Jim Jordan Responds to January 6 Committee Meeting Request, Rejects Legitimacy of Investigation

The American Populace and Electorate care much more about Truth than what
is Reported.The Left does not value Truth.Nor do Democrats.Or the MSM.
And each week now the American People have to deal with the manifest
lies they were handed by those scumbags.
Trumps Rallies are also proof as to his Likeability.
That so infuriates lefties they cannot live with the thought of it.
Meaning they are not lucid.Their words and actions are the proof.
Americans by and large do not like Liars and Cheats.You can't make
them accept Lies.Cancel Culture and Wokeness are Unamerican
vehicles.Like Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
Like Gaslighting.Projection and Virtue signaling.

Child, learn how to use your damn space bar.

It start as oversight on what happened at an embassy, then as it was discovered she had a secret email with classifed material on it, it became oversight of how the State Departments policies were on classified material.
You're FOS.

The United States House Select Committee on Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi was created after Speaker of the United States House of Representatives John Boehner, on May 2, 2014, proposed that a House select committee would be formed to further investigate the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican from South Carolina and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, had said in November 2012 that Congress should form a special committee—like it had for the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals—to investigate what happened before, during and after the Benghazi attack.

It was the last of six investigations conducted by Republican-controlled House committees. The committee closed on December 12, 2016, after issuing its final report.
It was not a criminal probe...the Obama DOJ took that up on themselves.

Sorry, you are so misinformed on the reality of the situation
You're delusional, just like the rest of Trump's cult.
" Jordan rejects the legitimacy of the investigation?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:This coming from the guy who wanted to be on the select committee to investigate January6th.
Of course, Gym does, because he isn't the one investigating.

During the Obama administration, Rep. Jordan served on the Benghazi Select Committee, a Republican-lead effort that cost about $7 million dollars and held 33 hearings over more than two years into a topic that had already been investigated by seven other Congressional committees. The investigations followed a pair of deadly September 2012 attacks on U.S. facilities in Libya.

Republicans love investigation, just as long as it isn't them being investigated.
100 years ago, Congress could just arrest some for contempt and hold them until they agreed to testify. The didnt have to rely on the DOJ.
In as easy to uderstand terms that even a garden variety Harvard-educated
smart ass can understand.Pelosi and this lunkhead Bennie
could understand.As questionable legitimate Congressional authority for Subpoena.
You're FOS, a congressional subpoena, is a subpoena.
Whether it's legit is a matter of opinion.
As explained by constitutional scholar John Eastman.
Eastman formerly Chapman University head explains simply why
in an Investigative role Pelosi cannot force someone to respond
to a subpoena to answer the January 6th Investigations questioning.
John Eastman?
The same "genius" that came up with the "brainstorm" that Pence could overturn the certification.

"Constitutional scholar"?
A high school graduate knows Pelosi can force anyone to respond.
Ever hear of contempt of court?
Congress has the same right to refer a refusal to testify to the DOJ for criminal contempt charges.
Gym could still plead the 5th but Gym would have to appear in court.
Meaning Pelosi and Jughead Bennie are attempting to use subpoena
power to have those subpoena's testify and answer questions in order
to establish any " guilt " or " innocence " in order to do what.?
To make Criminal Referrals to the Justice Dept.!
Therefore it is totally within the bounds of our 5th Amendment right to
not be a witness Against himself.Or herself.By way of a subpoena.
No, but by a contempt charge or jail time until Gym appears in at the hearing.
Guess which one, the candy ass will choose?
You're FOS.

The United States House Select Committee on Events Surrounding the 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi was created after Speaker of the United States House of Representatives John Boehner, on May 2, 2014, proposed that a House select committee would be formed to further investigate the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican from South Carolina and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, had said in November 2012 that Congress should form a special committee—like it had for the Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals—to investigate what happened before, during and after the Benghazi attack.

It was the last of six investigations conducted by Republican-controlled House committees. The committee closed on December 12, 2016, after issuing its final report.

You're delusional, just like the rest of Trump's cult.
yeah oversight on the attack. How it happened and what Congress needed to do to help prevent it

Congress has oversight of the State Dept
Prevent "oversight"?
Mixing orange kool-ade with your coffee is dangerous, stick with whiskey.
where did i say prevent oversight?

i said they conducted oversight to prevent it..it being the subject of the hearings…the murder of an ambassbor. That’s not a common thing in this country…very rare, so it was important to find out how and why that happened during the obama/xiden admin and what Congress could do to prevent it

They conduct their hearings and released a report.

