Jim Jordan Responds to January 6 Committee Meeting Request, Rejects Legitimacy of Investigation

And now Jordan is running from "I have nothing to hide." 🤪
Yer truly the definition of a Drag.Same dopey Lies.
Jordan isn't capable of Running from anything.
Dems aren't capable of the simplest of truths.Therein lies
the difference.
Jimmy Dore is one crazy mf.
What does Jimmy Dore think of Jim Jordan's work against the Deep State? :dunno:

. . . . it kills me, this guy is on the left, he's a Bernie Bro. :auiqs.jpg:
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Jim Jordan Responds to January 6 Committee Meeting Request, Rejects Legitimacy of Investigation​

9 Jan 2022 ~~ By Ashley Oliver
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) formally replied on Sunday to the January 6 select committee’s request to meet with him as part of its investigation, denouncing the request as “outside the bounds of any legitimate inquiry.”
Jordan gave his reply in a letter obtained by Breitbart News and addressed to committee chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) after weeks of reviewing the committee’s request, which was made December 22.
“This request is far outside the bounds of any legitimate inquiry, violates core Constitutional principles, and would serve to further erode legislative norms,” Jordan wrote.
Read a copy of the letter below:

PDF Download.:

Perry, for his part, outright rejected the committee’s request on December 21, immediately after the committee contacted him.
Thompson indicated a week ago during an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press that he is exploring whether the committee can legally subpoena sitting members of Congress. “I think there are some questions of whether we have the authority to do it,” Thompson said. “We’re looking at it. If the authorities are there, there’ll be no reluctance on our part.”
Breitbart News has reached out to Thompson’s office for comment on if and how he plans to respond to Jordan’s response to the committee.

It has already been established that Adam Schiff has been caught for the second time manufacturing and tampering with evidence. This time for the Jan 6th Witch Hunt.
Fact Check: Did Adam Schiff 'Tamper' With Jim Jordan Jan. 6 Evidence in Meadows Hearing?
Thusly the 'Select Committee' Investigating was illegitimate to begin with and Schiff has made it doubly so.
Meanwhile, why hasn't the 'Select Committee' asked or subpoenaed Clair Zoe Lofgren, Pelosi, or any other Democrat Congress person?
Why hasn't the FBI released the 15,000 hours of video.

Jordan is correct.
Pelosi's Jan 6 committee is political circus farce.
There was no insurrection.
It is just another one of Pelosi's smear campaigns based upon another one of her crazy liberal conspiracies
And now Jordan is running from "I have nothing to hide." 🤪
It's obvious he has nothing to hide.

I don't know if you have ever read Franz Kafka's The Trial, but if you create a crime, and create the definitions, then anyone is guilty of anything.

We saw, and have the transcript of Trump's speech on tape. And the communications to what Pelosi had with the capitol police has been kept secret, so we don't know when or why there was not more support called in earlier. With testimony that we DO have? It doesn't look good.

We do know, that before the Capitol protest, Trump authorized more protection, so where was it, and why didn't Nancy call it in? There are a lot of unanswered questions, that I doubt we will ever have answered.

The whole thing is a manufactured event. It is a spectacle for a reason. . .

"The New York Times previously reported that the Speaker’s office confirmed that the National Guard was approved around 1:43 pm. Sund said he sent a request for help from the National Guard to Irving around 1:09 p.m, according to CNN. Irving said he was contacted about the matter after 2:00 pm, Axios reported. Sources questioned how Irving got the request after 2 pm but Pelosi approved the request at 1:43 pm."

“If you believe Irving’s timeline that he testified under oath to, how could he ask for permission from the Speaker 20 minutes before he got the request?” one of the sources told the Daily Caller.

How Did the Proud Boys Have Better Lines of Communication about National Guard Reinforcements than the National Guard Did?

General William Walker's Explosive Testimony on January 6th Capitol Riots​

This video basically blows the entire narrative away. If you are watching or listening to the media, you are being brainwashed. The whole thing was a set-up.

No reason to feed into the monster, or play the establishment game anymore. . .
Yer truly the definition of a Drag.Same dopey Lies.
Jordan isn't capable of Running from anything.
Dems aren't capable of the simplest of truths.Therein lies
the difference.
Yea, so where is Jordan again? :laughing0301: That mf is a coward who will run from accountability. Stay tuned. This shit is going to get good.
It's obvious he has nothing to hide.

I don't know if you have ever read Franz Kafka's The Trial, but if you create a crime, and create the definitions, then anyone is guilty of anything.

We saw, and have the transcript of Trump's speech on tape. And the communications to what Pelosi had with the capitol police has been kept secret, so we don't know when or why there was not more support called in earlier. With testimony that we DO have? It doesn't look good.

We do know, that before the Capitol protest, Trump authorized more protection, so where was it, and why didn't Nancy call it in? There are a lot of unanswered questions, that I doubt we will ever have answered.

The whole thing is a manufactured event. It is a spectacle for a reason. . .

"The New York Times previously reported that the Speaker’s office confirmed that the National Guard was approved around 1:43 pm. Sund said he sent a request for help from the National Guard to Irving around 1:09 p.m, according to CNN. Irving said he was contacted about the matter after 2:00 pm, Axios reported. Sources questioned how Irving got the request after 2 pm but Pelosi approved the request at 1:43 pm."

“If you believe Irving’s timeline that he testified under oath to, how could he ask for permission from the Speaker 20 minutes before he got the request?” one of the sources told the Daily Caller.

How Did the Proud Boys Have Better Lines of Communication about National Guard Reinforcements than the National Guard Did?

