Jim Jordon talked with trump for ten minutes BEFORE the 1/6 attack. What is he trying to hide?

I kinda liked this little exchange (edited for naughty words):

  • Care to tell where these "reports" came from?

I will promptly and sincerely submit that the judges will give the points for the above exchange to the poster ----- Lesh.
Good poster Claudette has seemingly withdrawn from earnestly competing.
Even before the judges ruled.

Reminder to participants:
We all know the rules.
Have known 'em since childhood.

To wit:
You claim a truth.
You need prove your truth. Vet your truth. Source your truth.
Lest you are considered untruthful.
Not a consideration one should want on one's reputation....even if it is the reputation of a fake named avatar opining anonymously.

It's just the way the world works.
I know y'all know that.
Known that since childhood.
Rep. Jordan really isn't "hiding" at all, as he is in plain sight.

He just isn't going to cooperate with his sworn enemies on this Fake Committee.

After all, since they didn't allow him to serve on the committee, they are hiding something from him.
He wasen't allowed on the committed because he's an idiot. The only reason Trump's asseater McCarthy wanted him on it was because JJ would do nothing but disrupt the proceedings with his bullshit.

Jordan has his head stuffed so far up Trump's ass it's a wonder he can even breathe. Pelosi would have been insane to allow Jordan on the committee after he voted against certifying the election results. He's a fucking traitor.
He wasen't allowed on the committed because he's an idiot. The only reason Trump's asseater McCarthy wanted him on it was because JJ would do nothing but disrupt the proceedings with his bullshit.

Jordan has his head stuffed so far up Trump's ass it's a wonder he can even breathe. Pelosi would have been insane to allow Jordan on the committee after he voted against certifying the election results. He's a fucking traitor.

What's wrong with having someone with different opinions on the committee?

Next year, after the House changes hands, I'm sure the 1/6 committee's new chair MTG will allow libs on the panel.
The subject of this thread is Jordan who along with you is another one of Trump's gutless ass eaters.

Why doesn't Jordan just appear at the hearing & tell his side of it? He won't because he's a coward with a big mouth.
Why won’t Pelosi release her emails and phone records from that day as she demands others do? Because like you, she’s lying coward. You? A gutless Xiden cock holster.
because JJ would do nothing but disrupt the proceedings........
I quite agree. x2.
I agree with poster Clipper's assessment.

And I agree with Speaker Pelosi's decision to seat other more judicious Republicans on the Committee who earned a reputation for probity and discretion.

In my opinion....which is based 100% on my opinion.....is that Jordan would have been a saboteur.

He would have leaked and given a heads-up to prospective Administration witnesses. He would have backstabbed, snitched, and slimed any witness who thought of coming forward to help the Committee help the American citizenry learn all of the relevant facts and involved players of Janaury 6th.

Other than that, I could be neutral on Jim Jordan.

Still, I gotta agree....x2.
So good on Clipper. We agree.
And yeah....good on Speaker Pelosi. We agree.
What's wrong with having someone with different opinions on the committee?

Next year, after the House changes hands, I'm sure the 1/6 committee's new chair MTG will allow libs on the panel.
If that happens there won't be a panel because Trump's party wants to whitewash what happened.

Forget about MTG chairing anything. She's a moron.
If that happens there won't be a panel because Trump's party wants to whitewash what happened.

Forget about MTG chairing anything. She's a moron.

The panel will start look at Pelosi, the Clintons, Sleepy Joe and others that the 1/6 committee has ignored so far.

MTG isn't on any other committees, she the ideal choice to chair 1/6 as she is very capable.
Let's stick with Jim Jordan.

A poster prudently suggested two salient points that are starting to get buried in the detritus of the thread. Poster Clipper appropriately directs us where we should go with this thread topic:

OK, with that said ----- didja see this morning's opinion piece in The Hill? If not, I've pulled some quotes below as a taster. You can then go to The Hill's website (no paywall) and read the whole enchilada.

