Jim Jordan: America has to follow in Italy's footsteps

What's wrong with a pretty face?

When did countries wanting to protect their border become "fascism"? Those countries aren't overrunning other countries, like fascists did in the 1930's. They're the ones being overran.
Fascism is a loaded term today and not evenly applied if we are being objective.

Was it fascist to force people to take a vaccine that doesn't prevent the spread of the virus that society was trying to eradicate? How about banning public discourse in the digital forums of today? Such decisions muddied the waters.

I can't say I know much about her policies. I suppose media will keep us abreast, unequivocally with a healthy dose of bias, serving no one but the interests of a few quirky donors.
Associated Press:"Georgia Meloni becomes Italy's first female PM, and the world is watching closely whether she will become the leader of a far-right party with neo-fascist roots or a more moderate right-wing politician with 26% of the vote."
They also looked at the fuhrer same way from London in 1933
(«The financial editor of "The Daily Herald" of London wrote on Sept. 30, 1933:
"Mr. Norman’s decision to give Nazis the backing of the Bank of England" )

"Pilgrims at Mussolini's birthplace hope that the new PM will revive ultra-right Italy"
So write it as it is - fascist Italy. What's to be ashamed of?
In the 1930s, the entire capitalist world, from the attempted fascist putsch in the United States in 1934 to the zigging royal British family, from the philosophy of the "superman" to the Europe instant surrender to the Reich, was pregnant with fascism, saw fascism as the guiding star of the "crusade against Bolshevism".
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