Jimmy Carter Accuses Obama Admin of ‘Widespread Abuse of Human Rights’

That's a silly comment. I know what you are alluding to and I think that the premise is silly as well. Carter made some VERY valid points and it reflects upon this Administration and the previous Administration's policies.

Carter's family was long-time peanut farmers (see: plantation owners) in Georgia

So? Is the great grandson responsible for the sins of his great grandfather???

OOOOOOOOhhhh I want to see people answer this one...THEN comment on the Dream Act.
Carter attacks Obama.

Clinton undermines Obama.

Merkel mocks Obama.

Putin disrespects Obama.

And that's just the last two weeks.

You forgot one, Romney loses to Obama. Sorry, that's not the last two weeks, it's me being psychic. :cool:

Colbert is hilarious.. I watched the video and I saw one, count ‘em ONE Fox pundit that said it was extraordinary for an ex president to take a shot at a sitting president. I did not see a bunch of people calling him treasonous as was the charge.
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That's a silly comment. I know what you are alluding to and I think that the premise is silly as well. Carter made some VERY valid points and it reflects upon this Administration and the previous Administration's policies.

Carter's family was long-time peanut farmers (see: plantation owners) in Georgia

So? Is the great grandson responsible for the sins of his great grandfather???

Oh, fucking spare me.
I forgot that only republicans can be racists.
Carter's family was long-time peanut farmers (see: plantation owners) in Georgia

So? Is the great grandson responsible for the sins of his great grandfather???

OOOOOOOOhhhh I want to see people answer this one...THEN comment on the Dream Act.

People hold the Bush family in contempt for having connections to German in WW2.

There's others, but I'll let the librads post away
CaféAuLait;5513702 said:

Sorry I did not mean to imply Fox called him a traitor in THAT clip. Just that there was a Fox reaction in the clip.

The traitor stuff mostly came from the blogosphere... let me see if I can dig up more

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgyQTCkDJGk]Sue Myrick on Jimmy Carter - YouTube[/ame]

Jimmy Carter -- Governor, President . . . Traitor?
Jimmy Carter: Terrorist Sympathizer and Traitor! | The Bull Speaks!
CaféAuLait;5513081 said:
A former U.S. president is accusing the current president of sanctioning the “widespread abuse of human rights” by authorizing drone strikes to kill suspected terrorists...

Instead of making the world safer, America’s violation of international human rights abets our enemies and alienates our friends,” Carter wrote...

In addition to the drone strikes, Carter criticized the current president for keeping the Guantanamo Bay detention center open, where prisoners “have been tortured by waterboarding more than 100 times or intimidated with semiautomatic weapons, power drills or threats to sexually assault their mothers.”

The former president blasted the government for allowing “unprecedented violations of our rights to privacy through warrantless wiretapping and government mining of our electronic communications.”
Jimmy Carter Accuses U.S. of ‘Widespread Abuse of Human Rights’ - ABC News

He also blasted Obama's extraordinary rendition program.

Where is Code Pink?

I can't wait for the made for TV movie of the week on this one.

The location?

Washington DC

The climax?

In the following scene, Jimmy Carter, an assortment of Muslim clerics from a Madrasah who are all dressed in flowing robes and hajibs, and a hodgepodge of assorted conservatives both in and out of gov't (with Mark Levin wearing a yarmulke, of course), march down Pennsylvania Ave together, arm-in-arm, singing "We Shall Overcome."

1st Link:
I don't really feel inclined to personally criticize President Bush

2nd one:
More moderate people like Colin Powell have been frozen out of the basic decision-making in dealing with international affairs :lol:

3rd, maybe?
Mr. Carter also told the BBC that the combined support of Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair for the war ''has prolonged the war and increased the tragedy that has resulted.''

Do I really need to continue?
Maybe you should just let Ravi answer for herself, because your responses really suck so far.
CaféAuLait;5513702 said:

Sorry I did not mean to imply Fox called him a traitor in THAT clip. Just that there was a Fox reaction in the clip.

The traitor stuff mostly came from the blogosphere... let me see if I can dig up more

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgyQTCkDJGk]Sue Myrick on Jimmy Carter - YouTube[/ame]

Jimmy Carter -- Governor, President . . . Traitor?
Jimmy Carter: Terrorist Sympathizer and Traitor! | The Bull Speaks!

Ok thanks. There were a few on the right who did call him a traitor it seems. SOME on he left called Bush a traitor for the same policy Obama is carrying on. Heck I see them calling Romney a traitor all ready. It does not mean that everyone agrees with them though.

Either way, Carter told it like it was. :clap2:
CaféAuLait;5513081 said:
A former U.S. president is accusing the current president of sanctioning the “widespread abuse of human rights” by authorizing drone strikes to kill suspected terrorists...

Instead of making the world safer, America’s violation of international human rights abets our enemies and alienates our friends,” Carter wrote...

In addition to the drone strikes, Carter criticized the current president for keeping the Guantanamo Bay detention center open, where prisoners “have been tortured by waterboarding more than 100 times or intimidated with semiautomatic weapons, power drills or threats to sexually assault their mothers.”

The former president blasted the government for allowing “unprecedented violations of our rights to privacy through warrantless wiretapping and government mining of our electronic communications.”
Jimmy Carter Accuses U.S. of ‘Widespread Abuse of Human Rights’ - ABC News

He also blasted Obama's extraordinary rendition program.

Where is Code Pink?

I can't wait for the made for TV movie of the week on this one.

The location?

Washington DC

The climax?

