronic twit – this fails as a false comparison fallacy.

There is no ‘Constitutional right’ to buy a house, register a car, or write a check.

There is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

A constitutional right to vote unregulated? Where is that written?

If our rights have no parameters or restrictions, shouldn't that apply to all our rights such as the right to bear arms?
now you went and did it.
I must have missed that one about voting in the Constitution.:rolleyes-41:

there is no right to vote. it's voluntary. and people do have the right to vote and it's their responsibility to get a proper ID to do it. simple

No, no, no. You don't understand: simple for a conservative, a challenge for a liberal.

As we conservatives know, the sheep bought into this notion that Voter ID is discriminatory. You know.......it's too hard for some of these elderly to get to a place that will take their picture and give them an ID, there are Americans who came here from other countries where they have no birth records, there are people who don't drive and can't get to the DMV to get an ID, you know, the usual.

However, for some reason, these problems only seem to be those of Democrats and not Republicans. I wonder why that is?

A Democrat can take the simplest challenge and turn it into something complex. That's why we have electronic voting machines today. During the Al Gore election, Democrats didn't have the intelligence to punch a hole in a card, so afterwards, we had to change.

In spite of the brainwashing their political leaders performed on them, there is only one reason to be against a system that limits cheating: you want to keep cheating. But of course, Democrat leaders can't tell their sheep that, so they made up this racist/ discrimination thing, and liberal followers don't even question it.

I didn't really know the "black leadership" until who was it.... Not Al Sharpton... but Jesse Jackson or whoever, was in Floriduh... holding up the punch card ballet, saying something like "this ballot is discrimination".... yeah that racists bit of paper... how dare it be white or whatever.

That's when I realized that "racism" itself was nothing about reality or justice, and the "black leadership" was not about helping minorities.... they were all, and still are, nothing more than puppets, and tools in the hands of the ideological left. None of them have any more validity, than how they can get votes for the Democrats.
Republicans are not whining about Voter--ID, you liberals are. Would you like some cheese with that????

Hey asshole. I live in ohio. I cant remember when I didnt have to show id when I voted.

You dont like the voting laws? Change them. If you cant change them, then quit fucking whining about it.

Good god you republicans suck.

um...... did you miss the entire discussion? We *ARE* changing them, and people like you are the left, are the ones crying your eyes out over it. Not us.

The entire point of this thread, is us on the right.... LAUGHING at you on the left, crying about voter laws. We are the ones winning this fight. We're not crying... we're laughing at you.
Fucking whiners are what republicans are.

You all gerrymandered your voting districts. Won the control of congress. Hold most of the state legislatures and governors office.

But you republicans are void of any decent ideas that can get a candidate elected at the national level.

So, instead of working on more appealing ideas, you all work on your whine. And you all are good at it. Want some cheese?

Republicans suck donkey dick.

Republicans are not whining about Voter--ID, you liberals are. Would you like some cheese with that????
You love how (one of them from the left/dem), they post the thread and then turn around and accuse conservative/Republican of whining. stupid game they have eh?

""Folks, if you ever want to know what the liberals are really up to, all you have to do is note what they are blaming the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
More brilliant commentary from the thrice married, chickenhawk junky.

Drink it up ditto heads, drink it up.


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