The fact Clinton had a secret, illegal serve was a separate issue…and the DOJ conduct their own probe of that
where did i say prevent oversight?
"yeah oversight on the attack. How it happened and what Congress needed to do to help prevent it"
i said they conducted oversight to prevent it..it being the subject of the hearings…the murder of an ambassbor. That’s not a common thing in this country…very rare,
"In THIS country"?

"Very rare"?

October 16 2016
13 Embassy attacks
66 deaths
3 American diplomats killed
22 Embassy employees killed
Number of investigations 0

10 Embassy attacks
318 deaths
1 US ambassador killed
18 CiA officers
254 Marines
Number of investigations 1

2 Embassy attacks
4 American deaths
Number of Investigations 13

Cost to taxpayers for partisan witch hunt 14 million. This is what Republicans think is more important than serving the American people.

so it was important to find out how and why that happened during the obama/xiden admin and what Congress could do to prevent it
Maybe republicans could have started that 40years ago.

NAH..............gotta wait for a democrat.
They conduct their hearings and released a report.

The fact Clinton had a secret, illegal serve was a separate issue…and the DOJ conduct their own probe of that
AND.................STILL found, NOTHING.
"yeah oversight on the attack. How it happened and what Congress needed to do to help prevent it"

"In THIS country"?

"Very rare"?

October 16 2016
13 Embassy attacks
66 deaths
3 American diplomats killed
22 Embassy employees killed
Number of investigations 0

10 Embassy attacks
318 deaths
1 US ambassador killed
18 CiA officers
254 Marines
Number of investigations 1

2 Embassy attacks
4 American deaths
Number of Investigations 13

Cost to taxpayers for partisan witch hunt 14 million. This is what Republicans think is more important than serving the American people.

Maybe republicans could have started that 40years ago.

NAH..............gotta wait for a democrat.

AND.................STILL found, NOTHING.
yes very rare, prior to Xiden and Obama you have to go back to the Carter admin...there have only been 7 killed: The Seven U.S. Ambassadors Killed In The Line Of Duty (PHOTOS) | Talking Points Memo
Now you move the goalpost?

It was Reagan, moron.

What happened to "very rare"?

October 16 2016
13 Embassy attacks
66 deaths
3 American diplomats killed
22 Embassy employees killed
Number of investigations 0
when did I move the goalpost? I never said that embassies haven't been attacked. I said it was rare for Ambassdors to be killed.

You really need to read before you post..
when did I move the goalpost? I never said that embassies haven't been attacked. I said it was rare for Ambassdors to be killed.
Hmmmmm....................How were most of the ambassadors/people killed? Poison? Car crash? Falling down the stairs?

NO, it was because their embassy was attacked.
You really need to read before you post..

"so it was important to find out how and why that happened during the obama/xiden admin and what Congress could do to prevent it"

So, you were just worried about Chris Stevens?
Nothing about Sean Smith?
Tyrone Woods?
Glen Doherty?

Just the ambassador that served under, of course, OBAMA.
Hmmmmm....................How were most of the ambassadors/people killed? Poison? Car crash? Falling down the stairs?

NO, it was because their embassy was attacked.

"so it was important to find out how and why that happened during the obama/xiden admin and what Congress could do to prevent it"

So, you were just worried about Chris Stevens?
Nothing about Sean Smith?
Tyrone Woods?
Glen Doherty?

Just the ambassador that served under, of course, OBAMA.
yep only 7 times…so rare…regardless though oversight was the reason for the hearings. We learned a lot
Like when the Senate investigated Hunter Biden?
I'll take that as an admission that, yes, this Jan 6th investigation is indeed a Kangaroo investigation. For the record, I am against ALL kangaroo investigations. No House or Senate investigations should be done unless there is a definite consensus from BOTH sides to do the investigation.
The only Kangaroos are the idiots who plead the Fifth, if this were in fact a Kangaroo court. The Democrats didn't twist their arms to plead the Fifth. That's on Republicans who were part of the coup.
No one should take part in a kangaroo investigation. But, after the midterms democrats will reap what they have sowed and the kangaroo investigations will be on them. Should they take part in them when the outcome is pre-determined and their testimony would be of no good?
The committee and the DoJ have no choice here. If they don't go after these cultists (and perhaps their cult leader), just toss out the Fifth Amendment, toss out subpoenas, toss out rule of law, toss out the Constitution, and get ready for something much worse.

These cultists are mocking this country. Either we go after them with everything, or we just punt.
Sounds like you're saying toss the law and the Constitution, we have to "get" these guys no matter what. How is that superior to what you're saying they did?
Sounds like you're saying toss the law and the Constitution, we have to "get" these guys no matter what. How is that superior to what you're saying they did?
"Sounds like".

Your perception of my words is incorrect.

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