Jim Jordan launched probe into Fani Willis

Rep. Jim Jordan launched a new probe into the Georgia district attorney who indicted Donald Trump over election interference and accused her of profiting off the criminal case.

'It is noteworthy that just four days before this indictment, you launched a new campaign fundraising website that highlighted your investigation into President Trump,' the Judiciary Committee chairman wrote in a letter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
The Democratic district attorney is up for re-election in 2024.

Her campaign website does not directly highlight her indictment of Trump. It touts her work to fight gang violence, keep young people out of the criminal justice system and anti-corruption efforts.

But under an 'in the news' section, her campaign website features a New York Times report about the prosecutor that is headlined: 'In Atlanta, a Local Prosecutor Takes on Murder, Street Gangs and a President.'

Jordan gave Willis until September 7 to comply with his demands, though it's not clear if she will. Jordan could then potentially move to launch a subpoena.

Fani Willis's indictments are obviously politically motivated.
She is abusing her power to indict to interfere with the 2024 election.
In effect she might be breaking the election laws by using fictitious indictments. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52 section:20511 edition:prelim)

Another Senator from GA just jumped on board and wants to prosecute D.A. Willis, which means along with requests for documents and records of conversations, they must have a lot of evidence she conspired with the DOJ and WH.
Would you like to cup my balls, Jack?

Most people agree with me Jack, because I see and state the truth clearly. I'd have over 80,000 likes now if Xenforo was accurate. Meanwhile, I see you've amassed 18,000 DISLIKES, FAKE NEWS, and STFUs.

Nothing rambling here, Jack. Must be your input amplifier's fucked up again. You must have blown another fuse in your head.

I'm never cornered, Jack. I only make it personal for itinerant assholes and idiots like you.

Where is YOUR off switch, Jack?

Someone will.

And be acquitted.

Good advice you should start taking today.

I'm with Jack. Your anger, hatred and bitterness make you pathetic. You don't see or speak the truth. You articulate your fears, your anger, and your hate, all of which are based on lies, not truth. Your devotion to Putin shows exactly how truly you've been radicalized.

You talk about all of the likes you’ve gotten is if they mean anything other than that there other than there are a lot of stupid angry people out there like you.

Republicans have no plans, no agenda, and no platform, other than to take revenge on Democrats. How did that work out for you from 2017 to 2020???? What happened to the Democrats as a result - they won in a landslide.

You lost the House, the Senate and the White House. You failed to win big in 2022, and now that abortion has been overturned, you can't even win elections in real red states.

The Democrats: They appointed a Special Prosecutor and left the investigations and prosecutions up to him. The Democrats have spent their time since the election working on inflation, passing the Infrastructure Act to create jobs and work on Climate Change, the Chips Act so that semi-conductor chips aren't being built in China built in the USA, and Americans aren't at the mercy of the Chinese for their electronic, and the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce the costs of insulin, reduce price gouging, and work on climate change.

Hatred destroys the haters. The Republican Party is still shooting itself in the foot at every turn to avoid offending their base by telling them the truth about Donald Trump.
Which will get laughed out of court asshole. But of course we know you side with the lowlife liars, being a cowardly one yourself.

Can you point to where any cases against Donald Trump have been "laughed out of court". I can point to few of the cases Trump filed which didn't get "laughed out of court", they got "Dismissed - With Prejudice", which means that not only did the judge refuse to hear the case, Trump had to pay Hillary Clinton $1.1 million to cover her legal fees. Last but not least, Trump's lawyer was sanctioned by the Court for filing this bullshit case to begin with.

Another Senator from GA just jumped on board and wants to prosecute D.A. Willis, which means along with requests for documents and records of conversations, they must have a lot of evidence she conspired with the DOJ and WH.

Like all other investigations of Democrats, there’s nothing to find, and Jim Jordan couldn’t find a clue if he was standing in a field, full of clues covered and clue musk.

