Jimmy Carter: American no longer has a Functioning Democracy

What Jimmy Carter done?

  • Become a conspiracy theorist

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  • Went full retard.

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I think he's a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Rule 2 Zone regulations apply here.

And that does not violate them.

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking threads.

yes it does.

don't do it again or I will report it.
Rule 2 Zone regulations apply here.

And that does not violate them.

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum / Religion & Ethics Forum: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject, in addition to any flame. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking threads.

yes it does.

don't do it again or I will report it.

Report me, of course first you have to find a post where I flamed you in this thread. As to on topic, why is it you get to go off topic but claim no one else can?
Republic | Define Republic at Dictionary.com

a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.

That leaves out North Korea. And several Countries with out Monarchies.

There is no King of North Korea.

Oh for fuck sake there is no helping people like you. Enjoy your life of blissful ignorance. You're going get a new asshole on this site because you don't know what you're talking about. Comprende?

I weep for the future.
Care to back that up with something supporting your claim? Perhaps a dictionary definition?

Republic | Define Republic at Dictionary.com

a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.

Now he's dodging.

From your own link:

A state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

I can name many forms of oppressive governments that have neither a monarch or hereditary ruler, and so can you.
NK may be a poor example.

Iran is a Republic. The Soviet Union was a Republic. Venezuela is a Republic.

Nazi Germany was a Republic. Tito's Yugoslavia was a Republic.
NK may be a poor example.

Iran is a Republic. The Soviet Union was a Republic. Venezuela is a Republic.

Nazi Germany was a Republic. Tito's Yugoslavia was a Republic.

It is one thing to be NAMED a Republic, it's another thing entirely to actually ACT as a Republic.

China is also a "republic" according to its name. Last I heard you get run down with tanks for protesting.
The pertinent part is that a Republic is a representative democracy, PERIOD. Ruining ANOTHER STUPID Pub dupe argument.

And the amount of lockstep obstruction we have from Pubs the last 5 years has NEVER been seen before (AND in the middle of a Great World Recession caused by THEM, no less). Have filibustered more presidential appointments than in all history before Obama, for example. Not to mention the biggest BS propaganda machine EVER in our history. A disgrace, now FINALLY imploding, hater dupes.

OP- about the dumbest thing Carter has ever said. But does illustrate why Snowden could use about 5 years in prison, even if it IS a mirage, or already known if you were paying attention, a necessary evil.
The pertinent part is that a Republic is a representative democracy, PERIOD. Ruining ANOTHER STUPID Pub dupe argument.

And the amount of lockstep obstruction we have from Pubs the last 5 years has NEVER been seen before (AND in the middle of a Great World Recession caused by THEM, no less). Have filibustered more presidential appointments than in all history before Obama, for example. Not to mention the biggest BS propaganda machine EVER in our history. A disgrace, now FINALLY imploding, hater dupes.

OP- about the dumbest thing Carter has ever said. But does illustrate why Snowden could use about 5 years in prison, even if it IS a mirage, or already known if you were paying attention, a necessary evil.

I bet you found nothing wrong with the Dems during the 1st 2 years of Bush's Presidency blocking all appointments? Now did you? Just like you find nothing wrong with Reid refusing to send to committee how many bills from the House? Or the fact that the dems in the Senate refused for the last 5 years to pass a budget.
Every time he enters a thread that isn't supporting total communism, he intentionally lies and distorts and detracts from the topic.

He's just ignorant. It's not intentional.

Hilarious coming from functional moron hater dupes. Yup W was a great president, left Obama a fine situation, and Pubs have been a fine loyal opposition, doing their best for America LOL...:cuckoo:

The only thing I do admire about you is that you do say a lot in so few words.

It's such a pity that your words are so worthless.
First I will say what I said in another thread. We aren't a democracy but a republic! Our founders recognized it as such, our constitution describes it as such. We don't have a functioning democracy because we never had one to begin with. Period.

That wasn't Carter's general message. You could have interchanged republic or Popular Sovereignty with "Democracy" and it would have had the same effect. Good job though, you just gave the trolls some food.

for thought.
Answer me. Do you support Reid and his last 3 years of refusing to even send to committee any bill he does not like? You have claimed it is bad for the House to do it in the future, what about the last 3 years with the Senate ACTUALLY doing it?

First of all, I don't take orders from you.

In other words when Democrats do it, it is ok and good for the Country, when Republicans threaten to do it is bad. Just as i suspect you liberal hypocrite.
He is a lying idiot.
The pertinent part is that a Republic is a representative democracy, PERIOD. Ruining ANOTHER STUPID Pub dupe argument.

And the amount of lockstep obstruction we have from Pubs the last 5 years has NEVER been seen before (AND in the middle of a Great World Recession caused by THEM, no less). Have filibustered more presidential appointments than in all history before Obama, for example. Not to mention the biggest BS propaganda machine EVER in our history. A disgrace, now FINALLY imploding, hater dupes.

OP- about the dumbest thing Carter has ever said. But does illustrate why Snowden could use about 5 years in prison, even if it IS a mirage, or already known if you were paying attention, a necessary evil.

I bet you found nothing wrong with the Dems during the 1st 2 years of Bush's Presidency blocking all appointments? Now did you? Just like you find nothing wrong with Reid refusing to send to committee how many bills from the House? Or the fact that the dems in the Senate refused for the last 5 years to pass a budget.

A) BS, nothing like this- 10% of Dems go along with reasonable Pub moves. Blue dogs. Pubs are lockstep cowards.
B) Those Pub bills Reid ignored were Pub BS designed for propaganda only, they KNEW they were DOA. EVERY Pub "jobs bill" just repealed worker and environmental safeguards, NO HELP at ALL.
C.) The Pubs did that, lockstep as always, and refuse to even talk. Propaganda as always, for dupes only.

Read something, Sean Rushbeck.
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BTW, Obama won by a large margin, Booosh stole his election and acted like he had a big mandate, AND wrecked the world....Pubs have never HEARD of a honeymooon, are run by lying hateful charlatan pundit/demagogues, hater dupe. Now imploding, thank God.
NK may be a poor example.

Iran is a Republic. The Soviet Union was a Republic. Venezuela is a Republic.

Nazi Germany was a Republic. Tito's Yugoslavia was a Republic.

When I read shit like this I can't help but puke. It's all good though, the heat has kept me indoors and I've gained 10 pounds. Please continue, I have some more meat to purge.

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