Jobs Report For June

Do you think the GDP will exceed 3% growth under Trump, unlike under Big Ears?
We will never see big growth again until we drastically reduce our debt.
You may be right about that. The biggest spender in history is Obama. Now comes Trump and he looks to be continuing the deficit spending. Rs and Ds are just about identical twins.
Bush and the Republican Congress doubled the debt, then Obama and the Democratic and Republican Congresses doubled it again.

You dumb rubes NEVER seem to catch on that BOTH parties are big spenders. Now why is that?

Seriously. Why is that?

Because you are partisan hacks, that's why.

and Trumps big plan for the economy is to add another $15 billion to the debt, then build a $50 billion dollar wall, then triple military spending, then pass a healthcare plan that Midas himself doesnt know how much it would cost ...

but that shit is SOLID GOLD for all the Trumpbots ...
remember this ?????????

In an early morning tweet Saturday, President Donald Trump echoed a post on a fringe website claiming that the national debt has decreased by $12 billion since Trump took office.

"The media has not reported that the National Debt in my first month went down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Obama first mo.," Trump posted on Twitter Feb. 25, 2017.

Donald J. Trump


The media has not reported that the National Debt in my first month went down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Obama first mo.

7:19 AM - 25 Feb 2017
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The tweet mirrors an article posted on the Gateway Pundit website a few days earlier. It was repeated by conservative pundit Herman Cain on Fox News shortly before Trump’s tweet.

"On January 20th, the day of the Trump Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion," the Gateway Pundit website reads. "On February 21st, a month later, the US Debt load stood at $19,935 billion. Trump cut the US Debt burden by $12 billion and 0.1% in his first month in office!"

TweetiePie has the RW idiots by the shorthairs.
Do you think the GDP will exceed 3% growth under Trump, unlike under Big Ears?
We will never see big growth again until we drastically reduce our debt.
You may be right about that. The biggest spender in history is Obama. Now comes Trump and he looks to be continuing the deficit spending. Rs and Ds are just about identical twins.
Bush and the Republican Congress doubled the debt, then Obama and the Democratic and Republican Congresses doubled it again.

You dumb rubes NEVER seem to catch on that BOTH parties are big spenders. Now why is that?

Seriously. Why is that?

Because you are partisan hacks, that's why.

Sometimes spending big is good. Sometimes it isn't.

Wholesale whining about spending and the debt is also for rubes. Just saying.
Do you think the GDP will exceed 3% growth under Trump, unlike under Big Ears?
We will never see big growth again until we drastically reduce our debt.
You may be right about that. The biggest spender in history is Obama. Now comes Trump and he looks to be continuing the deficit spending. Rs and Ds are just about identical twins.
Bush and the Republican Congress doubled the debt, then Obama and the Democratic and Republican Congresses doubled it again.

You dumb rubes NEVER seem to catch on that BOTH parties are big spenders. Now why is that?

Seriously. Why is that?

Because you are partisan hacks, that's why.
Apparently you didn't read my post or are too stupid to comprehend it.

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