Jim Jordan launched probe into Fani Willis

DEFLECTING AGAIN, you still have not addressed anything except with political spin. You might have well been speaking about Biden and his son and daughter, as you projected your tabloid story. TDS?
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The GA AG is saying that Trump was using the power of his office to affect the outcome of the election. That suggests there was a threat or coercion otherwise how would he affect it? Critical thinking, try it sometime. Democrats have a difficult time with it.
You amateur interpretation of what the charges suggest isn't relevant here, you're in here mindlessly bleating over and over about how others should get educated to understand that without threat or coercion the charges don't apply, but when shown the Georgia statute that includes the words "he or she solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or otherwise attempts to cause the other person to engage in such conduct" you just double down on your ignorance.

It is in the indictment, count 5 = Solicitation of violation of oath of office.

It doesn't get any funnier than an uneducated Trump cultist thinking they have discovered the fatal flaw in the prosecution's case.
Stacy Abrams is guilty of exactly those crimes. You better take your ignorant sheep ass over to GA and arrest her, moron.
So now in addition to demonstrating you didn't understand how "solicit" is specifically defined in Georgia statutes, apparently you also think whataboutism is a factor of whether someone can be indicted for it. This particular indictment of Trump was not for opining he won the election, it was for actions he did trying to influence an election official.

Every insult you throw adds to the hilarity of this thread, given how you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
Another Senator from GA just jumped on board and wants to prosecute D.A. Willis, which means along with requests for documents and records of conversations, they must have a lot of evidence she conspired with the DOJ and WH.
Conspired to do WHAT EXACTLY. ?? Make up shit about the things that Trump and friends did? No need to make anything up. They did it. Colaboration- if there was any -is not conspiracy. It would only be conspiracy if the communications were for the purpose of comitting a crime.
You lied about the plain fact that Willis did not give Trump and the others a fair grand jury trial of their peers,
That one line right there speaks volumes about how pathetically and profoundly ignorant you are about how things work. I won't even bother to disect the rest of you screed
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Conspired to do WHAT EXACTLY. ?? Make up shit about the things that Trump and friends did? No need to make anything up. They did it. Colaboration- if there was any -is not conspiracy. It would only be conspiracy if the communications were for the purpose of comitting a crime.
They just proved the WH was involved with the DOJ and Smith even though they strongly denied it, you'll see the same here, it's a conspiracy to commit elections interference along with intimidation to obstruct the Biden family investigations. This is why they were ordered by the WH to go after Guilliani, he was the one who was gathering the info & evidence and testimonies on the Quid Pro Joe Ukraine bribes.
They went after the man who is drawing ethnic voters away from the Dem party in droves, a #1 concern of the Dem party was losing their pandering to the ethnic communities, while also losing that racial narrative that would make the exodus worse.
If you had simply read the transcript of what Trump asked in finding UNCOUNTED VOTES AND SIFT THROUGH DISQUALIFIED VOTES, in it's full context instead of the political narrative spin by the Media and Willis, then you'd notice it's common and legal as is his rights, in fact Dems had done the same thing, asked for similar things.
If you knew the complaints people had about being told they had the wrong voting facility, or were purposely given the wrong location voting polls in order to disqualify their vote, you'd understand. I had real people tell me these real horror stories about their trek to vote in real time as they happened during the voting day, not months later third person fables, but real shadey stuff happening as it happed, so I get what's going on, because I'm not brainwashed in any narrative on either side.

That being said, Willis and the Dems know this will fall apart on appeal or if moved to a court of their peers, therefore it's strictly to tie him up time wise & financially in intereference of his campaign schedule, but also intimidate others from helping his campaign.
They also did it for narrative, but that backfired. And when they arrested a priest with them, that mug shot made THEM ALL MARTYRS in the eyes of the evangelical and religious voters.=it backfired.
That one line right there speaks volumes about how pathetically and profoundly ignorant you are about how things work. I won't even bother to disect the rest of you screed
Your ad hominem avoidance tactic and admission of censoring truth and reality says it all right there.
Even CNN admitted this inadvertantly when stating they would benefit from a trial outside the area that had a huge ratio deficit with huge numbers % voting against them
=aka "not their peers".
So now in addition to demonstrating you didn't understand how "solicit" is specifically defined in Georgia statutes, apparently you also think whataboutism is a factor of whether someone can be indicted for it. This particular indictment of Trump was not for opining he won the election, it was for actions he did trying to influence an election official.

Every insult you throw adds to the hilarity of this thread, given how you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
Hypocrisy, much. No one is above the law and regardless how many bullshit laws GA says limit your free speech to oppose, there is this little document called the Constitution of the US and GA doesn't have the authority to over rule it. Try again moron.
Hypocrisy, much. No one is above the law and regardless how many bullshit laws GA says limit your free speech to oppose, there is this little document called the Constitution of the US and GA doesn't have the authority to over rule it. Try again moron.
Claims of hypocrisy aren't a valid defense against a criminal indictment either.

Georgia isn't overruling the US Constitution, obviously you have a profound misunderstanding on the limits of free speech.

Let's see if you can get to a dozen ways of demonstrating your ignorance of law and criminal proceedings in one thread. You can do it champion!
Georgia isn't overruling the US Constitution, obviously you have a profound misunderstanding on the limits of free speech.
As I've told numerous pompous asses on this board, I don't know where you got your shithouse lawyer degree, but obviously you did well and graduated to the basement of the shithouse. Now run along troll. Your speculation and howling will not change the inevitable outcome.
Hypocrisy, much. No one is above the law and regardless how many bullshit laws GA says limit your free speech to oppose, there is this little document called the Constitution of the US and GA doesn't have the authority to over rule it. Try again moron.
If the election was stolen, as Trump still claims then the US Constitution is null and void my friend.

