Jim Jordan Responds to January 6 Committee Meeting Request, Rejects Legitimacy of Investigation

Refer ALL Evidence.? Talk about a cocky overstatement.Typical of those
who rule by Authoritarianism.I don't think even Joseph Stalin was that
brazen.Keep it up schmucks.Of course in the world of firstclass schmucks
being a Schmendrick { No finer example than Chuckie Schumer }
is like a godsend ... eh.
At what point are you going to decide to debate intelligently, pending that is possible? Are you saying there is no evidence?
Ahh, so your thinking is that irrational violence is okay as long as someone else does it?

200 folks arrested for assault at the capitol (thereabouts)....hardly a "peaceful" protest.
That's funny.Not one forearm collected.Not one shot fired except Ashli Babbett.
No one killed but her.No fires set.No Malatov cocktails tossed.
How many Cops died and had their cruisers burnt and Objects like
frozen water bottles hurled at them.We had an entire summer of Violent
Riots,Lootings,Fires and deaths associated.Most those arrested got bailed
out within hrs.And yes in Portland there were Federal Bldg.s broken into
and fires set.
That's funny.Not one forearm collected.Not one shot fired except Ashli Babbett.
No one killed but her.No fires set.No Malatov cocktails tossed.
How many Cops died and had their cruisers burnt and Objects like
frozen water bottles hurled at them.We had an entire summer of Violent
Riots,Lootings,Fires and deaths associated.Most those arrested got bailed
out within hrs.And yes in Portland there were Federal Bldg.s broken into
and fires set.
Approximately 150 police officer injuries.

The Speaker of the House is the most responsible for it's
security.It's called the people's house for a reason.Murial Bowser who controls
the D.C. Police,was the one who signed Trump's written request and refused the
the National Guard offer.Wasn't it Bowser who also screwed-up events at
Lafayette Park where Protestors for George Floyd gathered outside the
executive mansion tossing rocks and pushing over police barricades.
Trump and Family being forced to get into the WH Bunker.
For an hour.
In March, Capitol Police spokesperson John Stolnis told USA TODAY that the agency is overseen by the Capitol Police Board. Several congressional committees also oversee the agency, including the House and Senate appropriations committees, the House administration commitee and the Senate rules committee.

The Capitol Police Board is made up of the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, as well as the Capitol architect. The Capitol Police chief serves in a non-voting capacity on the board, according to the Capitol Police website.

Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. She's not listed on any of those committees' websites today, either.
As always, you are totally clueless.
At what point are you going to decide to debate intelligently, pending that is possible? Are you saying there is no evidence?
NO one has been charged let alone convicted of Insurrection.
Dipshits.In a years time.What are you waiting on Goofy.
No time in American History have americans been held as
Political Prisoners ... Numbskull.Never.
That is Your Beloved Democrats history Now.
That and Open Borders.The Afghan spectacle.Worst military blunder
in our History.Now the ever increasing number of outright lies concerning
The Democrats are actually in more dire straights than Rats fleeing the
Demeter { Russian schnooer from Varna } holding the casket of Count Dracula.
Approximately 150 police officer injuries.

Don't believe it for even a second.No one with half a brain would or
should.That's all scumbagger Democrats are left with.Their Lies.
And more lies.Lies upon lies.Stockpiles full of Lies.
We were also lied to about how Officer Sicknick died.Remember.
That he was killed by being hit with a Fire Extinguisher.
So the Inglorious Left decided to make an event out of an Officer
dying from a couple strokes.Awarded a State Funeral at the Capitol.
Give it up bub.
NO one has been charged let alone convicted of Insurrection.
Dipshits.In a years time.What are you waiting on Goofy.
No time in American History have americans been held as
Political Prisoners ... Numbskull.Never.
That is Your Beloved Democrats history Now.
That and Open Borders.The Afghan spectacle.Worst military blunder
in our History.Now the ever increasing number of outright lies concerning
The Democrats are actually in more dire straights than Rats fleeing the
Demeter { Russian schnooer from Varna } holding the casket of Count Dracula.
Well cut my legs off and call me shorty. :auiqs.jpg: You don't say? "No one has been charged?" Figure that out all by yourself did you? My God these folks are stupid.

Years time huh? Try about six months there mister informative. It's an ongoing investigation you dumb mf. Get a fucking clue.

And there is no such thing as open borders. You're a pos liar.

Biden got us out of Afghanistan. Hooray!
Don't believe it for even a second.No one with half a brain would or
should.That's all scumbagger Democrats are left with.Their Lies.
And more lies.Lies upon lies.Stockpiles full of Lies.
We were also lied to about how Officer Sicknick died.Remember.
That he was killed by being hit with a Fire Extinguisher.
So the Inglorious Left decided to make an event out of an Officer
dying from a couple strokes.Awarded a State Funeral at the Capitol.
Give it up bub.
No one will ever care whether you believe it or not. That's what separates those who believe in fantasy land, and those who go with accurate information.

