Jim Jordan Responds to January 6 Committee Meeting Request, Rejects Legitimacy of Investigation

Screw the letters. They accomplish nothing. The democrats will wipe Joe's ass with them. The only thing these heathens understand is the brute force of law and smash-mouth politics. Time to start smashing some mouths. Now if only we had some GOP members at the top capable or interested in that.

Asseating Jordan has plenty to hide despite his claims. But, he's a fucking coward who hitched his wagon to Trump & without him wouldn't ammount to a fucking pimple on a dog's ass. Without Trump, nobody would know that Jordan was even alive & no one would give a shit one way or the other anyway. Except maybe his dog.

You still haven't read the letter ... You can just admit it.
The footnotes were to House, Congressional, FBI and Internal Documents.

If you want to call Speaker Pelosi, the former Chief of the Capitol Police, the FBI and everyone else a bunch of liars ...
That's certainly not a reason for Representative Jordan to entertain their nonsense.

Like I said, you can footnote nonsense. It’s still nonsense.

The reason for Jordan to not “entertain” is that he has something to hide. As he said, he doesn’t want his deliberations with Trump as to how to corrupt the electoral process to be revealed.

Jordan is incredibly dishonest.
I’m not sure why anyone is acting like this is a legal committee. It’s not. A legal committee has to have a member from each party assigned to lead it. Pelosi picking two morons doesn’t fulfill that requirement. There is no legal standing to this democrat clown show. Why bother even replying.
Now we know that Jordan has plenty to hide by refusing to cooperate.

But, Jordan will find plenty of room to hide up Trump's ass, so he need not worry.
Now we know that Jordan has plenty to hide by refusing to cooperate.

But, Jordan will find plenty of room to hide up Trump's ass, so he need not worry.
Why would anyone subject themselves to an illegal committees whims? Why would any rational person participate in such a thing?

Refusing to cooperate with such a sham is pure American freedom. Go fuck yourself.
Like I said, you can footnote nonsense. It’s still nonsense.

The reason for Jordan to not “entertain” is that he has something to hide. As he said, he doesn’t want his deliberations with Trump as to how to corrupt the electoral process to be revealed.

Jordan is incredibly dishonest.

He footnoted Speaker Pelosi, the former Chief of the Capitol Police, House, Congressional and FBI documents.
If you want to classify them as nonsense, why the hell would I disagree with you?

What he stated in the letter is either valid and he doesn't feel compelled to attend.
Or the Democrats and friends were a bunch of nonsensical liars and he doesn't feel compelled to attend

I mean you can pick ... The end result is the same.

Why would anyone subject themselves to an illegal committees whims? Why would any rational person participate in such a thing?

Refusing to cooperate with such a sham is pure American freedom. Go fuck yourself.
Yea, go run your nose up Jordan's ass. If you weren't a braindead Trump party asseater you'd know that if Jordan had nothing to hide he'd cooperate. But you're too stupid to see it.
Yea, go run your nose up Jordan's ass. If you weren't a braindead Trump party asseater you'd know that if Jordan had nothing to hide he'd cooperate. But you're too stupid to see it.
All of your ranting still doesn’t make this an actual committee with legal powers.

If this is your standard for innocence or guilt then we are pretty much back to seeing if witches float they’re witches and if they drown…. Oops.
Right! He gets caught midstream of this investigation with his name all over it, planting the seeds for the coup, knowing that his texts were going to be exposed, what better scheme, than to join the investigation itself, just to give the impression of his innocence. The problem was, even before it started, he knew he was implicated. So why not try and join the committee? What else did he have to lose?
Implicated in what.Doing what dems did in 2000,2004 and 2016.
Using their congressional right to question.let alone Contest a Presidential
Election.As Retired California Senator Barbara Boxer did twice.
Or Jordan merely approving and happy Trump was holding a Rally.
Trump likes to use Rally's.Since the Unfair Press and Scumbagger MSM
do nothing but Lie and asccuse him of being what they are,Unamerican.
The January 6th Investigating Committee is a Lie built around a movement
to guarantee Trump can never again hold public office.
As time goes on more of the public are wising up.Like with the historic
use of Lies to propagate a Pandemic Hysteria.

