Jim Jordon talked with trump for ten minutes BEFORE the 1/6 attack. What is he trying to hide?

She is the Speaker of the House is she not?? Third in line for the Presidency.

No power you say?? I'm sure Pelousy would disagree with you.

You keep spouting off about the riot being insurrection and Trump sent those folks to riot. Of course you are full of shit.

No one has been charged with insurrection or anything close to it. The FBI could find no evidence of a planned coup or insurrection. Yet you continue with your insurrection bullshit.

Most folks couldn't care less about 1/6. They are more concerned with empty shelves at the grocery store, high gas prices and rising inflation.

The man you voted for, an incompetent walking, talking disaster is more worrisome that 1/6 will ever be. What a dumbass you are.
No one over the summer was charged with rioting either and yet you and your fellow trumpanzees keep talking about rioters.
Of course they weren't charged as the Dem leaders in Portland, Seattle and Indi told their police to stand down.

I'd bet the citizens of those cities would love to speak with you and set your ass straight.
Guess you forgot. The leaders in Portland, Seattle and Indi told their police to stand down.

I'd also bet the people who lost merchandize and buildings would love to speak with you and set your ass straight.
The trump regime tried to destroy our country. Now they hide in their corners and refuse to talk....like the COWARDS that they are.
How dare they utilize legal methods to defend themselves, the cads!! Obviously, the memo hasn't reached everyone yet. Whoever the Party condemns must immediately accept all criticism with no defense from any quarter allowed.
Sure you can indict a ham sandwich smart guy.

Hell just cause you get arrested or indicted doesn't mean you will be found guilty.

Enjoy LOL
Where angels fear to tread?

...........what with all the flying f-bombs embedded in this long thread.

But, way back up there (post #153) the good poster Claudette, did assert she had read "many reports" declaring Speaker Pelosi had declined the use of the military that was offered by DTrump just prior to the attack on the Capitol on January 6th.
To wit:

"According to many reports I've read she sure did. Dummy."

Another poster then queried her on which reports, what reports..... had she seen that statement?

And then began an f-bomb storm....and the question never did get answered.

Well, I am curious about all of these reports. I haven't been able to find them in a quick web search.

Accordingly, we must go back to the source who claims they exist and in fact the source has even "seen" them (to be fair to her, she did NOT claim she read them).

So, poster Claudette ----- did you actually 'see' them?
Did you, in fact, read them?

And will you....can you.....link the many reaers of this forum to those reports so that those who are willing can then be as informed as your avatar?
You must be right cause in your own mind you are always right.

Oh and the CP requested aid at least 5 times. Now who do you think told them they couldn't get aid?? Trump did offer the NG and that was refused as well.

Keep it up Chill. You are a legend in your own mind.
"Keep it up....."

The first inescapable conclusion is that the good poster Claudette cannot back up her own word; make her word a good and reliable one worthy for responsible adult discussion.

She says she's seen "reports"....yet, my avatar, and other avatars participating in this topic have queried the Claudette-avatar about which or what reports she references; where can we read them oursleves.

And poster Claudette will not, cannot, does not......offer any sustance to her own word.

Which brings us to the second inescapable conclusion. To wit: avataree Claudette is either uninformed, misinformed, or untruthful.

So which is poster?

  • Are you ignorant?
  • Or mistaken?
  • Or fibbing?

Saddle up, mon ami.

It's amazing and very telling how trumpanzees are trying to sweep this FAILED insurrection under the rug.
There was no insurraction, bonehead. What's telling is that brain-damaged progs keep making the same accusation over and over again.
There was no insurraction, bonehead. What's telling is that brain-damaged progs keep making the same accusation over and over again.
"Insurrection" has now joined the list of words that have become purely meaningless due to overuse by hysterical leftist flying monkeys. The list is now:


Anybody got any to add?

All are what the leftist losers thought were weapons they could use against those with whom they disagree, and through constant use and poor maintenance, those weapons have become hopelessly dull. They do not cut. We do not bleed.
Sure you can indict a ham sandwich smart guy.

Hell just cause you get arrested or indicted doesn't mean you will be found guilty.

Enjoy LOL
You ASKED for charges...they were provided to you and now that's not enough
Oh and the CP requested aid at least 5 times.
Yea...DURING the attack...and it took HOURS to get PENCE to get that aid because Trump was too busy giggling over what his people were doing for him
  • Thanks
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I'm fairly certain that Trump knew they were going in the Capitol. Now I don't know if they have evidence to convict, or even if they want to make it public right now that they have evidence if they do.
"You sure are fun to read. Keep it up buddy."


Poster: "The first inescapable conclusion is that the good poster Claudette cannot back up her own word; make her word a good and reliable one worthy for responsible adult discussion.

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