You wait until a crime is committed and then you investigate the crime that was committed. You don’t make shit up about somebody and then investigate the shit you make up because you’re never gonna find any evidence of that.

Fani Willis shot down every one of the defendants’ motions with tour de force briefs using their own words against them.
Rep. Jim Jordan launched a new probe into the Georgia district attorney who indicted Donald Trump over election interference and accused her of profiting off the criminal case.

'It is noteworthy that just four days before this indictment, you launched a new campaign fundraising website that highlighted your investigation into President Trump,' the Judiciary Committee chairman wrote in a letter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
The Democratic district attorney is up for re-election in 2024.

Her campaign website does not directly highlight her indictment of Trump. It touts her work to fight gang violence, keep young people out of the criminal justice system and anti-corruption efforts.

But under an 'in the news' section, her campaign website features a New York Times report about the prosecutor that is headlined: 'In Atlanta, a Local Prosecutor Takes on Murder, Street Gangs and a President.'

Jordan gave Willis until September 7 to comply with his demands, though it's not clear if she will. Jordan could then potentially move to launch a subpoena.

Fani Willis's indictments are obviously politically motivated.
She is abusing her power to indict to interfere with the 2024 election.
In effect she might be breaking the election laws by using fictitious indictments. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52 section:20511 edition:prelim)

I'm surprised he into probing a black woman, even a woman for that matter since he likes male wrestler's. Always wonder how many he probled.
I'm with Jack. Your anger, hatred and bitterness make you pathetic. You don't see or speak the truth. You articulate your fears, your anger, and your hate, all of which are based on lies, not truth. Your devotion to Putin shows exactly how truly you've been radicalized.

You talk about all of the likes you’ve gotten is if they mean anything other than that there other than there are a lot of stupid angry people out there like you.

Republicans have no plans, no agenda, and no platform, other than to take revenge on Democrats. How did that work out for you from 2017 to 2020???? What happened to the Democrats as a result - they won in a landslide.

You lost the House, the Senate and the White House. You failed to win big in 2022, and now that abortion has been overturned, you can't even win elections in real red states.

The Democrats: They appointed a Special Prosecutor and left the investigations and prosecutions up to him. The Democrats have spent their time since the election working on inflation, passing the Infrastructure Act to create jobs and work on Climate Change, the Chips Act so that semi-conductor chips aren't being built in China built in the USA, and Americans aren't at the mercy of the Chinese for their electronic, and the Inflation Reduction Act to reduce the costs of insulin, reduce price gouging, and work on climate change.

Hatred destroys the haters. The Republican Party is still shooting itself in the foot at every turn to avoid offending their base by telling them the truth about Donald Trump.

Can you point to where any cases against Donald Trump have been "laughed out of court". I can point to few of the cases Trump filed which didn't get "laughed out of court", they got "Dismissed - With Prejudice", which means that not only did the judge refuse to hear the case, Trump had to pay Hillary Clinton $1.1 million to cover her legal fees. Last but not least, Trump's lawyer was sanctioned by the Court for filing this bullshit case to begin with.

Like all other investigations of Democrats, there’s nothing to find, and Jim Jordan couldn’t find a clue if he was standing in a field, full of clues covered and clue musk.

You wait until a crime is committed and then you investigate the crime that was committed. You don’t make shit up about somebody and then investigate the shit you make up because you’re never gonna find any evidence of that.

Fani Willis shot down every one of the defendants’ motions with tour de force briefs using their own words against them.
By not investigating and setting a probe on Stacy Abrams interference with the elections, and by not investigating who called the vote count stoppage due to a fake pipe burst story (who created that farce that literally interfered with Georgia elections), is FULL AND UTTER PROOF that this probe on legal words and concerns by Trump as being nothing more then tactical Presidential elections interference and manipulation.