He footnoted Speaker Pelosi, the former Chief of the Capitol Police, House, Congressional and FBI documents.
If you want to classify them as nonsense, why the hell would I disagree with you?

What he stated in the letter is either valid and he doesn't feel compelled to attend.
Or the Democrats and friends were a bunch of nonsensical liars and he doesn't feel compelled to attend

I mean you can pick ... The end result is the same.

None of them are relevant to the question at hand.

Jordan was doing classic distraction but it’s so hamfisted I’m surprised anyone actually falls for it.
The fraud was obvious too. The people doing the dirty work are inept. I bet you can identify with that.
Just for the record do we have the exact number of Sworn *affidavits
that were signed and under penalty of perjury stating such irregularities.
Of course that don't and won't mean squat to America's real enemies.
Them Democrats.Who are now historically outted as Not on the Side
of Lady Liberty.

* I think it was around 1,ooo such signed affidavits.
Implicated in what.Doing what dems did in 2000,2004 and 2016.
Using their congressional right to question.let alone Contest a Presidential
Election.As Retired California Senator Barbara Boxer did twice.
Or Jordan merely approving and happy Trump was holding a Rally.
Trump likes to use Rally's.Since the Unfair Press and Scumbagger MSM
do nothing but Lie and asccuse him of being what they are,Unamerican.
The January 6th Investigating Committee is a Lie built around a movement
to guarantee Trump can never again hold public office.
As time goes on more of the public are wising up.Like with the historic
use of Lies to propagate a Pandemic Hysteria.
Implicated, by talking to Trump in the afternoon of January 6th. Jordan is a material witness. There is no way he could have been on the committee.

The right to question the election was dismissed out of court, because Republican lackies for Trump provided zero evidence to even question the election results. Questions out of thin air do not qualify to stop a vote count confirmation. Trump held a rally to mount a coup, in case Mike Pence didn't do what Trump was telling him to do. Jordan was telling Meadows to tell Pence to do the same thing. It was a plan. The rest of your post is a rant that is totally worthless.
Just for the record do we have the exact number of Sworn *affidavits
that were signed and under penalty of perjury stating such irregularities.
Of course that don't and won't mean squat to America's real enemies.
Them Democrats.Who are now historically outted as Not on the Side
of Lady Liberty.

* I think it was around 1,ooo such signed affidavits.
What are the proven irregularities? Answer, they do not exist, unless you live in Alice in Wonderland.
The Benghazi investigation had people appointed by both parties. The J-6 committee are all commiecrat appointments, which is a violation of house rules and the rules established for the committee itself. Kinzinger said on a Sunday show yesterday that the report has already been written, there is no real investigation and the result was predetermined from day one.

And now Jordan is running from "I have nothing to hide." 🤪
Asseating Jordan has plenty to hide despite his claims. But, he's a fucking coward who hitched his wagon to Trump & without him wouldn't ammount to a fucking pimple on a dog's ass. Without Trump, nobody would know that Jordan was even alive & no one would give a shit one way or the other anyway. Except maybe his dog.
I'll bet his own dog hates his lying ass.
Implicated, by talking to Trump in the afternoon of January 6th. Jordan is a material witness. There is no way he could have been on the committee.

The right to question the election was dismissed out of court, because Republican lackies for Trump provided zero evidence to even question the election results. Questions out of thin air do not qualify to stop a vote count confirmation. Trump held a rally to mount a coup, in case Mike Pence didn't do what Trump was telling him to do. Jordan was telling Meadows to tell Pence to do the same thing. It was a plan. The rest of your post is a rant that is totally worthless.
Yer basically just one large basket of Outted democrat talking pts.
Are you even capable of rational discussion w/o relying exclusively
on whatever dopey lies and misgivings handed to you as Talking pts.
Obviously yer not right in the head.Having misgivings about Jim Jordan
while trusting emphatically known ,established liars of the Democrat
persuation.Why on earth would 2 established Liars like Adam Schiff and
Eric Swalwell be on the January 6th " Insurrection " Committee.
How many cocky baldfaced lies did each hack spew regarding having
proof that Trump colluded with Russia.
Plus they were leakers.

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