General William Walker's Explosive Testimony on January 6th Capitol Riots​

This video basically blows the entire narrative away. If you are watching or listening to the media, you are being brainwashed. The whole thing was a set-up.

No reason to feed into the monster, or play the establishment game anymore. . .

Fact check: Nancy Pelosi wasn't ‘in charge’ of Capitol Police on Jan. 6 You are too damn ignorant.
Jordan is correct.
Pelosi's Jan 6 committee is political circus farce.
There was no insurrection.
It is just another one of Pelosi's smear campaigns based upon another one of her crazy liberal conspiracies
But you do have to appreciate all these cowards who plead the Fifth, and the others who refuse to testify. You know those bed wetter's are running scared right now.
What does Jimmy Dore think of Jim Jordan's work against the Deep State? :dunno:

. . . . it kills me, this guy is on the left, he's a Bernie Bro. :auiqs.jpg:

Once again , your ignorance is over the top. :auiqs.jpg:Mueller can't charge anyone dumb ass.
I'll bet his own dog hates his lying ass.
I bet this.There ain't one Democrat pol who has the guts to
say that to Jim Jordans face.
Cuz he has the training to pin that pols ass ,not only to the ground
but on whatever Pin the Tail on the Donkey game board is in close
proximity.Get it ... The Dems mascot ... The Donkey.
Or ass.
All of your ranting still doesn’t make this an actual committee with legal powers.

If this is your standard for innocence or guilt then we are pretty much back to seeing if witches float they’re witches and if they drown…. Oops.
They can refer all evidence to the DOJ. That's all the power that is needed. Why do you defend those who have committed treason against the U.S.?
I bet this.There ain't one Democrat pol who has the guts to
say that to Jim Jordans face.
Cuz he has the training to pin that pols ass ,not only to the ground
but on whatever Pin the Tail on the Donkey game board is in close
proximity.Get it ... The Dems mascot ... The Donkey.
Or ass.
Jordan has got his tail tucked in his moma's toilet right now. He's got nothing to hide, but his coward ass isn't going to testify.
But you do have to appreciate all these cowards who plead the Fifth, and the others who refuse to testify. You know those bed wetter's are running scared right now.
What is Pelosi's excuse.For not explaining her total refusal to have
National Guard on ready.Trump offered 10-20,000 National Guard on hand
2 days prior in a formal request.Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Bpwser refused.
They can refer all evidence to the DOJ. That's all the power that is needed. Why do you defend those who have committed treason against the U.S.?
Refer ALL Evidence.? Talk about a cocky overstatement.Typical of those
who rule by Authoritarianism.I don't think even Joseph Stalin was that
brazen.Keep it up schmucks.Of course in the world of firstclass schmucks
being a Schmendrick { No finer example than Chuckie Schumer }
is like a godsend ... eh.

How can I be, "ignorant," when I am just reporting the news.

If you don't like the facts? Stick your head in the sand.

The Lost Hours: How Confusion and Inaction at the Capitol Delayed a Troop Deployment​

As violence grew out of control on Jan. 6, the head of the Capitol Police made an urgent request for the National Guard. It took nearly two hours to be approved.
NYT The Lost Hours: How Confusion and Inaction at the Capitol Delayed a Troop Deployment

". .. WASHINGTON — At 1:09 p.m. on Jan. 6, minutes after protesters had burst through the barricades around the U.S. Capitol and began using the steel debris to assault the officers standing guard, the chief of the Capitol Police made a desperate call for backup. It took nearly two hours for officials to approve the deployment of the National Guard.. . "

". . .Sund wrote that he asked Irving and Stenger, the sergeants at arms, for the National Guard at 1:09 p.m. Irving said he "needed to run it up the chain of command," Sund wrote. At 1:50 p.m., and without an answer from Irving and Stenger, he contacted Gen. William Walker, of the DC National Guard, and said he was expecting approval for his request. At 2:10 p.m., Irving authorized the formal request.. . "

". . .Why it matters: Sund says he asked for National Guard assistance at 1:09pm, but that Irving did not approve the assistance until 2:10pm. Irving says he has no recollection of receiving the request for approval until after 2pm. Lawmakers are looking for answers over that hour of lost time.

What they're saying:

Irving testified: "I did not get a request at 1:09 that I can remember. The first conversation I had with Chief Sund in that timeframe was 1:28, 1:30. In that conversation, he indicated that conditions were deteriorating and he might be looking for National Guard approval."
Sund insisted that the request was at 1:09. In earlier testimony, he stated that he believes USCP in the future should be permitted to call for National Guard assistance without additional approval.

The bottom line: Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), the top Republican on the Senate Rules Committee said to Irving, "This is a time when the difference in 1:30 and 2:10 or 1:09 and 2:10 makes a big difference. ... Whatever happened here doesn't seem to be in agreement."

READ: Former Capitol Police Chief’s ‘Scathing’ Resignation Letter to Speaker Pelosi​

A fraction of the BLM rioters. Less deaths, none to be exact, the only death was a white woman shot by a racist black cop. The rest of it is left wing bullshit. Where is you go fund me for their bail?

Ahh, so your thinking is that irrational violence is okay as long as someone else does it?

200 folks arrested for assault at the capitol (thereabouts)....hardly a "peaceful" protest.
The Speaker of the House is the most responsible for it's
security.It's called the people's house for a reason.Murial Bowser who controls
the D.C. Police,was the one who signed Trump's written request and refused the
the National Guard offer.Wasn't it Bowser who also screwed-up events at
Lafayette Park where Protestors for George Floyd gathered outside the
executive mansion tossing rocks and pushing over police barricades.
Trump and Family being forced to get into the WH Bunker.
For an hour.

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