Jim Jordan Responds to January 6 Committee Meeting Request, Rejects Legitimacy of Investigation

When you have on the one side a do-nothing disorganized, non-unified inertial party like the GOP who never met a clever move by the democrats that did not surprise them catching them both clueless and unprepared, and the Dems on the other side who never met a divisive anti-mainstream redistribution policy that rips the feet right out from under America they didn't love, it is hard not to be "partisan." Despite all of Trump's warts and character flaws, the essence of his MAGA movement is neither democrat nor republican but simply pro-America.

Building a stronger America is in everyone's interests except our enemies.
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There are conservatives that are member of the World Economic Forum, and that are supporters or the UN Agenda 2030 as well. Making this into a Democrat/Republican thing is a disservice to Americans.

Likewise, there are some folks on the left that are becoming aware of this scam as well.

When is the last time you watched a Jimmy Dore video?
Right, the Republicans who are being investigated are either not cooperating or pleading the Fifth. So much for a "Kangaroo Investigation."
That's because it is a Kangaroo investigation by the Democrats, who will make sure the results come out the way they want them to, and will be released just before the midterm elections.
That's because it is a Kangaroo investigation by the Democrats, who will make sure the results come out the way they want them to, and will be released just before the midterm elections.
The only Kangaroos are the idiots who plead the Fifth, if this were in fact a Kangaroo court. The Democrats didn't twist their arms to plead the Fifth. That's on Republicans who were part of the coup.
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There are conservatives that are member of the World Economic Forum, and that are supporters or the UN Agenda 2030 as well. Making this into a Democrat/Republican thing is a disservice to Americans.

Likewise, there are some folks on the left that are becoming aware of this scam as well.

When is the last time you watched a Jimmy Dore video?
Jimmy Dore is one crazy mf.
" Jordan rejects the legitimacy of the investigation?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:This coming from the guy who wanted to be on the select committee to investigate January6th.
That only demonstrates what a conscionably good Congressman he is.
He wants to be part of the process and judge for himself what is good and
fair.Right and wrong.Not what is Wronged ... That's Pelosi' department.
His dismissal by Madame Cruella de Ville Pelosi is historic ,... Again.
Breaking Congressional Protocol where each political party shall be allowed
by their elected Majority party leader to name those allowed on a Congressional
panel.Pelosi broke Congressional rules as to that naming.
She Denied Republican Majority Leader McCarthy the decision to put on
Pelosi's January 6th Insurrection Investigation those he named/chose.
I wonder what Jordan is hiding?
Unlike you eh ? Yer bias and one-sidedness is showing.
Like some Fat Lady at the Carny.Whose outfits are so tight,wrinkled
and discolored that even the groundskeeper steers clear.
Jordan is a coward a liar and a traitor

So much for 'nothing to hide': Jim Jordan balks at Jan. 6 probe - Rep. Jim Jordan said in July, in reference to the Jan. 6 investigation, "If they call me, I got nothing to hide." He's since changed his mind.​

Two faced lying hypocrites all. HRC endured 11 hours of testifying under oath for the ridiculous Benghazi investigation and the Repubs didn't lay a glove on her. These Republicans aren't man enough to put their money where their mouth is. They are rats sneaking around behind the scenes and tried to destroy the pillar of American democracy by scheming to overturn a valid election of a president. Cowards all, trembling ....offering pitiful excuses. HRC puts each and everyone of them to shame. Jordan is a putrid cowardly lying piece of shit and he has proven that before.

The Benghazi investigation had people appointed by both parties. The J-6 committee are all commiecrat appointments, which is a violation of house rules and the rules established for the committee itself. Kinzinger said on a Sunday show yesterday that the report has already been written, there is no real investigation and the result was predetermined from day one.

I know anyone that takes Jordan’s words at fade value is a fool.

You don't know shit ... You haven't even read the letter.
You can admit it.

If you had, you would know Representative Jordan didn't even expect anyone to take what he was saying at face value ...
And footnoted, with references, just about every statement he made.

Jimmy Dore is one crazy mf.


You have just emphasized my point to toobfreak, that this is not about liberals vs. conservatives, or Dems. vs. Republicans.

It is about those who are aware of the corruption in the establishment, vs. those who have been completely brainwashed. . . or those who have sold their souls for the thirty pieces of silver. . .

