Jim Jordon talked with trump for ten minutes BEFORE the 1/6 attack. What is he trying to hide?

Nah. He's a Trump hating idiot. Just think he voted for an incompetent walking talking disaster and just think of all the Trump threads he's put on this board.

Can't blame him really. Trump is a way better POTUS than Bidung will ever be. I'd bet he regrets his vote.

Gotta luv a guy who thinks of Trump 24/7.
As compared to Trump who obsesses over Hillary, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, the NYT, WAPO, etc. & who rants & runs his big mouth about them at rallies & whenever a microphone is shoved at his yap?

Gotta love a guy who rants about people like Obama & Liz Cheney proving that they must be doing something right to get all this attention from an ex game show host & failed ex prez.

Fuck off & enjoy the race to the bottom.
Where angels fear to tread?

...........what with all the flying f-bombs embedded in this long thread.

But, way back up there (post #153) the good poster Claudette, did assert she had read "many reports" declaring Speaker Pelosi had declined the use of the military that was offered by DTrump just prior to the attack on the Capitol on January 6th.
To wit:

Another poster then queried her on which reports, what reports..... had she seen that statement?

And then began an f-bomb storm....and the question never did get answered.

Well, I am curious about all of these reports. I haven't been able to find them in a quick web search.

Accordingly, we must go back to the source who claims they exist and in fact the source has even "seen" them (to be fair to her, she did NOT claim she read them).

So, poster Claudette ----- did you actually 'see' them?
Did you, in fact, read them?

And will you....can you.....link the many reaers of this forum to those reports so that those who are willing can then be as informed as your avatar?
She's just parroting the horseshit spewed by Limbaugh's successor Jimmy Failla. Her rant was his rant on today's show & in previous ones.

She's a moron.

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