Jimmy Carter: American no longer has a Functioning Democracy

What Jimmy Carter done?

  • Become a conspiracy theorist

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  • Went full retard.

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The pertinent part is that a Republic is a representative democracy, PERIOD. Ruining ANOTHER STUPID Pub dupe argument.

And the amount of lockstep obstruction we have from Pubs the last 5 years has NEVER been seen before (AND in the middle of a Great World Recession caused by THEM, no less). Have filibustered more presidential appointments than in all history before Obama, for example. Not to mention the biggest BS propaganda machine EVER in our history. A disgrace, now FINALLY imploding, hater dupes.

OP- about the dumbest thing Carter has ever said. But does illustrate why Snowden could use about 5 years in prison, even if it IS a mirage, or already known if you were paying attention, a necessary evil.

More partisan bullshit.
Absolute Tyranny?

Hahaha, an Absolute Tyrant would imprison all the Republican leaders , dissolve Congress, relieve all the SC Justices and declare himself President for life.

The Republic is safe for now.

But I can't help but agree with President Carter:

"I think that the secrecy that has been surrounding this invasion of privacy has been excessive, so I think that the bringing of it to the public notice has probably been, in the long term, beneficial."
Absolute Tyranny?

Hahaha, an Absolute Tyrant would imprison all the Republican leaders , dissolve Congress, relieve all the SC Justices and declare himself President for life.

The Republic is safe for now.

But I can't help but agree with President Carter:

"I think that the secrecy that has been surrounding this invasion of privacy has been excessive, so I think that the bringing of it to the public notice has probably been, in the long term, beneficial."

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats are the same entity, wearing different masks. That's what you partisans fail to understand and is the sole reason why we've managed to come under absolute tyranny.
The pertinent part is that a Republic is a representative democracy, PERIOD. Ruining ANOTHER STUPID Pub dupe argument.

And the amount of lockstep obstruction we have from Pubs the last 5 years has NEVER been seen before (AND in the middle of a Great World Recession caused by THEM, no less). Have filibustered more presidential appointments than in all history before Obama, for example. Not to mention the biggest BS propaganda machine EVER in our history. A disgrace, now FINALLY imploding, hater dupes.

OP- about the dumbest thing Carter has ever said. But does illustrate why Snowden could use about 5 years in prison, even if it IS a mirage, or already known if you were paying attention, a necessary evil.

I bet you found nothing wrong with the Dems during the 1st 2 years of Bush's Presidency blocking all appointments? Now did you? Just like you find nothing wrong with Reid refusing to send to committee how many bills from the House? Or the fact that the dems in the Senate refused for the last 5 years to pass a budget.

A) BS, nothing like this- 10% of Dems go along with reasonable Pub moves. Blue dogs. Pubs are lockstep cowards.
B) Those Pub bills Reid ignored were Pub BS designed for propaganda only, they KNEW they were DOA. EVERY Pub "jobs bill" just repealed worker and environmental safeguards, NO HELP at ALL.
C.) The Pubs did that, lockstep as always, and refuse to even talk. Propaganda as always, for dupes only.

Read something, Sean Rushbeck.

Your opinion on legally passed bills from the House is ignorant and partisan. You claim that if the republicans do to the democrats what they have been doing for 3 years it will be bad but in the same breath absolve the democrats of any blame for doing it for 3 years now.

And I repeat did it bother you that for Bush's first 2 years the Dems blocked all appointments that Bush made? Or was that different?
Absolute Tyranny?

Hahaha, an Absolute Tyrant would imprison all the Republican leaders , dissolve Congress, relieve all the SC Justices and declare himself President for life.

The Republic is safe for now.

But I can't help but agree with President Carter:

"I think that the secrecy that has been surrounding this invasion of privacy has been excessive, so I think that the bringing of it to the public notice has probably been, in the long term, beneficial."

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats are the same entity, wearing different masks. That's what you partisans fail to understand and is the sole reason why we've managed to come under absolute tyranny.

Right right, an absolute tyrant would kill all the opposition leaders and imprison all the follower, my bad.

Democrats and Republicans may be two sides of the same coin but they are two different sides and neither (so far) has led us to absolute tyranny. The two party system, like it or not, is ingrained in America's history, and to our credit only once has an election lead to a rebellion or insurrection.
Since, the quote is out of context, it's hard to tell, just what he meant. The US has never had a true functioning democracy. It's barely a representative democracy.

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