Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA ‘A Filthy and Disgusting Country’ After Trip to Japan: ‘The Whole Country Is Disneyland and We’re Living in Six Flags’

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Everything filthy and disgusting about this country was caused by liberals like YOU, Kimmel. Also, Jimmy, they also don’t have illegals storming their country or people claiming reparations for being slaves in a former life, nor do they spend much on social handout programs, all caused by liberals like yourself.

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Various states in the union are different. I see pictures of California, I have no desire to visit.
Everything filthy and disgusting about this country was caused by liberals like YOU, Kimmel. Also, Jimmy, they also don’t have illegals storming their country or people claiming reparations for being slaves in a former life, nor do they spend much on social handout programs, all caused by liberals like yourself.

Wow, he’s starting to sound like a Putin Stooge.
I liked Cali myself. I get tired of you right wingers and your hate of California. California is an example of Amerca. It has had Republican and Democratic governors. It ain't a blue state.

It's been a deep blue state for over 20 years.
Everything filthy and disgusting about this country was caused by liberals like YOU, Kimmel. Also, Jimmy, they also don’t have illegals storming their country or people claiming reparations for being slaves in a former life, nor do they spend much on social handout programs, all caused by liberals like yourself.

The guy is too stupid to even ask why. Another Useful Idiot who bent his knee for a career and now after years of making money he scratches his head as the lightbulb turns on.
He’s not entirely wrong

Singapore also. Their subways are spoltlessly clean. wi-fi everywhere. No crime, very polite society.

Nowhere in America can that be claimed. Thats because those countries spend on infrastructure for the citizens, they are not for profit driven societies, healthcare is readily available, and guns are tightly controlled. Which makes crime all but non existent.
If you visit just a few of our biggest cities, you would have to come to conclusion that our society is in decline.
Everything filthy and disgusting about this country was caused by liberals like YOU, Kimmel. Also, Jimmy, they also don’t have illegals storming their country or people claiming reparations for being slaves in a former life, nor do they spend much on social handout programs, all caused by liberals like yourself.

Kimmel is upset because his show has dismal ratings.
Singapore also. Their subways are spoltlessly clean. wi-fi everywhere. No crime, very polite society.

Nowhere in America can that be claimed. Thats because those countries spend on infrastructure for the citizens, they are not for profit driven societies, healthcare is readily available, and guns are tightly controlled. Which makes crime all but non existent.

They also punish their criminals severely for minor infractions.

I notice you forgot that part.
You can always tell when you are in a Democrat area by the poop on the sidewalks, trash blowing around and illiterate graffiti on everything.



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