Jim Jordon talked with trump for ten minutes BEFORE the 1/6 attack. What is he trying to hide?

Thanks for confirming my post, Dumbass.
Do I have to spoon feed to you why those two weren't allowed on the panel? It's because two morons who would have done nothing but disrupt the proceedings, stonewall everything, lie, etc., etc. was a bad idea.

You jackasses don't want the truth, you're afraid of it.
You apparently believe that's some kind of rational argument.
You have a valid arguement as to why those two should have been allowed on the panel other then the fact that Trump & McCarthy wanted a couple of their lackeys on it to disrupt the proceedings?
You have a valid arguement as to why those two should have been allowed on the panel other then the fact that Trump & McCarthy wanted a couple of their lackeys on it to disrupt the proceedings?
Because they are the ones the Republican's wanted, you fucking moron. It's as simple as that. "Bipartisan" doesn't mean Democrats and Republicans that the democrats choose. You really have to be fucking retarded to believe anyone is falling for that.
"You want to know. Look it up. Like your post though."

Am seldom discouraged when a poster likes the information that my avatar offers here.
And, if the good poster Claudette liked what was merely a recitation that all responsible adults already know, well, that's not a bad thing.

Claudette, of course, is referring to the following:

"Reminder to participants:
We all know the rules.
Have known 'em since childhood.
To wit:
You claim a truth.
You need prove your truth. Vet your truth. Source your truth.
Lest you are considered untruthful."*

*I might add: 'or lest you are considered not suitable for responsible adult discourse'.

So, with that said, let's go back to that exchange between the good poster Claudette, and poster Clipper.
(edited for clarity)
  • The one where Claudette claimed Nancy Pelosit refused an offer for National Guard troops for Janaury 6th.
And Clipper asked how she knew that.
And Claudette said she'd seen it in reports.
And Clipper sayas.....what reports?
And Claudette then calls him a bunch of names that need not be repeated in educated discourse.

Which, in the end, leaves the forum questioning if Claudette had really seen reports or whether she was: mistaken, misinformed, untruthful?

So to clarify which......let's ask good poster Claudette:

  • 'What 'reports' are you referencing to support your claim'?
You have a valid arguement as to why those two should have been allowed on the panel other then the fact that Trump & McCarthy wanted a couple of their lackeys on it to disrupt the proceedings?
Because they are the ones Republicans chose, you fucking dumbass. That's all the reason needed. Instead we have nothing but Pisslosi lackeys.
Do I have to spoon feed to you why those two weren't allowed on the panel? It's because two morons who would have done nothing but disrupt the proceedings, stonewall everything, lie, etc., etc. was a bad idea.

You jackasses don't want the truth, you're afraid of it.
You Opinion means nothing.
Because they are the ones the Republican's wanted, you fucking moron. It's as simple as that. "Bipartisan" doesn't mean Democrats and Republicans that the democrats choose. You really have to be fucking retarded to believe anyone is falling for that.
He is retarded.
He is retarded.
Whattsamatter Trumptards, Cheney & Kinzinger don't lick Trump's ass enough for you jerkoffs? Afraid they'll help get to the bottom of what happened instead of engaging in a cover up like the rest of those shitbags in Trump's party are doing?

Isn't that really why you"re hysterical?
Because they are the ones Republicans chose, you fucking dumbass. That's all the reason needed. Instead we have nothing but Pisslosi lackeys.
They wete picked because like you they're a couple of Trump's asseaters. Neither one of those two fucks have enough brains to come in out of the pouring rain.

Oh, btw. Both of those two assholes are potential witnesses who may have to testify due to their involvement in that bastard Trump tryng to overturn the election.
They wete picked because like you they're a couple of Trump's asseaters. Neither one of those two fucks have enough brains to come in out of the pouring rain.

Oh, btw. Both of those two assholes are potential witnesses who may have to testify due to their involvement in that bastard Trump tryng to overturn the election.
It doesn't matter why they were picked. You and pisslosi don't get to choose which members Republicans get to pick. You can't claim they were Republican picks when they weren't, your fuycking dumbass.

I hope they take the 5th and tell Pisslosi and her Kangaroos to go fuck themselves.
It doesn't matter why they were picked. You and pisslosi don't get to choose which members Republicans get to pick. You can't claim they were Republican picks when they weren't, your fuycking dumbass.

I hope they take the 5th and tell Pisslosi and her Kangaroos to go fuck themselves.
Still crying because two of Trump's lackeys got their asses kicked off the committee, halfwit?

Cry me a river ot tears as Cheney & Kinzinger rattle Trump's cage.

Oh btw, thanks for admitting that both Jordan & Banks are potential witnesses which automatically disqualified them from being on it.
She is the Speaker of the House is she not?? Third in line for the Presidency.

No power you say?? I'm sure Pelousy would disagree with you.

You keep spouting off about the riot being insurrection and Trump sent those folks to riot. Of course you are full of shit.

No one has been charged with insurrection or anything close to it. The FBI could find no evidence of a planned coup or insurrection. Yet you continue with your insurrection bullshit.

Most folks couldn't care less about 1/6. They are more concerned with empty shelves at the grocery store, high gas prices and rising inflation.

The man you voted for, an incompetent walking, talking disaster is more worrisome that 1/6 will ever be. What a dumbass you are.
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Being charged with something and being convicted of it is two different animals.

I'd bet this indictment turns into a big nothing burger.

I'd bet you wish Bidungs first year was a big nothing burger.
Whattsamatter Trumptards, Cheney & Kinzinger don't lick Trump's ass enough for you jerkoffs? Afraid they'll help get to the bottom of what happened instead of engaging in a cover up like the rest of those shitbags in Trump's party are doing?

Isn't that really why you"re hysterical?
You are really triggered.
Nah. He's a Trump hating idiot. Just think he voted for an incompetent walking talking disaster and just think of all the Trump threads he's put on this board.

Can't blame him really. Trump is a way better POTUS than Bidung will ever be. I'd bet he regrets his vote.

Gotta luv a guy who thinks of Trump 24/7.

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