Jim Jordan launched probe into Fani Willis

What was the pressure? Trump had no power over a GA official. He is entitled to free speech as much as Gore, Clinton, Piglosi or any other democrat is. There was no pressure. Howl at the moon some more.
You have clearly avoided reading the transcript of Trump's threatening call to Raffensberger.

You really need to switch to "news" sources which don't make you look so stupid.
She wants everyone to abandon English and pronounce her name 'Fawni' LOL Fuck that, from now on I'm spelling her name 'Fannie" or 'Fanny.'
Other words Leo refuses to pronounce correctly:








Koch brothers.

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I was actually asleep when they called the election for the Orange Roughy.
So, you pulled your hair out yelling and stomping like a little girl when your mommy woke you up to tell you the good news?

Stop posting selfies....and you need to lose some poundage off that ass.
Jack, you need to get your medication checked again, I've posted no selfies, that fat ass-head you are seeing must be your reflection again. Or maybe just another enormous puss-zit on your shoulders.

Get a grip.
So, you pulled your hair out yelling and stomping like a little girl when your mommy woke you up to tell you the good news?

Jack, you need to get your medication checked again, I've posted no selfies, that fat ass-head you are seeing must be your reflection again. Or maybe just another enormous puss-zit on your shoulders.

Get a grip.
You having a breakdown there, Freaky? I'm a bit worried. Should I be calling the men with the white huggy jackets? :auiqs.jpg:
You Trump humpers like playing the greatest hits and reliving the past. When the rest of us have moved on.

Gym Jordan will get about as far as he did with Alvin Bragg. In fact, I'll go further to say that Willis will ignore him completely.

You really need to look at resolving your issues with the past and move on.
Rep. Jim Jordan launched a new probe into the Georgia district attorney who indicted Donald Trump over election interference and accused her of profiting off the criminal case.

'It is noteworthy that just four days before this indictment, you launched a new campaign fundraising website that highlighted your investigation into President Trump,' the Judiciary Committee chairman wrote in a letter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
The Democratic district attorney is up for re-election in 2024.

Her campaign website does not directly highlight her indictment of Trump. It touts her work to fight gang violence, keep young people out of the criminal justice system and anti-corruption efforts.

But under an 'in the news' section, her campaign website features a New York Times report about the prosecutor that is headlined: 'In Atlanta, a Local Prosecutor Takes on Murder, Street Gangs and a President.'

Jordan gave Willis until September 7 to comply with his demands, though it's not clear if she will. Jordan could then potentially move to launch a subpoena.

Fani Willis's indictments are obviously politically motivated.
She is abusing her power to indict to interfere with the 2024 election.
In effect she might be breaking the election laws by using fictitious indictments. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52 section:20511 edition:prelim)

Gym Jordan is a desperate shill for the deep state
What was the pressure? Trump had no power over a GA official. He is entitled to free speech as much as Gore, Clinton, Piglosi or any other democrat is. There was no pressure. Howl at the moon some more.
read this shit show of a "perfect" phone call, asshole.

if you can't identify the pressure, it's another You problem.
You having a breakdown there, Freaky?
Nope, everything fine here, Jack, so you must be again seeing yourself in your mirror.

I'm a bit worried. Should I be calling the men with the white huggy jackets?
I'm a bit worried about you too, Jack. I'm a bit worried that you've escaped from your white, huggy Soros jacket!

You Trump humpers like playing the greatest hits and reliving the past. When the rest of us have moved on.
Really galls your ass huh that America rejected Hillary Clinton, and is now rejecting your fake, installed, bogus ass-clown Biden, huh? Problem is Jack just look at what you've moved on to! Our country is falling apart because of treasonous assholes like you.

I'll go further to say that Willis will ignore him completely.
You admit that Willis thinks she is above the law and will just ignore a congressional subpoena and investigation?
Thanks for confirming that the Left is now a wholly criminal organization.
Which end will you be laughing out of when all of this comes to a head and blows back into all of your faces?
What comes around always GOES around. Remember that.
Nope, everything fine here, Jack, so you must be again seeing yourself in your mirror.