And yes, as a spoiler alert, it is critical of Jordan. However, what is interesting is that it has the man-bites-dog aspect. Meaning, The Hill is owned by Jimmy Finklestein, one of DTrump's regular golfing buddies. Yet, Finklestein's own publication is publishing a rather skeptical view of Jordan's evasions.

Here's a taster:

Jordan is ranting against Jan. 6 committee staff

BY KRIS KOLESNIK, 02/15/22 09:30 AM

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) just had a very telling little meltdown on Fox News’s “The Ingraham Angle,” ranting against the make-up of the House Jan. 6 select committee staff. His big concern? The committee has brought in too many former prosecutors. This is not a criminal investigation, he says.

Jordan’s criticism is both irrelevant and ignorant; perhaps, more generously, he’s playing provocateur.

The committee has staffed up with 14 or so ex-prosecutors because: a) the task is vast; b) they have the resources to hire well-trained lawyers who have handled complex federal cases; and c) typical congressional staffers just can’t handle such a colossal undertaking.

Jordan’s rant comes after his infamous, tongue-tied ‘hummina, hummina’ moment when an Ohio reporter asked him on camera if he had spoken to the president on Jan. 6 “before, during or after the attack on the Capitol.” Jordan’s squirming response suggested that he was afraid the reporter was going to pin him down where Jordan didn’t want to be pinned.

It also comes after a “Just Security” report from last August detailed just how central a role Jordan played in aiding and abetting Trump’s misinformation campaign before and after the election, his lead role in spreading Trump’s “Big Lie,” and his furtive efforts to stop the certification of Joe Biden as president.

If Jordan was worried that a local reporter might pin him down on such a simple question, wait till he gets 14 former prosecutors on his case. Not only are they hired because of their experience in sprawling, complex federal cases such as going after the mob or terrorists,...........

A normal congressional committee, House or Senate, is not capable of this kind of investigation. They have neither the resources nor the know-how. Normally, a committee is lucky to have three or four investigators, except for the two oversight committees in the House and Senate. A committee can augment its investigative staff by borrowing — on detail, usually for one to two years — experienced investigators from various federal agencies. Typically, committees have one or two such detailees.

In addition to hiring investigators, these select committees always brought in outside legal talent, usually on loan from major law firms. Michael Chertoff was brought in by Chairman Alphonse D’Amato (R-N.Y.) for the Whitewater investigation; Chairman John F. Kerry (D-Mass) of the Senate POW/MIA committee brought in Boston lawyer Bill Codinha, and so on. They brought in other attorneys as well.

But not 14 of them.
Perhaps that’s why there’s a spot of nervousness in Trump World’s House annex.

However, 14 former prosecutors on the Jan. 6 committee won’t ensure a successful outcome. That would come only by effectively marshaling the evidence and orchestrating it in a persuasive way in public hearings.

It remains to be seen if this committee will successfully orchestrate its hearings.
We’ll know by spring.

Its first crack at orchestration came last summer when the witnesses were four Capitol Police officer victims who heroically defended the Capitol on Jan. 6. Now we need to see if the committee can identify the good guys and bad guys, reveal the plot and demonstrate the moral.

Adding to the pressure are the Senate Republicans, who have pushed back against the recent Republican National Committee attack on GOP House members Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), vocal critics of former President Trump, for their participation on the committee. That resistance and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) apparent defense of the committee’s core mission constitute additional bipartisan credibility for the committee.

In recent weeks, details have emerged about what happened leading up to and on Jan. 6. Many are surprised at how clear the picture is becoming. I’m sure that hasn’t been lost on Rep. Jordan ......

In the weeks ahead, as that picture becomes ever clearer, I expect the decibel level ....... to go higher.

Kris Kolesnik is a 34-year veteran of federal government oversight. He spent 19 years as senior counselor and director of investigations for Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). Kolesnik then became executive director of the National Whistleblower Center. Finally, he spent 10 years working with the Department of the Interior’s Office of Inspector General as the associate inspector genera
I find it funny Gym Jordan is complaining about former prosecutors on the 1/6 committee.

Did he ever look at the makeup of the Benghazi committees?

paging Trey Gowdy...
Why won’t Pelosi release her emails........ Because like you, she’s lying coward. You? A gutless Xiden cock holster.

