Jim Jordan launched probe into Fani Willis

Your ad hominem avoidance tactic and admission of censoring truth and reality says it all right there.
Even CNN admitted this inadvertantly when stating they would benefit from a trial outside the area that had a huge ratio deficit with huge numbers % voting against them
=aka "not their peers".
What ad hominem? Are you so fragile and thin skinned that you take a criticism of you so called legal analysis as a personal attack? Furthermore, whatever CNN said had nothing to do with the grand jury. It appears that you do not understand the difference between the indictment process and the trial . It also appears that you are unable to learn the differnce. Now there is your ad hominem, Deal with it,
If the election was stolen, as Trump still claims then the US Constitution is null and void my friend.

It can still be reinstated in a more modern form that will award the Trump the power he seeks, to proclaim the 2020 election stolen.

Thereby proclaiming Biden a traitor and liable for the death penalty.

No it’s not.

Fuck, you’re stupid.
I'm enjoying another failure right now. THe failure and demise of America under your fake fascist president.
Rep. Jim Jordan launched a new probe into the Georgia district attorney who indicted Donald Trump over election interference and accused her of profiting off the criminal case.

'It is noteworthy that just four days before this indictment, you launched a new campaign fundraising website that highlighted your investigation into President Trump,' the Judiciary Committee chairman wrote in a letter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
The Democratic district attorney is up for re-election in 2024.

Her campaign website does not directly highlight her indictment of Trump. It touts her work to fight gang violence, keep young people out of the criminal justice system and anti-corruption efforts.

But under an 'in the news' section, her campaign website features a New York Times report about the prosecutor that is headlined: 'In Atlanta, a Local Prosecutor Takes on Murder, Street Gangs and a President.'

Jordan gave Willis until September 7 to comply with his demands, though it's not clear if she will. Jordan could then potentially move to launch a subpoena.

Fani Willis's indictments are obviously politically motivated.
She is abusing her power to indict to interfere with the 2024 election.
In effect she might be breaking the election laws by using fictitious indictments. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52 section:20511 edition:prelim)

So, are all the Trumpers going to claim this is wrong? I doubt it.
Using jurors who are as impartial as you are. Your lack of a vocabulary excuses you from this discussion, so run along child.
Oh, really? And what's your evidence that the jurors weren't impartial? Is that the excuse you fucks are using to harass & threaten those jurors you pos?
Holy shit! Really, Can't take you seriously. The prosecution of the Trump mob is not to distract from Hunter. You people are using Hunter to distract from Trumps crimes

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No you are not being intellectually honest. The fact is the opposite, they are obstructing the Biden investigations by intimidation to obstruct.=mob tactic.
How blind are you not to notice everytime they get close to the Biden corruption the Bidens and Feds retaliate with indictments of Trump and his staff?
Fact: The raid happened just hours after the court ordering of Hunter files were supposed to hit dead line to be handed over.
Every single indictment came just a single day after -tit for tat revenge that was an obstructive act of intimidation.
What ad hominem? Are you so fragile and thin skinned that you take a criticism of you so called legal analysis as a personal attack? Furthermore, whatever CNN said had nothing to do with the grand jury. It appears that you do not understand the difference between the indictment process and the trial . It also appears that you are unable to learn the differnce. Now there is your ad hominem, Deal with it,
You are doing it again, when you do that to avoid refutation it's because you have no argument, which frustrates you into insults, but thanks for sharing your true feelings about the woke nonsense as being a bunch of people who are fragile thin skinned.
The indictments are obstruction according to the law and Dems own standards & charges during the Mueller investigations.
Fed law:
436(b)(1) ),2 intimidation as obstruction