I'm a bit worried about you too, Jack. I'm a bit worried that you've escaped from your white, huggy Soros jacket!

Really galls your ass huh that America rejected Hillary Clinton, and is now rejecting your fake, installed, bogus ass-clown Biden, huh? Problem is Jack just look at what you've moved on to! Our country is falling apart because of treasonous assholes like you.

You admit that Willis thinks she is above the law and will just ignore a congressional subpoena and investigation?
Thanks for confirming that the Left is now a wholly criminal organization.
Which end will you be laughing out of when all of this comes to a head and blows back into all of your faces?
What comes around always GOES around. Remember that.
It's a state matter. Jordan has no authority or business inserting himself into the affairs of a criminal prosecution in GA. When his only aim is to protect the accused.
Willis can tell Jordan to go do something unspeakable to himself. She don't answer to him. And there's not a thing beyond blustering he can do about it. :)

Our country is falling apart because on June 16th, 2015, a certain spray tanned fraud took his foot off a golden escalator in NYC and declared himself to be one of you...after being a liberal Democrat his entire adult life. :auiqs.jpg:
And feebs like you, opened wide and swallowed whole (you're used to that, aren't you?).
Your Savior. Because he was you. He got you. He IS you.
It's a state matter. Jordan has no authority or business inserting himself into the affairs of a criminal prosecution in GA.
Too bad.

When his only aim is to protect the accused.
Really sucks huh? Willis' only aim is to get Trump because he's Trump. Her case is baseless.

Willis can tell Jordan to go do something unspeakable to himself. She don't answer to him.
She will. She is trying to tamper with and obstruct a national election. Neither will she get her Oct. 23 court date or anything close to it neither.

And there's not a thing beyond blustering he can do about it.
I would not bet my life on that.

Our country is falling apart because on June 16th, 2015, a certain spray tanned fraud took his foot off a golden escalator in NYC
Your socialist totalitarian authoritarian bureaucracy is falling apart because one businessman put his own wonderful life aside to represent the good and the will of a free people? How very sad for you! :auiqs.jpg:

opened wide and swallowed whole
Story of your life Jack. I wonder what tune you will sing when the cart gets turned around the other way?
Rep. Jim Jordan launched a new probe into the Georgia district attorney who indicted Donald Trump over election interference and accused her of profiting off the criminal case.

'It is noteworthy that just four days before this indictment, you launched a new campaign fundraising website that highlighted your investigation into President Trump,' the Judiciary Committee chairman wrote in a letter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
The Democratic district attorney is up for re-election in 2024.

Her campaign website does not directly highlight her indictment of Trump. It touts her work to fight gang violence, keep young people out of the criminal justice system and anti-corruption efforts.

But under an 'in the news' section, her campaign website features a New York Times report about the prosecutor that is headlined: 'In Atlanta, a Local Prosecutor Takes on Murder, Street Gangs and a President.'

Jordan gave Willis until September 7 to comply with his demands, though it's not clear if she will. Jordan could then potentially move to launch a subpoena.

Fani Willis's indictments are obviously politically motivated.
She is abusing her power to indict to interfere with the 2024 election.
In effect she might be breaking the election laws by using fictitious indictments. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52 section:20511 edition:prelim)

Here's to Jordan, McCarthy and the boys getting the "obstruction of justice" charges in Georgia they rightly deserve.
It's a state matter. Jordan has no authority or business inserting himself into the affairs of a criminal prosecution in GA. When his only aim is to protect the accused.
Willis can tell Jordan to go do something unspeakable to himself. She don't answer to him. And there's not a thing beyond blustering he can do about it. :)

Our country is falling apart because on June 16th, 2015, a certain spray tanned fraud took his foot off a golden escalator in NYC and declared himself to be one of you...after being a liberal Democrat his entire adult life. :auiqs.jpg:
And feebs like you, opened wide and swallowed whole (you're used to that, aren't you?).
Your Savior. Because he was you. He got you. He IS you.
This all started long before Trump decided the marks were ripe for plucking.
The Grifter in Chief has been living off "campaign donations" for 8 years.
Here's to his future of living off the government largesse...In Super Max.
Too bad.