It can still be reinstated in a more modern form that will award the Trump the power he seeks, to proclaim the 2020 election stolen.

Thereby proclaiming Biden a traitor and liable for the death penalty.
Another Senator from GA just jumped on board and wants to prosecute D.A. Willis, which means along with requests for documents and records of conversations, they must have a lot of evidence she conspired with the DOJ and WH.

Your assumption that Republicans who are trying to prosecute Democrats have any evidence whatsoever is both naive and laughable.
Doesn't federal law supercede state law?

There are no federal election laws. The feds set the date. The rest is up to the states.

Jordan is trying to hang his hat on the Notion that the federal government is giving her financial assistance to prosecute Trump.

But the mere fact that he is interefering in a state prosecution, just as she’s preparing to go to trial, it’s really attempted obstruction of Justice. They’re not even attempting to disguise it.
Rep. Jim Jordan launched a new probe into the Georgia district attorney who indicted Donald Trump over election interference and accused her of profiting off the criminal case.

'It is noteworthy that just four days before this indictment, you launched a new campaign fundraising website that highlighted your investigation into President Trump,' the Judiciary Committee chairman wrote in a letter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
The Democratic district attorney is up for re-election in 2024.

Her campaign website does not directly highlight her indictment of Trump. It touts her work to fight gang violence, keep young people out of the criminal justice system and anti-corruption efforts.

But under an 'in the news' section, her campaign website features a New York Times report about the prosecutor that is headlined: 'In Atlanta, a Local Prosecutor Takes on Murder, Street Gangs and a President.'

Jordan gave Willis until September 7 to comply with his demands, though it's not clear if she will. Jordan could then potentially move to launch a subpoena.

Fani Willis's indictments are obviously politically motivated.
She is abusing her power to indict to interfere with the 2024 election.
In effect she might be breaking the election laws by using fictitious indictments. https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52 section:20511 edition:prelim)

Oh boy another Jim Jordan probe… sounds super serious!! # clownshow 🤡
Nope, he only holds power over your TDS addled mind. Answer your own question. Did Raffensperger suffer any ill effects from NOT finding 11K votes? Once again, you're a moron.
Once again, one of Trump's asslicker's using air others can use searches for a reason to excuse his criminality. Think Willis' charges aren't based on Georgia's penal code don'tcha, window licker?

Willis didn't vote to indict your assbuddy, the grand jury did, dope.
Once again, one of Trump's asslicker's using air others can use searches for a reason to excuse his criminality. Think Willis' charges aren't based on Georgia's penal code don'tcha, window licker?

Willis didn't vote to indict your assbuddy, the grand jury did, dope.
Using jurors who are as impartial as you are. Your lack of a vocabulary excuses you from this discussion, so run along child.
Your assumption that Republicans who are trying to prosecute Democrats have any evidence whatsoever is both naive and laughable.
Ummm the Brainiac in chief recorded his quid pro Joe on National broadcast TV then was part of the abuses of power to obstruct his act by trying to impeach and remove a duly elected president trying to get investigations on that corruption=treasonous act also broadcasted on TV.-oops
That doesn't include Hunter already pleading guilty before retraction, and going on TV admitting he got paid but those payments never were on his taxes because he couldnct report illegal income nor an amount he nevwr fully pocketed since he had to give his father his share -documented in emails and validated on the other end of the email.-oops
Your reply is like denying the sun exists.
It's right there in front of you, and closing your eyes does not make it dissappear and any less existing.-oops again!
They just proved the WH was involved with the DOJ and Smith even though they strongly denied it, you'll see the same here, it's a conspiracy to commit elections interference along with intimidation to obstruct the Biden family investigations. This is why they were ordered by the WH to go after Guilliani, he was the one who was gathering the info & evidence and testimonies on the Quid Pro Joe Ukraine bribes.
They went after the man who is drawing ethnic voters away from the Dem party in droves, a #1 concern of the Dem party was losing their pandering to the ethnic communities, while also losing that racial narrative that would make the exodus worse.
If you had simply read the transcript of what Trump asked in finding UNCOUNTED VOTES AND SIFT THROUGH DISQUALIFIED VOTES, in it's full context instead of the political narrative spin by the Media and Willis, then you'd notice it's common and legal as is his rights, in fact Dems had done the same thing, asked for similar things.
If you knew the complaints people had about being told they had the wrong voting facility, or were purposely given the wrong location voting polls in order to disqualify their vote, you'd understand. I had real people tell me these real horror stories about their trek to vote in real time as they happened during the voting day, not months later third person fables, but real shadey stuff happening as it happed, so I get what's going on, because I'm not brainwashed in any narrative on either side.

That being said, Willis and the Dems know this will fall apart on appeal or if moved to a court of their peers, therefore it's strictly to tie him up time wise & financially in intereference of his campaign schedule, but also intimidate others from helping his campaign.
They also did it for narrative, but that backfired. And when they arrested a priest with them, that mug shot made THEM ALL MARTYRS in the eyes of the evangelical and religious voters.=it backfired.
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Holy shit! Really, Can't take you seriously. The prosecution of the Trump mob is not to distract from Hunter. You people are using Hunter to distract from Trumps crimes


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