18 USC Ch. 73:
Section 1510 obstruction of investigations

Fl Law:
914.22. Intimidation
The trial has yet to happen, so what the fuck are you blathering about? Again, you prove that you have a piss poor understanding of how this works
Previously I worded it Grand Jury Trial, and even this one where it's held CNN admits it's not by his peers, so it's violating their rights and is an illegal act by Willis done on purpose to violate their rights to fair trial.
As I've told numerous pompous asses on this board, I don't know where you got your shithouse lawyer degree, but obviously you did well and graduated to the basement of the shithouse. Now run along troll. Your speculation and howling will not change the inevitable outcome.
That sure is a lot of words to basically say you have no defense when challenged on your feeble uneducated arguments about how these aren't valid indictments. Your white flag is noted, and will be respected.
No you are not being intellectually honest. The fact is the opposite, they are obstructing the Biden investigations by intimidation to obstruct.=mob tactic.
How blind are you not to notice everytime they get close to the Biden corruption the Bidens and Feds retaliate with indictments of Trump and his staff?
Fact: The raid happened just hours after the court ordering of Hunter files were supposed to hit dead line to be handed over.
Every single indictment came just a single day after -tit for tat revenge that was an obstructive act of intimidation.
Look kid. You are flailing around like a chicken without a head. You cannot prove, and there is no proof, that any of the charges being brought against Trump and his gang are in anyway related to the Biden family issues. Two things can occur simultaneously and not be related. Your desperation to paint Trump as an innocent victim is both pathetic and futile and you are making a damned fool of yourself in the process. All the while, you ignore the tremendous pile of evidence against Trump –much of which he has admitted to - and the non existing evidence of any wrong doing on the part of Joe Biden.
How blind are you not to notice everytime they get close to the Biden corruption the Bidens and Feds retaliate with indictments of Trump and his staff?
You're seeing patterns in noise, they have been trying to slow leak headlines about progress in the Biden investigations since the beginning of the year, always promising the big drop right around the corner. One could easily argue the exact opposite that you are.
Previously I worded it Grand Jury Trial, and even this one where it's held CNN admits it's not by his peers, so it's violating their rights and is an illegal act by Willis done on purpose to violate their rights to fair trial.
A grand jury is a thing where they determine if there is sufficient evidence to bring charges.
A trial is a thing where they determine if the defendant is guilty of those charges.
A "grand jury trial" is someone demonstrating they don't understand the legal system.
Hypocrisy, much. No one is above the law and regardless how many bullshit laws GA says limit your free speech to oppose, there is this little document called the Constitution of the US and GA doesn't have the authority to over rule it. Try again moron.
I have noticed that it is always the one who has to mask their incompetance by calling someone else a moron- who turns out to be the actual MORON
You are doing it again, when you do that to avoid refutation it's because you have no argument, which frustrates you into insults, but thanks for sharing your true feelings about the woke nonsense as being a bunch of people who are fragile thin skinned.
The indictments are obstruction according to the law and Dems own standards & charges during the Mueller investigations.
Fed law:
436(b)(1) ),2 intimidation as obstruction

18 USC Ch. 73:
Section 1510 obstruction of investigations

Fl Law:
914.22. Intimidation
Now you’re just jabbering like a crazy person. I don’t have an argument? My argument has been all along that Trump is facing 91 criminal counts- many of which he has admitted to and other that are supported by hard evidence and the testimony of cooperating witnesses and co-conspirators

My argument is also that you are an uninformed, brainwashed , sycophant who keeps broadcasting their ignorance by repeatedly blathering about “grand jury trials “ and indictments as being obstruction and intimidation. Give it up kid
it's not by his peers, so it's violating their rights and is an illegal act by Willis done on purpose to violate their rights to fair trial.
A jury of his peers is usually interpreted as fellow citizens, and the process of peremptory challenges is available during jury selection to allow both sides the opportunity to obtain an impartial jury. Fulton County has a population of over a million people, I don't believe you have an valid argument that anything "illegal" is being done by Willis.

What do you want, a jury of billionaires? A jury of ex-presidents?
A jury of his peers is usually interpreted as fellow citizens, and the process of peremptory challenges is available during jury selection to allow both sides the opportunity to obtain an impartial jury. Fulton County has a population of over a million people, I don't believe you have an valid argument that anything "illegal" is being done by Willis.

What do you want, a jury of billionaires? A jury of ex-presidents?
HaShev is a mental MAGA mess!

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