It Shows the abuse of power by those bringing up the probe like The prosecutor, Fani T. Willis (of Fulton County, Ga), only targeting rival political party, but not their own party, thus they become agents for more manipulation, but also conspiring to treason and as Schumer and Pelosi'a standard stated: "an asault on our Democracy"

This means if we didn't have corrupt leftist controlling the Justice Dept the feds would be probing into the U.S. election intereference brought up by such D.A.'s clearly abusing power to go after political rivals seen as a threat to end their power abuses.
Remember Willis broke the law through filing false charges knowing they won't stick, but used the narrative and intimidation to obstruct(a crime) as well as conspire intereference to the coming elections by tying up Trump and his finances and use thr narrarive false charges for smear campaigns (defamation).=abuses of power along with the crimes.
Willis also broke the law by not giving them a trial by their peers-violating their rights. By indicting more than a few people helping the election, makes it a few counts of obstruction and elwction interference not just one account, but many.
I'm surprised he into probing a black woman, even a woman for that matter since he likes male wrestler's. Always wonder how many he probled.

It's his tolerance for the Head Coach's abuse and his failure to report the guy after his athletes disclosed abuse to him, that makes him most odious in my books.

These were student athletes, whose athletic careers and futures were in these men's hands. This is a heinous breach of trust, and abuse of power. Young athletes are particularly vulnerable for this kind of sexual abuse and exploitation. If you don't do what they want, you're off the team, or you lose your scholarship.
Rep. Jim Jordan launched a new probe into the Georgia district attorney who indicted Donald Trump over election interference and accused her of profiting off the criminal case.

'It is noteworthy that just four days before this indictment, you launched a new campaign fundraising website that highlighted your investigation into President Trump,' the Judiciary Committee chairman wrote in a letter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
The Democratic district attorney is up for re-election in 2024.

Her campaign website does not directly highlight her indictment of Trump. It touts her work to fight gang violence, keep young people out of the criminal justice system and anti-corruption efforts.

But under an 'in the news' section, her campaign website features a New York Times report about the prosecutor that is headlined: 'In Atlanta, a Local Prosecutor Takes on Murder, Street Gangs and a President.'

Jordan gave Willis until September 7 to comply with his demands, though it's not clear if she will. Jordan could then potentially move to launch a subpoena.

Fani Willis's indictments are obviously politically motivated.
She is abusing her power to indict to interfere with the 2024 election.
In effect she might be breaking the election laws by using fictitious indictments. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52 section:20511 edition:prelim)

If ol Gym launches many more probes he's gonna out do NASA.
Gym's probe is for the MAGAs. It gives them the illusion that something is being done to help Trump. The only thing that would have helped would have been to squash it at the very beginning, before a grand jury indicted Trump. Now it's too late.
By not investigating and setting a probe on Stacy Abrams interference with the elections, and by not investigating who called the vote count stoppage due to a fake pipe burst story (who created that farce that literally interfered with Georgia elections), is FULL AND UTTER PROOF that this probe on legal words and concerns by Trump as being nothing more then tactical Presidential elections interference and manipulation.

It Shows the abuse of power by those bringing up the probe like The prosecutor, Fani T. Willis (of Fulton County, Ga), only targeting rival political party, but not their own party, thus they become agents for more manipulation, but also conspiring to treason and as Schumer and Pelosi'a standard stated: "an asault on our Democracy"

This means if we didn't have corrupt leftist controlling the Justice Dept the feds would be probing into the U.S. election intereference brought up by such D.A.'s clearly abusing power to go after political rivals seen as a threat to end their power abuses.
Remember Willis broke the law through filing false charges knowing they won't stick, but used the narrative and intimidation to obstruct(a crime) as well as conspire intereference to the coming elections by tying up Trump and his finances and use thr narrarive false charges for smear campaigns (defamation).=abuses of power along with the crimes.
Willis also broke the law by not giving them a trial by their peers-violating their rights. By indicting more than a few people helping the election, makes it a few counts of obstruction and elwction interference not just one account, but many.