Really sucks huh? Willis' only aim is to get Trump because he's Trump. Her case is baseless.

She will. She is trying to tamper with and obstruct a national election. Neither will she get her Oct. 23 court date or anything close to it neither.

I would not bet my life on that.

Your socialist totalitarian authoritarian bureaucracy is falling apart because one businessman put his own wonderful life aside to represent the good and the will of a free people? How very sad for you! :auiqs.jpg:

Story of your life Jack. I wonder what tune you will sing when the cart gets turned around the other way?
Your time, and the time of your ilk is coming to an end, Freaky. I know you're scared of what life will be like after your savior is gone from the public eye.
But really, it's best at this point just to move on.

And I will bet anything you like that there is not a bloody thing that Gym Jordan can do to stop Willis.
Whatever you'd like to bet. :)
Your time, and the time of your ilk is coming to an end, Freaky. I know you're scared of what life will be like after your savior is gone from the public eye.
But really, it's best at this point just to move on.

And I will bet anything you like that there is not a bloody thing that Gym Jordan can do to stop Willis.
Whatever you'd like to bet. :)
Your future is of death, destruction and carnage. That is nirvana. You took over from increments from my childhood. And I supported it. Still do. Only you are not what we were told about equality. It is not about equality.
Your future is of death, destruction and carnage. That is nirvana. You took over from increments from my childhood. And I supported it. Still do. Only you are not what we were told about equality. It is not about equality.
The "future" is full of whatever you believe there to be. Me?, hope that we will break free of this cancer that has invaded our country and that people like you have enabled.
Hope that the cancers will soon be marginalized and irradiated..and eventually evolve out of existence.
Totally off topic, but it's cracking me up how many of the loonie lefties in here have updated their profile pic to Trump. The irony is totally lost on them. :laughing0301: Makes it easier to scroll by all of the garbage now though. :cool:
The "future" is full of whatever you believe there to be. Me?, hope that we will break free of this cancer that has invaded our country and that people like you have enabled.
Hope that the cancers will soon be marginalized and irradiated..and eventually evolve out of existence.

You are the cancer, therefore you'll never be free of it.
Your time, and the time of your ilk is coming to an end, Freaky.
My time, Jack? Is that a threat? Maybe you're not aware of it, but support for Trump is greater now than ever before. The more you try to get Trump, the more he just slips through your hands. The more you try to get Trump, the more people you show what you fascists are really about.

I know you're scared of what life will be like after your savior is gone from the public eye.
I could not care less Jack. If you really think MY LIFE hinges on Trump or his being in office another four years, your even more stupid than I thought. The fanaticism of idiots like you obsessed with Trump FAR exceeds ANYTHING even the most rabid MAGA supporter has ever done!

But really, it's best at this point just to move on.
You should take that advice, Jack. Admit that for 8 years and for 4,000 baseless claims, accusations, impeachments, indictments, and charges, and untold BILLIONS of dollars spent, you got JACK. You still don't have Trump. For 8 years you have thought you had Trump right around the corner any day now. Too bad that corner and day never come.
The "future" is full of whatever you believe there to be. Me?, hope that we will break free of this cancer that has invaded our country and that people like you have enabled.
Hope that the cancers will soon be marginalized and irradiated..and eventually evolve out of existence.
I have enabled nothing. I have experienced people who live the worse way possible and blame everyone else for it while I have my own issues. You know nothing of me in reality. And I live for vengeance due to me having my own faults and flaws. Like tens of millions of others and tens of millions more. That is why this nation is finished. And yet I support people who may help to save the nation. Trump is one of them. I know...you do not believe it. Look what he is going through. Nancy and Joe would have wilted a long time ago.

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