In the following scene, Jimmy Carter, an assortment of Muslim clerics from a Madrasah who are all dressed in flowing robes and hajibs, and a hodgepodge of assorted conservatives both in and out of gov't (with Mark Levin wearing a yarmulke, of course), march down Pennsylvania Ave together, arm-in-arm, singing "We Shall Overcome."

CaféAuLait;5513081 said:
A former U.S. president is accusing the current president of sanctioning the “widespread abuse of human rights” by authorizing drone strikes to kill suspected terrorists...

Instead of making the world safer, America’s violation of international human rights abets our enemies and alienates our friends,” Carter wrote...

In addition to the drone strikes, Carter criticized the current president for keeping the Guantanamo Bay detention center open, where prisoners “have been tortured by waterboarding more than 100 times or intimidated with semiautomatic weapons, power drills or threats to sexually assault their mothers.”

The former president blasted the government for allowing “unprecedented violations of our rights to privacy through warrantless wiretapping and government mining of our electronic communications.”

Jimmy Carter Accuses U.S. of ‘Widespread Abuse of Human Rights’ - ABC News

He also blasted Obama's extraordinary rendition program.

Where is Code Pink?

Give it up for Jimmy. :clap:
Carter's family was long-time peanut farmers (see: plantation owners) in Georgia

So? Is the great grandson responsible for the sins of his great grandfather???

Oh, fucking spare me.
I forgot that only republicans can be racists.


You make a statement then produce no evidence backing it up as truth...

And even IF Carters great grandfather was a slave owner...by that logic, Mitt Romney is guilty of polygamy.
CaféAuLait;5513763 said:
CaféAuLait;5513702 said:
Colbert is hilarious.. I watched the video and I saw one, count ‘em ONE Fox pundit that said it was extraordinary for an ex president to take a shot at a sitting president. I did not see a bunch of people calling him treasonous as was the charge.

Sorry I did not mean to imply Fox called him a traitor in THAT clip. Just that there was a Fox reaction in the clip.

The traitor stuff mostly came from the blogosphere... let me see if I can dig up more

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgyQTCkDJGk]Sue Myrick on Jimmy Carter - YouTube[/ame]

Jimmy Carter -- Governor, President . . . Traitor?
Jimmy Carter: Terrorist Sympathizer and Traitor! | The Bull Speaks!

Ok thanks. There were a few on the right who did call him a traitor it seems. SOME on he left called Bush a traitor for the same policy Obama is carrying on. Heck I see them calling Romney a traitor all ready. It does not mean that everyone agrees with them though.

Either way, Carter told it like it was. :clap2:

Traitor gets thrown around an awful lot.

Dissent does not make one a traitor.

Personally though, I think Carters getting a bit senial. He seems to forget Obama tried to move the GitMo detainees and was met with overwhelming opposition when it was elarned he wanted to move them onto American homeland soil. Is it a broken promise? Yes. Is it underastandable? Yes.

Theres far more important things to jump on Obama for.
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Even if Carter says Obama is the worst president in history, I can't find any value to what Carter says. He was an incompetent president, a buffoon and idiot, and is now just an old buffoon.
So? Is the great grandson responsible for the sins of his great grandfather???

Oh, fucking spare me.
I forgot that only republicans can be racists.


You make a statement then produce no evidence backing it up as truth...

And even IF Carters great grandfather was a slave owner...by that logic, Mitt Romney is guilty of polygamy.

You're just sore because I took away your punchline.
If Carter had been a Repub President, that's all that would have been said.

I was in middle school when he was President.
Made me ashamed to say I lived in Georgia
CaféAuLait;5513763 said:
Sorry I did not mean to imply Fox called him a traitor in THAT clip. Just that there was a Fox reaction in the clip.

The traitor stuff mostly came from the blogosphere... let me see if I can dig up more

Sue Myrick on Jimmy Carter - YouTube

Jimmy Carter -- Governor, President . . . Traitor?
Jimmy Carter: Terrorist Sympathizer and Traitor! | The Bull Speaks!

Ok thanks. There were a few on the right who did call him a traitor it seems. SOME on he left called Bush a traitor for the same policy Obama is carrying on. Heck I see them calling Romney a traitor all ready. It does not mean that everyone agrees with them though.

Either way, Carter told it like it was. :clap2:

Traitor gets thrown around an awful lot.

Dissent does not make one a traitor.

Personally though, I think Carters getting a bit senial. He seems to forget Obama tried to move the GitMo detainees and was met with overwhelming opposition when it was elarned he wanted to move them onto American homeland soil. Is it a broken promise? Yes. Is it underastandable? Yes.

Theres far more important things to jump on Obama for.

Closing GTMO is really not the only issue here. Leaving GTMO open and continuing the rights violations are more important, wouldn’t you agree? Look at the extraordinary rendition, and the claims of detainees that say torture has continued under Obama at GTMO. As far as Traitor, I saw/see Joe the Plumber being called a traitor for asking a question. It's insane.
Getting Presidents to not do these things won't come from the Presidents themselves - not even a President Ron Paul. Congress has to have the intestinal fortitiude to act and enough of the people have to pressure Congress to act.
Oh, fucking spare me.
I forgot that only republicans can be racists.


You make a statement then produce no evidence backing it up as truth...

And even IF Carters great grandfather was a slave owner...by that logic, Mitt Romney is guilty of polygamy.

You're just sore because I took away your punchline.
If Carter had been a Repub President, that's all that would have been said.

I was in middle school when he was President.
Made me ashamed to say I lived in Georgia

LOL my punchline was better than yours ;)

nah just kidding.

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