What Drugs are you on?????

All of your fantasies about the election results in Georgia have been utterly debunked, and many of the charges filed are for the attempted fraud of the American people in convincing the gullible and the stupid, the election was stolen.

Not only have Trump's allegations been debunked, his lawyers have been disbarred for lying to the courts, and Rudy Guiliani has admitted in open court, that the made up the whole story of the two black election workers cheating on the count. Those ladies were cleared of all charges, and have sued Guiliani for libel and slander. One of Trump's co-conspirators is charged with trying to harass these women into "confessing".

All of Trump's lawyers in his courts cases have been disbarred for lying to the courts, or sanctioned by their Bar Associations. Guiliani, Powell, Lin Woods, have all been disbarred. Woods resigned the Bar to avoid a disbarment on his record. Ellis has been sanction.

Donald Trump and his criminal co-conspirators are the only people who are going to be charged here. DA Willis has followed the law and the evidence, and charged the co-conspiractors.

Nobody get's a trial "by their peers", they get a trial in front of a jury of their peers. Such a level of ignorance and stupidity.
What Drugs are you on?????

All of your fantasies about the election results in Georgia have been utterly debunked, and many of the charges filed are for the attempted fraud of the American people in convincing the gullible and the stupid, the election was stolen.

Not only have Trump's allegations been debunked, his lawyers have been disbarred for lying to the courts, and Rudy Guiliani has admitted in open court, that the made up the whole story of the two black election workers cheating on the count. Those ladies were cleared of all charges, and have sued Guiliani for libel and slander. One of Trump's co-conspirators is charged with trying to harass these women into "confessing".

All of Trump's lawyers in his courts cases have been disbarred for lying to the courts, or sanctioned by their Bar Associations. Guiliani, Powell, Lin Woods, have all been disbarred. Woods resigned the Bar to avoid a disbarment on his record. Ellis has been sanction.

Donald Trump and his criminal co-conspirators are the only people who are going to be charged here. DA Willis has followed the law and the evidence, and charged the co-conspiractors.

Nobody get's a trial "by their peers", they get a trial in front of a jury of their peers. Such a level of ignorance and stupidity.
I can similarly ask you What planet are you on?- that even remotely says I discussed GA voter Irregularities, all I did is lay out Willis' own law breaking and instead of refuting her criminal behavior you went with the old
Ad Hominem routine. Remember the left is the one protecting drug trafficking and use and criminal behavior, including making money off the trafficking as seen by their being compromised by the cartels, so bringing up drugs to a guy who doesn't even drink and is fighting against the left's corruptions is about the dumbest reply you can make.
You'd be saying my posts are a product of leftist corrupt behavior.-BRILLIANT!
I can similarly ask you What planet are you on?- that even remotely says I discussed GA voter Irregularities, all I did is lay out Willis' own law breaking and instead of refuting her criminal behavior you went with the old
Ad Hominem routine. Remember the left is the one protecting drug trafficking and use and criminal behavior, including making money off the trafficking as seen by their being compromised by the cartels, so bringing up drugs to a guy who doesn't even drink and is fighting against the left's corruptions is about the dumbest reply you can make.
You'd be saying my posts are a product of leftist corrupt behavior.-BRILLIANT!

Except none of what you claimed, happened, and Fani Willis has done NOTHING illegal.

Your posts aren't even English, and make no sense whatsoever. They read like the drunken ravings of an idiot.
Fanny Whore needs to swallow Braggs feces .....

How dare a woman stand up to a rich white guy who's been defrauding the American people since 1980. If Trump hadn't been been wealthy, and been able to buy his way out of all of his criminal activity, he'd have been in prison years ago.

That's the real "2-tiered Justice System". Donald Trump is responsible for January 6th, and he still hasn't spent a single night in jail.
Except none of what you claimed, happened, and Fani Willis has done NOTHING illegal.