Ha, it's not like you are able to challenge the information right? "Don't believe it?" :auiqs.jpg:Go get them tiger.
NO one has been charged let alone convicted of Insurrection.
Dipshits.In a years time.What are you waiting on Goofy.
No time in American History have americans been held as
Political Prisoners ... Numbskull.Never.
That is Your Beloved Democrats history Now.
That and Open Borders.The Afghan spectacle.Worst military blunder
in our History.Now the ever increasing number of outright lies concerning
The Democrats are actually in more dire straights than Rats fleeing the
Demeter { Russian schnooer from Varna } holding the casket of Count Dracula.
Look at the pictures of these Trump stooges. LOL! What a pathetic sight.
In March, Capitol Police spokesperson John Stolnis told USA TODAY that the agency is overseen by the Capitol Police Board. Several congressional committees also oversee the agency, including the House and Senate appropriations committees, the House administration commitee and the Senate rules committee.

The Capitol Police Board is made up of the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, as well as the Capitol architect. The Capitol Police chief serves in a non-voting capacity on the board, according to the Capitol Police website.

Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. She's not listed on any of those committees' websites today, either.
As always, you are totally clueless.
Newt Gingrich explained the legal and conventional role that a speaker-of-the House
has concerning the Capitol Bldg.It's NOT tertiary as Lying Democrats spew.
That is the political order succession after the President and then Vice President.
The Speaker is In Charge of making sure the Capitol Bldg is secure and protected.
the Capitol Bldg. sits on 16 acres.There is a Sergeant-at-arms of the house.
That Answers to Pelosi.Got it.NOT the other way around.
Newt Gingrich explained the legal and conventional role that a speaker-of-the House
has concerning the Capitol Bldg.It's NOT tertiary as Lying Democrats spew.
That is the political order succession after the President and then Vice President.
The Speaker is In Charge of making sure the Capitol Bldg is secure and protected.
the Capitol Bldg. sits on 16 acres.There is a Sergeant-at-arms of the house.
That Answers to Pelosi.Got it.NOT the other way around.
I posted the rules for you, associated with her role. Enough said. Telling me what Newt Gingrich says, insults your intelligence, not to mention mine. Unless you post something of documentation that reverses her role, your argument is dead in the water.
Asseating Jordan has plenty to hide despite his claims. But, he's a fucking coward who hitched his wagon to Trump & without him wouldn't ammount to a fucking pimple on a dog's ass. Without Trump, nobody would know that Jordan was even alive & no one would give a shit one way or the other anyway. Except maybe his dog.
Jordan isn't the only one who hitched his wagon to Trump;
No one will ever care whether you believe it or not. That's what separates those who believe in fantasy land, and those who go with accurate information.

Ha, it's not like you are able to challenge the information right? "Don't believe it?" :auiqs.jpg:Go get them tiger.
The American Populace and Electorate care much more about Truth than what
is Reported.The Left does not value Truth.Nor do Democrats.Or the MSM.
And each week now the American People have to deal with the manifest
lies they were handed by those scumbags.
Trumps Rallies are also proof as to his Likeability.
That so infuriates lefties they cannot live with the thought of it.
Meaning they are not lucid.Their words and actions are the proof.
Americans by and large do not like Liars and Cheats.You can't make
them accept Lies.Cancel Culture and Wokeness are Unamerican
vehicles.Like Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
Like Gaslighting.Projection and Virtue signaling.
Newt Gingrich explained the legal and conventional role that a speaker-of-the House
has concerning the Capitol Bldg.It's NOT tertiary as Lying Democrats spew.
That is the political order succession after the President and then Vice President.
The Speaker is In Charge of making sure the Capitol Bldg is secure and protected.
the Capitol Bldg. sits on 16 acres.There is a Sergeant-at-arms of the house.
That Answers to Pelosi.Got it.NOT the other way around.
Also, the sergeant of arms for the senate must authorize along with the house sergeant.
Security authority is delegated to both those sergeant at arms. The speakers would only take over for them if the sergeant at arms were incapacitated.
The American Populace and Electorate care much more about Truth than what
is Reported.The Left does not value Truth.Nor do Democrats.Or the MSM.
And each week now the American People have to deal with the manifest
lies they were handed by those scumbags.
Trumps Rallies are also proof as to his Likeability.
That so infuriates lefties they cannot live with the thought of it.
Meaning they are not lucid.Their words and actions are the proof.
Americans by and large do not like Liars and Cheats.You can't make
them accept Lies.Cancel Culture and Wokeness are Unamerican
vehicles.Like Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.
Like Gaslighting.Projection and Virtue signaling.
Yea, you really care. LOL! Which is why you never document any truth. Your truth comes out of the crack of your ass. You debate from a platform that comes strictly from emotions, feelings, and make believe. Which is why your arguing points are always accompanied by so many distractions involving other things. You leave the main topic, to visit outer space and grab another totally off topic one. And in doing so, you have no idea that by using these distractions, it masks your already losing argument from the main topic. Things like "I don't believe it", or "Newt Gingrich said." All that shit is worthless and makes for boring, unnecessary reading. You lost this debate from the beginning, because you never formulated a coherent, informative, documented argument to mine. Get lost. You are an ignorant bore.
Screw the letters. They accomplish nothing. The democrats will wipe Joe's ass with them. The only thing these heathens understand is the brute force of law and smash-mouth politics. Time to start smashing some mouths. Now if only we had some GOP members at the top capable or interested in that.

Still trying to start an insurrection, are you?
And now Jordan is running from "I have nothing to hide." 🤪

No, he's challenging the legitimacy of the committee and their authority to call sitting congressmen.

Once again , your ignorance is over the top. :auiqs.jpg:Mueller can't charge anyone dumb ass.

The folks that were charged and jailed by the special counsels office might disagree. You're nothing but a fucking moron.


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