Jimmy Carter: American no longer has a Functioning Democracy

What Jimmy Carter done?

  • Become a conspiracy theorist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Went full retard.

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Jimmy Carter was talking about the NSA and the usurpations of the Obama Administration you retard --- and you know you're lying you piece of shit.

You could stand to learn some manners.
MISTER retard lying piece of shit is the civil vernacular.

Every time he enters a thread that isn't supporting total communism, he intentionally lies and distorts and detracts from the topic.

He's just ignorant. It's not intentional.
Answer me. Do you support Reid and his last 3 years of refusing to even send to committee any bill he does not like? You have claimed it is bad for the House to do it in the future, what about the last 3 years with the Senate ACTUALLY doing it?

First of all, I don't take orders from you.

OK, please with sugar on top, please answer his question and pretend like I asked it nicely.
Great, North Korea and the USA are both Republics!!!!

how exciting.

North Korea is not a Republic any more then the Soviet Union was a Republic. We however are a republic and have never been a democracy. We democratically elect our representatives in 2 branches of the Government and THEY not the people make the laws and enforce the laws.

Further the Constitution states that the Federal Government will ensure a Republican form of Government in all the states.
Republicans keep subverting democracy in the Senate.

We don't have a democracy; we have a representative republic.

House leader Boehner has said he won't allow an major legislation to come for a vote in the House unless it has a support of the majority of the ruling party, even if it would still pass a vote with a minority of the ruling party and a majority of the minority party.

But I'm sure you have no problem at all every time House passed legislation is sent to the Senate and Harry Reid says it's DOA, right?

This is total subversion of democracy.

I hope so, since as already pointed out, we don't have a democracy.

It is rule by super-majority and The Founders didn't want this nor would they support it.

What the hell are you talking about?? What super majority? Neither party has a super majority in either chamber.

The Republicans better stop these games or they will face a revolution to return our houses of government to sanity.

You're just a shameless partisan hack and a very ignorant one too. Shut the fuck up.
First I will say what I said in another thread. We aren't a democracy but a republic! Our founders recognized it as such, our constitution describes it as such. We don't have a functioning democracy because we never had one to begin with. Period.

That wasn't Carter's general message. You could have interchanged republic or Popular Sovereignty with "Democracy" and it would have had the same effect. Good job though, you just gave the trolls some food.
You could stand to learn some manners.
MISTER retard lying piece of shit is the civil vernacular.

Every time he enters a thread that isn't supporting total communism, he intentionally lies and distorts and detracts from the topic.

He's just ignorant. It's not intentional.

Hilarious coming from functional moron hater dupes. Yup W was a great president, left Obama a fine situation, and Pubs have been a fine loyal opposition, doing their best for America LOL...:cuckoo:
Every time he enters a thread that isn't supporting total communism, he intentionally lies and distorts and detracts from the topic.

He's just ignorant. It's not intentional.

Hilarious coming from functional moron hater dupes. Yup W was a great president, left Obama a fine situation, and Pubs have been a fine loyal opposition, doing their best for America LOL...:cuckoo:

You already admitted that what you find offensive for the republicans to do you find GREAT for the dems to do. Hypocrite, partisan hack.
Anything with the word people's in front of it such as the peoples republic of nk....is not a republic.

any country that has no monarchy is a Republic.

WHAT THE FUCK? Dude, you're embarrassing me. Calm down, and let adults teach you how wrong you are. Is that not civil? Am I being a troll to say that you clearly do NOT know what the hell you are talking about?

Man, it's pretty obvious to me that college is a waste of time these days.
I was against spying on Americans when "W" did it and am against it now that "O" is doing it. My bet is that many posters were against it when "W" spied and are for it now that "O" is doing it. Also, there are folks who were for it when "W" did it but now are against it because "O" is doing it!
Ah, the wild and crazy world of partisan politics! :meow::rofl:

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