Your posts aren't even English, and make no sense whatsoever. They read like the drunken ravings of an idiot.
You still never answer a question nor refute with facts, all you stand on is protection of evil, zero ideas on policy or law....hence your ad hominem replies which are deflections of your anger.
If everything is going great in your Biden dream house and you are getting your wishes to arrest all your political opponents, then why are you angry and need to lie? You lied about the plain fact that Willis did not give Trump and the others a fair grand jury trial of their peers, even CNN admits this when they brag about the votes in that county and them wanting to be tried in another county=an admission by CNN they were not being tried amongst their peers.-oops!
She’s criminal scum.

Evidence?????? What crimes has she committed???? Where are the charges?

Donald Trump and his Crime Syndicate are the "criminal scum" in this story. Fani Willis is ready to go to trial. She has terrabytes of evidence - documents, emails, text messages, television interviews, and audio and video tapes, plus witnesses, and the outcome of all 67 of the court cases in regards to claims of the "stolen election" and "election fraud", to prove they knew they were lying.

She shot Mark Meadows claims that he was just doing his job as Chief of Staff right out of the water with a Meadows interview about the judge's finding that the Trump was doing partisan political work from the White House in violation of the Hatch Act, by saying, "Yeah, so what. Americans don't care about the Hatch Act.". This is an admission that the things he's been charged with are not part of his job as Chief of Staff, but rather working for Donald Trump on his political campaign.

This is a testimony to just how carefully and thoroughly she has prepared this case. She consented to Chesebro's Speedy Trial Motion, and is ready to start the trial for all 16 defendants at the end of October. She has 2 terrabytes of Discovery. Do they have enough server space for the download????

So when I read the racist, misogynistic, sexually derogatory comments of the MAGA Assholes on this forum, my belief that there are far more decent human beings living in your country than the hate fuelled racist incels who dominate this forum, is secure.
You still never answer a question nor refute with facts, all you stand on is protection of evil, zero ideas on policy or law....hence your ad hominem replies which are deflections of your anger.
If everything is going great in your Biden dream house and you are getting your wishes to arrest all your political opponents, then why are you angry and need to lie? You lied about the plain fact that Willis did not give Trump and the others a fair grand jury trial of their peers, even CNN admits this when they brag about the votes in that county and them wanting to be tried in another county=an admission by CNN they were not being tried amongst their peers.-oops!

What facts? You've provided no facts to refute, and now you say "prove it never happened". You can't prove something never happened, only that it did. If you make claims she broke the law, it's up to YOU to prove she committed crimes.

We're are calmly and dispassionately blowing your conspiracy theories and Trump Cult lies right out of the water. Indictments have a real way of clarifying who's full of shit, and who has all of the facts, evidence, and law on their side. You're throwing out baseless accusations against a dedicated civil servant protecting the American people and the Constitution of the United States from a Criminal Syndicate which is defrauding the American people and formenting violence over the lie of a stolen election.

Their only true peers would be members of another lawless amoral criminal syndicate, but since those with criminal records are disqualified from jury duty, that's not going to happen. You seem to have no idea of the concept of "jury of their peers".

Don't tout what CNN says to me. I stopped watching CNN during the Missing Malasian Airliner year long extravaganza and and I haven't watched the network since. I don't even link to CNN as a source.

Their "peers" aren't white Republican Trump voters. In a nation where "all men are created equal" a jury of their peers are "other American citizens, in good standing with no criminal records" who can set aside their personal biases and decide the case strictly on the evidence.

Paul Manafort got a change of venue on his tax evasion trial to northern Virginia. One of the jurors left her MAGA hat in the car when she got to court. She voted "Guilty" on all counts. She said the evidence was overwhelming.

Even Jared and Ivanka have testified against her father. All of the witnesses are his staffers and advisors - the ones who refused to participate in his crimes, and aren't all facing charges. They warned the co-conspirators repeatedly that what they were proposing was illegal and they'd end up in jail for it


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