Job growth, income, and GDP is better under democrat presidents - by a lot.

No it can't. The BEA graphs always have the title "US Bureau of Economic Analysis" on it (like mine does and yours doesn't)

And the BEA (filled with Obama appointees) has always manipulated its numbers to (CONSISTENTLY) flatter Obama, and disparage Trump. Nothing new or secret about that.

BTW - your graph isn't very flattering to Obama either. The bars look about as tall as a bunch of Indian teepees for Obama, as compared to skyscrapers for Trump. :laugh:

Maybe you're just having a bad day. Uh oh! 23 and 1/2 more hours to go.

your graph isn't very flattering to Obama either. The bars look about as tall as a bunch of Indian teepees for Obama, as compared to skyscrapers for Trump.


Annualized real GDP growth...

Obama ... 1.9%
Trump ..... 1.3%

Notice also that Anton says "YOU happen to cut off the slowdown in growth in 2019"
Pheeeew! again. I did not "cut" anything. Anton talks as if I manufactured the graph, and am tailoring it.
Yes, moron, you used a bad graph to make shit argument.

So tell us, where the f did you get it?

Because this is what real growth actually looks like:


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No moron, what I said is that V graph of growth, does not nescessarily mean contraction, and in fact it didn't in your graph.

That one is an abject imbecile.

However, a more technical definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth in the gross domestic product (GDP).​
it’s worth telling you if you didn’t know. It’s worth telling you if you assumed it was better under republicans without actually knowing the data.

Biden‘a job growth numbers are historic by themselves. 8.7 million jobs have been created under Biden so far. Now, while inflation certainly is a problem right now, pretending it is all that matters is fallacious and disingenuous. This is especially important because every other economic metric has been doing quite well under Biden. Hell even if a recession hits under Biden (which i admit is a possibility), it won’t change the fact that Republican job growth is shitty. Trump‘a job growth specifically was pitiful in comparison to Biden’s.

Xiden hasn’t created one new job
Xiden hasn’t created one new job

True, but only because Trump handed Biden an economy with a whopping 9½ million fewer jobs than the previous high. Still, while it took Trump 3 years to add 6.9 million jobs, Biden added 8.7 million in just 16 months.
True, but only because Trump handed Biden an economy with a whopping 9½ million fewer jobs than the previous high. Still, while it took Trump 3 years to add 6.9 million jobs, Biden added 8.7 million in just 16 months.
Biden "added" NOTHING. These we were workers RETURNING to work to already existing jobs, after lockdown.

And the "fewer jobs" was because of the Democrat-sabotaged, Covid-ravaged "economy", which you well know, because I have instructed you on that.

This is the kind if dishonesty that AMERICANS have come to expect from Democrats, and it's one of the reasons why the country is turning away from them.
Retard, the chart you posted wasn't even made by the BEA.
Fool, it was, and I've been posting it for 4 years. Don't you know that the BEA routinely changes its charts ? (always to flatter a Democrat) I've told you that already too.
Forgot ?

Here, now my chart also has that label. But unlike yours, mine also has a link to the source. Why? Because the numbers on your chart, like your brain, don't exist in reality...

View attachment 663149
Try this one on for size >>

Note: after you click the link, you have to click the little square in the upper left corner to set the years that you want to see (2015-2018)


This chart just linked to right now, (almost identical to the V-GRAPH I've been posting) shows GDP going from 1.4 - 2 in 2016, with a link, and labeled.
Yours shows 1.9 - 2.4, with a stuck-on label, that looks as phony as a $3 bill.

As always, the 2015/2016 is a SINKING failure, with GDPs rising when Trump took over. Ho hum.


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Trumpy had our economy ready to blast off into the stratosphere in 2121 but after the 'big steal' Biden took over and gradually, though faster than anyone imagined possible, put our economy in the shitter.
a more technical definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth in the gross domestic product (GDP).​
Which Obama had FOUR times in 2015 and 2016.

Set dates for 2015-01 to 2016-09

Yes, moron, you used a bad graph to make shit argument.

So tell us, where the f did you get it?

Because this is what real growth actually looks like:


This is nothing more than % changes from on quarter to another, Doesn't show squat about the good of the economy. See posts and 425 to rectify this mess. Ho hum.
Trumpy had our economy ready to blast off into the stratosphere in 2121 but after the 'big steal' Biden took over and gradually, though faster than anyone imagined possible, put our economy in the shitter.
Sums it up succinctly, and ACCURATELY. Good post.

And Trump DID blast it off into the straosphere, with a 33.8% GDP growth increase in the 3rd quarter of 2020 (highest, by far, in US history). And the latest quarter of GDP in 2022 ? >> MINUS 1.5% and expected to fall even more, as the 2022 second quarter report will soon show.

Looks like Biden got the benefit of riding Trump's good economy coattails for only so long, and then eventually, Biden's fossil fuel war is coming to roost, with the 2022 economy wreckage, as manufacturers cannot economically get their products to market. The stuff is still sitting idle at ports and other shipping locations.

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Biden "added" NOTHING. These we were workers RETURNING to work to already existing jobs, after lockdown.

And the "fewer jobs" was because of the Democrat-sabotaged, Covid-ravaged "economy", which you well know, because I have instructed you on that.

This is the kind if dishonesty that AMERICANS have come to expect from Democrats, and it's one of the reasons why the country is turning away from them.


Your senility can't alter reality, gramps. 8½ million jobs added under Biden.
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Still no link to your chart, huh, gramps?

Of course not as you posted bullshit numbers which don't exist in reality.
433 and 435 both have links. Going blind ?

I forgot the link for 437, but it's the same one as the other 2.

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