Jobs reports for 2023 overstated by at least 439,000

In a way this is the bedrock of leftist America. They want to grow the economy through growing the size of government and growing the size of the national debt, which is where all of these so called job gains came from, not from the private sector. And, they want to grow the size of government to be socialist where all of the Walmarts and McDonalds and every business is actually part of the government.

It’s in the link, Moron. Thanks for showing to expose what a lazy, pathetic loser you are.

It's not in the link, moron. The only thing in the link is Fox News and links to more Fox News.

I think one can be forgiven for not taking Fox News' word for it when they report on, well, pretty much anything. They're paying out $787 million -- because they engaged in defamation. In other words, they lie their asses off. There's another $2 billion lawsuit headed their way. Fox News is not a news organization; they make money by confirming biases millions of idiots like you already have. They get paid to piss in your cornflakes and make you mad about it. Congrats on being such a fucking dupe.
That’s right folks, each month for the past 8 months the jobs report was inflated. Then quietly reduced.

This regime is incapable of telling the truth.

No doubt the Dec numbers are false as well.

Potatohead administration lying to the American people again???

Say it ain't so!
That’s right folks, each month for the past 8 months the jobs report was inflated. Then quietly reduced.

This regime is incapable of telling the truth.

No doubt the Dec numbers are false as well.

According to Faux?

Link us up to 22 million jobs by June 2022, liar. Gonna be kinda hard for you since even the lying regime only claims about 14 million.

Golfing Gator

Some came back before Biden's term began. How can you not know these things?

Some came back before Biden's term began. How can you not know these things?

View attachment 884845
Exactly what I hoped you would fetch.

So over 8 million jobs came back in a matter of months under Trump, then Tater took over and slowed that down to under 5 million recovered jobs per year.

I love giving you homework, Simp.

That’s right folks, each month for the past 8 months the jobs report was inflated. Then quietly reduced.

This regime is incapable of telling the truth.

No doubt the Dec numbers are false as well.

Democrats have nothing.
All lies
Exactly what I hoped you would fetch.

So over 8 million jobs came back in a matter of months under Trump, then Tater took over and slowed that down to under 5 million recovered jobs per year.

I love giving you homework, Simp.


I am glad you now agree the job numbers are not fake.

My work here is done.
That’s right folks, each month for the past 8 months the jobs report was inflated. Then quietly reduced.

This regime is incapable of telling the truth.

No doubt the Dec numbers are false as well.

FOX New must be desperate to undemine Biden's economic news so they come out with this bilge. You're really fucking gullible to buy into ANYTHING FOX News tells you.

If they were "incapable of telling the truth", they wouldn't have corrected the numbers, now would they FuckBoi?????

Every one of Trump's employment numbers was similarly adjusted and you said NOTHING.
Exactly what I hoped you would fetch.

So over 8 million jobs came back in a matter of months under Trump, then Tater took over and slowed that down to under 5 million recovered jobs per year.

I love giving you homework, Simp.


What a fucking liar you are.

Trump didn't create 5 million jobs per year prior to covid - EVER. He didn't even create as many 189,000 per month on average. Obama average over 200,000 jobs a month for 8 years, never crashed the job market even through the swine flu pandemic or any crisis.

"During Trump’s first 36 months in office, the US economy has gained 6.6 million jobs. But during a comparable 36-month period at the end of Obama’s tenure, employers added 8.1 million jobs, or 23% more than what has been added since Trump took office."

happens every month for the last 50 plus years.
Right? We take our regularly scheduled adjustments and spin it as chicanery since our guy isn't in the White House. Standard partisan rubbish.

Bottom line = job creation has been strong, unemployment is low, inflation is down, consumer spending and productivity are great. This is not unique to Biden, those measures were strong under Trump as well. Now if we could just address this ballooning debt thing that both Biden and Trump have contributed to as well...
When one realizes the only thing actively growing is da gub'mit itself, maybe it will sink in.......~S~
pandemic shutdowns erased 22 million jobs
Pandemic mismanagement didn't "erase" any jobs". There are more people working in the USA today than at any point in history.

"Employed Persons in the United States averaged 106962.86 Thousand from 1948 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 161866.00 Thousand in November of 2023 and a record low of 57172.00 Thousand in June of 1949. source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics."

Right? We take our regularly scheduled adjustments and spin it as chicanery since our guy isn't in the White House. Standard partisan rubbish.

Bottom line = job creation has been strong, unemployment is low, inflation is down, consumer spending and productivity are great. This is not unique to Biden, those measures were strong under Trump as well. Now if we could just address this ballooning debt thing that both Biden and Trump have contributed to as well...

Can you point to a single instance where Democrats criticized Trump for adjustments to the employment numbers???? I don't ever remember this happening before.
I am glad you now agree the job numbers are not fake.

My work here is done.
What is fake is Tater claiming he “created” 14 million new jobs, Moron.

I have always maintained they are jobs recovered, not created by Oatmeal Head.

But thanks again for fetching those numbers proving my point, Simp.:113:

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