Job growth, income, and GDP is better under democrat presidents - by a lot.

WRONG..................The latest unemployment rate is 3.6, the year isn't over. In Feb. 2020 the rate was 3.5%.

You figure retirees have had to return to work thanks Bidenflation? Bet your ass they have.


Your own chart shows unemployment is lowest under Biden. Now you're looking for excuses as to why that is.

Try this on for size...

Using BLS data, name all of the Republican presidents who left office with the unemployment rate lower than when they started.

And name all of the Democratic presidents who left office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started.

2007, under a democracked run congress.

I didn't stutter, the depth occurred on Obama's watch with democruds running both houses.

False. It started in 2006. By that year, a record number of foreclosures were recorded.

Your own chart shows unemployment is lowest under Biden. Now you're looking for excuses as to why that is.

Try this on for size...

Using BLS data, name all of the Republican presidents who left office with the unemployment rate lower than when they started.

And name all of the Democratic presidents who left office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started.

Dude, I can't help the fact you're a dumbfuck and don't know what time of year it is. Sure, you're democrat and can't figure out 2022 isn't over. What the fuck is wrong with democrats anyway? You guys are so soft and fragile you'd deny you had a mother to think you're right about something.
Trumpy had our economy ready to blast off into the stratosphere in 2121 but after the 'big steal' Biden took over and gradually, though faster than anyone imagined possible, put our economy in the shitter.
he had to punish us for daring to be productive and well off.
Dude, I can't help the fact you're a dumbfuck and don't know what time of year it is. Sure, you're democrat and can't figure out 2022 isn't over. What the fuck is wrong with democrats anyway? You guys are so soft and fragile you'd deny you had a mother to think you're right about something.
I liked this video I saw today, answers your question to him. Steven Crowder

he wakes up every morning to see what kind of victim he will be today.
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Sure, you love it. Your fucking links are trickery and story telling. They're a lie and it's purely cherry picking. Oh sure, Obama and Xiden built jobs. No mention of the housing crash that was deepest on Obama's watch. No mention of the covid crash. No mention of who controlled congress. But you know, "Obama and Xiden built jobs."

The data I provided IS THE DATA, and you don't know how to read it despite it's in simple terms. Need the sources, dumb fuck?
Lol your data does nothing to contradict mine. You just claim it does.
Is it you're too fucking dumb to read or you're hoping the audience is?

ILMAO at "your data". Wholly shit.
Why don’t you actually single out the specific data instead of just posting all of it? I mean it’s a waste of time either way. Your data doesn’t match with your assertion lol
it’s worth telling you if you didn’t know. It’s worth telling you if you assumed it was better under republicans without actually knowing the data.

Biden‘a job growth numbers are historic by themselves. 8.7 million jobs have been created under Biden so far. Now, while inflation certainly is a problem right now, pretending it is all that matters is fallacious and disingenuous. This is especially important because every other economic metric has been doing quite well under Biden. Hell even if a recession hits under Biden (which i admit is a possibility), it won’t change the fact that Republican job growth is shitty. Trump‘a job growth specifically was pitiful in comparison to Biden’s.

One of the reasons inflation is high is precisely because our economic recovery under Biden was so fast.

That said, inflation is running hotter on this side of the Atlantic. Why? One main factor, almost surely, is that the economy of the United States has recovered faster than that of Europe.



But while overheating is a problem, we shouldn’t let it overshadow the good things that have happened. We recovered fast from the pandemic recession and seem to have avoided the long-term “scarring” effects that many feared. Most though not all of the inflation we’re experiencing reflects probably temporary global forces, and multiple indicators — consumer surveys, professional forecasters and financial markets — suggest that longer-term expectations of inflation remain “anchored,” that is, inflation isn’t getting entrenched in the economy.
Dude, I can't help the fact you're a dumbfuck and don't know what time of year it is. Sure, you're democrat and can't figure out 2022 isn't over. What the fuck is wrong with democrats anyway? You guys are so soft and fragile you'd deny you had a mother to think you're right about something.


I'm citing YOUR chart, ya moron. :lmao:

And why are you so afraid to answer my questions?

Using BLS data, name all of the Republican presidents who left office with the unemployment rate lower than when they started.

And name all of the Democratic presidents who left office with the unemployment rate higher than when they started.
Why be such a puss faun?

Moron, that is when the dam broke and the recession started. The housing bubble began collapsing prior to that. In 2005, interest rates started climbing. By 2006, many home owners with ARMs went into foreclosure as a result. That was the beginning of the crash. By early 2007, many subprime lenders filed for bankruptcy, including New Century, the second biggest subprime lender in America.

But g'head, keep showing the forum you haven't a clue about that of which you speak.
Moron, Quarterly GDP growth rate (annualized and adjusted for inflation, aka as REAL) is exactly what I showed you.

It clearly shows 2018 to 2019 slowdown in growth, so no, growth did not only increase under Trump, even before it fell off the cliff in 2020.

How many times will we need to go over these simple facts?


Economic high view is that there is nothing special about "Trump economy" compared to "Obama economy". It doesn't take a rocket scientist to throw in some deficit financed tax cuts and keep interest rates low to bump already solid economy untill Covid crashes the party.
Whatever you may be babbling about, as I said, your graph only indicates changes from one quarter to another, Yawn,,** If anybody wants to see how good the economy was in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, all they need do is look at my BEA graphs.

Now I'm busy in other threads. I've said my piece here, you've said yours. Done. 😐
Whatever you may be babbling about, as I said, your graph only indicates changes from one quarter to another, Yawn,,** If anybody wants to see how good the economy was in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, all they need do is look at my BEA graphs.

Now I'm busy in other threads. I've said my piece here, you've said yours. Done. 😐

"your graph only indicates changes from one quarter to another"


Until I schooled you, YOU were saying your chart measured changes from one quarter to another.

Shouldn't you be thanking me for educating you?
"your graph only indicates changes from one quarter to another"


Until I schooled you, YOU were saying your chart measured changes from one quarter to another.

Shouldn't you be thanking me for educating you?
It also shows what the GDPs were. You schooled me about how weird you are.

Like I told Anton. I'm busy in other threads. I've said my piece here, you've said yours. Done. 😐

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