Joe Biden America... the real cost.

And we all know the consumer food index is garbage.
It shows that food prices have increased only 31% from Jan 2020.
Annd... as of right now, it is down 15% from it's highest from April of 22.
Who here thinks there grocery bill has gone down 15% in the past year and is only 1/3 higher than 2020??
Yeah.... no one.
Bonzi and I averaged somewhere around $100 - $125 a week.
We easily average $220 - $250 now. Over 50%.
We are not buying anything different.
The truth is, some items have only went up a little. While other items have went up over 100%.
You need a better job
I don't.
I am 58. I chose a job that earns less, because I am winding down my career.
I operated a large print manufacturing plant from 2006 - 2015. I earned a LOT of money in those years.
Enough in fact, that our retirement is more than secure.
I had offers all over the country. I actually considered a couple, one in TX and one in OH.
The best one was in San Antonio.
But after a lot of thinking... I said no to all of them.
I worked 60-70 hours a week for over 15 years.
yeah... no interest.
/-----/ WOWZA. But, the closest Schnucks is 65 miles one way. 130 round trip to save $2 on a dozen eggs sounds a bit extreme, dont cha think?

Like I said, you are getting ripped off. There is no reasons eggs should cost 5 dollars more 65 miles away.
Probably. But they can only raise them so much. It might just cut into profits. So the owner won’t make as much.
/——/ So by raising prices, your customers are footing the bill for your cost of living increases, even if only partially. Now imagine all companies doing that. Inflation on the March.
He explained to Cellblock, who did not understand.
/——-/ I picked egg prices at random. Sure they are cheaper closer to the source. No chicken ranches on Long Island, but I can get fresh seafood cheap. Here’s a better source.

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