So which are you? A fool or a corrupt piece of shit? :dunno:
You do realize the FBI has video including footage taken by many in the crowd? A lot of people posted video's, which have now been removed for youtube and other sites, showing coordination of individual in the crowd who are not being charged. I can recall a video show a group of people hiding in bushes changing clothes to put on TRUMP gear, along with video of people coordinating to force the flow of the crowd into the capital by blocking them from making an exit from the crowd and in some instances grabbing people and pushing them back into the crowd. A lot of video on people calling out members of ANTIFA, and others who were instigating violence.

Cool story, bro……

You don't know shit ... You haven't even read the letter.
You can admit it.

If you had, you would know Representative Jordan didn't even expect anyone to take what he was saying at face value ...
And footnoted, with references, just about every statement he made.

Footnoting his ridiculous statement doesn’t make it less ridiculous.

Jordan is a phony.
Footnoting his ridiculous statement doesn’t make it less ridiculous.

Jordan is a phony.

You still haven't read the letter ... You can just admit it.
The footnotes were to House, Congressional, FBI and Internal Documents.

If you want to call Speaker Pelosi, the former Chief of the Capitol Police, the FBI and everyone else a bunch of liars ...
That's certainly not a reason for Representative Jordan to entertain their nonsense.

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That only demonstrates what a conscionably good Congressman he is.
He wants to be part of the process and judge for himself what is good and
fair.Right and wrong.Not what is Wronged ... That's Pelosi' department.
His dismissal by Madame Cruella de Ville Pelosi is historic ,... Again.
Breaking Congressional Protocol where each political party shall be allowed
by their elected Majority party leader to name those allowed on a Congressional
panel.Pelosi broke Congressional rules as to that naming.
She Denied Republican Majority Leader McCarthy the decision to put on
Pelosi's January 6th Insurrection Investigation those he named/chose.
Right! He gets caught midstream of this investigation with his name all over it, planting the seeds for the coup, knowing that his texts were going to be exposed, what better scheme, than to join the investigation itself, just to give the impression of his innocence. The problem was, even before it started, he knew he was implicated. So why not try and join the committee? What else did he have to lose?


You have just emphasized my point to toobfreak, that this is not about liberals vs. conservatives, or Dems. vs. Republicans.

It is about those who are aware of the corruption in the establishment, vs. those who have been completely brainwashed. . . or those who have sold their souls for the thirty pieces of silver. . .

So which are you? A fool or a corrupt piece of shit? :dunno:
Corruption + text messages to Mark Meadows telling them to stop the vote count = attempted coup. I'm against that, are you?

Jim Jordan Responds to January 6 Committee Meeting Request, Rejects Legitimacy of Investigation​

9 Jan 2022 ~~ By Ashley Oliver
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) formally replied on Sunday to the January 6 select committee’s request to meet with him as part of its investigation, denouncing the request as “outside the bounds of any legitimate inquiry.”
Jordan gave his reply in a letter obtained by Breitbart News and addressed to committee chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) after weeks of reviewing the committee’s request, which was made December 22.
“This request is far outside the bounds of any legitimate inquiry, violates core Constitutional principles, and would serve to further erode legislative norms,” Jordan wrote.
Read a copy of the letter below:

PDF Download.:

Perry, for his part, outright rejected the committee’s request on December 21, immediately after the committee contacted him.
Thompson indicated a week ago during an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press that he is exploring whether the committee can legally subpoena sitting members of Congress. “I think there are some questions of whether we have the authority to do it,” Thompson said. “We’re looking at it. If the authorities are there, there’ll be no reluctance on our part.”
Breitbart News has reached out to Thompson’s office for comment on if and how he plans to respond to Jordan’s response to the committee.

It has already been established that Adam Schiff has been caught for the second time manufacturing and tampering with evidence. This time for the Jan 6th Witch Hunt.
Fact Check: Did Adam Schiff 'Tamper' With Jim Jordan Jan. 6 Evidence in Meadows Hearing?
Thusly the 'Select Committee' Investigating was illegitimate to begin with and Schiff has made it doubly so.
Meanwhile, why hasn't the 'Select Committee' asked or subpoenaed Clair Zoe Lofgren, Pelosi, or any other Democrat Congress person?
Why hasn't the FBI released the 15,000 hours of video.

I’m not sure why anyone is acting like this is a legal committee. It’s not. A legal committee has to have a member from each party assigned to lead it. Pelosi picking two morons doesn’t fulfill that requirement. There is no legal standing to this democrat clown show. Why bother even replying.

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