"A Xiden cock holster"?

Thank you, poster lantern.
It is refreshing to see you once again posting on these forums.
You offer many of us a gratifying comparison. A point of reference. A model to measure against.

And, I suspect most all here who do so.....come away feeling better of themselves.

So thank you. You maybe serve as a notable feature of this gossipboard: "There, but for the grace of God, go........"

"A Xiden cock holster"?

Thank you, poster lantern.
It is refreshing to see you once again posting on these forums.
You offer many of us a gratifying comparison. A point of reference. A model to measure against.

And, I suspect most all here who do so.....come away feeling better of themselves.

So thank you. You maybe serve as a notable feature of this gossipboard: "There, but for the grace of God, go........"
YAwn. You again. A moron who types a bunch of words and says nothing. A partisan hack who ignores his side’s vile and racist rhetoric while showing how uninformed you actually are. Free advice. STFU. :fu:
I quite agree. x2.
I agree with poster Clipper's assessment.

And I agree with Speaker Pelosi's decision to seat other more judicious Republicans on the Committee who earned a reputation for probity and discretion.

In my opinion....which is based 100% on my opinion.....is that Jordan would have been a saboteur.

He would have leaked and given a heads-up to prospective Administration witnesses. He would have backstabbed, snitched, and slimed any witness who thought of coming forward to help the Committee help the American citizenry learn all of the relevant facts and involved players of Janaury 6th.

Other than that, I could be neutral on Jim Jordan.

Still, I gotta agree....x2.
So good on Clipper. We agree.
And yeah....good on Speaker Pelosi. We agree.
Jordan hitched his wagon to Trump & without him like now, he's a nobody, resorting to shooting his mouth off on Hannity's TV show. Without Trump nobody would know whether or not Jordan has a pulse & nobody would give a shit anyway.

Jordan has yet to introduce a bill in Congress that became law, so he thinks he can make up for the fact that he's as useless as a piss hole in a snowbank by shooting his mouth off for Trump & making a nuisance of himself at committee hearings.

That's why Pelosi gave him the hook.
You again. A moron ....... A partisan hack ....... showing how uninformed you actually are. Free advice. STFU.

Well, goshshsux!
It appears that humble avatar I shamelessly overwork has, has.......has scored another ......Bazinga!!!!

Sometimes they are hard to get.
Other times too easy.

I love this bar. ;)
Why won’t Pelosi release her emails and phone records from that day as she demands others do? Because like you, she’s lying coward. You? A gutless Xiden cock holster.
Pelosi is not under investigation, fool. But Gangster Trump & his crew are. So eat your heart out, cry, piss & moan & rant all you want to.

Think Trump & his mob have heartburn now? Wait till the hearings begin.

I'm stocking up on popcorn, you better stock up on Maalox.

Well, goshshsux!
It appears that humble avatar I shamelessly overwork has, has.......has scored another ......Bazinga!!!!

Sometimes they are hard to get.
Other times too easy.

I love this bar. ;)
You love being shown to be a low education moron? Claiming victory upon being shown to be an idiot?
Pelosi is not under investigation, fool. But Gangster Trump & his crew are. So eat your heart out, cry, piss & moan & rant all you want to.

Think Trump & his mob have heartburn now? Wait till the hearings begin.

I'm stocking up on popcorn, you better stock up on Maalox.
No, you’ll get nothing out of this. See, nobody cares. And you’ll have a very bad night come November. Pelosi will then be investigated fully. As will the FBI plants (which they have not denied were there).
I find it funny Gym Jordan is complaining about former prosecutors on the 1/6 committee.

Did he ever look at the makeup of the Benghazi committees?

paging Trey Gowdy...
Hillary dragged Billygoat Trey accros the hearing room for hours on end.

Now he's on Fox pissing & moaning trying to get even.

And he's ignored.
No, you’ll get nothing out of this. See, nobody cares. And you’ll have a very bad night come November. Pelosi will then be investigated fully. As will the FBI plants (which they have not denied were there).
If nobody cares then why are Trump & you MAGATARDS hysterical over it?

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